美国MINISUN公司便携式步态分析仪 MiniSun IDEEA LifeGait System.docx

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1、美国 IDEEA 智能能量和日常活动记录仪 美国 MINISUN 公司生产佩戴式动静态足底压力步态分析仪美国 MINISUN 公司生产穿戴式动态表面肌电图步态分析仪 美国 MINISUN 公司生产行走跑步运动携带式动态心 率心电图步态分析仪 MICOFORCE 米力光 CO 负责美国 MINISUN 公司生产绑系带式关节运动角度步态分 析仪 MiniSuns IDEEA LifeGait System,世界上唯一的全方位记录人体活动的分析仪,IDEEA 是一种 测量日常生活活动的新型便携式设备,技术操作简单、无创、安全。美国 MINISUN 公司生产穿戴式跑步行 走步态分析仪 产品特色 IDE

2、EA 是一种可以识别多种身体活动的仪器,其他科学产品都不能达到这种水平。IDEEA 的另一个突 出特点就是可以提供有关身体活动持续时间和频率的信息。从 IDEEA 获取的有关数量、质量和准确 率的科学数字都是很惊人的。设备准确的计算各种活动的数量和强度,使得结果可以马上提取。这 些数据是计算和能量消耗的基础也是人体保持长期短期平衡的重要因素。有了这些信息可以使得在 肥胖方面研究的科学家和医生更好的了解身体活动和体重之间的关系。这可以针对身体活动设计一 个控制体重的程序。 美国 MINISUN 公司便携式步态分析仪: 可增加的功能选项: 运动过程中的表面肌电图 Processed EMG 足底压

3、力测量 Foot Pressure measurement (using FSR) (hardware and software). 关节角度测量 Joint angle. Need additional goniometers purchased from Biometrics, Angular 角速度测量 Angular velocity measurement (hardware and software). 心率/心电图 Heart rate/raw ECG (hardware and software) A video-based carpet system for precisio

4、n spatial-temporal parameters (e.g., errors of stride length and velocity 1%) 主要功能: 减肥与肥胖症的研究 Weight Loss and Obesity Treatment 身体风险管理 Risk Management 岗位的合理安排 Workers Comp Assessment 骨质疏松 Osteoporosis 多发性硬化症 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 康复的观测 Rehabilitation Assessment 注意力不足过动症 Attention Deficit Hyperacti

5、vity Disorders 步态和运动分析 Gait and Locomotion Analysis 履行职能的能力评价 Functional Capacity Evaluation 睡眠质量评估 Sleep Quality Assessment 生活质量提高和衰老研究 Improvement of Life Quality, and Geriatric Study 体育,健身,和机能强化培训 Sports, Fitness, and Performance Enhancement Training 评估强体力活动,记录生理条件,以及更多. Assessing Physical Exerti

6、on, Recording Physiological Criteria, and More. 美国 MINISUN 公司便携式步态分析仪 IDEEA 是用于步态分析,行为监测,体重消耗和察觉姿势等身体活动的最精确的便携式设备,它可以 做其他任何器材都不能够完成的工作: 第一,它可以自动识别活动的类型,姿势和步态的种类超过 40 种,都是经过上百次测试的,准确率 达到 97%。 第二,在记录方面,容量功效大,可以记录下身体的每个动作并且可以以“影像”的方式重放,任 何时间(几秒到几天),任何地点。 第三,它向你提供活动细节方面的信息,例如:活动的类型和持续时间、频率和强度、以及估算的 能消耗的

7、能量大小。 第四,它会以原始的曲线、图表、表格、条形图和数据等方式来显示对身体动作的深入分析,比如 限定步伐的因素,速度,活动所消耗的能量,心电图或心率(使用者可自主选择)等等。 第五,它可以计算任何时间任何地点的身体锻炼和活动的范围、距离、力量、功效和能量消耗。IDE EA 有以下几个主要作用:在 24 小时基础上记录和回放身体动作和姿势,可以存储成百上千万的数据 点以便于日后分析。详细请看“身体活动测量”的例子。 Actview:用于身体活动和体谅消耗的估算 Actview 是 IDEEA 系统中不可缺少的一部分,它使得 IDEEA 里的数据汇总到一起进行分析。使用 Act view 可以

8、使得 IDEEA 里的数据结合起来做以下的操作:将一个人一天的活动进行回放。你可以选择 回放的起点,也可以调整回放的速度。增至更多特定的活动,活动的力量,能量消耗,活动速度, 活动类型和其他变量。在图表里细致地显示各种活动花费时间的百分比。详细地检查每个活动的开 始和结束,以及速度、力量、能量消耗和距离。做出反应能量消耗的条形图以及力量和其他信息。 通过看编辑的表格输出原始数据。Actview 是一种以窗口为基础的程序,其功能非常强大,它可以分 析和设想身体锻炼和活动的类型、持续时间、频率和强度以及人们所消耗的能量的估算。能量消耗 ,力量,速度和原始数据的曲线是不断变化的。你可以以点、面的方式

9、选择活动的任一部分或者根 据兴趣选取运动的一段。你也可以选择每段每单元的速度(例如,每小时几千米或多少焦耳),就 像使用录像带一样。左撇子的人也有适合的运动,他们可以以高准确率来使现实生活的动作和姿势 变得很有活力。 IDEEA 和 Actview 结合起来不但可以提供运动轨迹变化的信息,而且还告诉我们跟身体活动有关的生 活质量是提高、降低还是保持不变。它还可以在提高身体活动水平的发展战略方面为你提供信息和 指导。 它可以识别包括躺、坐、走、爬楼梯、跑、跳等 40 多种活动类型。详见“身体活动类型”。为身体 活动的开始、持续时间和频率以及一天内的重要事件提供精确的记录,根据从几秒到几天的不同时

10、 间段将身体活动和能量消耗进行分析和分类。评定身体活动和行为类型。 这个 Actview 里的截屏概括了在给出的期间内身体活动和每个姿势的百分比。身体活动类型的持续 时间、数据(由步骤构成)、运动速度都呈现在表格的右边栏。当你改变观察时间时,对身体活动 、姿势、行为路线的测量都由表格左上角的列表选择来进行及时的更新和变化或者也可以通过移动 颜色滚动条左右两端的绿色端点来实现。 对于身体活动来说,IDEEA 还可以进行姿势的检测。 它通过人工智能和网络神经系统的先进技术计算身体活动(走路和跑步的速度)的数量和强度来提 供便携式仪器曾被报道过的最精确的结果。以速度分析为例。 对一个在自由条件下生活

11、的人的移动距离、速度和身体动作的测量和分析。 IDEEA 可以准确地分析自由活动条件下的移动力,细化到每一个阶段每一步。左上的段落演示了一个 人在一个轨迹上走路(前三节)跑步(后三节)的速度的及时变化,每一部分一百米。右上的曲线 则表示移动递增距离。你可以看见由 IDEEA 身体活动检测器测量的高度精确的结果。记下 100 米=0. 062 英里,这样总距离为 0.0626=0.372 英里。并且记录下固定的部分来代表各活动的其他部分。 速度的分配(左边最底部)是为了走路分析,有三种不同的分配方式。 在自由活动的条件下,以尽可能高的准确率及时并累积地提供任何时间甚至几天的力量、机械活动 的数量

12、和能量的消耗的结果。这些数据对于体重管理和肥胖治疗、健康训练程序以及康复功效的评 估都非常的重要。 体量消耗的分析 IDEEA 活动监测器对能量消耗率和总消耗量的测量和评估。 能量消耗的评估对于数字的调查非常的重要。对于能量消耗最理想的评估方法就是在自由活动的条 件下,24 小时内,对能量消耗进行分钟评估。这就是 IDEEA 的能力所在。左上的段落提供的是一个 人在一个运动轨迹内走路和跑步的能量消耗的不断变化的估测。不仅如此,总能量消耗还在右上的 段落不断累积。这样使每个活动的每个阶段的能量消耗和总消耗的测量得以实现。 身体活动的心电图和心率(使用者可自主选择) 上图是一个 Actview 演

13、示当机器运作时的使用者的心电图(黑色、较低)和心率(绿色的点)的简 况。 IDEEA 设备可以在最小噪音的重力身体活动中记录心电图信号。这个复杂的演算程序要应用到符合心 率的估算。当记录被下载到个人电脑里,使用者可以用功效强的窗口程序 Actview 来显示 24 小时内 的每一下心跳和每一步的原始数据和估算结果。 由 IDEEA 和 Actview 提供的休闲活动或身体锻炼中的有关心率的信息对于医疗人员将很有使用价值 。 用于步态分析的设备 对于步态分析的仪器 IDEEA 的花费是非常低的。它可以分析自由活动条件下的步态。它使人尽量在 自然步态的情况下大大地改变传统的步态并减少消耗。与心电图

14、检测器等设备连接应用到系统中可 以在工作中,家里或是医生办公室实现对步态的分析。 矫形外科医生会发现它在估测膝盖和臀部的替换手术前后的结果的估测方面,检测康复进程和对患 有神经肌肉方面的疾病的病人的估测以及老年人的治疗方面都很有用。 公共部门会发现在调查人们欺骗补偿方面也很有用,因为 IDEEA 检测器是一种非常复杂的便携式设 备。它可以以 98.7%的准确率记录长达 7 天的身体活动(坐、站、走、爬楼梯、睡觉等等),以及身 体动作的类型、数量、强度和 17 种步态(单肢支撑、步长、速度等)。 以 98.7%的精确度检测超过 40 种的步态(例如坐、站、走、爬楼梯、睡觉)和姿势,记录身体动作

15、的数量、强度和类型,提供 17 种步态范围(单肢支撑、步长、速度),显示行为和活动的估测,对 全天的活动进行“影像”式的回放,持续时间可由秒到天。此软件可以以 98%的准确率提供身体活动 在类型、持续时间、频率和强度方面的细节,测量心率、耐力和能量消耗的估算。它还以曲线、图 表和表格等形式对任一时间任一地点的身体动作的速度、距离、能量、功效进行深入地分析。 测量的范围 下面列出的方法和误差标准是为左脚、右脚和双脚计算的。他们对于一个合乎规范的数据是可以互 相参照的。增加的测量方法是按规定增加的。 单肢支撑(ms) 双肢支撑(ms) 上述两个的百分比(%) 摇晃持续的时间(ms) 步伐持续的时间

16、(ms) 转圈持续的时间(sec) 推力(G) 摇晃的力量(G) 对地的力量(G) 脚力(G) 前摇晃角度(deg) 速度(mph, kmh, m/s) 节奏(steps/min)步长(feet, meters) 大步长(feet, meters) IDEEA 记录规格 微处理器 32 字节的高级微处理器,在 32Mhz 或更高运作。这种高性能的微处理器可以获得及时的数据,智能 数据和对数据进行压缩。它也为未来的发展提供空间。 记忆 随机存储器和动漫存储都能快速永久的记录数据知道认为删除,一旦电脑关掉或电源断开,存储的 数据就会丢失。 存储容量 当 IDEEA 记忆器用于存储 PA、EE 等正

17、常数据时,它可以记录 7 天,每秒 32 排,每排 8 个点的数据 :最小的 8 点数据32 排3600 秒48 小时=44236800 个数据点可以被存储,它平均可以存储 200 兆赫的数据。 与电脑的连接 通过与电视连线接口或是 USB 接口。使用者可以选择软件提供的任一接口。在 IDEEA 与电脑提供的 接口之间连线。 传感器 五种传感器,每一个都可以对身体各部分的正交角度进行测量。现在有 8 个独立的频道可以使用。 记录事件的开关 IDEEA 记忆器里有一套 4 个开关,这些开关可以在进行其他测量的同时进行使用( 例如一个工作量的开始和停止,吃饭时间,睡觉时间,治疗时间和休息时间)。软

18、件则需要使用者 的不同要求自己进行更新。 电源和电池 正常的记录工作大概消耗 0.045 瓦电。 使用标准的 AA 碱性电池很容易得电和失电。电池一般可以维持 60 个小时或者更长,在 60 小时内连 续测试都是很安全的。电池延续使用可达 7 天。 尺寸和重量 IDEEA 记忆器 75.41.7=64cm3 (2.75in2.2in0.7in=4.3in3) 重量:59 克包括电池 传感器 大小:18mm15mm3mm 像镍那么大 重量:大约 2 克,有一个便士那么轻 A Device for Analyzing Body Motion Mobility is fundamental to h

19、uman life. In a way, it is life. Like a lightning strike in human existence, automation and industrialization in a short 50-year period have dramatically reduced the amount of daily physical activity, and completely changed our lifestyle and work environment. Changes in physical activity can lead to

20、 body imbalance (e.g., energy imbalance) and diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular dysfunction, and diabetes. The U.S. government health website has listed physical activity as the leading health indicator for the Nation in the coming 10 years. Quantifying physical activity and its energy cost is

21、 the first step toward the solution of these problems. After 12 years of research work and several hundred-thousand lines of coding, Dr. Ming Sun and his team introduced the Intelligent Device for Energy Expenditure and Activity(IDEEA), a device that for the first time can analyze body motion, measu

22、re physical activity, monitor behavior patterns, and estimate energy expenditure in a free-living situation on 24-hr basis, with unprecedented power and accuracy. Thanks to years of research work, a unique combination of database and knowledge base has been set up by MiniSun that encompasses the lar

23、ge entries of the most accurate data for physical activity and energy expenditure measurement. This unique database enables us to teach the IDEEA in identifying and measuring physical activity and human performance of various types with high intelligence and accuracy. At present, IDEEA is the only p

24、ortable device available for objective and scientific assessment of physical activity and energy expenditure with high accuracy and activity type identification capability. It provides vast amount of information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of diseases as well as physical perfo

25、rmance. NIH Comments: The design and validation of IDEEAwas awarded a major grant by NIH (The SBIR grant from NIDDK DK62587) with an outstanding score, as indicated by a reviewer (Critique) from the Center for Scientific Review Panel: “A tremendous amount of information can be obtained with a minima

26、lly invasive device using extremely sophisticated technology.” The clinical validation of IDEEA has been published by New York Obesity Research Center, Columbia University on Obesity Research: http:/www.obesityresearch.org/cgi/content/abstract/11/1/33 The IDEEA has the following major functions: Rec

27、ords and plays back body motion and posture changes on 24-hour basis, stores tens of millions of data points for future analysis. See Physical Activity Measurement for example. Identifies 40+ types of physical activity, including lying, sitting, walking, climbing stairs, running, jumping. See Physic

28、al Activity Types for details. Provides accurate recordings of the onset, duration, and frequency of physical activity and other important events of the day, perform detailed analysis of physical activity and energy expenditure components into categories and distributions in any given period of time

29、, from a few seconds to multiple days. Assessment of physical activity and behavior types Computes the amount and intensity of physical activity (for example, the speed of walking or running) using the state-of-art methods/techniques such as artificial intelligence and neural-network, providing the

30、most accurate results ever reported for a portable device.Speed Analysis Example Provides both instantaneous and cumulative results of power, amount of mechanical work, and energy expenditure estimates at any given period, up to multiple days, with highest possible accuracy in free-living condition.

31、 These data are critical for weight management and obesity treatment, for fitness/wellness training programs, and for rehabs/functional evaluation. Energy Expenditure Analysis You can download a demonstration of IDEEA Software, which is a powerful and sophisticated program for monitoring physical ac

32、tivity, measuring energy expenditure, and viewing results obtained by IDEEA. Results obtained from IDEEA have been calibrated in research labs as well as by a series of clinical tests using the most advanced equipment, including the floor-sized precision force platform, and the most accurate whole-r

33、oom calorimeter (see publications below). The IDEEA product had been used clinically on hundreds of patients with thousands of testing hours. Zhang K, Werner P, Sun M, Pi-Sunyer FX, Boozer C. “Measurement of Human Daily Physical Activity.” Obesity Research 11(2003): 33-40. Sun, M and JO Hill. “A met

34、hod for measuring mechanical work and work efficiency during human activities.“ Journal of Biomechanics 26(1993):229-241. Sun, M, GW Reed, JO Hill. “Modification of a whole-room calorimeter for measurement of rapid changes in energy expenditure.“ Journal of Applied Physiology (1994): 2686-2691. “Bri

35、efly, IDEEA identifies various physical activities, a characteristic that no other available scientific testing device is able to attain. Another unique feature of IDEEA is its ability to provide information about the duration and frequency of physical activities. The amount, quality, and accuracy o

36、f scientifically useful information received from IDEEA are astounding. The device computes the amount and intensity of variety activities with high frequency and precision and allows reviewing of results almost instantly. These data are the basis for calculating energy expenditure and its component

37、s, which are necessary elements in asserting short and long-term energy balance in humans. Having such information will allow scientists and clinicians working in the area of obesity, to better understand the interrelationship between physical activity and body weight. This could lead to designing b

38、etter weight control programs focusing on physical activity.“ Maciej Buchowski, Ph.D. C.N.S. Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine and Pediatrics Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Director, Nutrition Research and Services, General Clinical Research Center,

39、 Vanderbilt University The major differences between IDEEA and other commercial devices No other commercial device can identify more than 3 types of activities, while IDEEA can identify and differentiate more than 40 types of activities, including most daily physical activities that are important fo

40、r obesity, rehabilitation, osteoporosis, and many other studies. All other commercial devices tell you the vibration sensed by the sensor(s) attached to the part of body. Thus a childs waving hand can generate more signals than an adult climbing stairs, which is not correct in terms of energy expend

41、iture or exercise level. IDEEA uses advanced algorithms such as artificial intelligence and neural network that integrates signals from multiple sensors of different body parts to derive intelligently the exact type of activity the person is performing (sitting, standing, jumping, stair climbing/des

42、cending.) with the highest possible accuracy (a study by Dr. Pi-Sunyers group from Columbia University showed average accuracy 98.5% for 76 subjects studied). The results such as power, mechanical work, and energy expenditure estimates were calibrated by the most accurate whole-room calorimeters and

43、 the largest precision force platform, and validated on hundreds of tests in multiple clinical studies, thus has much higher accuracy and accountability. IDEEA measures and records millions of data points so that every slight movement or activity is recorded and saved for later use. While other devi

44、ces only record an average of vibrations for a given period (say, on 1-minute intervals). IDEEA is designed from ground-up by researchers conducting clinical studies. It presents the information a researcher needs, such as the type of physical activity, its onset, duration, frequency, intensity (e.g

45、., speed of walking or running), mechanical power generated, and related energy cost. Others output a number or a few numbers in a given time period that basically tells the level of sensor vibration. Perhaps the most important difference is that the software that comes with IDEEA enables you to pla

46、y back the animation of what actually happened for the subject (e.g., At exactly what time a subject fell on the ground? What was the last supporting leg before falling? And many more) at any given time. The playback speed can be changed from 1:1 to 1:60 to speed up viewing. Graphs, charts, tables,

47、and statistics are designed for scientific view and can be shown for any selected time period dynamically, printed out, or saved to a database of your own. Sample Use of IDEEA in Research Quantify the type, duration, frequency, and intensity of various physical activities in free living for a divers

48、ified population IDEEA can help to evaluate: the common types of activities, speed of locomotion, and EE during work in an office, factory, or in the field, class time in school, leisure time at home, military training or expedition, or most indoor/outdoor activities. You can also assess the onset,

49、duration, frequency, intensity, and amount of PA/exercise during these activities; the contribution of each category of PA/exercise to the total amount of PA/exercise; and types and duration of sedentary activities and resting periods among free-living adults. Estimate long-term variations in physical activities (such as labor, work, and leisure), and energy requirement during these activities and their relations with body composition and weight regulation. IDEEA system can answer these questions: What is the amount of energy expenditure caused by physical activity/exer


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