2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 5《Our new home》(第二课时)word教案.doc

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2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 5《Our new home》(第二课时)word教案.doc_第1页
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2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 5《Our new home》(第二课时)word教案.doc_第2页
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2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 5《Our new home》(第二课时)word教案.doc_第3页
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1、Unit 5 Our new home 一 、教学内容 :Unit 5 Our new home Fun time Song time& Sound time 二、教学目标 1. 能理解句型 Wheres /Where are? Its /They are.的含义,并能正 确运用到实际中进行描述。 2. 在第一课时基础上,能通过游戏比较熟练地正确说出物品的摆设。 3. 能体会字母 k在单词中的发音。 三、教学重点 1. 能理解句型 Wheres /Where are? Its /They are.的含义,并能正 确运用到实际中进行描述。 2. 在第一课时基础上,能通过游戏比较熟练地正确说出物品

2、的摆设。四、教学 难点 能体会字母 k在单词中的发音。 五、课前准备 1)教学图片, 2)录音机,磁带 3)CD PPT 六、教学过程 Step1 Free talk and revision 1. Greeting 2. T: Do you like your home? S: Yes, I do. T: Where is your cap? S: Its T: Where are your dolls? How many? S: They are I have six. T: Can your dolls dance? S: No, they cant. 3. Practice in pa

3、irs. Ask and answer each other. 4. Review the text. 出示按课文内容所编的小诗,引导学生填所缺的词。 Where, where, wheres the ? Here, here, in the . Where, where, where are the ? There, there, in the , on the . Where, where, wheres the ? Sorry, sorry, I dont know. Oh, oh, in the . 5. T: Great! Now can you dub for the story?

4、 你们能来给课文动画配音吗? S: 分角色给课文动画配音 Step 2 Sing the song 1. T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, . T: (出示第一课时中的小卧室) Do you remember this little bedroom? S: Yes. T: Lets sing the song I love my bedroom. (播放歌曲,学生唱) 2. Change the lyrics T: We know the little bedroom is nice and clean. Now can you change your w

5、ords according to these pictures? 你能根据图片改编歌词唱一唱吗? Now listen to me. (教师示范演唱第一段) S: Sing the songs. (集体反馈唱歌) Step 3 Fun time 1. Review the words T: 将所学的 8个单词按照首字母的不同进行分类记忆。 2. Play the game T: 拿出事先画好的图,同桌进行交流。边看图,边说一说。 Ask each other: Wheres my ? Its Where are my ? They are S: Practice in pairs and a

6、ct the dialogue. Step 4 Sound time 1. Watch the cartoon and answer. T: What does the boy like to do? S: He like to fly his kite. He like to ride his bike. 2. 理出单词:like, bike, kite 3. Watch the cartoon again and answer. T: Where does he ride his bike? S: Near the lake. T: An old man is coming. He say

7、s to the boy: “Its very dangerous.” The boy thanks to the old man and rides away. 4. 理出单词:lake, thank 5. Read the words after the tape. 6. 总结发音规律:所含的字母 k都发/k/这个音。引导学生举一些含有此相同 发音的单词。 cake, bake, fake, snake, make, wake, jacket, black, back, duck, luck, pick, sick (学生小组内讨论,教师板书。 ) 7. Read the sentence

8、. T: How many words can you find? 在这句话中你能找到几个含有相同发音 /k/ 的单词? S: Three. T: Can you read them all again? S: 再读 5个单词 (学 lake的意思) T: Now can you tell us the sound of the letter k? S: /k/. T: Good! Now read them like this: /k/,/k/, /k/ bike, /k/, /k/, /k/ kite (学生读单词) T: Yes. And here are some words with

9、 the sound /k/, can you read them? (PPT显示单词,学生读) T: And can you choose three of them to complete this sentence? 你能根 据图片挑选三个单词完成句子吗? Discuss in pairs. (学生讨论,反馈) 七、作业: 1. 说一说 Fun time中的对话,听磁带复习 Sound time。 2. 模仿 Fun time中的对话用 Wheres/Where are my ? Its/They are 的句子来做一做游戏。 八、板书内容: Unit 5 Our new home A: Wheres/Where are my/your? B: Its/They are . k /k/ bike kite lake like thank I like to fly my kite. And I like to ride my bike. 九、教学反思:


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