KingsSpeech 国王的演讲 剧本台词.doc

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1、国王的演讲 The Kings Speech 在 1925 年 国王乔治五世统治着世界上超过 1/4 的人口 (1925) King George V reigns over a quarter of the worlds people. 他要求他的二儿子 约克公爵 He asks his second son, the Duke of York, 在伦敦温布利的英帝国博览会闭幕式上发表讲话 to give the closing speech at the Empire Exhibition in Wembley, London. 1 两分钟后会给您直播 殿下 Youre live in t

2、wo minutes. Your Royal Highness 2 公爵 Sir 3 谢谢 Thank you 4 相信麦克风自然会引导您讲话流畅 Let the microphone do the work, sir. 5 您肯定会有出色的表现 您慢慢来 I am sure you will be splendid. Just take your time. 6 时间到了 Time to go. 7 下午好 Good afternoon. 这里是英国广播公司帝国服务的国家频道 (BBC 前身) This is the BBC National Programme and Empire Ser

3、vices 从温布利运动场 为您直播帝国博览会闭幕式的盛况 taking you to Wembley Stadium for the Closing Ceremony of the Empire Exhibition. 约克公爵殿下 where His Royal Highness the Duke of York 将代表他的父亲致辞 will read a message from the his father, 也即国王乔治五世陛下 his Majesty, King George the fifth. 此次共有 58 个英属领地参加了盛会 58 British Colonies and

4、 Dominions have taken part, 这是迄今为止世界上最大规模的展会 making this the largest Exhibition staged anywhere in the world. 8 殿下 3 次灯闪之后 持续灯亮表示直播开始 Your Majesty, 3 flashes, and steady red means youre live. 9 利用最新发明的无线电技术 Using the new invention of radio 英属领地的人们第一次亲耳听到 The Opening Ceremony was the first time his M

5、ajesty the King 国王陛下的开幕致辞 addressed his subjects on the wireless. 博览会第一阶段的闭幕式上 At the close of the first Season 威尔士王子殿下曾经首次发表了广播讲话 The air to the throne His Royal Highness the Prince Wales made his first broadcast 今天 他的年轻弟弟 约克公爵殿下 And today, his younger brother his Royal Highness, the Duke of York 也

6、将要进行首次演讲 把声音传给大英帝国和全世界 will give his inaugural broadcast to the Nation and the World. 10 我奉 I have received 陛下的 from his Majesty 国国 thethethe 国王 .the King 地点:皮卡迪利大街 145 号 1934 年 伦敦 145 Piccadilly, London 1934 1 请把烟气深吸进肺 殿下 Inhale deep into your lungs, your Royal Highness. 这能放松您的喉部 Relaxes your laryn

7、x, does it not? 吸烟能缓解紧张情绪 给您信心 Cigarette smoking calms the nerves and gives you confidence. 有请殿下张开手掌 If Your Highness will be so kind as to open your hand. 已经杀菌了 Sterilized. - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -1,2,3,4,5,6,7 现在 我要冒昧的请您 Now.if I may take the liberty? 把它们放到嘴里 .insert them into your mouth. 2 打扰一下 医生 这样做的目

8、的是什么 Excuse me, Doctor. What is the purpose of this? 3 德摩斯蒂尼(古希腊的雄辩家)使用这样的方法治疗好了结巴 Its the classic approach that cured Demosthenes. 4 可那是在古希腊 之后还有过案例吗 That was in Ancient Greece. Has it worked since? 5 下面.请您大量阅读词句 Now if you would be so kind as to read. A wealth of words. 努力克服弹珠的阻力 殿下 Fight against

9、those marbles Your Royal Highness. 清楚吐字 Enunciate! 您还要再集中精力 A little more concentration your Royal Highness. 6 害我差点吞掉一个 I nearly swallowed the bloody things! 7 麻烦了 医生 Thank you so much, Doctor, 您的方法很有意思 its been most interesting. 8 殿下 Your Royal Highness 9 吞弹球 Insert marbles! 他怎么不自己试试 He can insert

10、his own bloody marbles! 10 静一静 静一静 Tick, tock, tick, tock. 伯蒂 你不能老是压不住火气 You cant keep doing this, Bertie. 11 我知道 你要保证 I know. Promise me 保证别再找医生了 Promise me: no more. 地点:哈雷大街 Harley Street L 罗格 语言矫正所 Dr. Chapman, L Logue, Speech Defects 澳大利亚欢迎您 悉尼大桥留念 1932 年 3 月 Australia is calling ; Sydney bridge

11、 celebrations mar 1932 1 你好 有人在吗 Hello. Is anyone there? 2 我正上厕所 Im just in the loo. 约翰逊夫人你好 过来了啊 Hello Mrs Johnson, there you are. 抱歉我这儿没接待员 我喜欢凡事从简 Sorry I dont have receptionist.I like to keep things simple “人能安贫就是富“ “Poor and content is rich and rich enough” 3 嗯 ? Sorry For? 4 出自莎士比亚 您好 Shakespe

12、are. How are you? 5 您好 How do you do 6 啊 就您一个人 Ahh, traveling alone 这么说可能有点别扭 Now, this is slightly awkward 7 不过您迟到了 But Im afraid youre late. 8 恐怕确实来晚了 Yes, Im afraid I am. 9 约翰逊先生没来 Wheres Mr Johnson? 11 我过来没告诉他 He doesnt know Im here. 12 这么开始治疗 前景不光明啊 Thats not a very promising start. 13 没错 我丈夫做过

13、的治疗都没效果 他已经放弃了 No. Look.My husband has seen everyone to no avail. Hes given up hope. 14 他还没找我呢 He hasnt seen me. 15 您这么信心十足 Youre awfully sure of yourself. 16 只要他想治好 Im sure of anyone who wants to be cured. 17 他当然愿意 Of course he wants to be cured. 公开讲话是我丈夫的职责之一 My husband is required to speak public

14、ly. 18 那他应该换个工作 Perhaps he should change jobs. 19 换不了啊 He cant. 20 契约缠身的苦差事? Indentured servitude? 21 差不多吧 Something of that nature.Yes 22 带你老公来我这儿转转吧 Well we need to have your hubby pop by. 23 星期二我有空 Tuesday would be good. 跟我说说详细情况 彻底了解一下病情 He can give me his personal details and Ill make a frank a

15、ppraisal. 然后再做决定 And then we can take it from there 24 对不起 大夫 Doctor, forgive me. 25 我丈夫不是普通的“老公” 也不随便“ 转转” I do not have a “hubby”. We dont pop. 我们也不会谈论个人隐私情况 And nor do we never talk about our private lives. 需要你去拜访我们才行 And You must come to us. 26 那抱歉了 夫人 我的地盘 我来做主 Sorry, Mrs J, my game, my turf, m

16、y rules. 你必须说服你丈夫过来 Youll have to talk over with your husband 然后和我电话预约一下 And then you can speak to me on the telephone 麻烦你了 Thank you very much for dropping by. 祝下午愉快 Good afternoon 27 要是我丈夫是约克公爵呢? And what if my husband were the Duke of York? 28 约克公爵? The Duke of York? 是的 约克公爵 Yes the Duke of York.

17、 29 我记得是“约翰逊” 预约的 I thought the appointment was for “Johnson”? - 恕我不敬,尊敬的 - Forgive me, your Royal.?. 31 - 叫殿下就好 - Highness. 32 殿下 Your Royal Highness. 33 这是一战时候用的化名 Johnson was used during the Great War 海军不想让敌人知道公爵身在国外 when the Navy didnt want the enemy to know he was aboard. 34 看来我也算敌人喽? Am I cons

18、idered the enemy? 35 要是你还这么不近人情的话 You will be if you remain un-obliging. 你对此保密十分重要 Youll appreciate the need for absolutely discretion 36 当然 Of course. 37 您是怎么找到我的?殿下? How did you find me? Your Royal Highness 38 语言矫正学会主席的推荐 The President of the Society for Speech Therapists 39 艾琳麦康德?她这家伙 Eileen McCl

19、eod? Shes a sport. 40 她警告我说,你的澳洲方法是 She warned me your antipodean methods were “旁门左道,很有争议” “unorthodox and controversial”. 我警告她说,这两个词我可不爱听 I warned her.they were not my favorite words. 41 我能治好您的丈夫 I can cure your husband. 不过,为了治疗有效 But for my method to work 我需要在治疗室这里工作,得到真正的信任和平等对待 I need trust and

20、total equality here in the safety of my consultation room. 不能有例外 No exceptions. 43 如果非要那样的话 Well then, in that case. 公爵夫人开始回走,此时驻足回首看向罗格。 你能什么时候开始? When can you start? 插条广告:保维尔的营养让你抵抗流感 BOVRIL NOURISHES YOU TO RESIST FLU 123 车的声音还是有点不对 Still sounds a bit rough. 124 是你让我开得太慢了,爸爸! You make me drive to

21、o slowly, Dad! 125 去伦敦桥接你妈了? Did you pick mum up from Bridge? 126 是啊,我这一天就没下过车 Yes, Ive hardly been out of the car all day. 127 下午我有稀客来访 I had a special visitor this afternoon. 128 我能离开座位了吗 May I be please leave the table? 129 有多特别? How special is special? 130 你得一直坐这里傻呆着,听大人唠叨完 You must stay, bored

22、stupid,listening to your parents inane conversation. 131 呵呵,多谢啦 Thanks, dad! 132 - 打声招呼 - 妈妈我吃完了 - And mum. - And mum! 133 - 我也吃完了 - 去找珍妮? - Me too - Youre meeting Jean? 134 不是她,另一个 No, someone else 135 小医生?你不该帮你兄弟刷碗去? Doctor? Doctor? Dont you help you brother with the washing up 136 不麻烦了 Im fine 13

23、7 莱诺,到底是谁啊? Who is it Lionel? 138 要是不好说,就别提呗 Why bring it up if you cant talk about it? 139 就是一个想要帮助他老公的女人罢了 Myrtle, just a woman looking to help her husband. 140 另外,我接到了试镜的通知喽 And I had a call. For an audition 141 - 我最喜欢的角色 - 就没你不喜欢的 - One of my favourates.- Arent they all. 142 - 估计会很有意思 - 你肯定会有精彩表

24、演的 - Could be a lot of fun Im sure youll be splendid 143 在业余表演圈子里,他们名望很高 In the amateur scene, theyre a highly regarded group 144 从帕特尼过来的 From Putney. 145 就这样,明天继续第 4 章-飞行旅程 Thats all girls.Tomorrow, Chapter 4,The Flight 146 - 我真想知道他们飞哪儿去了 - 等不及啊 - I long to know they fly to - I cant wait 147 飞走了! O

25、h, to fly away! 148 多好啊 Werent they lucky! 149 爸爸也给讲个故事! Now Papa tell a story! 150 我还是装企鹅陪你们玩吧? Could I be a penguin instead? 151 我要听企鹅的故事 Now I want to a penguin story. 152 来个短的 Very quickly 153 从前有两个公主 Once there were two princesses 154 伊丽莎白和玛格丽特公主 Princesses Elisabeth, and Princesses Margret 155

26、 她们爸爸是个企鹅 Their papa was a penguin 156 因为一个邪恶的女巫诅咒了他 This was because he been turned into by a wicked witch 157 这对他来说可不算方便 This was inconvenient for him because he loved 158 因为他想要抱着小公主们 to hold his princesses in his arms 159 可企鹅抱不了 and you cant do that if youre a penguin, 160 因为他的翅膀就像鲱鱼一样 because yo

27、u have wings like herrings. 161 鲱鱼没翅膀啊 Herrings dont have wings. 162 是他的翅膀形状像鲱鱼 Penguins have wings which like the shape of herrings. 163 更糟的是,女巫把他流放到了南极 And what make matters worse she sent him to the South Pole 164 要是不能飞的话,回来可是老远的路 which is an awfully long walk back if you cant fly. 165 不过当他跳进水里 W

28、hen he reached the water 166 00:14:49,780 00:14:52,850 潜进去,发现在水里能游的飞快 He dived in, through the depth so fast 167 午饭的时间就游到了南安普顿 that he was in Southampton Waters by lunchtime. 168 先到惠桥那里,又在克拉彭改了方向 From there he took the 2.30 to Weybridge, changed at Clapham Junction 169 还向野鸭打听了回白金汉宫的路线 and asked a pa

29、ssing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace. 170 游过了泰晤士河,从出水口跳了出来 He swam up the Thames and out through the plughole, 171 把正做饭的妈妈和惠特克夫人吓了一跳 giving the cook mama and Mrs Whittaker quite a shock. 172 女孩们听到吵闹声 When the girls heard all the commotion 173 就跑到了厨房,她们给他 They run to the kitchen where they gave

30、 him 174 擦干净,喂吃的,还吻了他 a good scrub, a mackerel and a kiss. 175 你们知道吻他的时候,他变成什么了? And as they kissed him guess what he turned into? 176 一个英俊的王子! A handsome prince! 177 一个短尾巴的信天翁 A short-tailed Albatross. 178 不过翅膀大到可以把女儿们好好的抱住 With wings big enough that he could wrap them both around his two girls tog

31、ether 179 好了,去睡觉吧 Now girls, time for bed. Come on 180 把小马牵到马厩里 Take the horses to the stable 181 一分钟后弄好啊 You have exactly a minute 182 晚安 Good night 183 喂草清理后就去睡觉 feed them brush them and to bed. 184 辛普森太太也在吗? Will Mrs Simpson be there? 185 我哥哥坚持让她来 My brothers insisting. 186 他是认真的? Is he serious?

32、187 是说请我们吃饭? About our coming to dinner? 188 不。我是问对她的感情 No. About her! 189 一个结婚的女人?不太可能 A married woman? He cant be. 190 她倒有可能。对了,我找到个有意思的人选 She can. By the way I think I found someone rather interesting. 191 在哈雷大街,一个大夫 On Harley Street. A doctor. 192 这绝对不行。我不再和你讨论这事儿了 Out of the question. Im not ha

33、ving this conversation again. 193 肯定没戏 The matters settled. 194 他的治疗方法很特别 His approach seems rather different 195 开始? Now? 196 开始! Now! 197 “现在我们严冬般的宿怨” (莎士比亚戏剧理查三世第一场) “Now is the winter of our discontent 198 给这颗约克的红日照耀成为夏景 (莎士比亚戏剧理查三世第一场) Made glorious summer by this sun of York.” 199 那笼罩我们王室的愁云 “

34、And all the clouds that lourd upon our house 200 都埋进了海洋深处。 (理查此番演说表达了嫉妒篡位的野心) In the deep bosom of the ocean buried. 201 现在我们额前已经戴上了胜利的花环 Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths; 202 谢谢 Thank you. 203 试演的不错,您是 Lovely diction, Mr. 204 罗格,莱诺罗格 Logue. Lionel Logue. 205 好吧,罗格先生 Well, Mr Logue, 2

35、06 我没感受到想当皇帝到心里扭曲的灵魂呐喊 Im not hearing the cries of a deformed creature yearning to be King. 207 也没感受到理查三世的领袖风范 Nor did I realize Richard the Third was King of the Colonies. 208 台词我都会背 I do know all the lines. 209 我以前演过的 Ive played the role before. 210 - 在悉尼? - 佩斯市(澳大利亚城市) - Sydney? - Perth. 211 - 喜欢

36、戏剧的小镇,是吧? - 大家都很热情 - Major theater town, is it? - Enthusiastic. 212 - 哦 - 我很受好评的 - Ah. - I was well reviewed. 213 那个莱诺 Yes.well.Lionel, 214 我想对于我们剧团来说,您的 I think our dramatic society is looking for 215 年龄大了点 someone slightly younger 216 也缺点儿王者风范 and a little more regal. 217 要把最外面的先关上 You have to shu

37、t that one first. 218 关了第一扇门才行 Close that one first, that 219 你怎么找到这个医师的? Where did you find this.physician? 220 来源保密,线人在谢德集市的法国造型小店旁边 Classifieds, next to “French model, Shepherds Market”. 221 这人强力推荐他 He comes highly recommended. 222 收费不少,用来帮助穷人 Charges substantial fees in order to help the poor. 2

38、23 哎呀,难不成是个共党分子? Oh dear, perhaps hes a Bolshevik?! 224 他没接待员,说是凡事从简 He has no receptionist. He likes to keep things simple. 225 约翰逊一家来了 The Johnsons. 226 你能进去了,约翰逊先生 You can go in now, “Mr. Johnson”. 227 莱诺说,您可以在这里等着,夫人 Lionel says.wait here if you wish, Mrs Johnson. 228 天气这这么好,也可以 Or, it being a p

39、-pleasant day, 229 出出去散步 p-perhaps take a stroll. 230 这样行么,莱诺? Was that alright.Lionel? 231 非常好,威利! Marvellous, Willy 232 你可以在这儿等你妈妈 You can stay here and wait for your mum. 233 约翰逊夫人。先生,请进 Mrs Johnson. Mr.Johnson, do come in. 234 想要吃糖吗? Would you like a sweetie 235 威利这小伙不错 Hes a good lad, Willy. 23

40、6 刚开始过来时 He could hardly make a sound, you know, 237 他都发不出声来 when he first came to me. 238 我儿子们做的,还不错吧? My boys made those. Good, arent they. 239 请随便坐 Please, make yourself comfortable. 240 我听说不能坐的太近 I was told not not to sit too close. 241 还有说话的时候,要让王子先选择话题 when speaking with a prince, one waits fo

41、r the prince to choose the topic. 242 等着我才才开始 Waiting for me to commence a conversation 243 那可要等上很久 one can wait a rather long wait. 244 那么就讲些笑话? Do you know any jokes? 245 把握节奏我可不擅长 Timing isnt my strong suit. 246 来杯茶? Cuppa tea? 247 不了,谢谢 No thank you. 248 我来一杯吧 I think Ill have one. 249 罗格医生,你不该开

42、始治疗了吗? Arent you going to start treating me Dr Logue? 250 你真正愿意配合了,我才开始 Only if youre interested in being treated. 251 叫我莱诺就好 Please, call me Lionel. 252 我还是称呼你医生吧 I I prefer Doctor. 253 我喜欢莱诺这名儿。怎么称呼您? I prefer Lionel. Whatll I call you? 254 尊贵的殿下,然后说公爵 Your Royal Highness, then Sir after that. 255

43、 太正式了点,还是叫名字吧 A bit formal for here. I prefer names 256 阿尔伯特福德里克亚瑟 乔治王子? Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George? 257 叫伯蒂好么? How about Bertie? 258 我家人才能这么说 Only my family uses that. 259 那正好了,在这儿,我们最好是平等关系 Perfect. In here, its better if were equals. 260 和你一样的话,我就不会来了 If we were equal I wouldnt be here

44、. 261 我陪陪家人就行,没人管我结巴的事儿 Id be at home with my wife and no-one would give a damn. 262 请别这样 Please dont do that. 263 怎么? Im sorry? 264 这样吸烟就是自己找死 I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you. 265 我的医生说烟能放松喉部 My physicians say it relaxes the throat. 266 一群笨蛋 Theyre idiots. 267 他们可是受过爵位的医生 They

45、ve all been knighted. 268 那就是官方的笨蛋了 Makes it official then. 269 我的城堡,我来做主 My castle, my rules. 270 麻烦了 Thank you 271 你最早的回忆是什么? What was your earliest memory? 272 什么乱七八糟的 What an earth do you mean? 273 你最先记起的事儿 Your first recollection. 274 我不是来 Im not 275 来讨论个人隐私的 here to discuss personal matters. 2

46、76 那您干什么来了? Whyre you here then? 277 因为我非常的结巴! Because I bloody well stammer! 278 脾气很烈嘛 You have a bit of a temper. 279 我的缺点之一 One of my many faults. 280 什么时候开始结巴的? When did the defect start? 281 我从小就这样! Ive always been this way! 282 我很怀疑 I doubt that. 283 别别和我争!是我结巴! Dont tell me! Its my stammer! 2

47、84 我研究这领域,我保证 Its my field. I assure you, 285 没有小孩生下来就是结巴的 no infant starts to speak with a stammer. 286 什么时候开始的? When did it start? 287 四五岁吧 Four or five. 288 这很典型 Thats typical. 289 其他人也这么说 So Ive been told. 290 我印象里就没有不结巴的时候 I cant remember not doing it. 291 这我相信。想事儿的时候会结巴吗? I can believe that. D

48、o you hesitate when you think? 292 别开玩笑了 Dont be ridiculous. 293 自言自语的时候呢? How about when you talk to yourself? 294 每个人都有嘟囔的时候,伯蒂 Everyone natters occasionally, Bertie. 295 别这么叫我! Stop calling me that! 296 我不会叫你其他名字了 Im not going to call you anything else. 297 那咱们谈话结束 Then we shant speak! 298 大夫,咨询也

49、要收钱的吧? Are you charging for this, Doctor? 299 一大笔呢 A fortune. 300 茶待会喝 Ill just save that brew 301 那你自言自语的时候,结巴吗? So, when you talk to yourself, do you stammer? 302 当然不会! Of course not! 303 这说明你的缺陷不是不可改变的 That proves your impediment isnt a permanent part of you. 304 你觉得病因是什么? What do you think was the cause? 305 我怎么知道!我我也不关心! I dont know! I dont care! 306 我结巴,没人能治得好 I stammer. And no one can fix it. 307 我打赌,你在这儿就能流畅的阅读 Ill bet you, you can read


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