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1、体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版 重点词汇Unit1P6 AValue for money 花钱值得 luxurious 奢侈的,豪华的 timeless 不受时间影响的 Well-made 做工考究的 top of the range 高端的 durable 耐用的 inexpensive 便宜的 cool 酷的 Reliable 可靠的 stylish 流行的(有型个性) fashionable时髦的(潮流时尚) Well-designed 精心设计的P7 ABrand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 the tendency to always buy a particular brandbr

2、and image 品牌形象 the ideas and beliefs people have about a brandbrand stretching 品牌扩张 using an existing name on another type of product brand awareness 品牌意识 how familiar people are with a brand brand name 品牌名字 the name given to a product by the company that makes it product launch 产品发布 the introductio

3、n of a product to the marketproduct lifecycle 产品生命周期 the length of time people continue to buy a productproduct range 产品范围 the set of products made by a companyproduct placement 植入式广告 when products are used in films or TV programmesproduct endorsement 产品代言 the use of a well-known person to advertise

4、 productsBrand positioning 品牌定位P8Gross margins 毛利润Manufacturing 制造业Solely 唯一的Low-cost market 低成本市场Outsources 外包Licensing arrangement 特许授权Flagship store 旗舰店Offshore 离境;海外Country of origin 原产地Identify the marker 确定产品来源或制造者Simplify product handing 简化产品,操作和追踪Organize accounting 帮助组织进存货和做会计记录Offer legal

5、protection 提供法律保护Unit2 P14 B1 not enough leg .room. 没有足够的伸腿空间 2 lost or delayed .luggage. 遗失或延迟行李 3 long .queues. at check-in 签入时的长队列 4 poor quality .food. and drink 质量差的食品和饮料5 no baggage .trolleys. available 没有可用的行李手推车 6 overbooking of .seats. 超额预订座位7 flight delays and .cancellations. 航班延误和取消 8 .je

6、t.- lag 时差(飞机时差反应)P15 A1 subway h) underground 地铁2 city centre k)downtown 市中心区 3 carry-on baggage i) hand luggage 手提行李4 one way f)single 单程票5 return j) round trip 往返旅行6 freeway a)motorway 高速公路,快车道7 rest room c) public toilet 公共厕所8 elevator b)lift 电梯,升降机9 coach class e) economy class 经济舱10 timetable

7、d) schedule 时刻表11 car park g) parking lot 停车场 BE Reading1 mass market 大众市场 niche market 缝隙市场/利基市场2 a steep climb 急剧攀升 3 stem from 来自,起源于(因为)4 mass unrest 大规模骚乱 5 mid-flight 飞行途中6 be at fault 对某事负责 7 cabin ventilation 客舱通风设备8 optimum 最适宜的 9 aviation fuel 航空燃料10 be in the front line 奋战在第一线的人 11 stiffe

8、r penalty 更严厉的惩罚12 concession 让步P19 skillsExtension 分机Be engaged 太忙而不能接电话,繁忙/电话占线UNIT3P22A reserved parking space 专用车位Flying business class 商务舱Have fixed working hours 有固定的工作时间P23Subsidiary子公司 Head office 总公司Call centre 呼叫中心Distribution centre 分配中心Warehouse仓库Branches/outlets分店 分销店Bureaucratic 官僚主义的B

9、ureaucracy 官僚主义Centralised 中央集权的Conservative 保守的Decentralised 权力下放Democratic民主的Hierarchical 等级制度的Hierarchic 等级制度Impersonal 没有人情味的Marketing-driven 以市场为导向Progressive 进步的 革新的P24Cutting-edge 尖端的 前沿的Key ingredients 关键要素Budget report 预算报告Eliminated all perks and status symbol 取消特权和身份符号Rigorous exam 严格的考试T

10、ime management时间管理,budgeting,people skill 人际交往Decentralising responsibility and authority 下方责任和权利Autonomy 自主性Accountability 责任感Performance benchmarks 评判的标准Rate=evaluateP25Measuring performance业绩测定Benchmarks 基准merge 兼并Unit4 P31Bottom line 底线Reinvent 改造Discount store 折扣商店Speciality retailers 专门零售商Disc

11、ounter 折扣Floor space 房屋面积,建坪Vendor 小贩Booth 售货棚,临时货摊Seducing 吸引Merchandise 商品;货物;Upgraded 升级Fitting room 试衣间Lounge area 休息区Computer kiosk 公用电脑亭Shopping carts 手推车Wholesalers 批发商Retailers 零售商Kiosk 小卖部P33 ADownsize 缩小Downgrade 降级Decentralise 权力下放Deregulate 解除管制;解除控制;Upgrade 提升Reorganise 重组Retrain 重新教育,再

12、教育;Redevelop 重建,重新开发;Relaunch 重启relocate 迁移;重新安置;Restructure 重建;调整;重组;B1. It is now so expensive to rent offices in the city center that many companies are relocating to the suburbs.2. The company has recently had to downsize its workforce. Reducing the number of employees is the best way to stay pr

13、ofitable in the current economic climate.3. Excellent customer service is vital to keep up with the competition. The company has introduced new working practices and is retraining all part-time staff.4. The seating plan in our office has been reorganized to accommodate new staff.5. Our product hasnt

14、 been selling well recently. The marketing team has decided to relaunch the product with a more up-to-date image.6. The company has noticed that too many decisions are made at head office. It is decentralizing the decision-making process so that branch managers are more involved at an earlier stage.

15、7. The company has finalized the plans to redevelop the disused car park site. It is going to become a model in three-storey office block.8. The most successful change in Our company was the decision to restructure the company hierarchy. Now there is more opportunity for promotion.P35Open-plan-offic

16、e 开放式办公室Hot-desking 办公桌轮用制Unit5毛利润Gross margin:diference between the selling price of a product and the cost of producting it经济衰退 recession: a period of time when business activity decreases because the economy is doing badly股份 shares: equal parts into which the capital or ownership of a company is

17、divided欠款debt: money owed by one person or organisation to another person or organisation .股票市场 stock market: a place where company shares are bought and sold .投资 investment: money which people or organisations put into o business to make a profits每股收益 earings per share are a companys profits divide

18、d by the number of its shares预测 A forecast is a discription of what is likely to happen in the future .破产 bankruptcy is when a person or organisation is unable to pay their debts利息 A dividend is a part of the profits of a company paid to the owner of shares税前利润 Pre-tax profits are the money a busine

19、ss makes before payment to the goverment收入 Revenues are money which businesses receive selling goods and servicesIn our home markets it has been another excellent year. forecast for Pre-tax profits are up by 23 million, and the _forecast_ _ the next quarter is equally good. Profits from abroad are d

20、own because of a _recession_ recession in Japan. However, our performance overall has been good, and the _earnings per share_ have dividend will be increased to 4.3p increased to 26.4p and the _dividend_ per share, which will please our shareholders. We plan to issue new _shares_ in order to finance

21、 expansion in Asia. We also plan to increase our _investment_ in plant and equipment before entering the Chinese market. We are particularly pleased with our performance in France and Germany where _profits_ have increased. As a result of using a new distributor, our costs fell, giving us a _ gross

22、margin_ of 40 percent on our main product line. We will use any extra cash debt to reduce the level of our _debt_. Our performance in Italy should improve significantly following the _ bankruptcy_ of our biggest competitor. However, we should not become too satisfied with our share price as economic

23、 _revenues_ will continue to conditions remain uncertain and the _revenues_ reflect this. Share prices will not rise in the short term.Unit8 These days many applicants submit their(1)CV/resume speculatively to companies they would like to work for. In other words, they do not apply for an advertised

24、 job but hope the employer will be interested enough to keep their CV on file and contact them when they have a vacancy. When replying to an advertisement, candidates often fill in a/an (2)application form and write a/an (3)covering letter. The employer will then invite the best candidates to attend

25、 a/an(4)interview. Sometimes candidates will take a/an(5)psychometric test before the interview to assess their mental ability and reasoning skills. These days it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a/an(6)probationary period in a company. This is usually three or six month; after th

26、at they are offered a permanent post.Unit9 书78页Barriers障碍 open borders开方便接 free port 自由港 Developing industries 新兴行业 dumping 倾销 tariffs 关税Strategic industries 战略性行业 restrictions 限制 Quotas 定额 laisser-faire 自由放任 liberalise 使自由Customs 海关 deregulation 解除管制 subsidise 补贴Regulations 监管市场 government intervention 政府干预


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