2016春牛津深圳版英语七下Unit 8《From hobby to career》(Reading3)word导学案1.doc

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2016春牛津深圳版英语七下Unit 8《From hobby to career》(Reading3)word导学案1.doc_第1页
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2016春牛津深圳版英语七下Unit 8《From hobby to career》(Reading3)word导学案1.doc_第4页
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1、Unit 8 from hobby to career Reading3 每日分享:Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. 心之所愿,无所不成。 课题 学习目标 1. 知识目标:能做到通过精读课文,深入理解文章细节,掌握主阅读篇章中 重点词汇和语言结构形式。 2. 技能目标:通过阅读,不断提升阅读技巧。 3. 情感目标:培养积极健康的爱好,树立正确的人生理想,并为实现自己的 理想努力奋斗。 学习重点 掌握主阅读篇章中的语言结构。 学习难点 熟练运用重点词汇和语言点。 学习过程 一、温故知新 复述课文。 二、课堂探究 1、小组合作,从文中找出重点短语

2、及句式。 2、小组讨论研究这些短语和句式的用法。 三、要点归纳 1. the beginning of 意为“的起点” 。反义词组为 the end of “的尽头” 。 例:I missed the beginning of the film.我错过了这部电影的开头部分。 I hope thats the end of the matter.我希望事情到此为止。 2.used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事 ” 例:He used to get up early.他过去常常早起。 拓展:be used for doing sth. “被用于做某事” ,与 be used to do

3、 sth. 用法相同 Stamps are used for sending letters. = Stamps are used to send letters. 邮票是用来寄信的。 “be /get used to +名词/代词/动名词”意为“习惯于” 。其中 to 是介词。 例:Im not quite used to the weather here yet. 我还不太习惯这儿的天气。 He gets used to living in the city. 他习惯了住在城市里。 go outside意为“外出” 。其中 outside 的反义词是 inside 例:The girl o

4、ften goes outside.这个女孩经常外出。 3.sometimes副 词 , 意 为 “有 时 ”, 表 频 率 。 表 示 动 作 发 生 的 不 经 常 性 , 用 于 过 去 或 现 在 的 时 态 。 例:They sometimes go skiing in winter. 冬天他们有时去滑雪。 拓展:some times “几次/倍” 。 例:We have been to Shanghai some times.我们去过上海好几次了。 sometime 用来指过去或将来的一个不确定的时间。 例:I saw Mr Green sometime in March 3. 3

5、 月份的某个时候见过格林先生。 Well meet again sometime next week.下周的某个时候我们将再见面。 some time 可作名词词组,指“一段时间” 例:It will take me some time to draw the picture. 画这幅画将花费我一些时间。 shoot across 意为“划过,掠过” 。作动词,意为“(朝某个反方向)射,冲,飞驰” 过去式是 shot. 例:The plane shot across the sky.飞机划过天空。 A red car shot by me. 一辆红色小汽车从我身边飞驰而过。 4.once 此处

6、作连词,意为“一旦就”,用来引导时间状语从句,与 as soon as意 思相近。 例:Once you see the film, you will never forget it. 一 旦 你 看 了 这 部 电 影 , 你 就 永 远 不 会 忘 记 。 5.knowledge 不可数名词,意为“知识” 。 例:We should use knowledge to solve the problems. 我们应该利用知识解决问题。 lively 形容词,意为“生动的” ,用作表语或定语,修饰人或物。修饰人时多指“精 力充沛的;有生气的;活跃的” ,修饰物时 ,多指“热闹的,有生气的” 。

7、 Her eyes are bright and lively. 她的眼睛明亮有神。 6.last 在句子中为动词,意为“持续” 例:The game lasted for two hours. 这场比赛持续了两个小时。 四、课堂练习 ( )1. I got a book about stars_ I was eight. A. what B. how C. when D. why ( )2. I_ have long hair, but I have short hair now. A. was B. used C. used to D. use to ( )3. He uses his k

8、nowledge to tell people about the stars_ a lively way. A. in B. on C. for D. at ( )4. The question is so easy. _ can answer it. A. Nobody B. Anyone C. Somebody D. None ( )5. The meeting usually_ for an hour. A. begins B. starts C. opens D. lasts ( )6. If you can_ your hobby _your career, everyone ca

9、n achieve their dreams. A. clean, up B. turn, on C. turn, into D. turn, down ( )7. We believe_ is power. A. career B. a diamond C. a superman D. knowledge 五、拓展提高 When Patrick was eight, he got a book about stars. That was the 1 of his lifetime hobby. Patrick used to go outside with his mum 2 clear n

10、ights and look at the sky. It 3 black velvet with a million diamonds on it. In different seasons, they saw different groups or stars. Sometimes they saw stars shooting brightly across the sky. 4 beautiful they were! Studying the stars was great fun for Patrick. Once he learnt 5 about them, he soon w

11、anted to find out more and more. Now it is his career. He hosts a TV programme 6 The Sky at Night. He uses his knowledge to tell people about the stars 7 a lively way. He is proud of his TV programme. It has 8 for more than 50 years! Actually, you can turn your hobby into your career, too. 9 can achieve their dreams. You just have to enjoy 10 you do! 总结反思: 1. 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获: 2. 感到自己有待加强的是:


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