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1、一 建立商务关系的信函Exercise IBackground: 上海新际公司(Shanghai Xinji I/E Corp.)系专营轻工业产品的一家国有进出口公司。成立于1986年,拥有注册资金人民币2000万元。十多年来,经营商品种类已增至上百种。现在仍不断致力于与国内生产厂家建立联系,向国外客户介绍中国高品质的轻工业产品。 请根据上述情景,代新际公司拟函,与Wit Ltd 公司联系,推荐上述产品,随寄公司目录,另寄样品。 Background: 上海新际进出口公司SHANGHAI XINJI I/E CO.Wit Co.Ltd Seosomun-Dong, 2-guChung-gu,

2、Seoul, KoreaOctober 28, 1998Dear Sir or Madam,We learned from the International Department of Bank of China that you are a reputable distributor with extensive sales connections in your area. We write this letter with a view to entering into business with you in near future.Established in 1986, we a

3、re a state-owned corporation specializing in the import and export of light industrial products with a registered capital of RMB 20 million. With years of effort we have expanded our business scope impressively and now we deal in nearly 100 kinds of merchandise. Weve succeeded in establishing trade

4、relationship with many advanced manufacturers in China and have introduced a lot of excellent products abroad. Enclosed please find our latest catalogue.For your information, we recently launched a kind of table light, as a novelty decoration or a practical gift, which is of supreme quality and fine

5、 workmanship. Its exceptional material and unique style have evoked a good reaction in Japan. We have airmailed some samples to you and expect your favorable comments.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours truly,Shanghai Xinji Import & Export Co. 2003年4月27日中国一家纺织品公司经L.R.Byron & Co.介绍,得知H.A

6、.Cabell & Co公司名称和地址,为了与这家公司建立贸易关系,于是给该公司发了一封信函。敬启者:承蒙L.R. Byron & Co.介绍得知贵公司名称及地址,我们谨借此机会与贵公司建立贸易伙伴关系。为使贵方了解我方目前可供出口的纺织品的大概情况,随函附上产品说明书及剪样小册子。如贵公司对本产品感兴趣,请与我们联系, 我们会给贵公司以最低的报价并尽量满足你方的要求。敬候佳音谨上China National Textiles I/E Corp.Shandong Branch52 Rehe Road, Qingdao 266021P.R ChinaApril 27,2003H.A Cabell

7、 & Co.112 St.Louis StreetCroydon, EnglandDear Sirs,Your name and address has been introduced to us by L.R.Byron & Co. as a prospective buyer of Chinese textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.In order to acquaint you with a g

8、eneral idea of the various kinds of Chinese textiles now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a sample-cutting booklet.Should any of the items be of interest to you, please contact us. We will give you the lowest quotation and do our best to meet your requirements.Your early reply will be

9、 highly appreciated.Yours sincerely,China National Textiles I/E Corp.二 根据往来函电制定合同Make an OrderWrite a letter ordering the items listed below, specifying quantity, unit price, total amount and terms of payment, shipment, etc.品名 数量 规格 价格 价格条件不粘锅 3500 26” USD 121 per set CFRC3 Chicago 1400 30” USD 164

10、per set CFRC3 Chicago付款方式:即期汇票信用证装运时间:12月25日之前及时抵达Dear Madam,In reply to your E-mail dated December 4, we are interested in the different sizes of nonstick frypans your offer. We have decided to book a trial order with you as follows: Commodity Quantity Specifications Unit price Price termsNon-stick

11、 Frypans 3500 26” USD121 per set CFRC3 Chicago 1400 30” USD 164 per set CFRC3 Chicago We place this order on the condition that shipment is effected in good time so as to reach us by December 25. We suggest payment by letter of credit at sight. We would like to know if it is agreeable to you.We are

12、looking forward to your Sales Confirmation. Yours faithfully,Key to Skill TrainingExercise ICONTRACTNO: 95-05623Packing: To be packed in wooden cases, suitable for exportShipping Mark:ABC in diamondInsurance:Covering marine ALL RISKS and WAR RISK for 100% of CIF value plus 10%Time of shipment:Before

13、 October 30, 2004Port of shipment: Guangzhou, ChinaPort of destination:Lagos , NigeriaTerms of Payment: By irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight. Done and signed in Qingdao on this 25th day of March ,2004Exercise Sales ContractNo.95-226Sellers:ABC Trading Co. Ltd. ShanghaiBuyers:XYZ

14、 Traders, HongKong This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity:Printed ShirtingSpecifications: Art.No.185 colors: blue and

15、 red, equally assorted.Quantity:100,000 yards.Unit price:at HK $ 17 per yard CFRC5% HongKong.Total value:HK$ 1,700,000(Say HK Dollars One Million Seven Hundred Thousand Only)Packing:in cartonsShipping mark: Insurance:Time of shipment:Port of shipment:Port of destination:Terms of payment: Done and si

16、gned in on this , 2003.三 付款(便利方式,信用证等)II. Translate the following letter into English:先生: 本公司欲以贵公司每台180美元CIF鹿特丹的报价订购1,500台“海星”电动自行车,于8至9月装运。 该笔交易额高达270,000美元,本公司现金储备有限,占用资金(tie-up of funds)三到四个月将造成麻烦,故建议以30日有效的信用证支付。 我公司信誉良好,履约及时。你方可到银行查询。 如能接受上述付款条件,我们将十分感激。一俟收到该合约,我方将立即开证。 经理 约翰史密斯谨上 2008年4月12日12

17、April, 2008Dear Sirs: We would like to place an order for 1,500 “Haixing” electric bicycles at your price of USD180 each CIF Rotterdam for shipment during August/September. We would like to pay by 30 days L/C as the amount involved in this transaction is as big as USD270,000 and we have only moderat

18、e means at hand, and the tie-up of funds for as long as three to four month would indeed present a problem to us. We have a good business reputation and we always meet our obligations in time. You can check with bank for our standing. If you agree to our payment terms, we will be very grateful and w

19、ill establish the L/C as soon as we receive your contract. Yours faithfully John Smith ManagerIV. Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information:You are Mr. D. Causio, an Italian businessman who has been purchasing business machines for two years with China National Elec

20、tronics IMP. & Exp. Corp.Write a letter to the Chinese company, asking for the modification of the terms of payment, which has always been by L/C payable by draft at sight.Now you are Mr. Wang, manager of the Chinese company. Write back to Mr. D. Causio, granting his request and proposing an easier

21、arrangement.Dear Mr. Wang,Our purchases of business machines from you in the past three years have as a rule been paid by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit.This arrangement has cost us a great deal of money. From the moment we open the credit till our buyers pay us, normally the tie-up of fund

22、s lasts a long period. This is a great financial burden to us in view of the difficult economic situation and the prevailing high bank interest rates.If you agree to offer us easier payment terms, it would be conducive to an increase in business between us. So we propose either by D/P or your drawin

23、g on us at three months sight.We hope our request will meet with your approval and look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,ReplyDear Mr. D. Causio,Thank you for your letter of May 25th asking for a change in payment terms.After careful consideration with my colleagues, we have come to the

24、conclusion that its now time to expand the business between our two firms. In order to do this, we think an easier mode of payment could be very helpful. So we propose that for each transaction, when the goods are ready for shipment, we fax you and you pay us 30% of the total value by T/T, after rec

25、eiving which well dispatch the goods and fax you a copy of the Bill of Lading. The rest of the proceeds then will have to be paid by T/T within 20 days of shipment.We hope this arrangement will be acceptable to you and will lead to the increase of trade volume between us.Yours truly,Exercise I:Dear

26、Sirs, Thank you very much for your L/C No. BOC92/10/05. However, upon checking, we have found the following discrepancies and would appreciate it very much if you will make the necessary amendments as early as possible so as to facilitate our shipping arrangement:The amount of the credit should be C

27、AN$125,000 (Say Canadian Dollars One Hundred and Twenty- five Thousand Only) instead of CAN$120,000.The Bill of Lading should be marked “freight prepaid” instead of “freight to collect”.Please delete Insurance Policies (or Certificates) from the credit.The port of destination should be Vancouver ins

28、tead of Montreal.The goods are to be in tins of 340 grams instead of 430 grams.The credit should expire on December 15, 1992 for negotiation in China instead of November 30, 1992.We await your early amendments.Yours faithfully,Exercise II:Dears,We are pleased to have received your L/C No. LOC 5797 a

29、gainst S/C No. 03-331.However, we found some points that do not conform to the terms in the contract and would request you to make the following amendments:The amount in words should read RMB475,000(Say Renminbi Four Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Only).Please amend the Unit price RMB9550 to read RMB

30、9500.Add the wording “as per CIC of January 1st, 1981” and “for the amount of 110% CIF value”to the insurance clause.Insert “C2%” after “CIF”.Time of shipment should be “August 31, 2003” instead of “July 31, 2003”.The port of destination should be Rotterdam instead of Liverpool.We thank you in advan

31、ce for your cooperation.Sincerely yours,四 索赔理赔(依据金额)VI. Translate the following into an English business letter:执事先生:事由:关于东北大米短重的索赔销售合同476号 兹附上福建商检局签发的检验证明FJ1023号正本一份,证明贵公司由“幸运”号运来的上述合同项下的东北大米于3月27日在福州港卸货时包装良好,表面状况良好,却发现短重共760公斤。经该局授权的检验员认为短量系原包装量不足所致,为此你方应负有责任。基于上述情况,我们特向你方索赔,总金额共计1520 美元。 盼你方能早日解决

32、并将索赔金额以支票转入中国银行福州分行帐户。 谨 启 附件如文Dear Sirs,Claim for Short Weight on Dongbei Rice S/C 476We enclose the original copy of the Inspection Certificate No. FJ1023 issued by the Fujian Commodity Inspection Bureau certifying that the Dongbei Rice under the subject S/C shipped per S.S “Lucky” was discharged

33、at the Port of Fuzhou on March 27 in apparent good condition but found short-weight in sound bags , totaling 760kg.The authorized surveyor is of the opinion that the shortage is due to the insufficiency of the original shipping weight, not other causes, for which you should be responsible .On the st

34、rength of the above fact, we, therefore, lodge a claim against you for the amount of US$1520.We look forward to your early settlement and your payment by check for US$1520 , the amount of claim into our account with the Bank of China,Fuzhou.Yours faithfully,Encl. As statedVII. Write an English lette

35、r in reply with the following particulars:很遗憾地通知你们,从“和平”轮卸下的K9207号合同项下来货经检验其中一些箱子严重破损。兹附上厦门商检局签发的有关检验报告。请代我们向有关的保险部门提出索赔。Dear Sirs,We regret to inform you that the consignment ex S/S “Peace” underS/C K 9207 was found some cases badly damaged. . We are enclosing the Survey Report issued by Xiamen Commodity Inspection Bureau and hope that you will lodge a claim against the relevant Insurance Company on our behalf. Yours faithfully,


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