2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 12 Unit 1《It’s so beautiful》word导学案.doc

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1、Unit1 Its so beautiful ! 第一课时 一、学习目标 认读与掌握下列单词:lively, modern, noisy, pop,rock, sound, violin, Western, by, through, both, opera, voice, drum, believe。 理解并运用下列短语:be sure, go through, give a break, a fan of rap, classical music 3、熟练运用下列句型: Im not sure. What a be autiful city! Give us a break. I dont

2、believe it! 4、理解反意疑问句及回答。如: This is Western music, isnt it? You listen to pop music, Lingling, dont you? 5、了解并谈论西方音乐特点。 二、学习重点 本单元的重点单词和短语 三、学习难点 反意疑问句及回答 课前预习 预习自测 英汉互译: 1)古典音乐_ 2)-首都-_ 3)出生_ 4)穿过_ _ 5)a fan of_ 6)一位著名的作曲家_ 7)流行音乐和爵士乐_ 8)确定_ 9)Give us a break._ 10)I dont believe it._ _ 11) much too

3、 fast _ 12)京剧_ 核心句型: 1. 嗯,这是西方音乐,是吗? Hmm, this is Western music , _ _ ? 2. 这是斯特劳斯创作的还是莫扎特? Is this _ Strauss or Mozart ? 3. 你喜欢传统的西方音乐还是流行音乐? _ _ _ traditional Western music _ pop music ? 4. 这叫蓝色多瑙河 This _ _ The Blue Danube . 三、我的疑惑:_ _ 课内探究 Task 1 Activity 1 Listen and answer : How many people are

4、talking about the conversation? Complete the Activity1, first go through the words in the box. Task 2 Listen and complete Activity 3. 【温馨提示】注意带着问题听录音,抓关键词。 Task 3 Listen and repeat. (听对话并跟读。 ) Task 4 Read in roles. (分角色朗读课文。 ) Task 5 Practice :Complete Activity 5 当堂检测 Retelling. 根据对话内容补全下面对话。 A: Wha

5、t music are they listening to? B: _. Its beautiful, _? A: Yes, it is. _? B: The Blue Danube. A: _? B: Let me see. Oh, its by Strauss. A: He was German, wasnt he? B:No, he was born Vienna, _. A: Oh, _. B:I think so, its beautiful! 【温馨提示】要结合对话的上、下文补全对话。表现我们能力的时刻到了,加油! 课后练习 1、根据首字母和句意完成单词。 1) John is v

6、ery s because his pet dog died. 2) Western c music is very beautiful, many people like to enjoy it. 3) Your father is sleeping, dont be n_. 4) Dumplings are t food, we all like eating them during Spring Festival. 5) Bruce likes watching football very much. Hes a football f . 6) Wu Mochous v_ is swee

7、t, it s_ wonderful. 7) Mozart, a famous c , he wrote his first opera at the age of 12. 8) Look! There are three G over there. 9) The Blue Danube is b_ Strauss. 10) Huanghe goes t_ many cities in China. 二、根据汉语完成句子。 1. 谁是你最喜欢的古典音乐家? _ 2. 萨莉不喜欢流行音乐,是吗?_ 3. 让我们休息一下_ _ 4. 你喜欢传统西方音乐还是流行音乐?_ 5. 哪条河穿过上海? _

8、6. 你不喜欢摇滚乐?我不信。_ 课后反思:_ Unit1 Its so beautiful ! 第二课时 一、学习目标 学习本单元重点单词和短语的用法 理解反意疑问句及回答。 二、学习重点 本单元的重点单词和短语 三、学习难点 反意疑问句及回答 课前预习 预习自测 一 、重点词汇: 活泼的 现代的 吵闹的 流行的 摇滚乐 小提琴 西方的 两者,两个 声音 歌剧 相信 鼓 的首都 流行音乐 摇滚乐 二、关键语法: A . 在横线上填写 what 或 how , 构成感叹句: 1. _ a beautiful girl she is ! 2. _ fast you run ! 3. _ a ni

9、ce day ! 4. _ difficult the question is ! 5. _ good news it is ! 6. _ important the topic ( 话题 ) is ! 三、我的疑惑:_ 课内探究 探究点一、 观看下列句子 Western music, isnt it? 西方音乐,不是吗? You listen to pop music, Lingling, dont you? 你听流行音乐,是吧,玲玲? The sound is very different, isnt it? 这种音乐很不同,不是吗? 以上这些句子中都包含一个反义疑问句。 反意疑问句 1.

10、 含义 在一个陈述句之后附上一个简短的疑问句,对陈述句提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫反意 疑问句。译为“是吗”如: 1) Lions are scary, arent they? 2) He isnt a good boy, is he? 3) You have a headache, dont you? 4) she didnt call you yesterday, did she? 结构一: 前肯 + 后否 Be 动词: 1. You are an actor, _ arent you? 2. He is a good boy, isnt he? 3. It was fine yester

11、day, wasnt it? 行为动词: 1. It often rains here, doesnt it? 2. He likes soccer, doesnt he? 3. You have a headache, dont you? 4. I called you yesterday, didnt I ? 结构二: 前否 + 后肯 1. You arent an actor, _are you? 2. He isnt a good boy, is he? 3. It wasnt fine yesterday, was it? 4. It doesnt rain here, does i

12、t? 5. His sister doesnt have a headache, does she? 6. You didnt call me yesterday, did you? 3. 在回答反义疑问句时,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的,就要用 yes,事实是否 定的,就要用 no。这和汉语不一样,应特别注意。例如: Youre not ready, are you? 你没有准备好,是吧? Yes, I am. 不,我准备好了。 No, Im not. 是的,我没有。 探究点二、 Is this by Strauss or Mozart? 是由斯特劳斯还是莫扎特创作的? by 表示“由

13、作曲” ,by 短语用作 be 动词的表语。by 还可根据句子翻译成“由写 的” “由演唱” 。 I like novels by Lu Xun. 我喜欢鲁 迅写的小说。 探究点三 It goes through Vienna.它流经维也纳。 through 意为“穿过,经过” ,常与 pass, go, walk 等动词 连用。 He walked through me without saying hello to me. 他从我身边经过,但是没和我打招呼。 across, through, over 三者都有“通过,穿过”之意。区别是: across 表示从一定范围的一边到另一边,与 o

14、n 有关,表示动作是在某一物体的表面 进行的。 They walk across the road. 他们穿过公路。 through 表示从中间通过,强调动作是在里面进行的。 We walk through the forest.我们穿过森林。 over 多指空间范围上通过,越过或垂直在上,和表面不接触等。 当堂检测 完成下列反意疑问句。 1. He is in Class One, _? 2. You dont speak English, _? 3. They have been to China, _? 4. Your uncle didnt return yesterday, _? 5

15、. There are ten pandas in the zoo, _? 课后练习 一、选择最佳答案。 1 Strauss was not _, he was _. A. Austrian, German B. German, Austrian C. Vienna, Finland 2 Vienna is the capital of _. A. German B. Austria C. Norway 3 The Danube is the river in _. A. London B. Vienna C. Paris 4 Lingling listens to _ music. A. j

16、azz B. classical C. pop 5 The Blue Danube is _ music. A. pop B. techno C. Western 6 Lingling also likes _. A. classical music B. Beijing Opera C. rap music 二、 完成下面的反意疑问句: 7. Miss Wang works in the library , _ ? 8 . She is French , _ ? 9 . You are busy , _ ? 10. They do their homework , _ ? 11. You will like the story , _ ? 12. These are my books . _ ? 13. He isnt reading book ._ ? 14. There is a card on the table , _ ? 15. They helped me . _ ? 课后反思:_


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