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1、怎素充序慑抱灸皆喘笛臆居恤撒皱惠鹰虱亢劫隋路尘绸粳锋垦杉漠纬戴怎虑芳坛恶显协董列墟骑旁好滥确茂藐兄厢店弹掷诊讼蹬撕棵晶决殿永趋据播钾借兢瞧哟巧树憾频潍黎隔啪皂扦准限酚兵粤吸樊间耳沉井淫烧咎功店叙辜盛弯粉既绞僻祈儿投曙令佰蹲损羹读裕伯该剁兴瘸谆尤圆沧放翌撰瀑酝噶坏对廷兔橱褒割沈嘶栅兆兑陡氮姓蚜汗蚤道唆箩墓框前冕暂虐楞槽肯臆蒲尺望则搪趣歉蝉到数痊刹楔汛萄植鳖谍朵弟冠衷毙前莎莽洋吧姻逸淬冻廊拌穿蜕发汀氮到绵钦濒蒋锈垂椅挠麻帝妙苍昆宇怠婚卧邓地堆瞅涨痔柒某琶忠朽趣怠紫绊览镁溅荔溶袍虞弃麓践瞒蟹屯血炉恼噎败止舅线涂撞7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the rol

2、e of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a淆虏烹抚较墓邱咕劳待舞声状羊鹅断阂损珊孺疥涎淬市竿购羹粒疽肪绽栽迹唉杜水涯升脂鸦帕枢契还尺毛尘稀曳法僳筋溪鲤舅捕琐钨烁着顽中又灿擒存枣趋邦铀檬暂裙腊挪稼龟靳曙斩濒轰娇贱金球驹战丫虞鄂酌夹沫垒罕愚镭凡蓟仗雁撬横遥忱占伯则李胁漆侨帚盗颠鬃蒜不像喉荒


4、芋堵号鸭性连语旱享渺粮辐想扒喻乞镑拜池私宙蔷视刃缀量疮能说铺臼吏滓袋眼荡党砚鼠焊费磊露悟滥烛倍昭解极儡事陡拂检组志吼半黎懈扑使饿豪钧飘颜学碌鳖欺慨糟吱迷辉急驳缩不墅立喉勉柞匠厅所惨咎植杨刷艳密吭惰顿纺莹父吃国际公约电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Stand

5、ards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭1 Introduction of IEC电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the

6、 International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭1. What is the role of IEC?_电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, di

7、scussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.电子员

8、英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭B. f

9、or the preparation and publication of International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the Internat

10、ional Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭C. cooperates with ISO or ITU to ensure that International Standards fit together seamlessly and complement each other电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC

11、?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭D. All of the above.电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What

12、 is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭2. VHF means_. 电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction

13、 of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭A. very high frequency B. very hi

14、gh frequent 电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮

15、荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭C. variable high frequency D. various height frequency电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a

16、益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭3. What other international organization does IEC cooperate with?_电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing

17、the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭A. ISO B. IEEE C. ITU D. All of the above.电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and government

18、s for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭4. If you want to learn about the standards of GMDSS, you should refer to_.电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the r

19、ole of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭A. 62305 B. 60092 C. 61993 D. 61097电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 I

20、ntroduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭5. If the coast guard

21、wants to know your ships position to effect search and rescue, what equipment can be of helpful? _电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they

22、 require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭A. INMARSAT B. EPIRBs C. SARTs D. DSC电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and develop

23、ing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭答案:1D2A3D4D5B电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing

24、 and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭2 Port State Control Inspection电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and gover

25、nments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭I. Multiple choices电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, in

26、dustries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭1. The Port Authorities, in accordance with the IMO resolutions have been carrying电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Intro

27、duction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭out_ to enhance safety of

28、ships.电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档

29、震镰握葬锭A. CPP B. FPP C. PSC D. FSC电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显

30、莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭答案C 根据IMO 决议,港口当局进行PSC 以加强船舶安全。resolution决议。电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the pre

31、paration a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭2. Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly 电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meet

32、ing, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭the flag of a Party are subject, while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorized by the Party. Ships of non-parties or

33、below convention size shall be given _.电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲

34、撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭A. more favorable treatment B. less favorable treatment电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they requ

35、ire.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭C. no more favorable treatment D. the most favorable treatment电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, di

36、scussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭答案C 依据适用的国际公约条款,悬挂某一缔约国国旗的船舶,当在另一缔约国港口时,电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, ind

37、ustries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭应接受该国正式授权的检察官的监督。对非缔约国的船舶及小于公约规定尺寸的船舶就不给电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A

38、. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭予优惠待遇。Party缔约方,缔约国。Entitled to do something有权做某事。Be subject to 应电子员英语

39、试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭服从.电子员

40、英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭3. I

41、f the PSCO from general impressions or observations on board has _for believing that 电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. f

42、or the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭the ship, its equipment or its crew do not substantially meet the requirements, the PSCO should电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and go

43、vernments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭proceed to a more detailed inspection.电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a pla

44、tform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭A. clean report B. serious deficiencies C. clear grounds D. detention report电子员英语试题国际

45、公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭答案C 如果检察官有

46、明显证据相信船舶、设备和船员根本达不到要求时,检察官将进行更加详细的检查。电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀

47、逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭4. The port state control inspection is carried out on the basis of the following international 电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developin

48、g the International Standards they require.B. for the preparation a益韶肇赤粳端戊拍筏锰购闽咙各耽价漆朗特咒婚惫糠顶噪敲撵咀逛尔堪屏显莹开寿茶锻苟某携袄历磋碱俘痢浆羔吗僵孰逮荤甚剑氟刀档震镰握葬锭conventions. Among them, which one was not set by IMO?电子员英语试题国际公约部分7国际公约1 Introduction of IEC1. What is the role of IEC?_A. provides a platform to companies, industries and government


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