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1、Unit 1 Discovering YourselfInside viewConversation 11Example answers1. Janet is a Chinese student in England.2. She studies at the University of Oxford.3. She is in London. 4. Probably she is visiting her friends or doing a tour around London.5. I can see Tower of Bridge and the Houses of Parliament

2、. 6. She is talking to her friends.2Answers1. Janet is not going back home to China. (Because she wants to work in London during the long summer holiday and find out what its like to live in this busy and lively city.)2. It is in the middle of summer.3. Janet is going to work for London Time Off, a

3、website about London.4. Joe is Janets boss.5. Janet doesnt know what she is going to do. (Because it is her first day working there.)6. Joe and Andy do not agree that New York is the greatest city. (Andy thinks London is.)3AnswersJanetAndyJoe123456784Answers1. Janet wants to find out what the busy a

4、nd lively city of London is like.2. Today. 3. Joe doesnt agree with Andy. (But they agree in a joking way.)4. It is not as great a city as London.5. She thinks London is probably the greatest city in the world.Conversation 25Answers5-6-2-3-8-7-4-16Answers(1) dont mind my asking(2) He drives me crazy

5、(3) What do you mean by(4) Its the last thing(5) we check out new events(6) the musicians or the actors(7) Can I ask you something else(8) weve got an interview to do(9) supposed to be on his wayEveryday English7Answers1(b)2(b)3(b)4(a)5(a)6(b)Outside viewWatching and understanding2Answers4-5-1-3-23A

6、nswers1(b)2(c)3(c)4(a)5(a)5Answers1(b), (d), (f)2 (a), (e)3(g)4(c)6Answers1. So that they can learn something about themselves.2. It can lead to a higher self-consciousness.3. It can lead to happiness.4. A strengthening of the personality.5. “Who am I as a person? Am I really happy?”6. He thinks stu

7、dents can get indications of happiness from teachers.7. Happiness scientists.8. They dont write definitions on the board.8Example answersHappiness is not a concept associated with school. Often students may not feel happy in school. A German school Heidelbergs Willy Hellpach School of Economics has

8、introduced a happiness class, in addition to subjects of languages and mathematics, into the school curriculum in order to boost students morale. The principal and teachers believe that happy students can learn more than unhappy ones. The happiness class activities can help students to achieve happi

9、ness by making tem have a positive state of mind, which leads to a higher self-esteem and self-consciousness.One exercise that has been given to students is to ask one of them to walk across the classroom; others then copy his or her movement. In this way, each student becomes aware of their own bod

10、y movement and they understand their own body better, which helps to understand their state of mind.The teachers believe that it takes time for students to achieve happiness. Some students realize that happiness is not a definition written on the board, but something students have to work hard and f

11、ind for themselves. This is a new type of teaching which may have a long way to go.Listening inListening and understanding2Answers1(c)2(d)3(a)4(b)31. tolerant; rounded2. close to; stand up3. beauty; generosity4. an opportunity; beyond the one5. behaved; selfish6. pretend; see through7. arrived in; h

12、ad to help8. difficult time; a huge amount of61. Joan is an academic counselor at Manchester University.2. She is talking to a presenter and callers for a radio programme.3. It is important, because their choices of subject are likely to have an impact on their future careers.4. He wants to work in

13、IT.5. Not at all. (In Britain each university has a different mixture of courses; some courses can only be found in a few universities.)7Answers1. strengths; weaknesses; personality; like; subjects; organized; confident; outgoing; a team; working alone2. future careers; into a particular area of work; chosen field; related industries; leading3. vocational; graduates; high-flyers; career; practical; transferable; recruitment


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