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1、 第四册英语期末复习指导建议 一、复习时间安排 共分 10 课时,具体时间安排如下: 第 1、 2 课时Unit1/ 2 / 3 第 3 课时Unit 4 第 4 课时Unit 5 第 5 课时Unit 6 第 6 课时Unit 7 第 7 课时Unit 8 第 8 课时Unit 9 第 9 课时听力综合训练(I) 第 10 课时听力综合训练(II) 二、复习重点及方法 重点词汇:教科书中具有代表性的、反复出现的、并且在日常交际及生活 中经常接触到的词汇。 重点句子:每单元中具有代表性的或者含有重要知识点的句子。 重点语法及知识点:名词的复数形式、简单的感叹句、介词的运用、动词 的单数第三人称

2、形式、动名词、人称代词的宾格形式、 现在进行时态、常用固定搭配、语言的交际功能与运 用、标点符号及字母的大小写形式 复习原则:听、说、读、写、译相互交融,加强多种形式“写”的训练, 激发学生自主总结每课重点知识内容,教师适时引领、归纳, 设计多种形式的练习题,避免枯燥、机械地训练形式,注重保 护学生的英语学习兴趣。 单元知识重点及具体复习方法如下: Unit1/ 2 / 3 重点词汇:dumpling, delicious, beautiful, lantern, fever, sick, drive, exciting, fun, tired, bumper car, roller coas

3、ter,Spring Festival, New Years Day 重点句子:1 Its like New Years Day. 2 Help yourself to dumplings. 3 How delicious! 4 We make dumplings on Spring Festival. 5 Thats a good idea. 6 Whats the matter? 7 You look sick. 8 I have a fever. 9 It looks exciting. 10 Im scared. 11 What time is it? 12 Its four thir

4、ty. 重要知识点: 名词的复数形式、简单的感叹句、常用固定短语,如:help yourself to, have a fever, a good idea 等。 Unit 4 重点词汇:watch, robot, department store, present, cost 重点句子:1 Where are you going? 2 To the department store. 3 What about a robot? 4 He likes making robots. 5 Watches cost too much. 6 I want to buy him a present. 重

5、要语法: 动词的单数第三人称形式、动名词(He likes making robots.)、 人称代 词的宾格形式(I want to buy him a present.) 重要知识点:what about look for want to + 动词原形 to+地点(到去) on +星期几 buy+人+物品 too (much / big / small) 题型建议:1 词汇题:根据图片,在下列字母中圈出相应的单词。 2 短语题:根据所给汉语将下列词组补充完整。例: look _ (寻 找) 3 单项选择:(以本课重要知识点及语法为主) 例:1 He likes _ robots. A ma

6、ke B making C makes 2 Kens birthday is _ Monday. A in B at C on 3 I want to buy _ a present. A him B he C his Unit 5 重点词汇:aunt, blow, write, thank-you card, hide, uncle, 重点句子:1 Happy birthday to you! 2 This is for you. 3 This is from your aunt. 4 Dont say that. 5 Write a thank-you card. 重要语法: 介词(Thi

7、s is for you./ This is from your aunt.) 语言的交际功能与运用 (Happy birthday!Thank you.) 动词的单数第三人称形式(Here he comes.) 重要知识点:blow out (把吹灭) a thank-you card Dont + 动词 原形 题型建议:1 词汇题:根据图片,将错乱字母重新排列成一个正确的单词。 2 短语题:根据所给图片选出相应的短语。例:blow out 3 单项选择:(以本课重要知识点及语法为主) 例:1 This is _ you. A on B for C with 2 Dont _ that. A

8、 says B saying C say 4 排列句子顺序:A. Wow! Its a robot! B. Thank you. C. This is for you. D. Youre welcome. E. I like making robots. CAEBD Unit 6 重点词汇:spring, summer, winter, fall, cool, warm, season, like, skate, which 重点句子:1 Which season do you like? 2 I like spring. 3 Its warm. 4 I dont like winter. 5

9、 He doesnt like winter. 6 I like skating / swimming. 重要语法:动名词(I like skating / swimming.) 语言的交际功能与运用(Which season do you like? I like ) (I like I dont like) 动词单数第三人称形式的否定形式(He doesnt like winter.) 重要知识点:in + 季节 题型建议:1 词汇题:根据图片,将下列单词补充完整。例:w_ _ ter 2 单项选择:(以本课重要知识点及语法为主) 例:1 He _ like winter. A dont

10、B do C doesnt 2 I like _ . A swim B swimming C swiming 3 阅读理解: Its spring. Li Li likes spring very much, because its warm. Jimmy likes winter. There is snow in winter. He likes skating. But Jess doesnt like winter, because its too cold. Which season does Ken like? Ken likes summer. He can swim in th

11、e water. He likes swimming. Can Robo swim? No, he cant. He doesnt like water. A 根据短文判断正(T) 误(F) 1. Jess doesnt like winter. (T) 2. Robo can swim very well. (F) B 根据短文回答问题 1 Why does Li Li like spring? Because its warm. 2 Does Ken like swimming? Yes, he does. C. 根据短文内容填空 1 Ken likes _. He can _. 2 Ro

12、bo _ swim. Unit 7 重点词汇:ask, China, policeman, post office, take, send 重点句子:1 Where is the post office? 2 Its over there. 3 Lets ask him. 4 May I help you?. 5 I want to send this to China. 6 How long does it take? 7 It takes about 10 days. 重要语法:人称代词的宾格形式(Lets ask him. / I can see it.) 语言的交际功能与运用(有关礼貌

13、用语及应答用语) Excuse me. Where is the post office? Well, I dont know. / Its over there. (可以借此机会 复习前面学过的表示场所方位的单词或短语, 如, under, behind, next to) Thank you. Youre welcome. May I help you? 动词单数第三人称形式 (How long does it take? It takes about 10 days.) 重要知识点:how long It takes about sendto Theres a / an Excuse m

14、e. policemanpolicemen China 题型建议:1 排序题:A、将下列单词重新排列成一个完整的句子(注意标点符 号和字母的大小写形式) 例:to, I, send, want, to, this, china I want to send this to China. long, does, how, take, it How long does it take? B、排列句子顺序: 例:A .Well, I dont know. B. Lets ask him. C. Oh, theres a policeman. D. OK, lets go E. Hi, Ken. Wh

15、ere is the post office? EACBD 2 单项选择:(以本课重要知识点及语法为主) 例:1 Lets ask _. A him B he C his 2 It _ about 10 days. A take B taking C takes 3 I want to send this _ China. A. in B. to C. for Unit 8 重点词汇:spider, watch, living room, bathroom, big, small, bedroom, kitchen 重点句子:1 Where are you? 2 Im in the livin

16、g room. 3 Im watching TV. 4 What are you watching?. 5 Take it away. 重要语法:现在进行时态(肯定形式:Im watching TV. 疑问形式:What are you watching?.) 重要知识点:in (the) _ Its + 表示状态的形容词(Its big / small.) takeaway 表达喜欢与不喜欢(I like I dont like) 复习注意事项:1、为了不断提高单词运用能力,把已学过的有关动作的动词运 用到多种句式里去,反复进行听说练习。 例:Im eating lunch / playin

17、g baseball / drawing a picture / swimming. 2、运用单词过程中重点是把句子扩展开来。 例:把简单句式“Im in the living room.”逐渐扩展成复合句式“Im in the living room and watching TV.” Dad is in his room.Dad is in his room and working. 题型建议:1 词汇题:根据图片,在下列字母中圈出相应的单词。 例:spider, living room, bathroom, 2 单项选择:(以本课重要知识点及语法为主) 例:1 Im_ TV. A wat

18、ch B watches C watching 2 Is Dad _ you? A with B to C of 3 I _ like spiders. A. not B. dont C.doesnt 3 阅读理解: Ken is my friend. He likes watching TV. He is watching Tom and Jerry. His mother is cooking in the kitchen. His father is working in his room. Betty is his sister. She is in the bathroom. She

19、 is so scared, because she sees a big spider in the bathroom. She doesnt like spiders. A 根据短文判断正(T) 误(F) 1. Ken likes watching TV. (T) 2. Kens father is working in the living room. (F) B 根据短文回答问题 1 Is Ken watching Tom and Jerry? Yes, he is. 2 What is Kens mother doing? She is cooking in the kitchen.

20、 C. 根据短文内容填空 1 A big _ is in the bathroom. 2 Ken likes _ TV. Unit 9 重点词汇:a hundred, hang, light, photo, smile, quickly 重点句子:1 What are you doing? 2 We are hanging lights / taking photos. 3 Turn on the lights, please. 4 How many lights?. 5 About a hundred. 重要语法:现在进行时态 名词的复数形式(We are hanging lights /

21、taking photos.) 数词(注意数词与名词搭配时,名词的变化形式) 情态动词 can (Can you help me? Sure, I can.) 重要知识点: look + 表示状态的形容词(look hot / big / small) how many turn on /off take photos Come here quickly / slowly. 复习注意事项:1、本课新句型较少,大部分句子是属于复习,因此侧重点放在 提高学生对单词和句子的发散运用的能力上。 例:You look hot / big / small He / She looks hot / big

22、/ small 2、进一步提高学生在实际生活当中正确、灵活运用数字知识的 能力。通过练习,使学生轻松掌握单数和复数的概念,即围 绕同一个事物名称,弄清表示单数和复数在发音上、书写形 式上的差异。 例:a light a hundred lights 题型建议:1 单项选择:(以本课重要知识点及语法为主) 例:1 We are _ lights. A hang B hangs C hanging 2 How many _ are there? A photo B a photo C photos 3 Can you help me? Sorry, I _. A. can B. dont C. cant 2 短语题:将下列短语与相应的汉语翻译连接起来 1 how many A 过来 2 a hundred B 多少 3 turn on the lights C 照相 4 come here D 打开灯 5 take photos E 一百 3 排序题:将下列单词重新排列成一个完整的句子(注意标点符号 和 字母的大小写形式) 例:the, turn, please, on, lights Turn on the lights, please. lights, many, how How many lights?


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