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1、48个国际音标发音字母及字母组合对照表/:/aafter plant graph ask grasp glass fast fatherar car farm card arm garden /u o ou oo up supper lunch gun cup bus come mother brother love above trouble flourish blood flood/:/alor au our arsmall wall talk tall call walk short more horse sport store author catch caught autumn (f

2、all)four mourn(哀悼n.)warm quarter /o ahot lost lot fox box notwant wash watch what/:/ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty birdburn nurse Thursdaylearn earth heardterm herwork all over the world/er or ou ar o a teacher leader remember player doctor actor author delicious gracious familiar collar(衣领,

3、项圈)dollar together tomorrow today Washington around ago elephant banana Canada /i:/eeea e iethree tree green sheep meet beef eat tea meat leave teacherhe she me piece receive ceiling/i y esit picture it pig big many twenty happy delicious /u:/oo o ufood moon room goose (鹅,笨蛋)toothshoe do twotrue tru

4、th blue full/oo ou u olook good foot book wood should could put full pull pushwoman wolf/e/ea e ahead bread Its my pleasureelephant November sell lesson better many any/a bag hand happy hat bad black/e/a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate play say way great break rain paint plainthey grey/a/iigh y eyeb

5、ike fine die light night high my try fly eye/o ow oa home cold go noknow low grow show boat coat goal/a/ou ow house out ground sound loud mouseflower down now town/e/ear air erearepear bear chair air fair there wherecare/our oor tour / poor/ oyoiboy toy joy oil voice choice/eer ear ere eabeer deer e

6、ar near here idea/p/ppig potato pool/b/bbrother bear beer/t/tten cat hat/d/ddog doctor bird/k/k c ckkite key cook card cat chick/g/ggreen get egg/f/fphfish frog ofphoto elephant /v/vvest van five/ththank think tooth mouth/th this these that those/s/cschface cinema sick snake mechanic /z/zseszip zoow

7、hose cars farmers vans/shtishe push fishnationality/suresPleasuretelevision/h/hhe horse house/r/rred rice /ts/tscats goats elephants/dz/ds goods birds/t/ch tch child chicken china catch/d/ge j age language vegetable joy July junk/tr/trtree train try /dr/drdriver dress drink/m/mmuch mom moonam arm /n/nneck nice in thin/n ngDrinkSing song /j/y yes year your yellow/ w/wwhwater warmwhat where /lleg let bell sell


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