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1、外研版(三起)五年级英语上册第二模块短语和句型一、短语:1、how many+可数名词的复数 多少 2、go to the supermarket去超市 3、need food for our picnic我们的野餐需要食物 4、at the supermarket在超市 5、read sth. to sb.给某人读. 6、the shopping list 购物单7、the first thing第一件事(东西) 8、Whats next?下一个/接下来是什么?9、how much+不可数名词 多少10、half a kilo 半公斤 11、one/a kilo of noodles 一斤面

2、条 12、five yuan 五元 13、one kilo 一斤14、Herere your oranges. 这是给你的橘子。 15、Here you are.给你。16、on our picnic关于我们的野餐17、Lets make a list.让我们列(制作)个清单吧! 18、What about.?.怎么样?19、All right!好吧!行吧!20、five bottles/five bottles of milk 五瓶/五瓶牛奶 21、a kilo or two?一斤还是二斤?22、Here is/are.for you这是给你的.二、句型:1、1、Lets go to the

3、 supermarket.让我们去超市吧。【Lets.让我们.吧!Lets=Let us,后面跟动词原形,用来表示提出建议。】再如:Lets have our class.让我们上课吧。练习:让我们进行野餐吧。2、Can you read the shopping list to me,please?请问,你能给我读一下购物单吗?【can是情态动词,后面加动词原形。Can you+动词原形.?是can的一般疑问句的形式。只把“can”提在句首,回答:肯定的:Yes,. can.否定的:No,.cant.】再如:Can we have a dog,please,Mum?请问妈妈,我们能养一只狗吗

4、?No,we cant.不,我们不能。练习:你能跑得快吗?不,我不能。3、How many (bananas)do you want?Six,please.你要多少(香蕉)?请拿六个。How much cheese do you want?Half a kilo.你要多少奶酪?半斤。【表示“多少”的短语有两个:“how many和how much.”它们的用法区别是:how many+可数名词的复数;how much+不可数名词;half a kilo 半公斤,one kilo 一公斤。后面要跟什么东西时,要用“of”,如:one/a kilo of noodles 一公斤面条。超过一斤时,k

5、ilo后面要加“s”.】再如:How many oranges do you want?One kilo,please.你要多少橘子?一公斤。练习:你要多少苹果?请拿五公斤。 你要多少牛奶?我要五瓶。4、Do you like cheese,Lingling?No,I dont.I like noodles.玲玲,你喜欢奶酪吗?不,我不喜欢。我喜欢面条。【Do you like.?是like的一般疑问句,行为动词要变一般问句时,要借助助动词dodoesdid。】再如:Do you like bananas?Yes,I do.你喜欢香蕉吗?是的,我喜欢。练习:昨天他们买冰激凌了吗?是的,买了。5

6、、What are we going to take on our picnic?我们的野餐要带什么?【be going to +动词原形,表示将要做什么,变问句时,把be提前,be要根据主语变化。On our picnic是“关于我们的野餐”。】再如:What are you going to do tomorrow?明天你准备干什么?练习:周末你准备做什么?我准备和妈妈去超市。 整合训练一(module1)一、 补全单词,填序号( )1、hom_ A、d B、a C、e ( )2、t_ _m A、ue B、ai C、ea( )3、fi i h A、n u B、i e C、n s( )4,

7、d ar A、a B、c C、e( )5、th s A、a o B、o e C、e e二,读下列单词,将划线部分读音相同的单词填入表格上下对应的空格中。 teacher apple rabbit letter a ei e,eacatChinesehenriver三、选择填空。1、( ) Yesterday, I _to Sam and Amys school.A. went B. go C. going2、( )When you come back?A. do B. did C. dose3、( ) ,I had an ice cream.A. Yesterday B. Today C. N

8、ow4,( )Did you buy ice creams?A. Yes,I do. B,No,I did. C,Yes,I did.四、选择答语,填序号。( )1、When did you come back? _ A、Yes,they did.( )2、Where did she go? _ B、She went to London( )3、Did they go home by bike? _ C、I came back last Monday.( )4、Did they buy ice creams? _ D、No,they didnt.They walked back home.五,

9、根据首字母及句子意思将单词或短语补充完整, 注意形式。1,There is our bus!H ,Jim.Run!.Wait for us!2,I f my homework yesterday.3,W did you come back?4,Oh,no!I d my ice cream!六,用括号内的提示回答下列问题。1,When did you come back?( last Sunday) 2,Do you live in this city?(I live in London) 3,Did you go home by bike yesterday?(walk) 4,Where di

10、d you go ?(London) 七,选择适当的词将下面的书信补充完整。Love went friend Dear bottles dropped home half a kilo ran food with Daming, Yesterday,I to supermarket my ,Lingling.We bought many .We had two ice creams, cheese,and three of juice.Then we went home by bus.I to the bus.But I my ice cream. ,Amy 整合训练二(module2)一写出

11、图片单词 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二,将下列单词按划线部分读音填入表格。nurse teacher glasses duck bird arm mother balloonir,urar,au,oa,er三, 选择。 1、( ) _ cheese do you want? A. How many B.How much C. How2、( ) Do you like cheese?A. Yes,I dont. B. No,I do. C. Yes,I do.3、( ) 一Five yuan,please. 一 A. Give you. B. Here you are. C. It is.4

12、,( )一How much milk do you want?一 A.A kilo. B.Five bottles,please. C,Six ,please.5、( ) apples do you want?A. How B. How many C. How muc4、 看一看,写一写 Linglings Shopping Listcheesehalf a kilomilkthree bottlesapplefivemeata kilobananasixnoodletwo kilos1、How many noodles does Lingling need?_2、 How many apples does Lingling need?_3、 how much cheese dose Lingling need ?_4、 how many bananas dose Lingling need?_


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