北京课改版英语九年《unit 10 revision one》word知识精讲.doc

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1、Unit 10 Revision One 一、教学内容 Unit 10 Revision One 二、教学目标 知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。 能力目标:培养学生的综合运用知识的能力。 三、教学难点 培养学生的综合能力 四、重点知识 短语: 1. according to a survey 根据一项调查 2. the generation gap 代沟 3. in recent years 最近几年 4. one fifth of them 他们当中有五分之一的人 5. far fewer 比想象中少得多的 6. be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事 7.

2、 personal talk 私人交谈 8. would rather communicate with their classmates 宁愿和他们的同学进行交流 9. hold too high expectations 有太高的期望 10. lose hope 失去希望 11. seldom 很少 12. make enough effort to do sth. 尽力做某事 13. in todays educational environment 现在的教育环境 14. remain to direct students learning 总是给学生下达学习的指令 15. keeps

3、 them from making good friends with teenagers 阻止他们与这些十多岁的孩子交 朋友 16. be unfair 不公平 17. discuss novels 讨论小说 18. during a break 在休息的时候/在课间 19. not only but also 不但而且 20. be independent 独立的 21. educational system 教育系统 22. besides 除之外 23. pay attention to sth. 注意 24. deal with 处理 25. be ready for 为做准备 26

4、. leave home alone 单独留在家里 五、重点知识讲解 1. According to a survey which was done in Shanghai, the generation gap between students and their parents is becoming wider in recent years. Among the 1,000 students who were interviewed, only one fifth of them said they would tell their parents about their feelin

5、gs and thoughts, and far fewer students would be willing to have a personal talk with their teachers. Most students said they would rather communicate with their classmates about their real feelings. 译文: 根据一项在上海做的调查,最近几年学生和家长之间的代沟在日益增大。在接受采访 的 1000 名学生中,只有五分之一的学生说他们会向家长倾诉自己的情感和思想,而愿意与 教师进行私人交谈的学生数量则

6、更少。大多数学生说他们宁愿与同学交流自己的真实情感。 知识点: 1) the generation gap 代沟 2) in recent years 在最近几年 3) one fifth of them 他们当中有五分之一的人 4) far fewer students 更少的学生 5) be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事 6) have a personal talk 进行 私人交谈 7) would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事 2. Voice of the students: “Our parents hold too high expectation

7、s which will lead to our losing hope, And they care too much for our life and study.” one students said “Their focus is on what we eat and what we wear, not how we feel,” said another students. “They care much about our grades and seldom make enough effort to create a lively and colorful atmosphere

8、at home,” came anoth er voice. 译文: 学生的心声: “家长对我们期望过高,导致我们丧失希望。他们过于关心我们的生活和学习。 ”一名 学生说。 “他们关注的是我们的日常生活,比如吃和穿,而不是我们的感受”另一个学生说。 “他们只关心我们的考试分数,很少考虑在家里营造活泼及多姿多彩的气氛。 ”这是另 外一名学生的心声。 1) hold too high expectations 期望过高 2) lead to 导致 3) care much about our grades 过于关心我们的考试分数 4) make enough effort 尽力 5) create

9、 a lively and colorful atmosphere 营造活泼及多姿多彩的气氛 3. Voice of the teachers: In Todays educational environment, teachers remain to direct students learning. Their power over students still keeps them from making good friends with teenagers. As teachers favored only those with good results on exams, most

10、 students considered their teachers to be unfair. “I feel s ad to hear such remarks,” said a teacher, “I remember teachers and students playing volleyball together in the past or discussing novels during a break. But today, you can only hear us talk about studying and good grades.” And she added, “S

11、chools should be a place where students cannot only learn knowledge but also learn to be independent and brave enough to face failure and unhappiness.” 译文: 教师的心声: 在现今的教育环境下,教师总是给学生下达学习的指令。他们对学生的权威使他们无 法成为青少年生活中的好朋友。 因为教师偏爱那些考试成绩好的学生。大多数学生认为自己的老师不公平。 “听到这样的评论我感到很伤心。 ”一位老师说道:“我记得过去教师和学生一起打排 球,或在课间讨论小说

12、。但如今,你只能听到我们在一起讨论学习和考高分。 ”她接着说: “学校应该是一个学生不仅学习知识,而且学习独立与勇于面对失败和悲伤的地方。 ” 知识点 1) keeps them from making good friends with teenagers 阻止他们与这些十多岁的孩子成为朋友 2) during a break 在课间 3) not only but also 不但而且 4) be independent and brave enough to face failure and un happiness 独立与勇于面对失败和悲伤 4. It was concluded tha

13、t parents didnt try hard enough to help their children develop their character and personality du ring their teenage years, Besides, the educational system, which overemphasizes examinations , should be held largely responsible for the widening generation gap. 译文: 该调查得出的结论是家长并没有拿出足够的时间和精力来帮助孩子们在青少年时

14、期发 展他们的人品和性格。另外,过去重视考试的教育体系也应该为日益增大的代沟负很大责 任。 1) develop their character and personality 发展他们的人品和性格 2) hold largely responsible for the widening generation gap. 为日益增大的代沟负很大责任 5. Home alone: Ready or Not Have you ever been left home alone? If we have to be left alone at home, most of our parents will

15、 warn us about dangers from fire, accidents, or harm from strangers, and they will make special efforts to deal with them. However, they have not paid enough attention to our feelings of fear and loneliness. 译文: 独自在家:准备好了吗? 你曾经被独自留在家里过吗? 如果我们不得不被独自留在家里,大多数家长非常了解来自火灾、事故的危险或陌生 人的伤害,从而警醒我们,并采取特殊的措施来对此进

16、行处理。然而,他们对我们的恐惧 和孤独情绪并未给予足够的关注。 1) leave alone at home 独自留在家里 2) warn us about dangers from fire 警醒我们来自火灾的危险 3) make special efforts to deal with them 采取特殊的措施来对此进行处理 4) pay enough attention to 给予足够的关注 6. Are we ready for selfcare? If we stay by ourselves, we have to deal with feelings of loneliness

17、and fear. Without others there, we can easily turn our fear and loneliness toward our inner world. As a result, we will become too depressed to act normally. Pressure can also be too bad an influence for a teenager to be able to overcome. When our parents spend time an d energy making the right deci

18、sion to let us take care of ourselves, the likely rewards increase. We can feel more selfconfident, responsible and independent by learning to look after ourselves. 译文: 我们准备好照顾自己了吗? 如果我们自己呆着,我们必须应对我们的孤独和恐惧感。没有别人在身边,我们很容 易将恐惧与孤独转化进我们的内心世界,结果因过于沮丧而行动反常。压力对青少年造成 的不良影响也有可能无法克服。 当我们的家长付出时间和精力做出让我们照顾自己的正确

19、决定后,可能也会产生一些 积极效果。我们会通过学会照顾自己而感到更加自信、负责任和独立。 1) deal with feelings of loneliness and fear 应对我们的孤独和恐惧感 2) pressure can also be too bad an influence for a teenager to be able to overcome. 压力对青少年造成的不良影响也有可能无法克服 3) spend time and energy making the right decision 付出时间和精力做出正确决定 4) let us take care of ours

20、elves 让我们照顾自己 5) feel more selfconfident, responsible and independent 感到更加自信、负责任和独立 7. However, are we really ready for being left home alone? The responsibility for the safety, care and behavior of children remains not only with the parents but also with the children themselves. Children who are le

21、ft alone at home should know where their parents or other responsible adults are and how to reach them. Children should also know emergency arrangements or emergency situations. 译文: 然而,我们真的准备好独自在家了吗? 保证孩子安全、照顾 他们和对他们的行为负责任的不仅仅是家长,还有孩子们自己。 被独自留在家里的孩子应该知道他们的家长或其他负责照顾他们的成人在哪里,以及如何 联系他们。孩子们还应该知道应对紧急情况的方

22、法和手段。 知识点: be ready for sth. 为而做准备 8. The following are some suggestions for teenagers. Children under 15 years of age should always be taken care of overnight. Even if we are 16 or 17, we still need to be careful when we are left alone overnight. Spending a night without responsible adults to attend is not recommended. 译文:下面是对青少年的一些建议: 15 岁以下的孩子不应该被单独留在家里过夜。即使我们到了十六或十七岁,独自在家 过夜时仍应该十分小心。我们不建议让孩子独自在家过夜,没有人照顾。 知识点: 1) under 15 years of age 15 岁以下 2) take care of 照顾,保管,看护 3) even if 即使 4) need to be careful 需要细心 5) leave alone overnight 单独过夜


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