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1、Unit 1Section AIII 1rewarding2communicate3access4embarrassing5positive6commitment7virtual8benefits9minimum10opportunitiesIV1up2into3from4with5to6up7of8in9for10withV 1G2B3E4I5H6K7M8O9F10CVI1. Universities in the east are better equipped while those in the west are relatively poor.2. Allan Clarke kept

2、 talking the price up while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.3. The husband spent all his money drinking while his wife saved all hers for the family.4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely while others were insulting and impolite.5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerne

3、d while inwardly she was angry.VII1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language but he also bridges the gap between his culture and ours.2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course but we also learnt to communicate with friends in English.3. Not only did we lose all our

4、money but we also came close to losing our lives.4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase but they also want reduced working hours.5. Not only is the house expensive but it is also too far away from my company.VIII1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, bu

5、t they also take time to think through answers before making a reply.2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless.3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.4. Today, more and more peopl

6、e have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.X 1B2A3B

7、4B5C6C7B8A9A10B11A12A13B14A15BSection BI1C2B3D4A5BII1C2A3B4C5D6B7C8DII 1community2effective3unique4committed5reinforce6perspective7explicit8challenge9hindered10aroseIV1for2with3on4on5on6of7in8up9of10InUnit 2Section AIII 1appeals2identity3concern4horrible5upset6influence7offensive8burst9stuff10thorou

8、ghIV1Down/off2off3as4on5for6on/upon7to8over9in10ofV 12345678910VI1. Kate saw her brother Bill as she was getting off the school bus.2. As she was standing up from her seat,mother dropped her glass to the ground.3. A policeman fired at a thief as the thief was bolting out of the house.4. As she ran t

9、o catch the school bus, Sandy thought of her talk with her mother.5. As the teacher entered the classroom, all the students shouted “Happy Birthday” to him.VII1. She listened to her favorite rock music while singing along with the words.2. She was putting on her jeans while asking me to hand her the

10、 sweater.3. He banged on the door while opening it.4. In the bathroom she put on some makeup while looking in the mirror.5. The schoolmaster shot an angry glance at the naughty first grader while talking with his parents.VIII1. As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into her room a

11、nd shouted at her, “Can you turn down the music a little bit?”2. The owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to.3. Rock music appealed to Sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her fathers objection.4. As usual, when his parents dont like what he wea

12、rs, they start bugging him.5. At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students.6. It makes my blood boil to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg for money along the streets.X1B2B3A4A5A6A7A8B9C10B11A12A13A14C

13、15A16C17B18A19A20CSection BI1F2F3O4O5Fplus O6O7O8OII1C2A3B4D5D6C7B8AII 1entitled2ruin3evaluate4trend5attitude6tend7curiosity8applying9response10conceptIV1to2in3between4about5across6to7to8in9to10forUnit 3Section AIII 1Inwardly2regret3occasion4complained5urged6coordinate7reluctance8envy9adjust10amazed

14、IV 1in2of3on4on5to6out7to8to9on10aboutV 1O2J3N4L5I6C7H8E9A10FVI1. He had his ears pierced even though I told him not to. 2. It was an exciting game even though no goals were scored.3. He was treated exactly like all the other workers even though he had just joined the company.4. Even though you disa

15、gree with her, shes worth listening to.5. There was never enough money to support his family even though he was hard-working and did two jobs at the same time.VII1. After learning some simple Chinese, the American girl was able to communicate with the other students in her class.2. When doing the wr

16、iting exercise for this course, you should remember that you are writing according to a specific structure.3. Until finished, the problem was a continuous worry to me.4. While working at the computer, the young man was listening to music over the radio all the time.5. The grass will grow more quickl

17、y if watered regularly.VIII1. I have decided to accept the new post, even though the job is not very well paid.2. The job has been taken to be very simple until (it is) actually started.3. Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter.4. He promised to

18、 help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.5. This is an important meeting. Please see to it that you are not late for it.6. He is an experienced businessman who has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years.X1A2B3C4B5B6A7B8B9C10A11C12C13A14B15C16C17C18A19B20ASection BI1. They foun

19、d the man. 2. He reached the airport in time. 3. The old man dimly saw the young man.4. The young marine sat by the old man the whole night. 5. A message came saying the real son was arriving.II1A2C3B4C5C6A7B8BII 1sole2extend3startle4located5inform6interrupted7collapsed8exchange9apparent10enableIV1.

20、 The government has called for an immediate investigation of the activities of the police.2. We applied the medicine and in a few minutes Mrs. Johnson came to. 3. She coldly said goodbye to her friends. With that she shut the door and cried in the room.4. Whatever your reason, I shall hold to my ide

21、a that people should be allowed to have private lives.5. To our surprise the stranger turned out to be an old friend of my mothers.6. Hes not in the office; hes now on his way to London for a meeting.7. When setting out on a long walk, always wear suitable shoes.8. He was too disappointed by this la

22、ck of success to try again.9. The couple loves each other dearly, but now and again they quarrel.10. In the subway station the poor old woman begged the passengers for money, but they paid no attention to her.Unit 4Section AIII 1conscious2depressed3ranges4impressed5encounter6introduction7match8physi

23、cal9relaxed10contactIV1 are committed to2 takes-seriously3 was absorbed in4 focus on5 made up his mind6 driving me crazy7 ranging from-to8 at her best9 Lighten up10 kept her eyes onV 1C2M3F4I5E6B7H8J9A10KVI1. It rained for two weeks on end, completely flooding the village.2. Not wanting to meet John

24、 at the party, she refused to attend it.3. The bus arrived one hour late, causing me to miss the beginning of the game.4. The marine sat there in the dimly lit ward, holding the old mans hand and offering words of hope and strength.5. Realizing he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I

25、 guessed he really needed me.VII1. I was so excited about going travelling that I couldnt sleep.2. The chairman became so angry with his secretary that he decided to fire him.3. She speaks English so well that you would think it was her native language.4. He was so frightened that he broke eye conta

26、ct and looked out the window.5. His presentation was so interesting that everyone listened very carefully.VIII1. She was so absorbed in reading the book that she was not conscious of someone coming in.2. He was late for almost an hour for the first meeting, leaving a bad impression on everyone.3. Co

27、nsciously or unconsciously, we make up our minds about people through their eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes.4. Professor Zhou was committed to the cause of language teaching all his life.5. Many how-to books advise you that if you want to make a good impression, the trick is to be consistently yo

28、u, at your best.6. The media sometimes sends mixed messages, but most people believe what they see over what they hear.X1C2C3B4A5C6B7C8A9C10C11B12B13A14C15A16B17C18A19A20BSection BI1. Besides speech, people use other forms to communicate 2. We communicate a great deal with our body movements.3. The

29、clothes you wear also communicate many things. 4. Small ornaments you wear communicate many things, too.5. A wealth of information from body language makes snap judgments seem sound.II1D2C3C4A5B6B7A8DII 1status2sign3resented4promoted5assuming6estimate7campaign8judgment9acquainted10normsIV1 account f

30、or2 in part3 is content with4 feel at home5 lack of6 in relation to7 become acquainted with8 pick up9 find out10 a wealth ofUnit 5VocabularyIII&IV81. immune2. acquire3. consititutes4. define5. infected/infect6. illustrates7. emerge8. emphasize9. represents10. threatened1. regaredless of2. at risk3.

31、handing out4. distractsfrom5. sign up for6. be infected with7. quard against8. feel comfortable with/about9. in place of10. suffer it fromVLGIJM DOACFVI&VIIStructure1. the way he teaches English2. whom I was expecting to stay with3. which was lost in the department store yesterday4. where Mary and I

32、 spent our childhood5. which the whole family considered a great honorVIII1. Despite his illness2. Despite a lot of difficulties3. despite his old age4. Despite the bad weather5. despite his hard workTranslation 1. I hope that the effort that weve made will be of some use to the battle against AIDS.

33、2. Despite all the efforts from the local organizations in the battle against AIDS, the number of people in rural areas diagnosed with AIDS has been increasing.3. Please turn off the TV, because the noise will distract her from her homework.4. It was a long time before the company implemented the pr

34、ogram to improve the quality of its goods because of lack of money and necessary equipment.5. Youd better learn something about the course before signing up for it.6. The policy is playing a more and more important role in promoting the development of local economy.Cloze CCABC ABCBB ACACCSetion BRea

35、ding Skills1. I hurt myself when diving.I hit my head on the board.2. I was very worried about something serious.I was very worried that my wound had left blood in the pool.3. There was something more significant than winning.I was very worried that I might infect other divers with AIDS as I spilled

36、 my blood in the pool.Reading Comprehension DDBCCBDDVocabulary1. assist2. bleeding3. competing4. confident5. explored6. commenced7. intense8. adopted9. spill10. confused1. ofto2. withof/in3. byin4. aboutout5. onwith6. withfor7. withfor8. tointo9. inat10. atwithUnit 6Vocabulary III&IV1. boast2. regis

37、tered3. employment4. peculiar5. continuous6. graduated7. dump8. retreat9. contrary10. trembled1. in2. of3. behind4. about5. At6. about/of7. with8. by9. on/upon10. atV FMJGA DOLICStructure1. I know who he is. So does she.2. We have come to realize all work is equally important. So has Sara.3. Id like

38、 another drink. So would John.4. Im not supposed to know who else objects to the plan. Nor/Neither are they.5. He shouldnt have imagined there would be joy in picking up trash. Nor/Neither should Steve.1. Even if the calculation is right2. Even if they raise the price3. Even if she may not return me

39、 the money4. Even if she doesnt come5. Even if we achieve great success in our workTranslation1. The police got to the station 5 minutes after the explosion, and so did the reporters.2. Even if you disagree with her, she is worth listening to.3. The news reporters were given nothing but bare facts b

40、y the officials in charge of the investigation.4. The room was well decorated, but the color of the curtain did not go well with the overall style.5. Whenever we go back to the place where my husband was born, we always make the rounds of his relatives.6. Contrary to his hope, his girlfriends parent

41、s are not as approachable as his parents.Cloze ACBCA CACBA BBCAC BACBASetion BReading Skills1. spend part of his time on2. continue to support himself with drugs and food3. settle their accounts with that company/any money owed to them4. nervous and worried5. a person who is likely to suffer a heart

42、 attackReading Comprehension DDCDACBBVocabulary1. Devoting2. bear3. accurate4. manufacturing5. inquiry6. afford7. admired8. replacing9. retired10. ignored1. out2. up3. out4. around5. up6. to7. to8. for9. of10. toUnit 7Vocabulary III&IV1. details2. robbed3. offended4. polishing5. identify6. slight7.

43、instinct8. attached9. foundation10. unusual1. attached to2. Looking through3. hold dear4. pulling into5. face to face with6. rather than7. out of control8. eaten away at9. have mercy on10. got to their feetV GHJLO ACMDUnit 8Section AIII 1sources2stable3process4composed5observing6 combination7explosion8existence9occupied10creationIV1at2in3on4for5on6between7for8with9at10ofV 1J


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