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1、八年级英语上册第一次月考满分150分 班级 姓名 一 听力部分(每小题1分, 共25分)I Listen and number.(听句子或对话,标序号。5分)IIListen and choose.(听对话,选择正确的答案。5 分)( ) 1. Which box is heavier? A.The red one B. The blue one C. The green one( )2. What kind of music does the woman like better?A.Rock music B. Country music C. Pop music( )3. Who is th

2、e best teacher ? A. Mr.Wang B. Mr. Song C. Mr.Zhang( )4. Is the man feeling better today? A. No, he isnt B. Yes, he is. C. We dont know.( )5. Which school library is closed later? A. The mans B. The womans C. KatesIIIListen and match.(听句子,找出对应选项。6分)A. Jianghuai Theater a. has the best soundB. the To

3、wn Cinema b. is the cheapestC. the Success Theater c. has the biggest screenD. Guangming Theater d. is the closest to homeE. the City Cinema e. has the most comfortable seats.F. Changjiang Theater f. is the most popularA. B. C. D. E. F. IVListen and fill in the blanks.(听句子或对话,填空。6分)1. M: Who do you

4、think is the actor? W: I think David is the funniest actor.2. What do you think is the most music video?3. I think the music group is Boys to Men.4. M: What do you think is the movie this year? W: Maybe its Beautiful Girl. Its .5. Jinling Cinema has the service in the city.6. The Popular Line has cl

5、othes than the New Fashions. V. Listen and write T or F.(听短文,判断正误。3分)( )1. The best movie theater is Guangming Theater.( )2. The New Fashion has the best clothes.( )3. The Sunshine Fashion is the worst because its the most expensive.二、单项选择 (每小题1分, 共20分)( )1.-I cant find my CDs. -_you put them in tha

6、t bag. A. Must B. May be C. Maybe D. May ( )2.-What about_ a rest? OK! Lets go for a walk. A to have B. had C. have D. having ( )3.-Sally, how often do you use the Internet ?-_.A. Twice a week 3. Three hours C. Two years ago D. This afternoon ( )4.- My mother told me _ you anything.A. tell notB. not

7、 tell C. to not tellD. not to tell( )5. Do you know the _ between these two words? A. different B. same C. difference D. difficult ( )6一What do you think of the 3D film Titanic last night? 一It was _. I enjoyed it a lot. A. boring B. wonderful C. strange D. terrible( )7. Would you like to eat?A. some

8、thing healthyB. anything healthyC. something health D. healthy something ( )8.We are all good students. We should try_ English hard.A study B to study C to studying D studied( )9.一 _was their vacation? 一It _great A. What; was B. How; was C. How; is D. What; is( )10.-Is that girl Amy? 一No,thats Wendy

9、. Amy is _ than Wendy.A thin B. thinner C. thinnest D. the thinnest ( )11.Li Huas shoes are as _ as Zhang Huis. A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest D. the cheaper( )12. The water in the lakes in Yunnan became _because of the dry weather. A. fewer and fewer B. more and more C. less and less D. little

10、 and little ( )13. Li Na _ a gold medal again in Shenzhen _ January 5th,2013. A. beat; in B. won; in C. won; on D. beat; on ( )14. Its important _ us _English well. A. of; learning B. for; to learn C. Of; to learn . D.or; learning ( )15.Alen is good at _. She will be in the long jump and the high ju

11、mp. A. jump B. jumps C. to jump D.jumping( )16.After the _ traveling, he felt very _ . A. tiring, tiring B. tired, tired C tired, tiring .D. tiring, tired( )17. Listen ! I hear someone _ in the next room . A. sing B. to sing C. sings D. singing( )18How was the weather yesterday?It was terrible. It r

12、ained _. People could go out. A. hardly; hardly B. hard; hard C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard( )19These sweaters are too small for me. Please show me _ one. AotherBothersCthe othersDanother( )20. he studied hard every day, he didnt pass the exam. A. Because, so B. Although, but C. Although, / D. Bec

13、ause, /三.完型填空。(每小题1.5分, 共30分)Mike is my friend. He 1 the day with morning exercises. After morning exercises, he 2 English at home. Its time to 3 breakfast. His 4 habits are 5 good. He eats a lot of vegetables. He 6 ever eats junk food. He says it is bad for 7 to eat junk food too much. In the after

14、noon, he plays football with his classmates. Because he doesnt like to go to the movies, he often 8 TV at home. Sometimes he 9 the Internet and talks with me 10 the Internet.( )1.A. start B. begin C.starts D.begins with( )2.A .reading B. reads C.watch D.books at( )3.A. take B.have C.like D.owe( )4.A

15、 .eating B.eats C.eat D.to eat( )5.A. rather B.pretty C.much D.too( )6.A. hard B.harder C.hardly D.hearty( )7.A. healthy B.health C.fit D.fitness( )8.A. looks at B.reads C.watches D.sees( )9.A. use B.uses C.using D.to use( )10.A .in B.on C.at D.withWe arrived_(11)_ Mount Tai in the morning with my p

16、arents. That _(12)_ a beautiful day. We _(13)_ our trip at 9:00. _(14)_ in my family took a bag _(15)_ some food and water. After three hours, we got to the top. We _ (16)_ excited, because we saw _(17)_ waterfalls in the mountain. They were so beautiful_(18)_ we forgot about the last three hours. A

17、t 4:00 p.m., we came back to the foot of the mountain. My father bought _(19)_tea for my grandparents. My mother bought a beautiful dress for herself. I didnt buy anything, because_(20)_ there was too expensive. And I didnt have much money.( ) 11. A. in B. at C. on D. to ( ) 12. A. is B. was C. are

18、D. were( ) 13. A. went B. bought C. started D. stopped( ) 14. A. Someone B. Any one C.No one D. Everyone( ) 15. A. in B. on C. with D. carried( ) 16. A. both B. each C. too D. all( ) 17. A. few B. much C. quite a few D. a lot( ) 18.A. that B. because C. so D. then( ) 19. A. many B. a few C. some D.

19、few( )20. A. everything B.something C. nothing D. anythingA. It was delicious.B.I went to Paris with my parents.C. We visited a lot of museums.D. I had a good vacation.E. How was your vacation?F. But the shops were crowded. 四补全对话(每小题1分, 共5分)A: Hello, Jenny! 1B: Pretty good.A: Where did you go?B: 2A:

20、 Great! What did you do there?B: 3A: Did you go shopping?B: Yes, I did. 4A: Were things cheap?B: No, they were a little bit expensive. But we had fun going shopping. A: How about the food?B: 5 I love French food.1_ 2 _ 3_ 4_5 五.阅读理解。(每小题2分,共40分)( A ) Last Sunday it was snowy. Maria stayed at home .H

21、er cousin Cara came to visit her .She came back from Beijing .She told Maria something about her vacation .“It was pretty good .”she said .Cara visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall .She took many photos .It was lunch time .Maria cooked some noodles with beef ,potatoes and tomatoes . Cara ate

22、 up the noodles ,she said slowly , “I think its delicious !” But Maria thought the food was too terrible.( )1. How was the weather last Sunday?A. sunny B. rainy C. snowy ( )2. Where did Cara go on vacation ?A. Sichuan B. Hainan C. Beijing ( )3. _cooked noodles.A. Cara B. Maria C. Marias mother( )4.

23、Was the food terrible?A. Yes, it was B. No, it wasnt C. We dont know( )5. There were some _ in the noodles.A. fruit B. carrots C. tomatoes ( B )All over the world, people enjoy sports. Sports are good for peoples health. Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their

24、TV sets or may be online to watch.Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside the room. Sometimes they play outside. We can find sports here and there. Some sports are rather interesting and people everywhere like them. Football, for e

25、xample, is very popular in the world. People from different countries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become very friendly to each other.( )6. Sports are good for _. A.the playersB.peoples health C.the coaches D.people who like sports( )7. If you like sports, you can _. A.b

26、uy tickets to watch the games B. watch the games on TV C. watch the games on the Internet D. A、B and C( )8.People play _ in different seasons. A.the same game B.different games C.any games D.all kinds of games( )9._ is very popular in the world. A.Table tennisB.BaseballC.FootballD.Skating( )10.From

27、this passage we can see that _ can become very friendly.A. people from different countries all B .people from the same country C. people who do the same sports D. after a game, people from different countries(C)Peters uncle lives in the country. He is a man full of humor (幽默). One day, Peter went to

28、 see his uncle. His uncle drove his car to the station to meet him. On their way home, they saw many people. His uncle waved (挥手) to everybody. Peter was surprised (惊奇) and said,“Uncle,you wave to everybody. Do you know all of them?”“No,Peter,” answered his uncle. “When I wave to someone who knows m

29、e, hell feel happy. When I wave to someone and he doesnt know me, he will feel surprised and then he will have something to think about,he will make his road seem shorter (更短). So I can make everybody happy.”( )11. Peters uncle lives_.A. in the city B. at the station C. in a town D. in the country(

30、)12. Peters uncle is_.A. a strange man B. a kind man C. a humorous man D. a happy man( )13. Peter and his uncle went home_.A. by car B. on foot C. by hike D. by train( )14. Peters uncle _there.A. doesnt know anybody B. knows some of those peopleC. knows everybody D. doesnt know those people( )15. Pe

31、ters uncle wanted to_.A. make everybody happy B. make everybody unhappyC. make someone happy D. make someone unhappy (D)Annsgrandpawasveryrichandhehadsomeshops.Theoldmanbegantolearndrawing whenhewassixty,andheloveditverymuch.Fortwelveyearshedrewalotandthereweremanypicturesinhisworkroom.Hewaspleasedw

32、iththemandkeptthemwell.Oneday,theoldmanwasill.Hehadtostayinhospital.Beforehedied,hesaidtoAnn,“Iwanttogivemypicturestoaschoolaspresents.Thenthestudentscanremembermeforever.ButIdontknowwhichschoolImgoingtogivethemto.Canyouhelpme?”“Well”,saidthelittlegirl,“youdbettergivethemtoablind(瞎的)school.”16. Anns

33、grandpawas_. A.adriverB.ateacher C.ablindmanD.arichman17. Theoldmantriedhisbesttobe_. A.anartistB.afarmer C.adoctor D.ateacher18. Theoldmanloved_verymuchwhen hewassixty. A.writing B.hisshops C.money D.drawing19. Whentheoldmanwasinhospital,hewas_yearsold. A.60 B.70 C.72 D.7820. Annthoughthergrandpasp

34、ictureswere_. A.nice B.beautiful C.good D.bad 六单词拼写(每空1分,共5分)1. Here is the r _ (结果)of the football match.2. My eating h_(习惯)are pretty good.3. Vegetables and fruit can keep us h _.(健康的)4.I want to get the i (信息) about the weather.5. Tomismuch (good)atChinesethan his brother.七句型转换(每题1分,共5分)1.Running

35、 every day is _ _(有好处 )our body.2. I sleep nine hours every night.(就划线部分提问)_ _hours do you sleep every night ?3. Movie World has big screens. Town Cinema has bigger screens.(合并成一句) Town Cinema has_screens_ Movie World. 4. This red jacket is cheaper than that blue one.(改为同义句) That blue jacket is _ _

36、than this red one. 5. Mary is 16 years old (改为同义句) Mary is _ _ girl.八作文(20分)根据下面表格写一篇70词左右的文章,介绍你和你的朋友的相同点和不同点。注意:要求恰当使用比较级.FriendI不同点高个子,瘦矮个子,胖短发长发外向内向锻炼一周一次每天锻炼从不上网一周上网3-4次相同点都爱吃蔬菜水果,不吃垃圾食品每天早上读英语书都努力学习,得到好的分数 八年级英语上册第一次月考答题卡满分(150分) 姓名_ 班级_ 成绩_一、听力部分(每题1分,总计25分)I_, _,_,_, II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IIIA.

37、 B. C. D. E. F. IV1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. V1. 2. 3. 二单项选择(每题1分,总计20分)1-5_6-10_11-15_16-20_三完形填空(每题1.5分,总计30分)1-5_ 6-10_11-15_16-20_四、补全对话(每题1分,总计5分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 五阅读理解(共四篇,每题2分,总计40分)1-5_ 6-10_11-15_16-20_六单词拼写(每题1分,总计5分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._七句型转换(每题1分,总计5分)1._ _ _ _ 2._ _ _ _ 3._ _ _ 4._ _ _ _ 5._ _八、书面表达(20分)


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