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1、信用风险与中国抵押制度信达资产管理公司的视角和经验Credit Risk and Mortgage System in ChinaThe View and Experience of Cinda Asset Management Corporation,2008年6月June,2008,目录Contents,一、金融资产管理公司与信用风险 1. Asset management corporation and credit risk二、中国抵押制度的基本知识 2. Basic ABC of China mortgage system三、抵押担保制度优劣的评判标 3. Standards of

2、mortgage guarantee system四、中国抵押制度的评判:现状和问题 4. Comment of China mortgage system: current status and problems五、中国抵押担保制度下AMC的策略 5. Strategies of AMC under China mortgage guarantee system,一、金融资产管理公司与信用风险Asset management corporation and credit risk,(一)信达金融资产管理公司概况 I. Introduction of Cinda Asset Managemen

3、t Corporation1、组建背景: Establishment background2、基本情况:General introduction3、业务运作模式:Operating patterns (1)收购 Acquisition (2)管理 Management (3)处置 Disposal,一、金融资产管理公司与信用风险(续)Asset management corporation and credit risk (Contd),(二)信用风险 Credit risk1、信用风险的认识 Understand credit risk (1)风险承继 risk inheritance (2

4、)二次风险防范 The second risk prevention2、风险防范与抵押品的管理 Risk prevention and management of the mortgaged properties (1)不良债权类型及维护 categories of non-performed loans and its maintenance (2)抵押债权维护 Maintenance of mortgage-backed loans (3)抵押物管理、处置 The management and disposal of the mortgaged properties,二、中国抵押制度的基本

5、知识Basic ABC of China mortgage system,(一)基本法律框架 Basic framework of the laws and regulations1、担保法 Guaranty Law of the Peoples Republic of China2、物权法 Property Rights Law of the Peoples Republic of China3、其它法律、法规、规章及相关的司 法解释:例如海商法等 Other laws, rules, regulations and judicial interpretations, e.g. Mariti

6、me Code of PRC, etc.4、法律冲突的化解 Conciliation of the conflicts of laws,二、中国抵押制度的基本知识(续)Basic ABC of China mortgage system (Contd),(二)抵押担保类型 Categories of mortgage guarantee1、不动产抵押 mortgaged real estate2、动产抵押 mortgaged movable3、非典型抵押担保方式: the categories of non-typical mortgage guarantee (1)方式例举:examples

7、 (2)司法态度:judicial attitude,三、抵押担保制度优劣的评判标准Standards of mortgage guarantee system,国际商务实践证明,理想的担保交易法需要 遵循的基本规则: The international business practices proves that the ideal deals of guarantee laws must follow below principles: 简化设立担保的规则; Simplify the rules of setting up guarantee 明晰且准确的优先权规则; Distinct a

8、nd accurate rules of priority right 公开、高效及统一的登记制度; public, efficient and unified registering system 强化担保权益的执行机制。 Implementation system to ensure the hypothec 资料来源:中国动产担保物权与信贷市场的发展 Resources: The Development of China Movable Guaranty Property Right and The Credit Market.,四、中国抵押制度的评判:现状和问题Comment of C

9、hina mortgage system: current status and problems,(一)抵押财产范围 the scope of mortgaged property1、逐渐开放抵押财产范围; The scope of mortgaged property is gradually extended (1)担保法 Guaranty Law of the Peoples Republic of China(2)物权法 Property Rights Law of the Peoples Republic of China2、设立浮动抵押制度。 The system of floa

10、ting mortgage,四、中国抵押制度的评判:现状和问题(续一)Comment of China mortgage system: current status and problems (Contd),(二)优先权规则 The rules of priority right1、法定优先权优于担保物权; statutory priority right superior to security interest in property2、法定担保物权优于约定担保物权statutory security interest in property superior to contracted

11、 security interest in property 3、已登记的担保物权优于未登记的担保物权。Registered security interest in property superior to unregistered security interest in property问题:Problem 法定优先权常无公示,其优先性常被滥用,损害了交易安全。例如:建筑工程款的优先权等。 Commonly, there is no publicity on statutory priority, so the priority right is often misused which

12、is harmful to the security of the trade. E.g. the priority right of the payment of construction projects, etc.,四、中国抵押制度的评判:现状和问题(续二)Comment of China mortgage system: current status and problems (Contd),(三)权利登记规则: Regulations of registration1、抵押物不同,登记机关不同(附表); the register authority differs by differ

13、ent mortgaged property.(Attached exhibit)2、登记信息的实质审查。 Check and verify of the registration information.问题:Problem: 登记机关不统一,登记时间长、效率低,登记信息不共享等。 Not unified registration authority; low efficiency in registration, asymmetric registration information,四、中国抵押制度的评判:现状和问题(续三)Comment of China mortgage system

14、: current status and problems (Contd),(四)担保实现规则Regulations of implementation of guarantee1、法庭外实现担保物权空间狭隘;Low possibilities to implement security interest outside the court2、法庭内实现担保物权成本高昂; High cost to implement security interest inside the court3、法庭内实现担保物权效率低。Low efficiency to implement security int

15、erest inside the court问题:Problems 担保物权的实现制度需要改革。 The implementation system of security interest needs reforming.,五、中国抵押担保制度下AMC的策略Strategies of AMC under China mortgage guarantee system,(一)抵押物的管理 Management of the mortgaged property 1、债权的诉讼时效维护:通知或公告 period of limitation for filing a suit for claim:

16、 inform or bulletin 2、抵押物的定期检查:资产状况 Periodically check on mortgaged property: status of assets 3、抵押物的毁损灭失后的追及 Dealing with problems after the damage or loss of the mortgaged property,五、中国抵押担保制度下AMC的策略Strategies of AMC under China mortgage guarantee system,(二)抵押物的处置Disposal of mortgaged property 1、抵押

17、物的评估:Evaluation of the mortgaged property (1)抵押物状况不同,评估方法不同;Different evaluation by different mortgaged property (2)抵押物评估作为抵押债权出售重要依据。sale of mortgage loan complies with the evaluation of mortgaged property 2、抵押权的实现:Implementation of mortgage (1)庭内的执行:税收、政策优惠 Execution inside the court: Taxation, preferential policies (2)庭外的和解与重组:优先采用Imparlance and restructure outside the court: Priority to adopting,谢谢大家!欢迎交流! Thank you! Welcome for sharing!联系方式:尚晨光 Contact: Shang Chenguang 010-64181252,


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