静止设备安装方案 static equipment installation procedure.doc

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1、SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 0 目录 1 编制依据 .1 2 工程概况 .2 3 施工技术方案 4 4 施工准备 .5 5 设备安装 .7 6 设备的二次灌浆 9 7 附属构件、附件与内件的安装 9 9 大型设备吊装人员组织体系图 11 10 安全技术措施 .11 11 施工工机具一览表 12 12. 施工措施用料计划 .13 13 施工所需劳动力一览表 14 SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 1 1 编制依据 reference 1.1 设备安装图纸(中国天辰工程有限公司提供的施工图纸)drawings of equipment instal

2、lation( provided by TCC) 1.2 机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范(GB50231-2009)Construction and general acceptance specification for mechanism equipment installation 1.3 中低压化工设备施工及验收规范(HGJ209-1983)construction and acceptance specification for medium or low pressure chemical equipment 1.4 化工塔类设备施工及验收规范(HGJ211-1985 )con

3、struction and acceptance specification for chemical tower equipment 1.5 石油化工换热设备施工及验收规范(SH3532-2005)construction and acceptance specification for petrochemical exchangers 1.6 现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范(GB50683-2011)welding construction and acceptance specification for field equipment and industrial pipe 1

4、.7 施工现场临时用电安全技术规范(JGJ46 2005)security specification of temporary utilization of electric power on construction site SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 2 2 工程概况 project overview 2.1 Project name:Tuz Gl Underground Natural Gas Storage Project 2.2 工程参建相关单位:Relevant units jointing into the project 建设单位: Develo

5、pment organization 设计单位 design unit:中国天辰工程有限公司 TCC 施工单位 construction unit:中国化学工程第六建设有限公司 SCC CNCEC 3 施工技术方案 technical scheme of construction 3.1 施工方法 construction methods 设备一般采用吊车就位,对于安装位置不宜用吊车的设备,采用卷扬机或倒链就位, 安装顺序应结合钢结构的施工程序进行。Crane is generally used to position equipment. Windlass or chain fall sha

6、ll be adopted in position that crane is not suitable. Installing sequence shall comply with construction procedure of steel structure. 3.2 安装在混凝土基础上的设备安装程序:Installation procedure of equipment on concrete foundation 方案编制 project programming 工机具准备 instrument preparation 设备操作平台,支架,附件安装 installation of

7、operating stage, bearer and accessory of equipment 图纸会审 joint checkup on drawings 基础验收 foundation acceptance 设备验收 equipment acceptance 设备就位及找正,找平 equipment positioning, leveling and alignment 地脚螺栓孔灌浆 grouting of anchor bolt holes 二次灌浆 secondary grouting 二次找正 secondary alignment 设备基础处理 treatment for

8、equipment foundation SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 3 4 施工准备 preparation for construction 4.1 施工技术准备 preparation for construction technology 4.1.1 参加由建设单位组织的四方(设计单位,建设单位,监理单位,施工单位)图 纸会审,并做好记录。Contractor shall take part in the joint checkup conducted by development organization, joined by design unit, s

9、upervision unit and construction unit and keep proper record. 4.1.2 编制并报审施工方案,施工前对施工人员进行详细的技术交底。Construction scheme shall be compiled and reported to the authority. Construction personnel shall subject to technical clarification before construction. 4.1.3 组织施工人员认真熟悉图纸,施工方案,技术资料和安全技术措施。 Construction

10、personnel shall be organized to acquaint drawings, construction scheme, technical document and security technique measures. 4.2 施工现场准备 preparation of construction site 4.2.1 施工现场应符合施工技术方案的要求,施工现场应平整,基础周围不得积水,供 电、供水系统的布置,应符合安全技术规程的规定。Construction site shall be in accordance to technical scheme of con

11、struction. The site shall be leveled. There is no hydrop surrounding the fundament. The disposal of electric and water system shall comply with security technique specification. 4.2.2 工装设施准备 tooling facilities preparation 施工应配备下列工装设施,并应满足施工工艺的要求。The following tooling 内件安装 installation of internal pa

12、rts 检查封闭 inspection and sealing 交工验收 submission and acceptance SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 4 facilities shall be provided for construction, complying with construction process. -吊装施工机具和脚手架、梯子;Lifting implement, scaffold and ladder -工装卡具、胎具及临时支架;Fixtures, clamping and temporary bearer -焊接防护设施;welding

13、 protective facilities -检测工具。Test tool 4.2.5 基础验收。Fundamental acceptance 1、 基础施工单位应提供基础测量记录及其它施工技术资料;基础上应明显的画 出标高基准、纵横中心线,相应的建筑物上的应标有坐标轴线;设计要求作沉 降观测的设备基础应有沉降观测水准点。设备基础外管尺寸允许偏差见附表3 Civil construction unit shall offer measure record of fundation and other construction technique documents. The foundati

14、on shall be clearly marked with elevation datum line and longitudinal and latitudinal center lines. The allowable deviation for outer pipe size of equipment foundation please see table 3. 附表3 设备基础的允许偏差 allowable deviation for equipment foundation dimension 项次 itme 偏差名称 description 允许偏差值(毫米) allowabl

15、e deviation (mm) 1 基础坐标位置(纵、横轴线) Foundation coordinate position (longitudinal and latitudinal axial line) 20 2 基础各不同片面的标高Elevation of different locations of foundation 0 20 3 基础上平面外形尺寸 plane dimension on fundation 凸台上平面外形尺寸 convax dimension 凹穴尺寸 concave dimension 20 20 +20 4 基础上平面的不水平度(包括地坪上需 安设备的部分

16、)unlevelness of plane on foundation (including the section requiring to install equipment) 5 10 SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 5 每米per meter 全长 total length 5 竖向偏差:vertical deviation 每米 per meter 全高 total height 5 20 6 预埋地脚螺栓:embedded anchor bolt 标高(顶端)elevation(top) 中心距(在根部和顶部两处测量) center distance (me

17、asured on both root and top) +20 0 2 7 预留地脚螺栓孔:preformed hole for anchor bolt 中心位置 center 深度 depth 孔壁铅垂度 verticality of hole wall 10 +20 0 10 8 预埋活动地脚螺栓锚板 embedded movable anchor plate 标高 elevation 中心位置 center 不水平度(带槽的锚板)unlevelness (for anchor plate with groove) 不水平度 (带螺栓孔的锚板) unlevelness (for anch

18、or plate with bolt hole) +20 0 5 5 2 4.2.3 垫铁准备 shim is ready. 垫铁加工:根据设备的规格、垫铁承受力的形式进行加工。Shim machining: machine the shim according to the specification of equipment and the form of shim tolerance. 垫铁规格可参照中低压化工设备施工及验收规范由下式计算出所需面积后, 参照HGJ209-83中附表选用 shim square can be calculated by fo

19、llowing formula, referring to construction and acceptance specification for medium or low pressure chemical equipment. Then the specification shall be chosen as per attached table of HGJ209-83. AC100(G1+G2)/nR毫米 2 A一组垫铁的面积毫米 2、 C系数,C=2.3 SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 6 A-square of a shim unit mm Ccoef

20、ficient C=2.3 G1设备附件及物料等的重量,公斤力; G1weight of accessory, materiel and etc. kgf G2全部地角螺栓紧固后,作用在垫铁上的总压力,公斤力。 G2total pressure on shim with all anchor bolts being fastened 4.2.4 现场设备材料验收 acceptance of equipment and material on site 进入现场的成品、半成品必须具备下述出厂技术文件。装箱单、压力容器产品安 全质量监督检验证书、产品合格证、容器说明书、质量证明书、其它有关产品技

21、术更改的技术说明。The following ex-factory technical documents of finished product and semi-finished product on field must be available: packing list, safety and quality supervision certificate for pressure vessel, product qualification certificate, vessel instruction, certificate of quality and other techni

22、cal illumination involved to the modification of product technology. 4.2.5 设备验收完毕后,按指定地点运输到位,设备在运输途中必须有保护措施。 After acceptance, equipment shall be shipped to the stated point. Protection shall be provided for the equipment during transportation. 4.2.6 设备在安装前办理设备出库、报验手续,设备随机证明文件齐全,备齐相应的施 工记录表格。Output

23、and inspection record for equipment shall be made before installation. Certificates associated with equipment shall be complete. Corresponding forms for recording construction shall be prepared well. 4.2.7 设备吊装时,应注意当时的气候变化,遇有五级大风时,不得进吊装作业。 Before equipment lifting, attention shall be paid to the wea

24、ther. Lifting work shall be prohibited in weather condition with wind force five or more. 5 设备安装 equipment installation SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 7 5.1 砼基础上的设备安装 (基础为预留螺栓孔) installation of equipment on concrete foundation (the foundation is preformed bolt hole) 5.1.1 基础上的标高基准线加设垫铁,垫铁上表面 即为设备底座标高;P

25、lace shims on the elevation datum line of foundation. The height of upper surface of shim is the elevation of equipment plate. 5.1.2 地脚螺栓放在螺栓孔内,吊装设备就位,使其中心线与基础中心线重合。Place the anchor bolt on bolt hole, position the lifting equipment with its centerline coinciding with the foundation centerline. 5.1.3

26、 用水冲净孔内四壁上的尘土,清除孔内杂物、泥水和积水;Wash the hole wall with water, clear away the sundries, soil and hydrops in the hole. 5.1.4 按设计给定的材料及配比配制混凝土,其标号应比基础混凝土标号高一级别; Confect the concrete as per given material and mixture ratio in design. Its grade shall be one class higher than that of foundation concrete. 5.1.

27、5 灌浆必须按地脚螺栓孔对称顺序连续进行,中途不得间歇;grouting must be continuously performed without pause in symmetric order of bolt holes. 5.1.6 浇灌时,必须边浇灌边对称捣实,排除混凝土内的气体,使混凝土浆饱满,并注 意观察,不得使地脚螺栓歪斜或使设备移位;Concrete shall be symmetrically vibrated and compacted to eliminate the gas in it. The cement shall be filled to every cor

28、ner. It shall be assured that the anchor bolts will not tilt and equipment will not shift. 5.1.7 混凝土达到设计强度后 ,加设正式垫铁,对设备进行精确找正、找平; When the concrete reaches the specified strength, formal shims shall be placed. Precise leveling and alignment work for equipment shall be carried out. 找正用垫铁,螺栓两侧各加一组及立筋下

29、垫一组,相邻两垫铁组的间距,视 设备底座的刚性程度确定,一般应为500毫米左右;Shims shall be used to align. A pair of shims shall be placed at both sides of bolts as well as under the stud. The distance between two adjacent shim units shall be set according to rigidity of equipment plate, in SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 8 general about 5

30、00mm. 垫铁组中应使用成对的斜垫铁,两垫铁的斜面要相向使用,搭接长度应小于 全长的3/4,偏斜角度应不超过3度,斜垫铁下面应有平垫铁;The wedges shall be used in pair. The overlapping length shall be less than 3/4 of the total length and the inclination angle shall not exceed 3and plain plates shall be placed under the wedge. 每一组垫铁应放置整齐平稳,接触良好;垫铁表面的油污等应清除干净; Each

31、 pair of shim plates shall be placed stably in order and in good contact. The plate surface shall be clean up and free of oil, etc. 垫铁组高度宜为30 mm70 mm,每组垫铁块数不宜超过四块;The height of plate units shall be 30mm70mm. The quantity of each plate unit shall not exceed 4 layers. 设备调整后,垫铁应露出设备支座底板外缘1020毫米;垫铁组伸入长度

32、应 超过地脚螺栓,且应保证设备支座受力均衡;After the equipment is adjusted, the shim plates sets shall be 1020mm exposed out of the equipment baseplate. The insertion length of each shim plate shall exceed the position of anchor bolts. And the equipment baseplate shall be ensured to bear even force. 5.1.8 设备的安装标高以基础上的标高

33、基准线为基准,其允差为5mm,对有安装斜度 要求的卧式设备应按设计图样要求进行施工。The installation elevation of equipment shall base on the elevation datum line of the foundation. And the allowable deviation is 5mm. The horizontal equipment requiring installing inclination shall be installed according to the specified drawings. 5.1.9 立式设备

34、的垂直度允差为H/1000而且不超过25,H为两测点间距。The allowable verticality deviation of vertical equipment shall be H/1000 and not exceed 25, H is the distance between two measured SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 9 points. 5.1.10 卧式设备的找平使用“U”型塑料管测量筒体四个中心点,以一个中心点为水 平基准,分别测量其余3点的相对水平度,并通过垫铁调整水平度偏差。其轴 向水平度偏差不超过L/1000,径向水平度偏差不

35、超过2D/1000(L轴向两测点 间距,mm;D筒体外径,mm);horizontal equipment shall be leveled with a U type plastic tube: 5.1.11 设备找正找平后,拧紧地脚螺栓,浇二次灌浆。 After leveling and alignment of equipment, the anchor bolts shall be fastened then secondary grouted. 5.2 砼基础预埋螺栓设备安装。Installation of equipment of embedded anchor bolts in

36、concrete foundation 5.2.1 预埋螺栓连接的设备,找正、找平同上。 The leveling and alignment work of equipment connected with embedded anchor bolts shall be conducted as above. 5.2.2 设备的安装标高以基础上的标高基准线为基准,其允差为5mm,对有安装斜度 要求的卧式设备应按设计图样要求进行施工。The installation elevation of equipment shall base on the elevation datum line of

37、the foundation. And the allowable deviation is 5mm. The horizontal equipment requiring installing inclination shall be installed according to the specified drawings. 5.2.3 立式设备的垂直度允差为H/1000而且不超过25,H为两测点间距。The allowable verticality deviation of vertical equipment shall be H/1000 and not exceed 25, H

38、is the distance between two measured points. 5.2.4 设备找正找平后,拧紧地脚螺栓,浇二次灌浆。 After leveling and alignment of equipment, the anchor bolts shall be fastened then secondary grouted. 5.3 带滑动端的砼基础卧式设备安装 installation of horizontal equipment SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 10 with sliding end on concrete foundatio

39、n. 5.3.1 对有滑动要求的设备基础,首先参照设备图和工艺设备布置图找准滑动端; For equipment foundation requiring gliding, sliding end position shall be found out according to the equipment drawings and layout of equipment. 5.3.2 滑板厚1520mm,其长度比设备支座底板长度每边长10mm,宽度每边长 20mm。The thickness of slide plates is 1520mm. It shall be 10mm longer

40、and 20mm wider than bearing plate of equipment. 5.3.3 根据设备支座长圆孔确定滑动板的开孔位置,且滑动板上的开孔对应设备支座 长圆孔中心偏向滑动方向。The holes on the slide plate shall be opened according to the long-round hole on equipment bearer. 5.3.4 将滑动板套在地脚螺栓上,找准设备基础面标高后,与地脚螺栓焊接固定,顶 部要磨平,并且在滑动端和设备底座之间涂抹黄油,然后将地脚螺栓埋入设备 基础中预留孔内,再次找准滑动板的基础标高,二次灌

41、浆抹面固定,滑动端的 螺栓应松23个丝扣,使设备达到滑动要求。 5.3.5 设备找平及找正要求同上。The leveling and alignment work of equipment shall be conducted as above. 5.4 静设备安装允许偏差见附表4 Allowable installation deviations of static equipment pls see table 4 附表4 table 4 静设备安装允许偏差(mm)allowable installation deviations of satic equipment(mm) 一般设备 c

42、ommom equipment 与机械设备衔接设备 equipment linking with machine 检查项目 item 立式 vertical 卧式 horizontal 立式vertical 卧式horizontal 中心线位置 positon of D2000,5 D2000,10 5 3 3 SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 11 centerline 标 高 elevation 5 5 相对标高3 relative elevation 相对标高3 relative elevation 水 平 度 levelness 轴向,L/1000 axial d

43、irection 径向,2D/1000 Radial direction 轴向,0.6L/1000 axial direction 径向,D/1000 Radial direction 铅 垂 度 verticality H/1000且30 H/1000 方 位 zimuth 沿底座环圆周测量 measuring around the baseplate circle D2000,10 D2000,15 沿底座环圆周测 量 5measuring around the baseplate circle 6 设备的二次灌浆 secondary grouting of equipment 6.1 设

44、备经初步找平与找正后,进行地脚螺栓预留孔的灌浆。地脚螺栓孔灌浆料如图纸 上有特殊要求的按图纸要求施工,无要求的灌浆用细石混凝土,标号应比基础砼高 一级,且一次灌浆至基础毛面高度,不得分次灌浆,并捣固密实,不得使地脚螺栓 歪斜。After primary leveling and aligning of equipment, pre-set holes of anchor bolts shall be grouted. Grout material shall be in accordance with drawings if there is special requirement and f

45、ine aggregate concrete if without requirement. Its concrete grade shall be one class higher than that of foundation. The grouting shall be performed SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 12 continuously to the position of foundation surface without pause. Then the cement shall be tamped and filled to every co

46、rner without anchor bolts deflecting. 6.2 混凝土强度达到设计强度 75%以上时,方能进行设备的最终找正、找平及紧固地脚 螺栓,设备安装精度经检查合格,填写隐蔽工程记录进行二次灌浆。When the concrete reach 75% of specified strength, the final leveling and aligning work shall be conducted and the anchor bolts shall be fixed. Hidden construction shall be recorded and sec

47、ondary grouting shall be performed after installation passes examination. 6.3 基础二次灌浆前,表面应用水润透,基础表面的积水应用棉布浸干。浆应一次完成 捣实,不容许有空洞等缺陷。灌浆应符合现行国家标准钢筋混凝土工程施工及验 收规范的规定。Before secondary grouting, the surface shall be wetted with water, the accumulated water shall be dried with cotton fabric. Cement shall be on

48、e-step tamped and filled to all the voids. Grouting job shall comply with recent national standard (construction and acceptance specification of reinforced concrete engineering) 6.4 图纸上有特殊要求的灌浆料,浇注时要按其说明书的要求执行。For the grout material specified in drawing, it shall be performed as per instruction when

49、 grouting. 7 附属构件与内件的安装 installation of attached and internal parts 7.1 填料塔、分离器上的填充物的支承件应牢固平整、支承圈在 300mm 弦长上的表面局 部不平度不得超过 1mm。The bearers for filler on packing tower and separator shall be reliable and level. The inclination of bearer shall not exceed 1mm against 300mm chord. 7.2 内件安装前,应清点零件的数量,清除其表面上的油污、铁锈、泥沙及其它污物, 并标注序号。After internal parts installing, accessories shall be counted SCC CNCEC 土耳其天然气项目静止设备 施工方案 13 clearly, then cleaned of oil, rust, soil and other dirt on the surf


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