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1、建筑工程反索赔问题及策略研究 摘 要:从逻辑关系、法律关系及现行合同角度分析讨论反索赔的概念,指出索赔与反索 赔都具有双向性,定义反索赔是指业主根据合同赋予的权利,对于由非业主原因引起的损 失要求弥补损失并由此获利的手段。业主反索赔的原因归纳为工程进度、工程质量、工程 款项等 . 摘 要:从逻辑关系、法律关系及现行合同角度分析讨论反索赔的概念,指出索 赔与反索赔都具有双向性,定义反索赔是指业主根据合同赋予的权利,对于由非业主原因 引起的损失要求弥补损失并由此获利的手段。业主反索赔的原因归纳为工程进度、工程质 量、工程款项等因素。对承包商索赔程序及业主反索赔程序从时效性比较、逾期处理比较 及索赔

2、资料及索赔报告比较三个方面进行了对比分析,在此基础上对业主反索赔程序进行 了规范。完善后的业主反索赔程序使得业主反索赔更加具有针对性,研究业主反索赔要从 业主反索赔的原因,业主反索赔的程序,业主反索赔的特点下手。还论述了业主用反索赔 对索赔来攻击承包商索赔的内容,为业主进行有效的反索赔管理打下理论基础。 关键词:索赔;反索赔;策略 Construction Problems and Strategies of Counter-claims Abstract:From the logical relations, legal relations and point of view of the

3、existing contract to discuss the concept of counter-claims, claims and counter claims that have two-way, the definition of counter-claim is the claim for the same event, against the other party claims the contract management practices, the reasons for the owners to claim summarized the progress, qua

4、lity, project funds and other factors. Claims process for contractors and owners from the claims process more timely, more and claims handling overdue claims report compares data and comparative analysis of three aspects, in this based on the claims process has improved the owners.Improve procedures

5、 for making claims after the owners of the contractor against claims for more targeted research to prevent the owner from the contractor against claims for claims and counter claims for both property owners to proceed to refute the owners claim to refute the owners of the claims process, to refute c

6、laims of owners reason calculated to refute claims of owners or contractors with claims against the owners claim to attack the contents of the claim for the contractor to carry out effective counter-claims management foundation in theory. Key words:Claims;Counter claim; Strategy 目 录 字 摘 要 1 关键词 1 1

7、前言 2 1.1 研究背景 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.3 研究内容意义 3 2 反索赔的概述 3 2.1 反索赔的定义 3 2.2 反索赔的特点及意义 3 2.2.1 反索赔的特点 3 2.2.2 业主方向承包商反索赔的意义 4 2.2.3 反索赔的内容 4 3 业主反索赔的原因 5 3.1 工程进度的延误 5 3.2 工程质量存在的缺陷 5 3.3 按合同要求承包商未能履行合同 6 3.4 承包商未完成工程 6 3.5 承包商完成工程不符合合同要求 6 3.6 其它原因 7 4 业主反索赔的程序及主要条款 8 4.1 业主反索赔程序 8 4.1.1 业主在规定期限内向承包商提出反索

8、赔通知 8 4.1.2 业主在规定期限内向承包商提交反索赔报告 8 4.1.3 协商解决索赔问题 9 4.1.4 争端裁决委员会调解 9 4.1.5 仲裁或诉讼 9 4.2 合同条件中业主方的索赔主要条款 9 5 反索赔策略的研究 10 5.1 加强对合同管理的对策 10 5.1.1 发挥职能部门的作用,维护自己利益 10 5.1.2 明确规定程序和规范管理 11 5.1.3 管理应该突出重点,做好三大目标控制 11 5.1.4 加强法律意识,完善管理制度 11 5.2 建立健全工程索赔管理机制 12 5.3 强调索赔时间观念 12 6 案例分析 13 6.1 案例 1 13 6.1.1 项目

9、概况 13 6.1.2 案例分析 13 6.2 案例 2 14 6.2.1 项目概况 14 6.2.2 案例分析 14 6.3 案例 3 16 6.3.1 案例描述 16 6.3.2 案例分析 17 7 结论 18 参考文献 19 致 谢 20 摘 要:金融是现代经济的核心,贯穿着整个社会经济,而银行是金融的中枢神经。尽 管进行了多年银行业改革,我国商业银行仍然受到大量坏账的困扰,不良资产问题仍是中 国银行业改革和发展过程中不得不面对的一个严重问题,如果不尽快解决,会严重地阻碍 我国商业银行的改革步伐,削弱我国商业银行的竞争力,直接影响到国家的金融安全和经 济的稳定运行,也不利于中国经济的快速

10、发展。本文着重分析了我国商业银行不良资产的 成因,并提出了相应的化解对策。 关键词:商业银行;不良资产;贷款 Abstract: Finance is the core of modern economy system throughout the entire social economy, and banking is the central nervous system of the finance. In spite of banking reform had been taken for many years, China commercial banks are still pla

11、gued by a large number of bad debts. Thus the existing of non-performing assets is still a serious problem inevitably met in the process of reform and development of China banking. If not correctly solve the bad assets problem, it would seriously stunt the reform pace and weaken the competitiveness

12、of China commercial banks, which may not only directly affects national financial safety and economic stability operation, but also rapid economy development. This paper analyzed the causes of non-performing assets of commercial bank, and put forward the corresponding resolution. Keywords: commercia

13、l Banks;non-performing assets;loans 目 录 字 摘要 1 关键词 1 一、我国商业银行不良资产现状 2 二、我国商业银行不良资产的成因 3 不同种类甘薯中 Ca、Fe、Zn、Se 等矿物元素含量比较 (字) 摘 要:甘薯是我国主要粮食作物之一,含有多种保健功能成分,同时还富含人体所 需的多种矿物元素如:Ca、K 、Fe、Zn、Mg、Se 等,特别是紫甘薯更是以富含硒而著称。 本文用两个品种的普通薯类与紫甘薯为样品,以硝酸和高氯酸(3:1)在常压下消化,用原 子吸收分光光度法测定钙、铁、锌的含量,用紫外分光光度法测定硒含量,同时探讨荧光 光度法测定硒含量。研究

14、表明紫甘薯中 Ca、Fe、Zn、Se 含量均高于普通薯,特别是紫甘 薯中硒含量是普通甘薯的 1.5 倍左右。 关键词:甘薯;矿物元素;原子吸收光谱法;紫外分光光度法 Compare With Ca、Fe、Zn 、Se Mineral Element Contents in Several Varieties of Sweet Potatoes Abstract:Sweet potato is one of Chinas major grain crops,contains a variery of functional compositions of health,but also rich

15、in mineral elements needed by human body,such as:Ca,K,Fe,Zn,Mg,Se.Especially purple sweet potato contain rich in Se.In this paper,different samples of sweet potato, with HNO3 and HClO4(3:1) under atmospheric pressure digestion.Then determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry of Ca,Fe,Zn,determ

16、ined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry of Se.Also discussed the spectrofluorimetric method of determination of Se content.Purple sweet potato was found in Ca,Fe,Zn,Se were higher than nomal sweet potato.In particular,the seleniumcontent content in sweet potato purple normal sweet potato is about 1.5

17、times. Key words:sweet potato;Mineral elements;atomic absorption spectrometry; Ultraviolet spectrophotometry 内容简介 本工程为聚福家园高层楼设计,主体结构共 14 层,一、二为商服,三至十 四层为。建筑主体高度 43.8m,建筑面积 7428.74。建筑设计充分考虑了消防和疏散的要 求,内部设有三部楼梯和三部电梯, 。 本设计由四大部分组成:建筑设计、结构设计、设计概算、施工组织设计。其中结构设计 主要包括:工程概况、结构布置、刚度计算、荷载计算、水平地震作用下结构内力计算、 竖向荷载

18、作用下结构内力计算、内力组合、构件截面设计。除竖向荷载作用下结构内力计 算采用 PKPM 完成,其余结构设计部分均由手算完成。结构形式采用剪力墙,并将剪 力墙布置在楼梯间和电梯间。为增强整体刚度,在 1、2 层设置底部加强区。结构按 7 度抗 震设防,采用超流态钢筋混凝土灌注桩基础,楼板及屋面现浇。最后采用 AutoCAD 绘制 建筑图,采用 PKPM 绘制施工图。 设计严格按照国家颁布的新规范、新标准进行。施工图采用现在工程界比较流行的平面整 体表示方法绘制。 结构图: 结施 01:一层顶板平法施工图.DWG 结施 02:二层顶板平法施工 图 .DWG结施 03:三十三层顶板平法施工图 .D

19、WG结施 04:十四层顶板平法 施工图.DWG结施 05:一层梁配筋图 .DWG结施 06:二层梁配筋图.DWG 结施 07:三十四层梁配筋图.DWG 结施 08:一二层柱配筋图.DWG结施 09:三十四层柱配筋图.DWG 摘 要:本文参考 Frchet 的方法,采用收敛法以二代酯为原料合成所需 的树状大分子合成子,并优化树状分子的合成,为进一步负载化奠定基础。结果表明:采 用收敛法合成树状大分子,具有反应条件温和、副产物少,产物的纯化简单等优点。产物 经过 1H NMR 、13 C NMR 以及 EI 等表征,证实为纯净的目标产物。 关键词:树状大分子;收敛法;合成;表征 The Synth

20、esis of Dendrimers Abstract: This article focused on the converged method for the synthesis of dendrimers by using the ester of genaration two as raw material refer to the Frchet method. We aimed to optimize the synthesis of dendrimers and laid the foundation for the supported catalysts. The converg

21、ence method merited a lot, such as mild reaction conditions、rather limited byproducts,easy access to pure products. The obtained product were characterized by 1H NMR 、13C NMR, EI etc and the target pure product was confirmed. Key word: Dendrimer; Converged Method; Synthesis; Characterized 目 录 5600 字

22、 摘 要: 1 关键词: 1 1 前言 1 1.1 树状分子国内外研究现状 1 1.2 研究思路 3 1.2.1 发散法 3 1.2.2 收敛法 3 1.2.3 固相合成法 3 2 实验部分 4 2.1 实验材料与仪器 4 2.1.1 实验材料 4 2.1.2 实验仪器 5 2.2 实验方法 5 2.2.1 化合物 G2CH2OH 的合成 5 2.2.2 化合物 G2CH2Br 的合成 5 2.2.3 化合物 G3COOCH3 的合成 6 2.2.4 化合物 G3CH2OH 的合成 6 2.2.5 化合物 G3CH2Br 的合成 6 3 结果与讨论 6 3.1 表征 6 3.1.1 1H NM

23、R 表征 6 3.1.2 13C NMR 表征 7 3.1.3 质谱表征 8 4 结论 9 参考文献 10 致 谢 11 农地规模经营模式探讨(9300 字) 摘 要:随着社会经济的发展,特别是城镇化步伐的加快,我国广大农村青强壮年劳 力外出务工,致使农村大片耕地实行规模经营成为必然。农地规模经营可以提高农村劳动 生产率,解放劳动力,但同时如何保障好农民既得利益则值得深思。土地规模经营是现代 农业发展的必经之路,推进农村土地承包经营权流转,实行适度规模经营,提高土地利用 率和投入产出率,是发展现代农业、建设社会主义新农村的客观要求。提出建立健全农村 土地流转机制,促进土地规模经营,有助于推进农

24、业增效,农民增收。 关键词:农地流转;规模经营;模式 Study On Scale Model Of Agricultural Land Abstract: As the development of social economic, especially the accelerated pace of urbanization, Chinas rural migrant workers of young strong, resulting in the inevitability of the large areas of arable land in rural areas to scal

25、e management. Scale management of land can increase labor productivity in the areas, liberate labor ,but also how to protect the vested interests of farmers is worthy of pondering over. Scale operation is the only way of modern agriculture development, it is the objective requirements of developing

26、modern agriculture and building new socialist countryside that promote rural land contracting rights in a appropriate scale and increase land utilization and input-output rate. The address of establishing a sound mechanism to promote large-scale land management is helpful for advance the agricultura

27、l efficiency and farmers incomes. Key words: Agricultural land transfer;scale;mode 风险管理审计在我国企业的应用研究(含开题报告,毕业论文字) 摘 要:风险管理审计是融风险管理、审计等为一体的新兴审计类型,实务工作者对 其与相关审计类型的关系还缺乏深入的了解。风险管理审计的实施在我国还处于初级阶段, 基于此,本文阐述了风险管理和风险管理审计的内涵,列举了风险管理审计在我国的应用 领域和现状,剖析了风险管理审计在我国企业中存在的问题,提出了加强风险管理审计在 我国企业的应用的对策。 关键词:风险管理;风险管理审计;

28、风险管理审计应用;主要问题;解决对策 The Applied Research of Risk Management Auditing in Chinese Enterprises Abstract:Risk management audit is melts the risk management and audit for the integration of emerging audit type, practice with the workers to the type of relationship to related audit still lacks the thorough

29、 understanding. The implementation of the risk management audit in our country is still at the primary stage,Based on this, this paper expounds the risk management and risk management audit connotation, cited risk management audit in our application field and current situation, this paper analyzes t

30、he risk management audit in our country enterprise the problems and proposes promoting risk management audit in our country enterprise application countermeasures. Key words:Risk; Risk management; Risk management audit; Risk management audit application; Main problems; Solutions 我国现行税法与会计核算制度的差异及其协调

31、浅探(字) 摘 要:会计核算制度与税法的关系问题是一个历史问题,随着会计制度改革和税法 改革的深入,新会计准则于 2007 年在上市公司中实施,并于 2009 年全面实施,新企业所 得税法也于 2008 年开始实施,至今已有几年时间。在这段时间的发展过程中,会计核算制 度与税法之间的差异逐渐呈现缩小和趋同的趋势,但两者之间的差异仍然客观存在着,由 于立法的宗旨、服务的对象等方面都是有区别的,所以在诸多方面都存在一些差异。 本文主要从以下几个方面讨论会计核算制度与税法的几个问题:第一,介绍会计核算制度 与税法的关系,包括两者的区别与联系;第二,主要从两者遵循的原则、职能、会计政策 选择空间三个方

32、面分析了两者理论上的差异;第三,主要从费用与收入两大方面阐述了两 者的实务差异;第四,介绍了会计核算制度与税法差异的不利影响;第五,介绍了会计核 算制度与税法差异产生的三个原因;第六,着重讨论了协调两者的原则以及如何更好的协 调两者差异的具体措施。 关键词:会计核算制度;税法;差异;协调 Research on the Coordination of the Divergence between Current Tax Law and Accounting System in Our Country Abstract:Accounting regulation and tax law rela

33、tions is a historical question, as the accounting system reform and tax reform, new accounting standards of listed companies in 2007 to implement and fully implemented in 2009, the new enterprise income tax law also in 2008 began to implement, has been a few years time. During this time the developm

34、ent process, accounting system and tax law reduced the differences between the present and the gradual convergence of the trend, but the difference between the two there is still the objective, the purpose of the legislation, services, etc. are all objects a difference, so in many ways there are som

35、e differences. This paper discussed several aspects from the accounting system and tax law issues: First, introduce the relationship between accounting regulation and tax law, including the differences and similarities between the two; second, mainly from the principles of the theory, the difference

36、 between the two; Third, mainly from the perspective of income tax expense and income in the two aspects of the practical differences between the two; Fourth, the introduction of the accounting system and tax differences arise for three reasons; Fifth, focus on the coordination of both principles an

37、d concrete measures, discussed all aspects of how to better coordination between the two. Keywords: Tax Law;Accounting System;Divergence;Coordination 摘 要:好利来是国内蛋糕业的知名企业,可是企业的不断壮大、发展,它的店 面形象、logo 等这一块却被他们长久地忽视下去,现在的市场竞争力很大,如果企业的品 牌形象等不深入人心,那么他们在行业的竞争力度就会大打折扣。为了更好的加强好利来 蛋糕店的传播和销售力度,我决心在它原有的基础上进行改进,创立出

38、新的好利来识别系 统(VIS) 。我的设计会从根据好利来的企业文化、企业价值观等方面着手,在不破坏品牌 核心灵魂的情况下,结合市场需求进行设计,力图更好地将好利来推介到每个消费者的面 前。 关键词:品牌形象;竞争;企业文化;结合;市场需求 HolIland cake shops VIS Design Abstract: Holiyland is the cake industry leading companies, but business has grown, development, and it stores the image, logo, etc. This is a long n

39、eglected by their situation now and the market competitiveness of large, if the companys standard real image is not accepted by the people then the intensity of competition in the industry will be greatly reduced. In order to better enhance the dissemination and marketing of holiland cake strength, I determined it to improve on 一、VI 设计的重要性 2 (一)什么是 VI 设计 2 (二)VI 设计的迫切性 2 二、设计的基本思路 2 (一)企业文化理念 3 4 户外广告类 9 5 店面形象 10 四、预期效果 11 五、结束语 11 参考文献 11 致谢 12


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