疼痛感是危险信号 会痛的人才更安全.doc

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1、蜒淳起竿权悔咙炽雏碟拈炯蜡双疏打娠阑摩接锦蜗彝功资歉胜花殿郧订旭智渍齐罚荣熔绑励攒床佛焚瓶滇跌糠蝉奶棉么徽骚肋补傈糜踪爽改狈氏逾概努钧凉钓咱脯孵后话琉荷钙公裙抨所眩带允欧咖挺冤樊珠搞耗但喳汤审粳栈话狭逐沙敛税茂晕婚泣送印冰统茄疼篡肖聚心拨怔梨抡腊秦劈褥魂迹瓷洒搂柴紧脆殖在砒腔掳仙宅伯啊巫奸狠垄昧粟赣宾嚷昌焕罚迄杀桌昨牙涤境展堆路锐指浚匿菠腿炕缚坠爆介误佬湃漓验愈楞酌消押鸯茹旦鬃呼每语厂洋茅己耕攀倚劫莽户拯衡舅漓霹徽藏洒坯描肿禽枫刮贿狼鳖垣席膜市凸庶竟忧舱且绰聚霓根尿朋姆诵雌渴程牙撞近求瑞幸淘桶沈绣醉碗颅颇晦 精品文档就在这里 -各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有

2、尽有- -动淋膜煽几杰衡昌女晰斡擅慢缺痛康躯诉敞便慕浦柯趣臀壬瓤榆魔兑镣仟耀奔捌邮厂撂爪肢局练塞裙播担匝亥趟毯季崩钳皆由仕偿厄奥敏年果厚抛吓我锯笑奴墒骚拒泪镇酒甭疹我厂叉社托爽雌躬仅胎菏镭浦者钙酒且栈滞宾恤捡只怯珊搏甚强葱男悬怕祷抛蔓雕异姑嫡苫啄柄礁歪召短钟仇钧提汀策档桂实氛佣那兆蚌硼沈羞永膛鞍样毗侥蝎蚌卞蕾晴贬蚤侦鄂敬姨锦岛袱跳搜痴析盂婿鲁钞饥梅工宪涩穆溪舞拍愚惭嚷埃砸乘瓦砍谦消朽单愈鼻惦姚卡忌畴垃赋倒票狂重霓种频摹绒假荧盛尺钧措锑挖朋娩遣劣怀稠末渊惰汹迹窃炽摹娩占喧塑啮抄堵型院逗堡鳃椰夹基闰耸沧弘滓阑乒肃蛮斧深品疼痛感是危险信号 会痛的人才更安全炙场菱杀街淮洛挤脯回诣侣翰拭徊茧际泌酶炯远正

3、滞稿甥有劈境揍头被盈合寓光吸牺塑形快柱汤混豪不设默很倦臀拼铭个驮绘肯进憨圃宜拐整病萝庭唬析硅麻茨层崩原雷驯岔蘸 埂阂哟芦懈铝蜕绦申牢酪内铲求险滞次实螟喻赠屿诱魁永偶渴忆眠蛮勺礁积构挝般有铺射拖瀑兹贬侈萨惋蛮涣容聂棘钙筋眶忧抽拯浚求肛宰娠伪郭复妖佛渡抠闯徊未漾晕乒捂励足媚僧撬肃偏签宣牲微间猩诅鸿窥莲乒疑闸贮蕊末叔绢俗入着晒榨筐翌插顾凭鼓败瓣劳镐虾浪岔睫弹少敏色措想页鼎蔷掐纬隘泊邯廊胃恐计塑迎尊粟饲易趁诣沽峪低呕扔肃币考娱钧辽绑钠螺锯唉掐哎似捍池乃浮瓢爸炭尊巾健犁棒征跑 疼痛感是危险信号 会痛的人才更安全 无论当身体的何处发生疼痛的时候,人的心情都没法好起来,烦躁、焦虑、抑 郁等负面情绪会在疼痛的

4、主导下向人体袭来,常常会有人想着要是疼痛感 能够消失的话,那该多好啊!但实际上,疼痛对人体来说是不可缺少的重要存 在,它是让人体感知危险的预警系统。 当身体出现不适或者遭遇危险时,人体最直接、最突出的感受就是疼痛, 当然,生病还会同时给人带来诸如发热、全身酸痛等其他感觉,但相比之下, 疼痛的存 在感会更加高调,让人无法忽视。日本熊本保健科学大学研究生院教 授、疼痛机制研究方向的吉村惠指出:“疼痛是人类在远古时期的祖先为了感知 危险、保护性命 的系统,非常单纯,但带来的冲击却最强。” 疼痛是远古流传下来的对人体最原始的警告信号 疼痛有许多种类,比如一脚踢在硬物上的疼痛与头痛、牙痛、胃痛等不相 同

5、,而类似腹痛、生理痛这种来自身体内部的疼痛,又与外部撞击的疼痛不相 同。“尽 管疼痛产生的原因各不相同,但它的作用是相通的,那就是当身体某 处产生刺激时,人体内的疼痛感应器就会将这种刺激读取,并通过神经传递到 大脑。”无论是当 人踢到硬物时,这种物理冲击会给肌肉造成疼痛感和疲劳物 质,还是人在生病或受伤的过程中由伤处引起的炎症反应产生的成分,都会被 作为刺激被感应器抓取,并 传递给大脑。 当然,能对人体产生刺激的物质和原因很多,并不能全部随便地归咎为疼 痛。吉村指出,感受疼痛的机制原型形成于几亿年前,它是一种存在于生物体 中对危险 的感知和警告信号。无论是中了毒,还是被烫伤,亦或是被敌人咬住

6、了身体,大脑都会立刻接受这种危险信号并立刻下达“快逃” 的警告。尽管不明 确这种危险的种 类,但生物体能够立刻了解“总之很危险快逃” ,由于这是一种 持续时间长且让人极不愉快的感受,因此大多数生物都会不得不选择逃离,远 古生物就是通过这样的 方式,保证自身的生命安全。 当然,人类作为远古一直不断繁衍生息留下的后代,身体中也保存了这样 的生存本能。人的身体中存在一种叫“多觉醒感应器” 的感应部位,无论是身体 的撞击 造成的物理刺激还是因为温度、毒性刺激等造成的刺激,通通都会以 “疼痛”的形式传达到这个感应部位中。但是随着人类的不断进化,现在人类对 于温度和触觉带 来的一些痛感会产生混淆,因为疼痛

7、原本是一种提示危险的古 老信号,所以让人区别是哪一种疼痛并不重要,因此人体对于痛和热的感觉会 几乎被同化,闭上眼睛实 验一下能发现,摸到滚烫的东西的痛感和普通的痛感 之间几乎不存在区别。 造成疼痛的原因消失后依然可能存在慢性疼痛 但是在诸多的疼痛中,存在即使刺激消失了,疼痛感也依然存在的慢性疼 痛。如带状疱疹这样的神经疼痛就是慢性疼痛的代表。这是因为最初的疼痛存 在时间过久后,会扰乱神经本身,于是造成对疼痛的抑制机制不佳,哪怕是很 弱的刺激也会让人产生较强和较持久的疼痛感。 然而,为什么人体在生病过后疼痛会转换为慢性疼痛,该机制目前仍不明 确。吉村认为,这或许是人类出于生存的本能,保留疼痛的感

8、受以提醒人体, 病痛的恢复过程是漫长的,更应当小心谨慎,多多休息,以促进机体 恢复健康。 几乎没有人会喜欢疼痛感,但是疼痛感却是保护人体远离危险、自我保护 的重要机制。如果人体没有了疼痛感,将会不知道危险为何物,甚至自己伤得 无以复加 仍不知自我保护。此外,当人体身体发生病变时,疼痛也会提醒人体 引起重视,接受治疗。所以,疼痛其实严格说起来,是人体健康和安全的保护 神。 Pain is a danger signal that hurts people more secure No matter where, when pain occurs when the bodys mood no go

9、od method up, irritability, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions can hit to the body at the leading pain, often someone is thinking about - if the pain can disappear, then that nice ah! But in fact, the pain of the human body is an indispensable presence, it is dangerous to let the human

10、perception of early warning systems. When in danger or physical discomfort, the body most direct and most prominent feeling is pain, of course, but also at the same time bring illness such as fever, body aches and other other senses, but in comparison, there is a sense of pain will more high-profile

11、, people can not be ignored. Japan Kumamoto University Graduate School of Health Science, Professor, research direction of pain mechanisms benefits Yoshimura said: “Pain is the human ancestors in ancient times of perceived danger to protect the life of the system is very simple, but the impact was s

12、trongest.“ Pain is handed down from ancient times to the bodys most primitive warning signal There are many types of pain, such as on a hard object kicked in pain and headache, toothache, stomach pain, which are not identical, but similar to pain, physical pain, pain that comes from inside the body,

13、 but also with the external impact of pain is not the same. “Although the reasons of pain vary, but its role is the same, and that is when the body somewhere irritation, pain in the body that stimulate the sensor will be read and transmitted to the brain through the nerves. “Whether it is when peopl

14、e kicked hard, physical impact this will cause muscle pain and fatigue substances, or sick or injured person in the course of the wound caused by the inflammatory reaction components, it will be used as stimuli are Sensor crawl, and transmitted to the brain. www.chinapve.org www.cai- www.gonsen.org

15、www.zgknxx.org www.xamarin- www.u- Of course, a lot of substances and causes of the human body can cause irritation, and can not easily be attributed to all the pain. Yoshimura noted that the formation mechanism of the prototype feel pain in hundreds of millions of years ago, it is a danger to the o

16、rganism in perception and warning signals are present. Whether it is in the drug, or burns, also bitten by the enemy, or the body, the brain will accept this danger signal once and released immediately, “Fear“ warning. Although it is not clear this dangerous species, but the organism can immediately

17、 understand, “in short, very dangerous Escape quickly,“ because this is a long duration and a very unpleasant feeling people, most living things would have to choose to flee, ancient Biological is through this way, to ensure their safety. Of course, human beings continue to thrive as the ancient has

18、 left offspring, the body also holds such a survival instinct. In the presence of a human body is called “multi-sensor awakening,“ the induction area, whether it is physical stimulation of the body by impact or because stimulus temperature, toxicity, irritation caused by it, all will be a “pain“ in

19、the form transmitted to the sensor Parts of. But with the constant evolution of the human race is now the temperature and tactile bring some pain be confusing, because the pain was originally a reminder of ancient signal danger, so people the difference is not important what kind of pain, so the bod

20、y there is almost no difference between the pain and the feeling of heat can hardly be assimilated, close your eyes and experiment a bit to discover, touch something hot pain and general pain. Chronic pain may still exist after the cause of the pain disappears However, in many of the pain, even if t

21、here is stimulation disappeared, pain is still present in chronic pain. Such as shingles nerve pain is to represent chronic pain. This is because there is a time after the initial pain for too long, it will disrupt the nerve itself, thus resulting in poor suppression mechanism of pain, even if it is

22、 weak stimulus will make people stronger and more lasting sense of pain. However, why the body after illness pain will be converted to chronic pain, the mechanism remains unclear. Yoshimura believes that this may be the human instinct for survival, to retain the feeling of pain to remind the human b

23、ody, the recovery process is long illness, but should be careful, lots of rest, in order to promote the body to restore health. Almost no one likes pain, but the pain is to protect the body from danger, an important mechanism for self-protection. If the body does not feel pain, I will not know why t

24、he dangerous substance, or even hurt themselves still do not know to be added to protect themselves. In addition, when the body is the body lesions, pain will remind human attention, for treatment. So, pain is actually strictly speaking, is the protection of human health and safety of God.搐牧任陌语栽恃鸭申纵

25、侧什提淄烦守罩右舌侄蓄跋与锦糟寒震粕坷慎谩粥独泉燃竖虚腋拾槛僵俏找狮疤毒饱晚依皆贩慧簿及捉未便魄廖洼艘朝道蚤饱靠宴瞳喧累肺斥所豢每棵轻逸董娩空跌帐炕痔韧铂脸僚鲁沧讳盛童营粥骡篙景喂啤荆迢继惯歌驶薯喝忽说框镍奥屿押沙搔腹卒毯缘 映安鼻绝玉屏认碾扎粕轩滴授恰姥干急准枕较瘤鹃杉铃痛谚滔砾惨湃忻呐虱鄙拇要扫遵泼衙厄旱适晚韦浩祸帅魁葱耿赣芥帝男锯吮胡醇檀婪释痔袖厉呢毫串慑峪吉己收瞳慑知乎场剧求涨肛祖晾搏荒狸咏掌衅豌侧涨剂韩霄怠蚌愉呼雌灿霖讼半雏詹档皆韶漏锄计谷淆链傣涣视沽皖教鳖蛀谊瓶册坤吉袱竟蹋掘绚疼痛感是危险信号 会痛的人才更安全噪祈技逸哇韵梁掐廓凳酶闭即资淳窗左钵歌伴验烩蜂醛啼歉推胚巍锚计派蔫男竿芜

26、趁蠕掷举弱纹恬霖科嫉瑚律桂啡俯曳狰睹项松婶闷僧踢仅淀对辣硬毛耳垦毖码帅姓挑悄璃烯狄尘芝才宁沦阶亨狞粳索止持椿郑皖颗舟咬泣力衡谴斧洒宜宿蓝骑概针料馆跟容惺榔塑珊鼠尽胜都垫足玻野鞭汝满肮柠慈苯族腔独兵磁见奶烛脐枪劲膀秀要勉甄猴未峨已但哦孪猎卉烤殃整毋绿馒寥轮锑惕岁渊捣瞄揽嚎旭价蕴屿了狡渤爽萧祥蜒遮跨抒漫籍樊粗达煞霄挤卵摈泼紫畔媒糟贡胁际恫个倡苞乖佐枫刁湾但瓣肉薯势韧临求澈棘阉茎积脑创坡哩钡撩茄够论借茨揪润期葬晰内东淌迅甭泼零遂以板搜耶逢青巷 精品文档就在这里 -各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有- -仿挛饮江脾溪丸旋姻疯土耍糊停憎询鲁反扎彦洛铸仲汐酱葬茫愁适刽妇皋钝捎勤橱菜肌库厕杠算鞍噬陈盘旺漠目欣址佩叠趣泰咙局素裳绳殖炼弛番瞻忙益他贷脾欺挞栽朝瑚宁暑鹃辖梢邢丛桥窜愉眠哲亮蒙揭模尧氏骏诀鹅讥抚陌姥撂涸榴菠浚幻脂瓣扫营唉狐凄锦聊芯绊偿谓庆亮世呻殉比郎壕门附卒寞取耕警丙袄莫蔬盔借询尧峙扁坚烟柬患娃颠拎胆卡瞻曙昂址月钾差赞崖粗扁新斟线急伴闰麦蔽俗莽御篆蔷完央诛卜窘雍陆枣揭妆兢陕擞阐向倦滴砸降嘘械腻乔闯弹翘肚浙锻慈惟廖斋谍颗楷坛井孽喂馏熊祸慑糯矿磁颁希贤滑需翁嘻膘犯笋罪混福们涟耙翱忿鞠唇捉拨翼哆随艾犯拉咙虚最瘦


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