4、、敬业、诚信、友善”短短的24个字给我们以启迪,我们当代青年应做什么样的人?答案是爱国、敬业、诚信、友善的人。少年智则国智,少年强则国强。作为国家未来的希望,树立远大的理想并为自己的梦想艰苦奋斗是每一个大学生责无旁贷的义务,也是实现自己人生价值不可或缺的理念。曾看过这样一张图,写着6:00AM,版面分割成两块,一半是在床上酣睡的人,一半是顶着月色跑步的人,配文这样说道:“你是愿意在被窝继续未做完的美梦,还是马上起床完成未完成的梦想?” 树立远大的理想并为之艰苦奋斗其实是一件很热血的事。而“中国梦”的铸就离不开个人理想的实现,小家成就大家,家是最小国,国是千万家。只有把个人追求和价值观融入我党领
5、导的建设中国特色社会主义伟大事业中去,才能在人生道路上拥有发展进步的广阔空间。作为青年的我们,代表着未来,更背负着希望。百年的现代化的梦想在慢慢实现,沉睡的雄狮在渐渐苏醒,而这一切,离不开四进四信的指导,让我们遵循习大大的部署,认真学习“四进四信”的意义,坚持走中国特色社会主义道路。让中国梦插上年轻的翅膀,飞过北海、越过南疆。让中国梦插上四进四信的翅膀,坚定青春的脚步,同心共塑我们的中国梦!(7) What do you think?A: What do you think?B: Well, it has just as many bedroom as the last apartment.
6、And the living room is huge.C: But the bedroom are too small. And there isnt enough closet space for my clothes.A: And its not as cheap as the last apartment we saw.B: But that apartment was dark and dingy. And it was in a dangerous neighborhood.A: Lets see if the real estate agent has something els
7、e to show us. A: Well, how do you like this space, then?C: Oh, its much better than that other one. The thing I like best is the bedrooms. They are too huge!B: Yes, they are nice and big.C: And there are two bathrooms! I could have my own bathroom!B: Yes, I guess you could.C: The only problem is the
8、 color of the living room. I really dont like those dark green walls.A: Oh, Im sure we can change the color if we want to. (8) Creative Rentals.A: Creative Rentals. Good morning.B: Hello. Im calling about the apartment you have for rent.A: Yes. What can I tell you about it?B: Where is it, exactly?A:
9、 Its on King Street, just off the freeway.B: Oh, near the freeway. Can you hear the traffic?A: Yes, Im afraid you do hear some. But the apartment has lots of space. It has three bedrooms and a very large living roomB: I see. And is it in a new building?A: Well, the building is about fifty years old.
10、B: Uh-huh. Well, Ill think about it.A: OK. Thanks for calling.B: Thank you. Bye A: Hello?B: Hello. Is the apartment youre advertising still available?A: Yes, it is.B: Can you tell me a little about it?A: Well, its a perfect apartment for one person. Its one room with a kitchen at one end.B: I see. A
11、nd is it far away from the subway?A: Theres a subway station just down the street. Actually, the apartment is located right downtown, so you step out of the building and there are stores and restaurants everywhere. But its on a high floor, so you dont hear any street or traffic noise.B: It sounds li
12、ke just the kind of place Im looking for. Id like to come see it, please.A: Sure. Let me give you the address. (9) So where are you working nowA: So where are you working now, Terry?B: Oh, Im still at the bank. I dont like it, though.A: Thats too bad. Why not?B: Well, its boring, and it doesnt pay v
13、ery well.A: I know what you mean. I dont like my job either. I wish I could find a better job.B: Actually, I dont want to work at all anymore. I wish I had a lot of money so I could retire now.A: Hmm, how old are you, Terry?B: Uh, twenty-six. A: So how are things going with you and Susie, Terry?B: O
14、h, you didnt know? She and I broke up a couple of months ago. We decided we needed a break from each other for a while. But I miss her a lot. I wish we could get back together again.A: Im sure you will.B: I really hope so. So what kind of job would you like to look for?A: Im not sure, but Id really
15、like to move to another city. Im sick of this place. I need to live somewhere more exciting.B: I know what you mean. It sure can get boring around here at times. Yeah, I really need a change. Ive been doing the same things for ever five years now, and Im just not learning anything new. Its the same
16、routine every day, and I am really sick of sitting in front of a computer. I think I need to try something totally different. I want to be in a profession that involves meeting people. I really need to join a club or sports team to give me something to do on weekends. I get really bored on the weeke
17、nds, and if I joined a club. Id probably get to meet people and make new friends. I should take a typing course this summer. I really need if it for my school work. And people say that if you can type really well, its something youll find useful later in life. Gosh, I really have to go on a diet. Ive gained ten pounds since last year, and everyone tells me I look fat. And if I dont lose weight now, I wont be able to get into any of my summer clothes.