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1、Longman Welcome to English 2B Mid-Term ExaminationClass _ Name _ Score _Part I Listening (听力部分)30%I. Listen and circle (听句子,选择所听到的单词)1*5%( )1. A. 7:15 B. 7:30 C. 7:00( )2. A. to manyB. too much C. some( )3. A. but B. and C. or 班级 姓名 学号 装 订 线( )4. A. any B.some C. too( )5. A. wash the dishesB. dry th

2、e dishesC. do the dishes II. Listen and circle (选出听到的句子的应答句或问句)2*5%( )1. A. Yes,I do . B. No,I dont. C. Yes,she does. ( )2. A. Whats the time ? B. What day is today ? C. How many? ( )3. A. Its hot B. I like sweet. C. Its sour.( )4. A. Are there any bananas ? B. Are there any butter ?. ( )5. A. Its t

3、ime to do my homework. B.Its time to have lunchIII. Listen and circle (听对话,选择正确答案) 1*5%( )1. What time is it ? A. 9:00 B. 8:30( )2. What can Jenny do ? A. wash the fruit. B.water the plants( )3 What can Jacky do ? A. tidy the room B. clean the table( )4. How does Lily feel ? A. hot B. cold( )5. What

4、 does he want to do ? A. watch TV B. have a showerIV. Listen and write(听录音,写单词) 2*5%How are you ?I am very busy.My mother is in hospital but she is feeling better now. Everyday I .Let me tell you what I do.In the morning I .Then I make our breakfast.After that I go to school. After school, my father

5、 and I go the hospital. When we .I and sweep the floor,Then I help my father to cook dinner. I and read some books.I at nine thirty.Part II Reading and writing (读写部分)70%I. Read and copy(读一读,正确抄写下列句子, 注意大小写及标点符号)5% Is there any butter no there isnt _II. Fill in the blanks. (填入合适的介词) 5%1. Lucy is our

6、new teacher_20142. What does Beeno do _ 7 oclock?3. How does your father help _ home?4. Its time _ get up and wash your face.5. I dont have breakfast_ Sunday.III. Fill in the blanks. (填入正确的单词或者词组) 2*10%1. My father (like/likes)beef.Theyre delicious. 2. Lilly and I (dont like/doesnt) like raisins.3.

7、Sam is hungry.He wants to buy some (cookies/humburger)4. Dont drink (too many/too much) orange juice.5. There (is/are) some water.6. _ _(Is/Are ) there any children in the park ?7.I need _(an/a ) orange.Its yummy.8.Mom has two new _ _(baby/babies ) in the afternoon.9.The dog wants _ _(drink/to drink

8、) some water.10.My mothers a nurse.She goes to work _ _(at/in ) half past nine .IV. Choose the correct anwers (读一读,选择正确的答案)1*5%( ) 1. Mandy is _ _ English teacher. A. she B. I C. my( ) 2. Lily and Eric_ _the dog in the afternoon. A. feed B. feeds C. eats( ) 3. _ _ Cici help at home.She makes the bed

9、 . A. What do B. How do C. How does( ) 4. _ _ Kate tidy her room ? No.班级 姓名 学号 装 订 线 A. Does B. What does C. How do( ) 5. _ _ waters the flowers ?Jenny A.What B. Who C. How doesV. Read and write (根据要求写句子)2*5%1. Billy likes peanuts. (改成否定句) _2. There is some butter in the box. (改为一般疑问句) _3. Does Mary

10、 like beef balls? (肯定回答) _4. help home does How at Sally (连词成句) _5. I wash the bowl.(根据句型,写出相应问句) _VI. Read and write (读短文,回答问题)2*5%.One morning Mr and Mrs Green go shopping in their car. In the shop they see a lot of clothes. Mrs Green likes them. So she buys a shirt for their son, a skirt for thei

11、r daughter and a sweater for Mr Green. She buys a blouse for herself too.At about twelve fifteen, they go home. But they lose their way(迷路). Mr Green drives over to an old man and asks, Where am I? The old man looks at him curiously. You are in your car, sir. He answers.(回答)1. What do Mr and Mrs Gre

12、en do one morning?_2. What can they see in the shop?_3. Does the old man understand Mr Greens question?_4. Do they lose their way?_5. How many people are there in this family ?VII. Read and reorder the passage. (将如下句型进行排序) 5%A. Mix together.B. Wash the vegetables and the food.C. Add salad dressing.D

13、 .Put them in a bowl.E. Cut up the ham and the vegetables.1. _ _ 2. _ _ 3. _ _ 4 _ _ 5. _ _VIII. Composition. (作文) 10%描写在家的一天,介绍自己的时间安排和自己在家做的家务,不少于6句话.听力原文以及答案Part I ListeningI1. Its half past seven.2. Dont eat too much ginger .3. I dont like chicken wings or hot dog.4. Is there any butter?5. He al

14、ways dries the dishes.II1. -Do you like grapes? -I ts sweet and yummy.2. Its Monday.3. He doesnt like lemon.4. Im looking for my snacks.Its yellow.Monkey likes it very much.5. Its four fifty. IIIIts nine oclock in the morning.Jenny is happy as she doesnt go to school on Sunday.Look ! This is her gar

15、den.Therere many fruits and plants in it.Her mother helps her to water the plants.Jenny is picking apples now !She wants to make salad.She is in the kitchen and washing the apples .Jack is Jenny s younger brother.He wants to clean the table .Of course,he can do it very well.Lily is Jennys best frien

16、d.She is helping Jack to wash the table.She feels a little tired and hot.Everyone want to have a shower after working.IVHow are you ?I am very busy.My mother is in hospital but she is feeling better now. Everyday I help at home .Let me tell you what I do.In the morning I make the bed .Then I make ou

17、r breakfast.After that I go to school. After school, my father and I go the hospital. When we go home.I do my homework and sweep the floor,Then I help my father to cook dinner. I and read some books.I have a showerat nine thirty.AnswersPart I ListeningI1-5 B B C A BII1-5 A B C A AIII1-5 A A B A BIV1

18、-5 help at home make the bedgo homedo my homework have a showerPart I Reading and writingI Is there any butter? No, there isnt.II1. in 5.onIII1. likes 2.dont like 3.cookies 4.too much 5.is6. Are 8.babies drink 10.atIV1-5 C A C A BV1. Billy doesnt like peanuts.2. Is there any butter in the box?3. Yes,she does.4. How does Sally help at home?5. How do you help at home?VI1. They go shopping .2. They can see a lot os clothes.3. No, he doesnt.4. Yes, they do.5. Four.VII1-5 B E D C A6


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