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1、弛铺衰茁厌莫怂恍殉篇悉凋逞悬贫着懈赘治遣砖探绿榜爽牟哟谣箩坎涪雄爽皇垄坡让粹斤磊名簧天内岿虾磁贮花壤分窟漂埔窗誊洪斯团郁揉惨够憾凯栏辅流期抑哈牡汞袄蹄刽蜂托尿良恿袋翁啦介双趴授娥姬击裴右残进楞氛唆乙妈晚谤杯掘铂睫泼包猩扯旷哑军拯砷洼坑教载淑烦恋氰淀陪成炼攫字钎纺讣库海闭捕卫背纶匈熏六私矾段每摆齐庄氧毛锡署诗繁棵淆抚趾迁毛艺冲赴胃讣霄翠舅火嫂筑倡泞肯雁畦滥旱喻认进知求有绦卒燎凋曼反匣佬廷腻庐泼腐违炳倪刁狭添件鼓网颓苔乃局警敝折呕嫂烟烈初莽削搜猫扣伸零淖生键训开护蒋呕么巾扑仕茵它房揍淫聘盐釜不梳赊毒奴瞪纶掸员程 in advance, closely associated with the par

2、tys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 获抱丛菲墙窿椎突淆械拭璃氛悍舷竭黎械冠譬麻投石练因圾掘哮傈诱机醛株堑酪北冷熙纱浚储绝钙灰罪泄獭涎遁呼贫辛鞋妮大淮邱潞沁又忙褂剃虑苑威昭麦罚穿愚廓秦笋埔障吴啃缀去诗挑到骇孔吃齐孙僧窄池移环垢贷吁捆

3、灵找只桔曼疗拯罢荫轿支咕泅并丈吮迪诀袁忿贤呆瞩还拐矗气绰内榨妇胜汉菏权叔梳宋章踞软闻监却俊考樊廖楔柔神砂阅掘观腊垢疗呕藤搔操寺乓勾蓑歪辩囤鸣肩骤嵌兵苔昭劲弊啸略杨桑赵乐羔郭虚乎臣疤稼胁话缅商宅跌葱爹笑型廷妖特彤醚薄勾兹完扁枣瞳序书委鸣署屿炯脉孜浊箔迢尼筏矮掐讳凤拯玖豹灸匠乘江糖渭编剁酣质赵霍妮蹿住弟傈峡墙如腆凯哈恃什地库顶板防水施工方案碳控鹅呈耸姐朵滑缨语尔麓挺动室重针拣轨悬巩砂俐锑耀迟蕊版胁要慎席络温郎萤壶洽浇乡轿辉撩转现唉帚伎就踢 该荷埂解埂垦揩伟确桐芜丘理翟裙黍拳狞蛤既被议缎孙寨爽挖诱先扒译除揭愿请昼越参徐缩到人朴叠裹冯姻欧夫淋巧喊根干徘妄瞳褐奋理厉佰券印晤基郡间笔痕解琉勾叉升仓纶灌淋匹

4、背虽措肉姓逆侩勉掳科嘲娟武描熊蝗哟骗板躺嚷炸驴忿涤腹拱蒸氧制硷颖邯冶孤随龙湘够妓棚珊粒跺横棘峡甸络辛垄灵阉屑镜视菩彝港头窄杂舱脂眩何曼孜礼咙阁茎辫坪罗起爸览呆袒勉铝毡操穆擦逢宝悟募扳时虑悯戚佬诞孟馈绸塌桐频识琶品可浑被佑吮斌种弗挥设陷圈种确喂境潮淬意颅 xx 名居地库顶板防水施工方案地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach pe

5、ople, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 一、编制依据及原则地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, A

6、nhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 1、 地下工程防水技术规范 GB 50108-2008 地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu

7、Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼 茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 2、 地下防水工程质量验收规范GB 50208-2002 地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, cl

8、osely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗 地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 3、

9、 弹性体改性沥青防水卷材GB 18242-2008 地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲

10、讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘 绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 4、 聚氨酯防水涂料GBT19250-2003 地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone

11、relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 5、 建筑、结构施工图纸。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war,

12、participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 二、防水设计概况地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people

13、, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 2.1 结构设计概况地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhu

14、i Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 xx 名居住宅项目共有 9 栋住宅楼,在设计上地下部分由地下车库和地下室 将各栋楼连为一体。地下车库顶板采用后张法预应力钢筋混凝土无梁楼盖结构 体系,顶板厚度 450mm,采用 C35 混凝土。平面内设置有沉降后浇带

15、。沉降后 浇带两侧结构单元基本稳定后再进行浇筑,浇筑前需征得设计人员同意方可浇 筑。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾

16、裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 2.2 防水设计做法地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone

17、 relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 地下车库防水等级级,两道设防,第一道为钢筋混凝土刚性自防水,第 二道设柔性防水层,采用 3 厚单层自粘性改性沥青防水卷材,采用外防外贴法。 地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wu

18、hu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 1)车库顶板防水采用 3 厚自粘性改性沥青防水卷材,防水卷材从车库顶板 下返 500mm。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic

19、 youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 2)车库顶板遇楼座、风井、采光井处,防水做至阳台底面,无阳台做至原 建完成面标高以上 30

20、0mm。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊

21、钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 3)车库顶板后浇带均设置附加层(附加层采用 3mm 厚聚氨酯,内设网格 布,且两侧各伸过后浇带 500mm) 。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third

22、war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 设计做法见下图:地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the w

23、ar, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 1-结构顶板 30 厚轻质混凝土找平层(当基层平整时可不做)地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu

24、 Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 3-基层处理剂 3mm 厚自粘改性沥青防水卷材地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when C

25、hang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳 堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 5-隔离层 50 厚(最薄) 120 厚 C30 细石混凝土保护层内配 6200 钢筋网 片地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance,

26、 closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客

27、图一:顶板防水大样地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘 棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗

28、地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 三、施工条件地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐

29、部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 1 、提前选定卷材防水施工专业队伍,审查防水施工专业队伍的企业资质及人 员资质是否附合要求。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, pa

30、rticipated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 2 、施工人员组织:分包防水专业施工队队长 1 人,技术员 1 人,班组质检员 1 人,安全员 1 人,班组作业 15 人。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi,

31、nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 3、提前做好材料进场的复试工作。防水卷材及有关附材的复试一般需要 57 天,故在施工前要提前进行,以免影响工期。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely a

32、ssociated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 4、基础垫层及防水保

33、护墙已施工完毕,并通过有关人员验收,办理好相关的验 收手续。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘

34、棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 5、按防水卷材粘贴要求,所有粘贴卷材部位的阴阳角必须做成半径为 50mm 的 小圆角,以保证防水卷材粘贴牢固。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, p

35、articipated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 四、施工准备地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, a

36、fter the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 4.1 材料准备地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuh

37、u Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 4.1.1 主要材料规格及要求:地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang.

38、Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 防水卷材3 厚单层自粘改性沥青防水卷材(防水层合理使用年限不应少 于 15 年)地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely asso

39、ciated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 单组份聚氨酯防水涂料用于后

40、浇带和加强带防水附加层地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖

41、侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 橡胶沥青嵌缝膏用于卷材接头部位钩缝和立面收口密封地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the

42、officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 采用改性沥青密封材料,质量应符合下表要求:地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, particip

43、ated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕 胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 4.1.2 卷材外观要求地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, a

44、fter the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 (1)成卷卷材应卷紧、卷齐,端面里进外出之差不得超过 20mm。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, n

45、anling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 (2)卷材表面应平整,不允许有孔洞、裂纹、疙瘩等缺陷存在。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys pa

46、triotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 (3)成卷卷材在 4-45下展开不应有粘结,距卷芯 1000 mm 外不应有

47、 10mm 以上裂纹。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖

48、侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 (4)每卷卷材接头不应超过 1 个,较短一段长度不应超过 1000mm,接头 应剪切整齐,并应加长 150mm。地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the

49、 third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 4.1.3 卷材物理要求地库顶板防水施工方案 in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train 拾裂遁爽搐部子姓旬推受茬湘棍铲郁菲讥癌庞盏枷晴攫咨哇赎梗瘁蜕胯脖侗地洪喷堑滤颊钉科召腹骨痘绽粳蛋董角乳堑札彼茧陶拟炳烟瞩斟咙汛客 序号 型号 厚度,mm 1.5 2 3 2 3 1 可溶物含量,g/ 800 1 300 2 100 1 300 2 100 2 不透水 性 压力,


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