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1、英 语 动 词 的 种 类提示:以下动词的分类并没有绝对的标准。有的分类只是为了更好地学习英语动词、掌握动词的用法和搭配,以及更好地学好与动词有关的语法。切记:有些动词作不同的意义解释时可以分属于不同种类的动词。因此,我们要特别注意一词多义现象。 动词的种类分类总表:情态动词1只作情态动词使用can/ could/ must/ may/ might/ ought to 请你参考复习以前发放的资料2可作情态动词,也可作实义动词need/ dare3可作情态动词,也可作助动词shall/ should/ will/ would4勉强可作情态动词have to/ had better/ used t

2、o助动词1be 形式变化:am/ is/ are/ was/ were/ been/ being同时是实义和系动词2do 形式变化:does/ did 同时是实义动词3have 形式变化:has/ had/ having同时是实义动词4shall形式变化:should同时是情态动词5will 形式变化:would同时是情态动词系动词1状态系动词be特别说明:这里列举的所有系动词本身都是实义动词。但它们表示的意思不同。请注意结合句意去理解判断。2表像系动词look / appear/ seem3感官系动词feel / smell/ sound/ taste4持续系动词keep/ rest/ re

3、main/ continue/ last/ lie/ stand/ stay5变化系动词become / grow/ turn/ go/ get/ fall/ come/ run6终止系动词prove/ turn out实义动词1不及物动词(vi)本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词。vi后面若要跟宾语,必须加上介词。有不少的动词既是及物动词又是不及物动词。区别在于它所表示的含义有所不同。第2页有更多内容及物动词 (vt)后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词。vt后面可以直接跟宾语。2静态动词静态动词是表示静止状态的动词。一般不用于进行时态。A. 表示存在、从属意义的动词。如:be(“是”)、h

4、ave(“有”)、own, exist, live, belong toB. 与五官感觉有关的动词如:hear, see, feel, taste, smell及watch, notice, observe, find, catchC. 表示心理状态或情感状态的动词believe; consider; expect; envy; suppose; feel; think; find; forget; hate; hope; imagine; know; like; love; mind; realize; regret; suppose; understand; want; wishD. 接度

5、量衡名词的动词 (+数词+单位) (这些动词的主语通常是物)weigh, cost, cover, last, take, extend, stand, measure, number, total, carry, contain, seat动态动词动态动词是表示运动状态的动词。可用于进行时态。A延续性动词:表示行为或过程能持久地继续下去或能产生持久的影响。eat, listen, read, run, walk,work,write第3页有更多相关内容.B终止性动词:表示行为或过程是短暂的或瞬时间完成结束。arrive; begin; break; bring; buy; catch; cl

6、ose; come; die; discover; fall; leave; open; put on; take off; sell; start; stop; return; go; jump C表示状态改变或位置转移的动词.arrive,change,come,die,go,land(着陆),leave3使役动词A.表示“使、令、让、叫”等意义的动词. 如: make, have, let, get, keep第4页有更多相关内容.B.表示“使人,令人”的心理状态的动词。如:interest; excite; astonish; move; amuse; surprise(+ sb.)4

7、表示动作的动词表示状态的动词表示结果的动词put on / wear/ be on; look at/ see; look for/ find;listen to/ hear;study/learn; try to do/ manage to doprepare for/ be prepared for, advise/ persuade 等。请大家注意积累.5A谓语动词在句子中作谓语的动词。注意谓语动词的时态和语态变化。B非谓语动词在句子中不是用作谓语的动词。变化形式:进行式、完成式、被动式、否定式。A不定式 to do形式变化:to have done/ to have been done

8、 / to be doing/ not to doB动名词doing形式变化:not doing今后有专题复习有关内容.C现在分词doing形式变化:having done/ having been done/ not doingnot having done/ not having been doneD过去分词done形式变化:not done相关动词分类对比与同近义动词的区分(重点内容)及物动词与不及物动词vi用法(1)主语+ vi(+状语)(不及物动词):ache=hurt; appear; bathe; bleed; breathe; cheer; clap; cough; cycle

9、; dance; disappear; dive; drown; exercise; continue; exist; fade; fall; fish; float; flow; hurry; freeze; hibernate; leak; matter; pour; quarrel; rain; recover; run; settle; sew; ship; rest; rise; rot; shop; sigh; ski; sink; sit; skate; sleep; speak; snow; sound; travel; swim; act, come, go, cry, bl

10、ow, smile, sleep, run, retire, fly, jump, stand.(不及物动词短语): show up, break down, break out, turn up, die away, die out, give out, run up, .vi用法(2)主语+vi+介词+宾语aim + atlook +atstare +atstay +atglance + atlaugh + atcontact +with sbdeal + withdisagree + withend + in/up with wait +for depend + onoperate +o

11、nrely + oninsist + on doinglive +in/onbelong + to sbcome + to sbgo + tohappen +to sblie + to/inlisten + toobject +tooccur +torefer +torelate +toreply +toreturn +tostick +to sth graduate + fromsuffer +fromfail + insucceed +in doingfall +off/ ontostruggle + for/ againstvote +for/ against care + for/ab

12、outapologize + to sb for doingargue + about sth with sbdie +in/ from/ of/talk +about sth/ to sbthink +of/ about/ overcompete + in sth with sbagree + to/ with / onwork +on/ at/ in/for arrive + in/ at(要熟记它们的搭配。)vt与vi近义词对比listen to sbsound like sthhear sbarrive in/atget toreachbelong to sbown sthposses

13、s sthlie in +be situated in +be located in +contact with sbtouch sbtalktellwork for sbserve sbreply toanswerappearshow sth to sbrise / go up / increaseraisesitseat sblook atsee/ watchsucceed in doingmanage sth/ to dobreak inbreak intogo outturn offlook forfindgive ingive upagree with sbpromise sbA既可

14、以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。 如: begin 开始。Everybody, our game begins. Let us begin our game. 类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve.B既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义完全不同。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的消散。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted.作及物动词时是升高;举起。He lifted his gl

15、ass and drank. 类似的还有:beat vi.(心脏)跳动/vt. 敲、打; grow vi.生长/ vt. 种植 play vi.玩耍/ vt. 打(牌、球)演奏 smell vi. 发出(气味)/ vt. 嗅 ring vi.(电话、铃)响/ vt.打电话 speak vi. 讲话/ vt. 说(语言) hang vi. 悬挂 / vt. 绞死 operate vi. 动手术/ vt. 操作run vi. 跑步; 褪色 vt. 经营C 有的及物动词加上介词后,表示的意思不同。如:allow 允许 allow for 考虑到感官动词 感官动词hear, see, feel, wa

16、tch, notice, observe, find, catch, look at; hear; listen to的用法归纳总结: (感官动词+ sb. do/ doing / sth done)。1后接不带to的不定式表示一个发生过或者还没发生具体的动作When you go to watch the football match, you will enjoy seeing the Chinese football team win.2后接V-ing形式表示正在进行的动作。Seeing the sun rising above the surface of the sea, we le

17、t out a shout of joy.Hearing this, I felt my heart beating fast.3后接V-ed形式表示被动意义。After his return twenty years later, he found his home town greatly changed.Although I had learnt some English, I had never heard a word of it spoken. 试比较(注意理解):)I heard him sing a song. 我听他唱了一首歌(指自始至终整个过程)。)I heard him

18、singing a song. 我听见他正在唱歌唱(指当时动作的某个片断)。)I heard a song sung. 我听见(有人)唱歌(逻辑主语“歌”与“唱”是被动关系。)延续性动词与终止性动词的对比注: “”左边的是终止性动词(瞬间动词); “”右边的是延续性动词更多的终止性动词(瞬间动词): borrow, finish, go, join, kill, hit, leave, lend, die, marry, reach, recognize.borrowkeepbuyhavebecomebeput on wearmove tolive inrecognizeknowcatch a

19、 coldhave a coldget to knowknowopen sthkeep sth openleavebe away frombegin/startbe ondie be deadfinishbe overreturnbe backjoinbe in + 组织机构 /be a member of + 组织机构come herebe herego therebe therecome backbe backfall asleepbe asleepget to/arrive/reachbe (in)go (get) out be out fall illbe illget upbe up

20、 在有表示时间的场合,要注意根据句子或上下文提供的时间关系判断句子中的动词该使用延续性动词还是终止性动词。1. 延续性动词不能与表示短暂时间的“点时间”状语连用。但: come/ begin/ get + to + 延续性动词可表示一瞬间的动作。(“点时间”指具体某一时间点;“段时间”指某一时间内.)It rained at eight yesterday morning. (误)因为rain为延续性动词,而at eight表示点时间,前后矛盾。It began to rain at eight yesterday morning. (正)-When did you get to know J

21、ack?-Two years ago.-Then youve known each other for more than two years.-Thats right.2. 终止性动词可以用于when引导的时间状语从句中,但不可以用于while引导的时间状语从句中。when表示的时间是“点时间”(从句谓语动词用终止性动词),也可以是“段时间”(从句谓语动词用延续性动词)。而while表示的是一个较长的时间或过程,从句谓语动词一般只能用延续性动词。When we reached London, it was twelve oclock. (reach为终止性动词; when不可用while替换

22、.)Please look after my daughter while/when we are away. (be away为延续性动词短语)I havent left here for 3 years. I havent heard from him for 3 weeks.3. 终止性动词的完成时态,表示动作的完成并产生了影响与结果。但一般不能与表示延续的时间段短语“for”或“since”以及“How long ”连用,终止性动词否定式除外。He has joined the League. 他已经入团。He has been a League member for three ye

23、ars. He has been in the League for three years. The old man died 4 years ago. The old man has been dead for 4 years.It is 4 years since the old man died.Four years has passed since the old man died.I bought the book 5 days ago.I have had the book for 5 days. 4.注意句型(1): “It is 一段时间since从句(+ 终止性动词的过去时

24、)” “一段时间has passedsince从句( + 终止性动词的过去时)”: 句子的含义是: “自从起, 有(多长的时间)”。如果在since从句中的谓语动词是延续性动词的现在完成时,那么与其一般过去时的含义就完全相反了。注意比较理解: I have been at school since I have been ill. 我生病以来一直在学校里。I have been at school since I was ill. 我病愈以来一直在学校里。Its 4 years since Mr Li smoked. 李先生吸烟已有四年了It is four months since my e

25、lder sister went to Britain.我姐姐去英国已有四个月了。More than three years has passed since Mary came to China. 玛丽来中国已有三年多了5. 注意句型(2): “not + 终止性动词 + until/till .” 意为“直到才”。“延续性动词 + until /till”表示:“一直延续到.”I will not go to bed until I finish drawing the picture tonight. 今天晚上直到我画完画,我才上床睡觉。I wont leave till my pare

26、nts come back. 我将呆在家里直到我父母回来。言外之意是,我父母不回来,我就一直呆在家里,我父母回来后我就离开家。I didnt receive the notice until last evening.直到昨天晚上我才收到通知。言外之意是,昨天晚上前我一直没有接到通知。We worked until 11:00 yesterday evening. 我们昨天晚上一直工作到11点。高考中常见使役动词的用法与搭配1. makemake sb. do sth 使/让/逼某人做某事; (被动形式)sb. be made to domake sth done 使/让某事得以 make s

27、b. adj 使某人处于的状态make sb sth 使/让某人成为 She will make a good wife. 她会成为一个好妻子。make oneself done 使某人的为他人所 (make oneself heard/ understood)2. havehave sb do sth 使/让/请某人做某事. have sb doing. 使/让某人一直做某事have sth done 请/让某人做某事; 招致或遭遇到(不好的事情) have sb adj. 使/让/某人处于的状态 It had the salesmen busy around.3. let let sb d

28、o sth 让/允许某人做某事 let sb+介词短语 让某人处于的状态4. keepkeep sb doing sth 使/让某人一直做某事keep sb/sth +介词短语. 让某人或某物处于的状态5. getget sb to do sth请/让某人做某事 Would you please get them to bring down the price?get sth done. 请/让某人做某事 Ill get my hair cut.get sb doing. 请/让某人一直做某事 The joke got us laughing.6. leaveleave sb (to) do

29、sth 让某人做/干某事 Well leave them(to) run the shop. leave sb doing sth 让某人继续处于某种状态 Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain.leave sth done 让某事保持的状态The workers left the rest of the work untouched.工人们对余下的工作动都没有动一下。7. causecause sb to do sth 使得/促使/引起某人做某事 What caused him to quit his job? 是什么原因使他辞职的?8. lea

30、dlead sb to do sth. 使得/引导某人做某事 What led you to think so? lead sb in doing sth 领导某人/带领某人干某事. The Party leads us in carrying out reform and opening up.9. forceforce sb to do sth 迫使/ 强迫某人做某事The policemen forced the criminals to give up their arms. 警察迫使罪犯放下武器10. drivedrive sb+adj 使/逼迫某人变成的状态 The loud no

31、ise have driven us mad.drive sb to do sth 迫使/逼迫某人做某事 He drove her to admit it. 他逼迫她承认。drive sb+介词短语 迫使/逼迫某人进入的境地The men drove the young man to the wall. 这几个人把这青年人逼得走投无路.11. obligeoblige sb to do sth 使某人(按法律、条约、合约等要求)而必须做某事。The scandal obliged the minister to resign. 这一丑闻迫使部长辞职。12. sendsend sb doing

32、sth 使某人进入(特定状态); (迫)使某人处于的状态The slightest touch will send us floating away from in the opposite direction in space.send sb+介词短语 (迫)使某人进入的状态The failure sent him into discouragement.send sb to do sth 派某人干某事13. setset sb to do sth 使某人开始或着手做某事 set sb doing sth 使某人开始或着手做某事They set him to mow the lawn. 他们

33、叫他给草坪刈草.Her words set me thinking. 她的话使我深思。set + sb./ sth + adj 使处于(的状态) She set the caged bird free. 14. placeplace sb in/into 使某人处于地位/位置The victory in the contest placed our team in a favorable position.15. putput sb in/into 使某人处于地位/位置 (用法同place.)16. bringbring sb/sth+介词短语 使某人或某物处于的状态bring sb. bac

34、k to life. 使某人起死回生 bring under control. 使处于控制之下The joke brought the class into laughter. 17. land land sb in 使某人在(地方)着陆 Ill land you safe in Liverpool.18. costcost sb sth. 使人遭到损失;使人赔了本The failure in the contest cost us the first place held for 10 years.这次比赛失败使我们丢失了保持已10年之久的冠军宝座。19.具有使役意义, 表示“使人,令人”的

35、心理状态的动词。如:interest sb in(使某人对感兴趣) excite sb (使某人激动)astonish sb(使某人震惊)move, amuse, surprise, terrify, convince, inspire, encourage, satisfy, delight, please, frighten, surprise, amaze, shock, worry, disappoint, discourage, puzzle, tire, terrify上述V-ed/ V-ing的用法区别: 如: The story was so moving that every

36、one present was moved to tears.What disappointing result! We were all disappointed with it.Climbing a hill was tiring and we were tired when we reached the summit.1实义动词实义动词是指具有完整意义,可以单独作谓语的动词,主要表示主语的动作、状态和品质。实义动词也可与助动词相结合表示更加复杂的动词意义。实义动词主要包括及物动词和不及物动词两类。(1)不及物动词不及物动词指的是后面不能跟宾语的动词。在英语中大多数动词既可作及物动词,又可

37、作不及物动词。纯不及物动词很少。常见的不及物动词有:apologize道歉 appear出现arrive到达come来go去run跑walk走die死 fall掉flow流淌happen发生rise升起、站起stay呆、留sit坐lie躺stand站cry哭swim游泳e.g.Lets go. 我们走吧!(2)及物动词能跟宾语的动词称为及物动词。可分为跟单宾语的及物动词、跟双宾语的及物动词、跟复合结构的及物动词等。常见的只跟单宾语的及物动词accept接受 borrow借bury埋cover覆盖defeat挫败discover发现enjoy喜欢excite使激动interest使感兴趣plea

38、se使高兴 put放 worry担心surprise使凉讶 forget忘记guess猜测love热爱use运用e.g.Dont forget to wake me up at six tomorrow morning.别忘了明天早晨六点叫醒我。You can borrow one book at a time from the library.在图书馆一次只能借一本书。常见的跟双宾语的及物动词A指人的间接宾语在指物的直接宾语后面需加to的动词:bring带来give给hand递pass递 pay付款post寄promise答应read读 return返还sell卖show表现teach教te

39、ll告诉wish祝愿offer提供e.g.I returned him the storybook.(可变为I returned the storybook to him.)我已把故事书还给他了。B指人的间接宾语在指物的直接宾语后需加for的动词:buy买choose选择draw画find发现 keep保持make使order点菜paint油漆save救护e.g.Ill find you another chance.(可变为Ill find another chance for you.)我会再给你找机会的。C指人的间接宾语在指物的直接宾语后既可加to也可加for的动词:do做play表演

40、read读get得到sing唱歌bring带来e.g.Ill get you some tea.(可变为Ill get some tea to/for you.)我给你取些茶。常见的跟宾语补足语的及物动词A可跟形容词或形容词短语作宾补的动词有:believe相信drive驱赶;使find发现get使keep使保持leave留下make使push推set使 consider认为cut切dye染declare宣布imagine想象judge判断paint漆e.g.We all believe him honest and kind.我们都相信他诚实、善良。注意:这类动词只跟一个宾语意义上不完整,宾

41、语后必须再加上一个成分(宾语补足语),其意义方可完整。B可跟名词短语作宾补的动词有:call叫name命名make使变为wish祝愿consider认为find找到keep使choose选择elect选举e.g.We consider him a strange person.我们认为他是一个奇怪的人。C可跟带to不定式结构作宾补的动词有:advise建议 allow允许ask要求expect期望 invite邀请get使order命令tell告诉teach教wish希望 warn警告e.g.Mother often tells me to make friends carefully.妈妈经

42、常告诫我交朋友要小心。D可跟“to be+名词或形容词作宾补”的动词有:believe 认为consider认为feel 感觉 find发现imagine 想象know知道suppose 猜测understand理解prove 证明declare宣布e.g.I believe what you said to be true.我相信你所说的是真的。注意:这些结构中的to be也可省略。E可跟不带to的不定式作宾补的动词有:have使make使let让 see看见notice注意feel感觉watch注意看look at看listen to听observe观察discover发现注意:我们通常给学生讲的原则是记住这些词后加动词原形。e.g. What made you think of that?什么使你想起那件事的?Paul doesnt have to be made to learn.保罗不必被逼着学习。F可用-ing形式作宾补的动词有:see看见hear听见keep使catch抓住find发现have让watch注意看smell闻到look at看listen to听observe观察discover发现get使have使e.g. Can you hear someone playing the piano next door?你能听见隔壁有人弹钢琴吗?(


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