2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 1《Dream homes》(Reading)word导学案.doc

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1、牛津初中英语 7B unit 1 导学案 牛津初中英语 7B unit 1 教案 Reading I 回答下列问题。 1 Where does Stephen live? 2 How many rooms are there in Stephens house? 3 What place is Stephens favourite? 4 Where does Madee live? 5 Who does Madee live with? 6 How many people are there in Madees family? 7 Where does Neil live? 8 Which r

2、oom is Neils favourite in the house? 9 Where does Anna live? 10Is Annas flat big? 课堂检测 一、根据文章判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写 T, 错误的写 F。 ( ) 1. Stephen lives in a small house in Long Beach, California. ( ) 2. There are 12 rooms in Stephens house. ( ) 3. Stephen can watch TV on the balcony. ( ) 4. Madee lives in a sm

3、all town in Thailand. ( ) 5. Madee climbs a ladder to get into her house. ( ) 6. Madee has her own room. ( ) 7. Neil lives in a big house in a town near London. ( ) 8. Neils favourite room is the kitchen. ( ) 9. Neil often watches TV in the sitting room. ( ) 10. Anna lives in the center of Moscow. (

4、 ) 11. Anna lives in a very large flat. ( ) 12. Annas neighbours are friendly. 二、根据课文填入适当的介词: 1Tom likes chatting _ friends _ the balcony. 2. They often sit _ the floor cushions and look out _ the beach. 3. Madee lives _ a small town _ Thailand. 4. Her house is _ a river. 5. She often climbs a ladde

5、r to get _ her house. 6. _ the evenings, Neil watches TV _ the sitting room. 7. Amy live s _the center _ Moscow _ her family _ a flat _ a bus y street. 三、连词成句: 1. sit, cushions, we, on, and, out, look, beach, the, at, the_ 2. dog, I, sleeps, and, have, the, in, a, garden, he _ 3. my, with, I, live,

6、family, house, a, in, wooden _ 4. think, friends, it, beautiful, my, is q uiet, very, here, and _ 5. a, with, I, my, bedroom, share, sister _ 四、根据句意,从所给词组中选择正确的填入空格中: climb ladders, chat with, read comics, in a flat, over a river 1. I often _ on a balcony. 2. Ann likes to _ friends on the phone. 3.

7、My uncle lives _ on a busy street. 4. People in Thailand usually _ to get into their houses. 5. There is a bridge _. 五、根据提示描述你的家: 1. Where do you live? 2. Do you have your own bedroom? 3. My favourite room is 4. Our house/ flat is in a quiet place 5. Do you sleep on bunk beds? 6. Where do you your h

8、omework? I live _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 六、阅读理解: This is Wendy. She is from Canada. She is 14 years old. She loves playing computer games. She wears glasses. She is good at dancing. Wendys parents are English teachers in China. H er bro thers name is Tim. He was born in China. Hes 4 years old. Hes young. He

9、doesnt go to school. Their grandfather looks after him. ( )1. Wendy is clever at dancing. ( )2. Wendy and Tims grandfather goes to work. ( )3. Tim is a Canadian boy. ( )4. Tim wears glasses. ( )5. Wendys family is in China now. Reading () 课前自主学习 根据所给单词的首字母和句意写出单词。 1. He lives in Long B_, Calif ornia

10、. 2. I like the b_ because I can play games there. 3. We sit on the big floor c_. 4. I have b_ beds in my bed room. 5. I live in a small t_ in Thailand. 6. The old man lives in a w_ _ house. 7. He often climbs a l_ to get into my house. 8. The house is very beautiful and q_. 9. My parents live in th

11、e c_ of Beijing. 10. Lily s_ a bedroom with Lucy. 课堂检测 一、翻译下列词组: 1. 住在一间大房子里 _ 2 朝外看着海滩和大海_ 3有双人床 _4 一个小镇 _ 5一间木头房子 _6 爬楼梯进入房子 _ 7做饭 _8 在客厅里 _ 9在花园里睡觉 _10 莫斯科市中心 _ 11在一个繁忙的街道_12 跟我的姐姐分享一个卧室_ 二、根据所给中文完成下列句子。 1我最喜欢的地方是阳台。My _ _ is the _. 2我们喜欢坐在大坐垫上。 We like _ _ the big _ _. 3我的卧室里有张双人床。I have a _ _ i

12、n my room. 4我的朋友们都认为酷毙了。My friends think this is _. 5他们经常爬楼梯进入房子。 They often _ the _ to _ _ the house. 6他住在市中心,他的父母住在小镇上。 He lives _ _ _ and his parents live _ _ _ _. 7他跟他弟弟分享同一间卧室。He _ a bedroom _ his brother. 8那里很美但雨下得很多。 It is _ but it _ _ _ there. 9当我妈妈做饭的时候,我的家人很我经常坐在厨房里。 My family and I often

13、sit _ _ _ _ my mother _ _. 10那个男孩和他的父母住在一个繁忙的街道里的一家公寓里。 The boy lives with his parents _ _ _ on a _ _. 三、根据所给中文及句意写出单词 1. I like watching the _(海滩) in Hawaii. 2. Do you like living in a small _(镇)? 3. The boy lives with his family in a _ (木制的)hou se. 4. His house is _(在上面) a river. 5. They often use

14、 those _ (梯子)to get into their houses. 6. He has his _(自己的) room. 7. He lives in the _(中心) of Nanjing. 8. There are many _ (公寓)in this building. 9. He often _(分享) an apple with his sister. 10. My _(邻居) are friendly 四、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Thank you for _(give) me the presents. 2. Can h e _(chat) with his

15、 friends in the sitting room? 3. He would like _(share) the room with his brother. 4. He spends two hours every day _(practise) _(speak) English. 5. I have lots of things _(buy). 6. Im sorry he has no time _(talk) to you now. 7. Do you like _(read) story books? 8. Look! The boys _(play) basketball o

16、n the playground. 9. Are you good at _(sing)? 10. Let him _(go). 五、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.We are_ , we are_ to ea ch other. (friend) 2.Do you like_ (chat) with your friends on the Internet ? 3.Tom _ with his parents at the moment. (stay) 4.Mother _ dinner every night. ( make ) 5.Would you like_ a bedroom wit

17、h your friends ? ( share ) 6.Mary lives with her family in a _ house. ( wood ) 六、划线部分提问。 1. He lives in a large house in London _ _ he _ in London? 2. His favourite place is the balcony. _ _ is his favourite? 3. I would like to live in a small town. _ _ _ _ to live? 4. I climb a ladder to get into t

18、he house. _ _ _ climb to get into the house? 5. He lives with his family in a wooden house. _ _ _ live with in a wooden house? 6. My favourite room is the sitting room. _ favourite room is the s itting room? 7. My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner. _ _ your family an

19、d you _ in the kitchen? 8. I share a bedroom with my sister. _ _ do you share a bedroom? 七、根据短文内容,回答下列问题: Children in t he USA like K Day very much. K is for kites. March 7 is the day. On that day lots of children go out in the open air. They take their kites with them. One kite is ver y big. Others

20、 are small. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string. To get the kites up, the children begin to run. They let out the st ring from the ball in their hands. Now the kites are flying in the air. How nice they look. Now all of their kites are high up in the air. Some are higher than

21、 others. The one like a bird is the highest. But whats wrong? Its flying away! The string is broken. Another kite gets away, and more kites fly. But the children are running after them. They want to get them back. People are watching them and laughing. 1. When d o a lot of children go out in the pen

22、 air? 2. What do they take with them on that day? 3. Which kite is the highest? _ 4. What are people doing? _ 5. Whats the story abou t? 反馈练习 一词形转换: 1. She lives with her family in a _ ( wood ) house. 2. All the people in NanJing are very _ _ ( friend ). 3. People like to talk with each other in the

23、 _ ( sit ) room. 4. They want to learn about homes in different _ ( country ). 5. Our flat has two _ ( balcony ). 6. Do you know whos _ ( lie ) on my bed ? 7. I would like to live next to _ ( big ) restaurant in Beijing. 8. Frenchmen come from _ ( French ). 9. In the _ ( dine ) room there is a big t

24、able. 10.Hawaii is one of the most beautiful _ ( beach ) in the world. 二、动词填空。 1. It often _( rain ) in spring here. But it _ ( not rain ) now. 2. She _ ( sit ) on the balcony and _ ( read ) comics on Sundays. Look ! she _( sit ) and _ ( read ) now ? 3. Let her _ ( have ) some water first. 4. The bo

25、y tries _ ( reach ) the window. But he cant. 5. Would you like something _ ( eat )? 6. Its difficult for him _ ( finish ) _ (do) . 7.Sometimes Tom with his classmates _ (play ) sports there 8.The teachers often tell us _ (not play) in class. 9. Youd better _ (not play) in the street .Its dangerous. 三、选择填空。 ( )1. There is _ important person coming to our school. A . a B. the C. an D. / ( ) 2. My parents _ teachers at this school. A. are all B. all are C. both are D. are both ( ) 3. Its time _ us _ have the P.E. lesson. A. to ; for B. to ; to C. for ; to D. of ; for


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