2016春牛津上海版英语八下Uint 7《Poems》word单元词汇讲解.docx

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1、8B Unit 7 site n. 建筑工地 construction site e.g. Protective helmets must be worn on site. 在工地必须戴防护帽。 narrow adj. 狭窄的;狭隘的 e.g. The bridge is too narrow for two cars to pass. 这桥太窄,并排通不过两辆车。 【知识拓展】 narrow 的反义词是 widewiden (v.) e.g. The stream is too wide for me to jump across. 这条溪流太宽了,我跳不过去。 pleased adj. 高

2、兴的;满意的 例如: The teacher was very pleased to see his students again after being away from them for forty years. 老师在四十年以后和他的学生们重逢,非常高兴。 【词组】:be pleased with (对)感到高兴,满意= be satisfied with Everybody in his family seems to be pleased with the new house. 他家每一个人看起来对新房子都很满意。 【知识拓展】 pleasure n. 愉快;快乐 pleasant

3、 a. 令人愉快的 pleasant weather e.g. His grandchildren afforded him his greatest pleasure in his old age. 他的孙子和孙女们在晚年的时候给了他最大的欢乐。 attention n. 注意;专心;留心;注意力 e.g. Small children have a very short attention span. 幼儿的注意力持续时间很短。 【同根词】: attend v. 出席;照顾 attend school/ a meeting to sb. 照顾某人 alone adv.独自;adj. 独自的

4、 e.g. I dont like going out at night alone. e.g. Finally the two of us were alone together. 【词义辨析】: alone, lonely alone 作形容词只表示客观上一个人,且在句中只做表语,作副词时,表示 “独自,单独” lonely 表示 “寂寞的”,可说明人,也可说明 life, days, years.可用作表语或定语. e.g. He has been very lonely since his wife left him. a lonely(孤单的) traveler a lonely(荒

5、凉的) island pretend v.假装 pretend to do sth 假装做某事 e.g. He pretended to his family that everything was fine. accept v. 收受;接受;同意 例如: Ive received a gift from him, but Im not going to accept it.我收到了他送的礼物,但是我不准备接受。 【词义辨析】:accept, receive 1. accept 意思是“ 接受”,指经过考,由主管意志决定接受,动作者本身是主动的。 He couldnt accept our s

6、uggestions but our gifts.他不能接受我们的建议,但接受了我们的礼品。 2. receive 意思是:“接到”,指收到某物这动作,本身有一定的被动性,不包含本身是否愿意接受的意 思。 He did not receive a good education at university. 他没有受过良好的大学教育。 【同根词】:acceptance n. 接受,承诺,赞同 acceptable adj. 可接受的 【反义词】:reject v. 拒绝接受 refuse v. 拒绝 The army doctors rejected him, would not accept

7、him as medically fit. 军医们拒绝接收他,认为他身体不合格。 fair adj. 平等待人的;公正的 例如: It was not fair for him to get so little money. 他得到这么少的钱是不公平的。 【反义词】: unfair adj. 不公平的 例如: The government has passed laws to prevent unfair competition. 政府已通过法律来防止不公平竞争。 patient adj. 有耐心的 例如: She is so kind and always patient with thos

8、e naughty children. 【同根词】:patient; impatient; patience As a nursery teacher, you mustnt be impatient with the children.作为幼儿园教师,你不该对孩子急躁。 I have no patience with him again. 我对他不再有耐心了。 词组: at work 在工作 They kept hard at work last week and went to the forest park for a barbecue to relax. 上星期忙碌了一周后,他们到森林

9、公园烧烤,放松一下。 on ones own 独立地 (近义词: alone adv. 独自) Li Ming has made many decisions on his own. 李明独自作出了许多决定。 thank goodness 谢天谢地 Thank goodness! I didnt lose my ticket. Its in my pocket. 谢天谢地!我的票没丢,在我口袋里。 feel like 想做某事 I am going make some coffee. Do you feel like a cup? 我要煮些咖啡,你要来一杯吗? 【课堂小练】 I. Fill i

10、n the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. 1. My aunt bought a new dress for me. Im very _(please) with it. 2. Was it (real) cheerful to ask him to do all the work? 3. Look at the two buildings beside the square. The_(high) one is Building B. 4. The young man works as a helper on many

11、building _(site). 5. Mary Shelley was a famous Romantic _( poem). 6. Of all the countries in Europe, many people think _ is the most romantic one. (French) 7. Have you been to the Tower Bridge? Its a famous _ in the city of London. (attract) 8. The newly-built Changjiang tunnel-bridge _ people in th

12、e city centre to get to Chongming Island in about one and a half hours. (able) 9. The _ area in the middle of the country develops quickly and the farmers are living a better life now. (agriculture) 10.You must visit the mountain regions in that country, for the _ views are really wonderful. (scene)

13、 11.Which river is _, the Yellow River or the Yangtze River? (narrow) 12.The customer was not _ with the service, so she had an argument with the waiter. (please) 13.It will be _ if someone gets to know the topic before the oral test begins. (fair) 14.Chanel (香奈儿 ) is one of the _ among the perfume brand. (lead) 15.Ms White never seems _. She always answers every question carefully. (patient)


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