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1、专业资料外经贸英语函电试题库I. Translate the following terms into English目录 按照要求订单 实盘市场经济 虚盘电子邮件 汇票询盘 装运报盘 还盘报价 利润信用证 折扣你处 形式发票供你参考 一式两份信誉 以为准支付条款 唛头代理 与建立业务关系确认 保险费即期 索赔投保 保险单电子商务 装船通知集装箱 托收汇付 成交检验证书 已脱销毛重 净重纸箱 捆一切险 发票金额提单 运输单据仲裁 会签II. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.() 1. We thank you

2、 for your letter of March 13 and the _ catalogue.A. given B. sent C. enclosed D. presented() 2. They found an opportunity to purchase six _ leather shoes.A. thousands pairs B. thousand pair ofC. thousands of pair D. thousand pairs of() 3. The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _ digital cameras.

3、A. about B. of C. for D. as() 4. What kind of products do you think _ particularly interested _?A. are they, in B. they are, inC. are they, / D. they are, /() 5. We owe your name and address _ Italian Commercial Bank who informed us that you are in the market _ table-cloths.A. from, for B. to, with

4、C. from, with d. to, for() 6. While _ an enquiry, you ought to enquiry into quality and price etc.A. making B. sending C. offering D. giving() 7. In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should simple, clearly and concisely write _ he wants to know.A. that B. so C. what D. because of(

5、) 8. We are a specialized corporation, _ the export of animal by-products.A. dealing with B. dealing C. handling D. dealt in() 9. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the _ of equality and mutual benefit.A. base B. basis C. bases D. based() 10.We would not give you any lower p

6、rice _ you could place an order for more than 500 tons.A. expect B. until C. unless D. besides() 11. We _ some brochures _ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture.A. enclose you, / B. enclose, you C. enclose, / D. enclose, to you() 12. They have _ us that you are _ the market _ chemicals

7、.A. inform, in, on B. informed, in, forC. advise, in, on D. advised, in, of() 13. We are not in a position to offer firm, as the goods are _.A. without stock B. outside in stockC. no stock D. out of stock() 14. Please let us _ your firm offer before the end of this month.A. had B. have C. having D.

8、to have() 15. If you can _ your price by 5%, we may conclude the transaction with you.A. offer B. bring down C. fix D. quote() 16. If you are interested, we will send you a sample lot _ charge.A. within B. with C. for D. free of() 17. It may interest you to know that there is a good demand here for

9、Chinese Black Tea _ prices.A. at moderate B. in cheap C. for low D. on dear.() 18. Please reply as soon as possible, _ the earliest shipment date and terms of payment.A. stated B. as stated C. stating D. state() 19. There is a steady demand in Europe _ leather gloves _ high quality.A. for, with B. f

10、or, of C. at, with D. in, of() 20. We would recommend you _ this offer.A. accept B. accepted C. to accept D. accepting() 21. For your information, our products enjoy a ready _ in Europe.A. sell B. sale C. selling D. sail() 22. A firm offer _ a time limit for acceptance.A. may specify B. never specif

11、iesC. sometimes specifies D. must specify() 23. The commodities you offered are _ line with the business scope of our clients.A. outside B. out C. out of D. without() 24. We are offering you firm _ on the same terms and conditions as the previous contract.A. as following B. as follow C. as is follow

12、ing D. as follows() 25. We _ to allow you a special discount if you increase your order to 5,000 pairs.A. have prepared B. are prepare C. are prepared D. were prepared() 26. It should be _ if you could immediately _ what quantity you can supply us at present.A. thankful, advise B. appreciate, advise

13、C. appreciated, advise D. appreciating, inform() 27. We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed price list for the goods you _ in your letter.A. informed B. said C. told D. required () 28. Our corporation _ foodstuffs.A. deals B. handles C. handles in D. specializes() 29. Your price is too high to int

14、erest our buyers _ a counter offer.A. making B. in making C. make D. to be made() 30. We shall inform you _ the date of shipment.A. at B. in C. of D. to() 31.We are writing to you _ establishing business relations.A. hope B. in hopeC. in the hope of D. hoping() 32. We hope you could _ us a special d

15、iscount of 3% on orders.A. admit B. offer C. send D. let() 33. If you could increase the _ to 10%, we shall be pleased to buy the complete stock.A. cost B. stock C. discount D. price() 34. We can grant you a special discount of 5% _ repeat orders.A. in B. of C. for D. on() 35. Please _ me if you nee

16、d any further information.A. contact B. contact with C. contact on D. contact to() 36. We shall be glad to send you sample-cutting books and pamphlets of our new products _.A. with request B. as request C. upon request D. at request() 37. We specialize _ all kinds of metals and are always ready to b

17、uy in large quantities.A. in B. from C. on D. at() 38. We confirm exchange of letter _ the subject article.A. to regard B. regarded C. regarding D. is regarded() 39. Please note that the insurance on our CIF terms _ All Risks for 110% of the invoice value.A. makes B. takes C. covers D. ourselves() 4

18、0. WPA coverage is too narrow _ a shipment of this nature.A. for B. to C. over D. with() 41. We _ your name and address _ the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana.A. have known in B. have learned byC. have given by D. have come to know from() 42. We are looking forward to _.A

19、. hearing from you soon B. receive your reply soonC. receiving from you soon D. you reply soon() 43. When _, please state your terms of payment and a trade discount for companies that buy in fairly large quantities.A. reply B. replied C. to reply D. replying() 44. As this model was so popular with o

20、ur customers, we would like to know if it is still _.A. available B. respectable C. acceptable D. reasonable() 45. I would appreciate _ me an up-to-date price list for your building materials.A. you to send B. your sendC. you send D. your sending() 46. _ is our S/C in duplicate, a copy of which plea

21、se sign and return to us for our file.A. Enclose B. Enclosed C. Enclosing D. Encloses() 47. We are looking forward to _ your further order.A. receiving B. receive C. hearing from D. being hearing from() 48. As soon as we are _ a position to accept new orders, we will contract you immediately.A. at B

22、. on C. in D. for() 49. While _ an order for the first time, a letter is often used.A. collecting B. planning C. placing D. receiving() 50. Payment _ L/C as contracted.A. by B. will be C. is by D. is to be made byIII. Complete the following letters with proper words.(1)Dear Sirs,Sub: TABLECLOTHWe 1

23、your name and address 2 the Commercial Office of Chinese Embassy in Pakistan. We take this opportunity to write to you with a view to setting up 3 with you.We are a state-owned company dealing specially 4 the export of tablecloth. We are 5 to accept orders according 6 the customers samples. In the c

24、ustomers samples, request about the assorted pattern, specifications and package of the needed 7 can be indicated particularly.In order to give you a general idea of various kinds of the 8 we are handling, we are airmailing you by separate post our latest catalogue for your 9 . Please let us know im

25、mediately if you are interested 10 our products. We will send our price 11 and sample to you as soon as we receive your 12 inquiry.Looking forward to your early reply, we are. Yours faithfully,(2)Dear Sirs,Referring 1 your letter of 5 June, we very much regret that we are unable to make you an 2 for

26、 the goods you demand. The reason is that the 3 you need has been out of 4 . Whats 5 our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage 6 raw materials.We shall, however, file your 7 and E-mail you our offers as soon as we get 8 .Sincerely yours,(3)Dear Sir,We are a 1 dealer in waterproof ga

27、rments in this city. Our customers have expressed interested in your raincoats and enquired 2 their quality.Provided quality and price are satisfactory there are prospects of good sales here, but before placing a firm 3 we should be glad if you would send us, on 14 days approval, a selection of mens

28、 and womens raincoats. Any of the 4 unsold at the end of the period, which we decide not to keep as 5 , would be returned at our expense.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,(4) Dear Sirs,You will be 1 to hear that we have recently developed our new product, 2 is selling very str

29、ongly on the home market.Because 3 its success in this country, we thought there 4 be a 5 sale abroad, and we would welcome your advice as to whether, in your 6 , there is a 7 in your district.If you agree, we shall be 8 to supply you with our samples for you to 9 to the potential 10 . You will find

30、 enclosed an order form in 11 you wish to make an immediate 12 . Your truly,(5)Dear Sirs,Your fax of July 5 has been received with many thanks.The quotation you faxed us is on CIF 1 .As we are in an open cover 2 with our 3 , we prefer that you send us CFR quotations.However, we will also be interest

31、ed to know what 4 we are likely to get if consignments are to be covered at your 5 .We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely(6) Gentlemen:1 : Contract No. F333We wish to draw your attention 2 our Contract No. F333 3 2,000 cartons of China Green Tea, for which we opened the confirm

32、ed, irrevocable L/C No. BA5177 in your 4 yesterday afternoon 5 the Bank of America, New York.Upon 6 of the above-mentioned L/C, please 7 shipment of the goods ordered by us without any delay as we want to catch the selling season in our market.Should this trial order prove 8 to our clients, we are f

33、ully confident that 9 orders will be placed soon.We thank you for your close cooperation in this respect and 10 your shipping advice by fax. Yours faithfully,IV. Translate the following sentence1. From English into Chinese(1) Your name and address have been passed on to us by Hong Kong Trading Compa

34、ny, and we are glad to write to you hoping to establish trade relations with you.(2) Please sent us your best offer by fax indicating packing, specifications, quantity available and earliest time of delivery.(3) Enclosed is our pro-forma invoice No.3422 in duplicate coving 500 Ever-lasting brand bic

35、ycles for shipment during October.(4) We have handled this line for more than 20 years.(5) As soon as we receive your specific enquiry, we will send you the catalogue and samples.(6) The said goods are not available from stock.(7) If you can reduce your price by 5%, we believe it is possible for us

36、to conclude the deal.(8) If your L/C can reach us before the end of this month, well try our best to arrange shipment at the beginning of next month.(9) Sellers are to effect insurance against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value.(10) Please be sure to make shipment according to our

37、packing instructions.2. From Chinese into English. (1)贵方所报价格和质量都符合要求。(2)复函时,亦请说明交货期、折扣及付款条件。(3)已收到贵方12月15日有关以上主题的查询。(4) 我方很高兴地告知,您信中所提及的公司在本地经营已超过10年,该公司知名度很高并享有良好的信誉。(5)我方从ABC公司得知,贵公司是你们地区最主要的电子产品的进口商之一,随函附上我方产品插图目录和价目表。(6)贵方是否已代我方对此货物投保?(7)每个盒子在装入箱子前都要用防水的密封袋包好,袋子以塑料袋为佳。(8)我们想确切知道你们什么时候可以安排装运货物。(9

38、)兹附上贵行所要求的货运单据及我们的面额为1,001,000美元的汇票。(10)已经与当地铁路当局联系, 有消息会尽快通知贵方。V. Letter writing practice: write a letter according to the following information in China.1. (1)通过市场调研得知对方名址,获悉对方是一家大型高质量布匹出口商。(2)我方是高质量布匹进口商,我方市场前景好,有大量订单。(3)希望能尽快收到对方的样品册及价格表。2.(1)5月21日来信收到,得知贵方对我们的文具很感兴趣,但认为我方4月30日的价格偏高,无法成交。(2)我们的报


40、提供当地商检局出具的检验证书。(2)请买方保留质量问题的货,当地代理商会处理。(3)同意做出补偿。再次表示抱歉,希望此事得以妥善处理。Key to exercises:I. Translate the following terms into English目录 catalogue/brochure 按照要求 as your request/requested订单 order 实盘 firm offer市场经济 market economy 虚盘 non-firm offer电子邮件 E-mail 汇票 draft询盘 enquire/inquiry 装运 ship(ment)报盘 offer 还盘 counter-offer报价 quote/quotation 利润 profit信用证 L/C 折扣 discount你处 at your end/on your side 形式发票 pro-forma invoice供你参考 for your reference 一式两份 in duplicate信誉 credit/stand


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