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1、Unit 1八年级上册第一单元一、单项选择1. Did you do _ on your vacation, Alice?A.anything fun B.fun anything C.something fun D.fun something2. Did you go _?A. interesting somewhere B.somewhere interesting C.anywhere interesting D.interesting anywhere3. I went to summer _.A. vacations B.day C.vacation D.camp4. Where d

2、id you go _ vacation?A. to B.on C.for D.in5. And _ the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.A. and B.because C.but D.because of6. _ kind girl Jenny is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 7. Did you study _your test?A. on B.at C.for D.in8. I didnt bring back anything from Malaysia. _ at all?A. So

3、mething B.Anything C.Nothing D.Everything9. She isnt _to carry the box.A. enough strong B.strong enough C.enough young D.Young enough 10. -Oh, dear, we have_food left.-dont worry. Ill go and buy some.A. a few B.a little C.few D.little二、句型转换。1. I went to New York City. (对划线部分提问) _ did you _ on vacati

4、on?2. I bought something special for my father. (改为一般疑问句) _ you buy _ special for your father?3. I dont like the man. (改为同义句) I _ the man.4. Everyone had a great time. (改为同义句) Everyone _ _.5. The Malaysia yellow noodles were delicious. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the Malaysia yellow noodles?四、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1.

5、 We didnt have an u_ so we were wet and cold.2. The food tasted great because I was so h_!3. E_ was on vacation.4. It was _(精彩的).5. I just stayed at home _(大多数) of the time to read and relax.6. My father didnt bring _(足够的) money.7. I _(想知道) what life was like here in the past.8. We w_ over an hour f

6、or the train because there were too many people.9. Why didnt you buy anything for _(你自己)?10. What _(活动) do you find enjoyable?5、 翻译下列句子。1. 昨天你吃什么食物了? _ _ _ you _ yesterday?2. 你觉得这次旅行怎么样? How did you _ _ the trip?3. 似乎没有人感到无聊。 No one _ _ _.4. 我感觉我是一只鸟。I _ _ I was a bird.5. 我们想要走到山顶,天却开始下雨了。We wanted

7、to _ _ _ _,but then it started raining a little. 八年级上册第二单元习题二单项填空1.What_sheusually_onSunday? A.isdoB.doesdoC.doesdoesD.diddo2._doyougoswimming?Everyday.A.HowoftenB.WhenC.HowmanyD.Howlong3. Whattimedoyougetup_weekends? A.inB.ofC.onD.to4.He_goestothemovies. A.sometimeB.sometimeC.sometimesD.sometimes5.

8、Howwastheweatheryesterday?Itrained_.Peoplecould_goout. A.hardly;hardB.hardhardC.hardly;hardlyD.hardhardly6.Howoftendoyoudance?Idance_aweek. A.onceandtwicetimes B.twoandthreetimes C.oneortwoD.onceortwice7.Theoldmanisverywellbecauseheoften_. A.drinksB.exercisesC.sleepsD.plays8.WhatdoesMarydoonweekends

9、?Sheusually_theInternetathome. A,useB.goonC.usesD.goeson9. _(about85%)studentsdohomeworkeveryday. A.MostB.AllC.SomeD.No10.Myfatherlikessoccer.Buthe_it.Heonly_soccergamesonTV. A.plays;doesntwatch B.doesntplay;doesntwatch C.doesntplay;watchesD.plays;watches三。根据汉语意思完成英语句子1.你多久读一次英语?_doyoureadEnglish?2.

10、他有时在家帮着做家务。Hesometimes_ithome.3.Kate几乎不玩电子游戏。Kate_playscomputergames.4.我每周至少去看两次电影。Igotothemovies_aweek.5.她每月看四次电影。ShewatchesTV_.四按要求改写下列句子1.Laurasometimesgoestothemovies.(对画线部分提问)_Laura_tothemovies?2. HeusuallyreadsnewspapersonFridayafternoon.(对画线部分提问)_heusually_onFridayafternoon?3. Sheoftengoessho

11、pping.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_sheoften_shopping?No,she_.4. Theyexercisetwiceaweektokeephealthy.(改为否定句) They_twiceaweektokeephealthy.5.MyfavoriteprogramisCCTVNews._yourfavoriteprogram?5 根据短文内容,选择适当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整 was,didnt,want,sport,parents,arrivedat,lost,cool,on,helped Doyoueachhaveagreatsummercamp?Ihada

12、greatonewithmyfriendslastyear,Aftersayinggoodbyetoour_1_,wegotonthebus._2_theway,welaughed(笑)andtalkedhappily.Afterwe_3_thecampground(营地),wejumpedandranaroundtheplace.This_4_thefirsttimewelefthome.Someofusfelthomesick(想家的). However,whenthenightpartystarted,thehomesicknesswas_5_.Thenextday,wewentboat

13、ing.ATfirst,myfriendsandIworkedhard,buttheboat_6listentousandwouldntgototherightplaces.Thentheguide_7_us.Afteranytimes,wediditmuchbetter.Swimmingismyfavorite_8_.Itwasaboutthehottesttimeofadayandthebesttimetostayinthe_9_water.Theswimmingguidewasafunnyman,andheoftenmadeus_10_tolaugh.1._2_3._4._5._ 6._

14、7._8._9._10._八年级上册 第三单元练习题二.单项选择(15分)()1.Herhairis_than_.A. long,yourB.longer,youC.longest,yoursD.longer,yours()2Whichseasondoyoulike_,winter_summer?A. better,andB.best,orC.better,orD.best,and()3.Tomisnotso_atsportsasBill.A. goodB.wellC.betterD.best()4.Pedrois_thanI.A. funnyandoutgoingB.funnierandou

15、tgoingC.funnierandmoreoutgoingD.morefunnyandoutgoing()5.Formyfriend,Ilikedoingthesamething_.A. likehimB.likehedoesC.ashedoesD.asheis()6.Sheistalented_musicbutIamgoodsports.A. in,atB.at,inC.at,atD.in,in()7._youdontgiveup(放弃),yourdreamswillcometrue.A. AslongasB.AssoonasC.AswellasD.Asoftenas()8.Sheissi

16、milar_hermother.A.toB.withC.ofD.in()9.Idontreallycareifmyfriendsarethesame_meordifferent_me.A. as,asB.from,fromC.as,fromD.from,as()10.Thisismyfriend.Heis_lessoutgoingthanIam.A. muchB.muchmoreC.moreD.Very()11.MrBeanenjoys_jokesandoftenmakesus.A.totell,tolaughB.tells,laughC.telling,laughD.telling,laug

17、hing()12.Taraandhersister_quietandthey_sports.A. areboth,bothlikeB.areboth,likebothC.bothare,bothlikeD.bothare,likeboth()13.Itsimportant_us_Englishwell.A.of;learningB.for;tolearnC.of;tolearnD.for;learning()14.。Heis_outgoingstudent_longhairA.a,with,B.an,withC.a,ofD.an,of()15.Tomcanplay_drums,butSamca


19、edearly,thenextdayhewas8hungrythathecouldntstand(忍受)it9.“Imgoingtoeat,”hesaid.“Eveniftheythrowme10thesea.”Afterheateeverything thewaiter(侍者)putinfrontofhimandhewasreadyforthecomingtrouble.“Bringmethebill(账单),”hesaid.“Thebill,sir?”saidthewaiter.“Thereisntanybill.”Wastheanswer.“Ontheshipmealsareinclud


21、longerBnolongerCanylongerDnolong()10.AintoBonCinDonto八年级上册 Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?.单项选择1This computer is really cheap.The_,the better.I need money,you know.AcheapestBcheap Ccheaper Ddear2The boy _ very well in that play.Aacted Baction Cactor Dactivity3A car is _ than a truck.Amuch light

22、Bmuch lighter Cmore light Dmore lightest4Which subject is _,physics or chemistry?Avery interesting Bmost interesting Cmore interesting Dmuch interesting5He _ the prize _ the running this year.Amade;on Bgot;about Cwon;for Dwon;on6Which is _ season in Beijing?Abetter Bbest Cthe best Dthe better7_ good

23、 at something,but some people are talented.AEverybody BNobody is CEverybody is DEverybody are8Is Yao Ming the best basketball player in China?I think_.Ait Bso Cthis Dthat 9Which is_,the sun,the moon or the earth?Of course,the moon is.Abiggest Bthe biggest Csmallest Dthe smallest10Canada is the secon

24、d _country in area in the world.Astrong Bstrongest Clarge Dlargest11Its _colder than it _yesterday.Thats right.Youd better put on more clothes.Amuch;was Bmore;was Cmuch;is Dmore;is12My math teacher is very _ and she dances very _.Abeautiful;beautiful Bbeautiful;beautifully Cbeautifully;beautifulDbea

25、utifully;beautifully13Zhang Ming was catching up fast,too,but_.Afast enough Bnot enough fast Cnot fast enough Denough fast not14Who did best of _?Athe three Bthe two Ctwo Dthe twins15Its very kind of you to help me find the house._.AThats rightBOh,no CNo problemDGoodbye.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)Dear Nancy,Yo

26、u asked about places to go and things to do in our town.The Downtown Mall is always _16_.Its a _17_ place in the oldest part of town.There are some good stores and restaurants there._18_,Trendy Clothing Store is in Downtown Mall.Its a fun place to shop,and it has the _19_ quality clothes.The shop as

27、sistants are friendly _20_ people.My favorite _21_ in town is Nicks Restaurant.It is close to my house.Its cheap and the hamburgers there are great.I like Dragon City Restaurant,_22_.You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the most delicious!You must try the dumplings there,too!

28、But its more expensive than Nicks.The Big Cinema is the best cinema in town.It has the biggest screens and the most _23_seats.The Del Ray Complex is also a good place to see movies.It doesnt have _24_movies,but the tickets are the cheapest.Anyway,there are lots of things to do and to see here.Come f

29、or a _25_ soon!Love,Kate16A.funny Bfun Cdull Dexpensive 17A.fishing Bskating Creading Dshopping 18A.So that BFor example CSuch as DIn fact 19A.better Bbest Cworse Dworst 20A.with Bfor Cto Dat 21A.school Brestaurant Chospital Dpark 22A.tooBalso Ceither Dneither 23A.dangerous Bcomfortable Cimportant D

30、boring 24A.the newer Bnewer Cnewest Dthe newest 25A.visit Bsee Cwalk Ddinner.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)BOne day,John read an advertisement in a newspaper.It said,“Wanted.The best salesman in the world.”John thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job.“Im the best salesman in the world,” he sai

31、d to the manager.“Give me the job.”“You must prove you are the best,”the manager said.“OK,I will,”John said.“Good.”The manager took several boxes of sweets out of his desk.“Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets.If you can sell them all before the end of the week,you can have the job,”said th

32、e manager.“Thats easy,”John said.He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.Every day and every day he went from shop to shop,trying to sell the sweets.But he couldnt sell one.The sweets were too bad for him to sell.At the end of the week he went back to the manager.“Im sorry,sir,”he said,“I wa

33、s wrong about myself.Im not the best salesman in the world,but I know who is.”“Oh,”said the manager.“Who?”“The person who sold you a thousand boxes of the sweets.”31.The manager told John_.Ahe could start work at onceBhe was the best salesman in the worldChe wasnt a good salesmanDhe must show he was

34、 the best salesman in the world 32John could get the job if_.Ahe sold a thousand boxes of sweetsBhe gave away a thousand boxes of sweetsChe sent the manager a thousand boxes of sweetsDhe bought a thousand boxes of sweets from the manager33Choose the right order of the story _.(1)John went to ask for

35、 the job.(2)John told the manager who the best salesman really was.(3)John read an advertisement in a newspaper.(4)John went to sell the sweets.A(1)(3)(2)(4) B(3)(1)(4)(2)C(3)(1)(2)(4) D(4)(1)(2)(3)34From this story we can know that_.AJohn didnt get the job BJohn was a good sellerCthe manager was a good seller Dthe advertisement was a


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