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1、-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-2012年12月大学英语六级考试试卷Fast reding 快速阅读需要注意的语法点:.take on more debt.1. take on承担; 呈现; 雇用; 录用 1. PHRASAL VERB 承担,接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任) If you take on a job or responsibility, especially a difficult one, you accept it. No other organisation was able or willing to take on the j

2、ob.没有任何别的组织有能力或愿意承担此项工作。Dont take on more responsibilities than you can handle.不要承担过多的责任。2. PHRASAL VERB 呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点) If something takes on a new appearance or quality, it develops that appearance or quality. Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took on a feverish intensity.由于以为自己只剩一年

3、的活头,他的文字开始变得激情澎湃。3. PHRASAL VERB (公共汽车、船舶等)上(客),装(货),补充(燃料) If a vehicle such as a bus or ship takes on passengers, goods, or fuel, it stops in order to allow them to get on or to be loaded on. This is a brief stop to take on passengers and water.这是一次短暂停靠,上上客,加加水。4. PHRASAL VERB 雇用;录用 If you take so

4、meone on, you employ them to do a job. Hes spoken to a publishing firm. Theyre going to take him on.他和一家出版公司谈过了,他们打算雇用他。The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organisers.这个政党一直在招募工作人员,包括临时的组织人员。5. PHRASAL VERB 与(尤指实力比自己强的人)较量;接受的挑战 If you take someone on, you fight them or compete a

5、gainst them, especially when they are bigger or more powerful than you are. Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high.民主党人不愿与一位有史以来民众支持率最高的总统较量。I knew I couldnt take him on.我清楚我斗不过他。6. PHRASAL VERB 擅自决定;自作主张 If you take something on or upon yours

6、elf, you decide to do it without asking anyone for permission or approval. Knox had taken it on himself to choose the wine.诺克斯擅自作主,选了葡萄酒。He took upon himself the responsibility for protecting her.他主动肩负起保护她的责任。The President absolved his officers and took the blame upon himself.总统赦免了手下的官员,把过失揽到自己的头上。2

7、. Fluctuation:n.波动,涨落,起伏,物脉动; 动摇不定,踌躇; 生彷徨变异1. VERB 变动;波动;上下浮动 If something fluctuates, it changes a lot in an irregular way. Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill.人患病后体温可能会上下波动。.the fluctuating price of oil.油价的浮动FluctuationDont worry about tiny fluctuations in your weight.不要为体重的细微变化担心。The c

8、alculations do not take into account any fluctuation in the share price.这些计算没有考虑到股价的波动。3. Turbulence:n.骚动,骚乱; 物湍流; (海洋、天气等的)狂暴; 动荡1. N-UNCOUNT 动荡;骚乱;骚动;混乱 Turbulence is a state of confusion and disorganized change. The 1960s and early 1970s were a time of change and turbulence. 20 世纪整个 60 年代和 70 年代初

9、期是风云变幻、动荡不安的一个时期。a region often beset by political turbulence. 经常遭受政治动乱的一个地区2. N-UNCOUNT (空气、液体或气体的)湍流,涡流,紊流 Turbulence is violent and uneven movement within a particular area of air, liquid, or gas. His plane encountered severe turbulence and winds of nearly two-hundred miles an hour.他的飞机遭遇强气流和时速近

10、200 英里的强风。4. Deficit n.不足额; 赤字; 亏空; 亏损1. N-COUNT 差额;赤字;亏损;逆差 A deficit is the amount by which something is less than what is required or expected, especially the amount by which the total money received is less than the total money spent. Theyre ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next f

11、iscal year. 他们已准备好削减下一财年的联邦预算赤字。.a deficit of 3.275 billion francs. 32.75亿法郎的赤字If an account or organization is in deficit, more money has been spent than has been received.The current account of the balance of payments is in deficit. 国际收支往来账户余额为赤字。5. Rack up fresh charges在比赛中获(胜),得(分) 1. PHRASAL VE

12、RB (商业上)大量获得(利润),遭受(严重损失),热销;(体育中)获胜,得(分) If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of matches or races. Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months. 更低的费率意味着各公司

13、更有可能在未来的几个月中大幅获利。India while not racking up such an impressive score beat Japan 3-0. 印度尽管没有大胜,却也以3比0击败了日本。6. show ones hand1. 摊牌2. 表明自己的计划或意图3. 摊牌,公布自己的打算4. 公开自己的意图 7. boom-and-bust英 bu:mndbst美 bu:mndbstn.经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环Boom-gone-bust 繁荣后的萧条8. lengthA. go to any length 想一切办法,尽一切力量1. When the chips are

14、down, he will go to any length to save himself. 在关键时刻,为了保自己他什么事情都干得出来。2. They go to any length to extort wealth and want to become rich by any means. 无所不用其极地搜刮财物,不择手段地想成为富人。3. Bill will go to any length to keep Dick from getting a date with Mary. 比尔将竭尽全力阻止迪克跟玛丽约会。B. go to great length竭尽全力C. go to th

15、e length of1. 到了2. 到了的地步;竟然9. Householdn.家庭,户; (集合词)全家人,(包含人在内的)家眷,家属,家里人; 家庭;(英)王室adj.家庭的,家内的,一家的; 日常的,家常的,普通的; 家喻户晓的; 王室的1. N-COUNT 家庭;一家人;同住一幢房子的人 A household is all the people in a family or group who live together in a house. .growing up in a male-only household. 在一个只有男性的家庭里长大Many poor househol

16、ds are experiencing real hardship. 很多贫穷家庭正经历严重的困难。2. N-SING 家;家务 The household is your home and everything that is connected with looking after it. My husband gave me cash to manage the household, but none of it was ever my own.丈夫给我钱来持家,但这些钱一毫一厘都不属于我。.household chores. 家务杂活3. ADJ 家喻户晓的;众人皆知的 Someone

17、 or something that is a household name or word is very well known. Today, fashion designers are household names. 今天,时装设计师是家喻户晓的人物。My agent told me, Thisll make your name a household word. 我的经纪人告诉我:“这将使你一举成名。”10. Furniture & furnishing1. N-UNCOUNT 家具 Furniture consists of large objects such as tables

18、, chairs, or beds that are used in a room for sitting or lying on or for putting things on or in. Each piece of furniture in their home suited the style of the house. 他们家里的每件家具都和房子的风格相得益彰。2. PHRASE 被认作当然的人(或事物);习以为常的人(或事物) If you describe someone or something as part of the furniture, you are sugges

19、ting that they have been somewhere such as their place of work for such a long time that it is hard to imagine that place without them. Usage Note :Note that furniture is only ever used as an uncount noun. You cannot say a furniture or furnitures. If you want to refer in general terms to something s

20、uch as a table, a chair, or a bed, you can say a piece of furniture or an item of furniture.furniture 只能用作不可数名词。不能说 a furniture 或 furnitures。将桌、椅、床等泛称为家具时,可以说 a piece of furniture 或 an item of furniture。Furnishing1. VERB 布置;为(房间或建筑物)配备家具陈设 If you furnish a room or building, you put furniture and fur

21、nishings into it. Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques. 许多经营者都想用古董装饰他们的酒店。2. VERB 提供;供应 If you furnish someone with something, you provide or supply it. Theyll be able to furnish you with the rest of the details. 他们将可向你提供其余的细节。Furnishings 1. N-PLURAL 家具陈设;室内陈设 The furnishings o

22、f a room or house are the furniture, curtains, carpets, and decorations such as pictures. 1. a range of furnishings and accessories for the home 各种各样的家居装饰物及配件2. The wallpaper should match the furnishings. 墙纸应和家具陈设协调。3. The furnishings in the room imparted an air of elegance. 这个房间的家具带给这房间一种优雅的气氛。4. T

23、he furnishings and paintings had been chosen with impeccable taste. 室内的家具和油画都经过精心选择。5. The original furnishings are now in need of replacement. 原来的家具陈设需要更换了。11. top out1. 举行建筑物落成典礼When we top out, there will be souvenirs for everyone who has worked on the site.当我们举行落成典礼时, 凡是在工地上劳动过的人都会得到纪念品。2. 达到最高点

24、The production figures this month have topped out.这个月的生产数字已达最高点。12. swear off下决心不做,停用 After those months of treatment, he swore off drugs completely.经过数月的治疗, 他已彻底戒掉了毒品。He finally made up his mind to swear off smoking.13. Write off 1. PHRASAL VERB 勾销,注销(债务或已花费的款项) If someone writes off a debt or an a

25、mount of money that has been spent on a project, they accept that they are never going to get the money back. The president persuaded the West to write off Polish debts. 总统说通西方免除波兰的债务。He had long since written off the money. 他很早就将那笔钱勾销了。3. PHRASAL VERB 认定不重要(或无用);忽视 If you write someone or something

26、 off, you decide that they are unimportant or useless and that they are not worth further serious attention. He is fed up with people writing him off because of his age. 他很讨厌大家因为他的年纪而小看他。His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed. 批评他的人不把他当回事,认为他太过谨慎,不能成事。Most voters care more about jobs a

27、nd therefore the Government can write off voters motivated by environmental issues. 大多数选民更在乎工作,因此政府可以不必在意那些关注环境问题的选民。4. PHRASAL VERB (发生撞车后)将(车辆)报废 If someone writes off a vehicle, they have a crash in it and it is so badly damaged that it is not worth repairing. Johns written off four cars. Now he

28、sticks to public transport. 约翰已经报废了4辆车,现在他一直坐公交车。One of Petes friends wrote his car off there. 皮特的一个朋友在那儿把他的汽车撞毁了。5. PHRASAL VERB 取消(计划或项目) If you write off a plan or project, you accept that it is not going to be successful and do not continue with it. We decided to write off the rest of the day an

29、d go shopping. 我们决定取消当天其余日程去购物。The prices were much higher. So we decided to write that off. 价格高出很多,所以我们决定将它取消。Its too soon to write off the whole consultation process as a failure. 现在就认定整个磋商过程不成功而想要放弃还为时过早。14. Default 1. VERB 不履行;未支付 If a person, company, or country defaults on something that they

30、have legally agreed to do, such as paying some money or doing a piece of work before a particular time, they fail to do it. The credit card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans. 信用卡业务出现了下滑,而且越来越多的借款者都不按期还款。The first warning signals came in March when the company defaulted on

31、its initial payment of 30 million. 第一次出现警示信号是在3月份,当时该公司未能按时交纳3,000万英镑的首期付款。Default is also a noun.The corporation may be charged with default on its contract with the government. 该公司可能会因未履行与政府签订的合同而受到控告。The creditors havent declared them in default. 债权人尚未宣布他们拖欠债款。2. ADJ 默认的 A default situation is wh

32、at exists or happens unless someone or something changes it. .default passwords installed on commercial machines. 商用机器上设置的默认口令Death, not life, is the default state of cells. 细胞的常态是死亡而不是存活。3. N-UNCOUNT 默认值;缺省指令 In computing, the default is a particular set of instructions which the computer always us

33、es unless the person using the computer gives other instructions. The default is usually the setting that most users would probably choose. 默认选项通常是大多数用户都会选择的设置。.default settings. 默认设置4. PHRASE (事情的发生)自动地(因可能阻止或改变结果之事未发生) If something happens by default, it happens only because something else which m

34、ight have prevented it or changed it has not happened. Spassky won the first game, and was awarded by the second by default, when Fischer failed to put in an appearance. 斯帕斯基赢了第一局,又因菲舍尔第二局未能上场而再胜一局。I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default. 我宁愿把这些钱付给个人,也不愿它们因未作

35、任何处置而自动地归国家所有。5. PREP-PHRASE 因未发生;因不可能 If something happens in default of something else, it happens because that other thing does not happen or proves to be impossible. Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the plays moral centre. 因为没有与其竞争者,马伏里奥自然成了该剧的道德核心。Default on 1. 拖欠He defaulted on his

36、 payments for support of the child.他拖欠孩子的抚养费。2. 未出席He defaulted on the rehearsal.他在排练时没有到场。15. Time-tested adj.经受时间考验的,久经试验的 16. inch1. N-COUNT 英寸(约等于 2.54 厘米) An inch is an imperial unit of length, approximately equal to 2.54 centimetres. There are twelve inches in a foot. .a candy tin 6 inches hig

37、h and 8 inches in diameter. 高 6 英寸、直径 8 英寸的糖果罐子.18 inches below the surface. 表面以下 18 英寸2. V-ERG (使)缓慢移动 To inch somewhere or to inch something somewhere means to move there very slowly and carefully, or to make something do this. .a climber inching up a vertical wall of rock. 沿一面陡直石壁慢慢往上爬的人He inched

38、 the van forward. 他一点点向前挪动着货车。An ambulance inched its way through the crowd. 救护车在人群中缓慢前进。3. PHRASE (某个地方的)全部,每一寸地方 If you talk about every inch of an area, you are emphasizing that you mean the whole of it. Every inch of shelf space was crammed with books. 书架上全都塞满了书。We are prepared to fight for ever

39、y inch of territory. 我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。4. PHRASE 在各方面;完全;彻底 If you say that someone looks every inch a certain type of person, you are emphasizing that they look exactly like that kind of person. He looks every inch the City businessman. 他完全是一副伦敦金融城商界人士的派头。There stood Gertrude, looking every inch a st

40、ar. 格特鲁德站在那里,完全是一副明星的派头。5. PHRASE 一点一点地;缓慢地 If someone or something moves inch by inch, they move very slowly and carefully. The car moved forward inch by inch. 汽车一点一点地向前移动。The police were searching the area inch by inch. 警方在对那个地区进行仔细搜查。17. High-end1. ADJ (尤指电子产品)最高档的,高端的,最昂贵的 High-end products, esp

41、ecially electronic products, are the most expensive of their kind. .high-end personal computers and computer workstations. 高端个人计算机和计算机工作站篇章词汇、短句问答-完形填空-Strike The form struck is the past tense and past participle. The form stricken can also be used as the past participle for meanings 6 and 17. struc

42、k 为过去式和过去分词,义项 6 和17 的过去分词亦可用 stricken。1. N-COUNT 罢工 When there is a strike, workers stop doing their work for a period of time, usually in order to try to get better pay or conditions for themselves. French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day strike in a dispute over pay. 法国空中交通管制员因为薪资纠纷

43、已开始了为期 3 天的罢工。Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents. 医院员工举行罢工,抗议这几起事件。.a call for strike action. 号召进行罢工2. VERB 罢工 When workers strike, they go on strike. .their recognition of the workers right to strike. 他们对工人罢工权的认同They shouldnt be striking for more money. 他们不该为了得到更多的钱而罢工

44、。The government agreed not to sack any of the striking workers. 政府同意不解雇任何罢工工人。strikerThe strikers want higher wages, which state governments say they cant afford. 罢工者希望得到更高的工资,而州政府称其无力支付。3. VERB 打;击 If you strike someone or something, you deliberately hit them. She took two quick steps forward and s

45、truck him across the mouth. 她向前紧走两步,上去扇了他一嘴巴。He struck the ball straight into the hospitality tents. 他将球直接打进迎宾帐篷里。I struck it away and got a bite on my forearm. 我把它打跑了,但小臂被咬了一口。4. VERB 撞;碰;撞击;碰撞 If something that is falling or moving strikes something, it hits it. His head struck the bottom when he

46、dived into the 6ft end of the pool. 他一头扎进 6 英尺深的游泳池时头撞到池底了。One 16-inch shell struck the control tower. 一枚 16 英寸的炮弹击中了指挥塔台。He was killed when he was struck by a car as he walked to his hotel. 他步行去旅馆的路上被一辆车撞死了。5. V-ERG (使)撞击;(使)碰撞 If you strike one thing against another, or if one thing strikesagainst

47、 another, the first thing hits the second thing. Wilde fell and struck his head on the stone floor. 怀尔德摔倒了,头撞在石头地上。My right toe struck against a submerged rock. 我的右脚趾踢到水下的一块石头上了。6. VERB (疾病、灾难等)侵袭,爆发 If something such as an illness or disaster strikes, it suddenly happens. Bank of England officials continued to ins


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