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1、阅读理解填空专练(三)1Mark had a lot of money, but a charity(慈善机构)in town never got anything from him. One day, the worker of the charity called him and h_1_ he could give some money to the charity. “Our survey(调查) s_2_ that you can get about $500,000 a year a year. Wouldnt you like to give b_3_ to our countr

2、y in some way?”The man didnt answer but a_4_ ,”Do you know my mother , old and i_5_ ,has many medical bills every month?”Embarrassed(尴尬的), the clerk said, “Oh, s_6_ , but ” The man stopped her, “And my brother has some p_7_ problems , he has to sit in a wheelchair(轮椅).”The clerk wanted to say someth

3、ing, but she was stopped again “And my sister has no job but has to l_8_ after three little children!The clerk was more embarrassed and said, “ I r_9_ have no idea, but”The man stopped her once again , “So if I give no money to them , w_10_ should I give any to you ?”答案:1.hoped 2shows 3.back 4.sked

4、5.ill6.sorry 7.physical 8.look 9.really 10.why2Once there was a black and white cat. One day he was s_1_ under a tree in the forest.When he walked up , he felt very h _2_. he wanted to have something to eat.He l_3_ around. He looked up at the blue s_4_ and looked down at the green plant. Something w

5、as moving in the t_5_. It was a sparrow(麻雀).He talked to the sparrow and asked it to be f_6_ with him. When it came near, he caught the sparrow. He was going to eat it. The sparrow said, “No gentleman eats his d_7_ till he has washed his face.”The cat was s_8_ to hear that. He began to wash his face

6、 with his paw, and the sparrow f_9_ away.The cat was sorry to l_10_ lhs dinner and said, “As long as I live, I will eat first and wash my face afterward.”答案;1.sleeping 2.hungry 3.looked 4.sky 5.tree6.friehds 7.dinner 8.surpised 9.flew 10.lose3A boy went into a noodle restaurant with his blind father

7、. He called l_1_ for two bowls of beef noodles. After a while, the boy said in a low voce to the waiter “O_2_ one bowl with beef , the other one no beef.”In fact, the boy didnt have e_3_ money for two bowls of beef noodles.When the noodles were s_4_ , the father searched in his bowl, trying to find

8、some p_5_ of beef. When he got one , he p_6_ it up and put it into his sons bowl, saying kindly, “Eat some more. Have enough good food and s_7_ well in school.“The boy said “OK” but he put the beef b_8_ into his fathers bowl.The restaurant owner was moved by them. He asked the waiter to bring them s

9、ome f_9_. The boy was s_10_ and ask why. The owner said, “Today is my restaurants anniversary. The fish is free.”答案:1.loudly 2.Only 3.enough 4.served 5.pieces6.picked 7.study 8.back 9.fish 10.surpised4A wise man traveled in the mountains. When he was walking, he found a precious stone in a river. Th

10、e next day he met a_1_ traveler who was hungry. The wise man o_2_ his bag to share his food. The traveler saw the stone and asked the man to give it to him.The wise man did so without hesitation(犹豫).The traveler left h_3_ He was s_4_ that the stone was very expensive and he could get much money by s

11、elling it.But, a few days later, he come back to return the s_5_ to the wise man. “I have a q_6_,” he said .“I know how expensive the stone is, but I give it back to you. Because I h_7_ I can get something more valuable. Could you tell me what made you give me this stone without hesitation?” Hearing

12、 this, the wise man s_8_ at him and said, “I b_9_ you have already got what you want.”From the story, we can learn that sometimes its not the wealth you have but whats i_10_.答案:1.another 2.opened 3.happily 4.sure 5.stone 6.question 7.hope 8.smiled 9.believe 10.inside5David is a college student. Last

13、 year he went on v_1_ to Yunnan with his cousin, Cindy.First, they went to Kunming by p_2_. David liked the w_3_ there. It was not cold or hot. It was really fine. Cindy liked all kinds of flowers best there.After two weeks, they went to Dali by train. They v_4_ the famous Dali old city and some oth

14、er p_5_ of interest there. They also knew about many local customs.One week later David and Cindy took the bus to Lijianga beautiful town. They visited Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. It was really w_6_ . They also visited the old town of Lijiang. There were many interesting stores and r_7_ there. They a

15、te much fine food there. And Cindy b_8_ man presents for her sister Mary and her brother Bill. David had to come back to school so they only s_9_ in Lijiang for one week.David l_10_ Lijiang so much. He hopes to visit it this summer holiday again.答案:1.vacation 2.plane 3.weather 4.visited 5.places6.wo

16、nderful 7.restaurant 8.bought 9.stayed 10.likes6I am a middle school student and I am f_1_ years old. I was quite healthy when I was in primary school. H_2_ , one year ago I was fat. Because I liked junk food very much. I loved chips and chocolate, and I got tired e_3_. One evening, I s_4_ some youn

17、g men running in the park. They looked really fit and active. So I started r_5_ from then on.Now I have 1.5-mile run every morning before I go to school. I also drink m_6_ and eat fruit and vegetables instead of chips and chocolate. These good eating h_7_ and running help to build me up. I become he

18、althy again! And I have great fun running. It makes me feel well and look fit. Running begins to b_8_ my favorite sport. Im s_9_ I will do well in the boys 800-metre race in our school sports meet this year.If you want to be fit and active, keep away from junk food , and you can j_10_ me in the runn

19、ing!答案:1.fifteen 2.However 3.easily 4.saw 5.running6.milk 7.habits 8.bacome 9.sure 10.join7An old man lived alone in a town. He wanted to dig up his potato garden, but it was very h_1_ work. His only son, who always h_2_ him in the past, was then in prison. He wrote a letter to his son and said:Dear

20、 son,I am feeling so bad that I cant p_3_ potatoes in my garden this year. I d_4_ not doing it. Im just getting too o_5_ to dig up a garden. If you were here, all my p_6_ would be over. I k_7_ you would dig up the garden for me if you were at home. Love, DadSoon the son a_8_ , “Dad, dont dig up the

21、garden! Thats where I buried the guns!”At 4 am the next morning, some p_9_ came and dug up the whole garden without finding any gun. The old man was surprised and the next day, his sons letter came, “Go to plant your potatoes, Dad. Its the b_10_ I could do for you from here.”答案:1.hard 2.helped 3.pla

22、nt 4.dislike 5.old6.problem 7.know 8.answered 9.policemen 10.best8Bill and Fred are very good friends. They s_1_ at the same university. They didnt have much money, so when it was time for their holidays, Fred said, “Lets take our holidays in a trailer(), Bill. Its c_2_ than a hotel. I can ask my fa

23、ther to give me his trailer.”Fred was very h_3_. So they got into the trailer and began their holidays. They wanted to get up early the next day to go f_4_ by the lake, but they didnt have a clock to w_5_ them up. “Thats all right, Bill,” Fred said. “Ill put these pieces of b_6_ on the roof of the t

24、railer tonight and theyll wake us up in the m_7_.” Bill was very surprised , but he didnt say a_8_.Fred was right. As soon as it began to get light, small birds came down to e_9_ the bread, and their noise on the roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very q_10_.答案:1.studied 2.cheaper 3.happy 4.f

25、ishing 5.wake6.bread 7.morning 8.anything 9.eat 10.quickly9Many years ago, a very rich woman, Judy, had three c _1_. She wanted them to be kind to each other. But they f_2_ all the time. One day Judy died. Her children thought that they would each get some of her m_3_. Then they could leave home. Th

26、ey would never have to see each other again. But they found that there was no money. Judy already s_4_ it all on a farm. They wanted to be rich, so they had to m_5_ money through the farm. To do that theyd all have to join in. Bob loved plants. He grew a lot of f_6_ on the farm. Alice had lots of fr

27、iends. She took the fruit to town. Her friends b_7_ all the fruit. Ken liked counting. He counted the money that they made.S_8_ the fruit farm made the children rich. Bob, Alice and Ken learned that they needed each other. Besides this, they b_9_ to like each other. Judys dream came true. The fruit

28、farm h_10_ her children learn to be goo friends. They never fought again.答案:1.children 2.fought 3.money 4.spent 5.make6.fruit 7.bought 8.Soon 9.began 10.helped10When Shankar was walking through a forest with wood, he saw an old h_1_ man. Shankar wanted to h_2_ him, but he had no food so he went on h

29、is way. Then he saw a thirsty deer. He wanted to help it but he didnt have water, e_3_ .He was sorry but had to leave.Later Shankar saw a man making a boat but he didnt have wood. Then Shankar gave some wood to him. The man t_4_ him and gave him some food and water.So Shankar went b_5_ to the old ma

30、n and the deer to help them. They felt very h_6_. So did Shankar.H_7_ , one day Shankar fell of a tall tree and no one was there to help hm. The old man saw this and t_8_ him to his house. There were many wounds on Shankars legs. The deer saw this and went to b_9_ some herbs. After a few days, he got b_10_. All of them were very happy to help each otherIf you help others, they will also help you one day.答案:1.hungry 2.help 3.either 4.thanked 5.back6.happy 7.However 8.took 9.brng 10.better


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