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1、 - 1 - 中国 重庆文理学院 来华留学生招生 简章 ENROLLMENT FOR FOREIGN STUDENT 重 庆文理学院 位于中国重庆市永川区,是由 重庆市 人民 政府主办 的 多科性本科院校,面向 全球 招收来华留学生 。 Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences is located in Yongchuan district, Chongqing City, is a full-time comprehensive institution of higher education under the leadership of the

2、Chongqing Municipal Government of P.R.China. Now it seeks cooperation partners around the world. 一 、中国重庆市简介 Introduction of Chongqing City 重庆是 中国第四个直辖市 , 全市 面积 8.24 万平方公里,是中国特大型城市,现有人口 3000 多万。 重庆 已有 3000 余年历史,是中国国务院公布的第二批国家历史文化名城。常年气候温和,属亚热 带季风性湿润气候,气候温和,年平均气温在 18左右,雨量充沛,植被丰茂,环境宜人。交通发达、经济活跃,各类经济社会发

3、展配套设施齐备 。 2014 年,重庆市实现 地区生产总值 14265.40 亿元 。优势行业有:汽车、摩托车为主体的机械工业,以天然气化工和医药化工为重点的化学工业,另有冶金、机电设备、电子信息、仪器仪表、食品加工、建筑建材、日用玻陶等。近年来,成功 吸引 惠普、宏碁 、华硕等 全球著名的品牌电脑商和世界一流的电脑代工商相继投资重庆,创造了电子信息产业发展的奇迹。到 2015 年,重庆将实现年产笔记本电脑超过一亿台,销售值超过一万亿元人民币。届时,重庆造笔记本电脑将占全球的 1/3。 重庆有高等院校共有 59所,本科院校 18 所。高校数量和本科院校数量都居西南第一,是中国高校最集中的八个城

4、市之一。是长江上游科研成果产业化基地,国家高技术产业基地。 Located in southwest of China, and Chongqing is the forth municipalities of China. With the population of the city is over 3,000 million. With 3,000 years history, and the city is - 2 - named with the second batch of national famous historical and cultural city by state

5、 council. With perennial mild climate, subtropical monsoon moist climate, the average temperature is about 18 around year, abundant rainfall, rich vegetation, pleasant environment. With developed transportation, dynamic economy, various economic and social development facilities are available. 2014,

6、 the GDP of Chongqing reach 1426.54 billion. Advantage industries: machinery industry with automobile and motorcycle, natural gas chemistry and medication chemistry, and a number of advantage industries such as metallurgy. In recent years, world famous brand computer makers and world-class computer

7、subcontracting companies have invested in Chongqing, such as Hewlett-Packard, Acer and Asus, which makes the miracle of electronic information industry development. By 2015, Chongqing will achieve an annual output of over one hundred million laptops with sales value of over one trillion Yuan. By the

8、n, Chongqing-made notebook computers will account for 1/3 of the whole world. Science Education Center of Western China: Chongqing has a total of 59 colleges and 18 universities, which are both the first one in the southwest. Its one of the eight cities with the highest concentration of universities

9、 in China. Its the industrial base of upper reaches of the Yangtze River and also the national high-tech industrial base. 二 、中国重庆文理学院简介 1.学校概况 重庆文理学院为 中国国家教育部批准的公办多科性本科院校。 其中 非物质文化遗产研究中心、新材料技术研究院、新药创制中心、园林花卉工程研究中心 为重庆市级示范研究机构 。 I. A Brief Introduction of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences (CU

10、AS) CUAS is an undergraduate university approved by the State Ministry of Education. The establishment of the Research Center of Intangible Cultural Heritage, new Materials Technology Research Institute, new Drug Discovery Center, Garden Flower Engineering Research Center. 学校占地面积 1921 亩,校舍建筑面积 46 万平

11、方米,馆藏图书 145 万册,教学仪器- 3 - 设备总值 9600 余万元。学校现有教职员工 1200 余人,其中中国工程院院士 1 名,高级职称人员近 300 人,博士、硕士 440 余人,外籍教师 15 人,外聘专家教授 100 余人。 学校现有国家级特色专业建设点 1 个,市级特色专业建设点 3 个。国家级精品课程1 门,市级精品课程 11 门。 学校现 有 文化与传媒学院 、 教育学院 、经济管理学院、公共管理学院、音乐学院、美术学院,数学与财经学院、电子电气学院、软件工程学院、林学与生命学院 、国际学院 等 16 个二级学院, 开设 有 40 多个 本科专业,涵盖文学、理学、工学、

12、管理学 、农学、教育学、法学 等 七大学科门类。 其 中, 国际学院负责招收培养 外国留学生 ,开展来华留学和出国留学服务。 CUAS has two campuses that are Honghe and Xinghu, which together occupy an area of 1921 acres with the building area of 460,000 square meters, the stock of 1450,000 books, and the total value of teaching equipments more than 96,000,000 R

13、MB. The university has modern education technology center and electronic reading room facilities, and the education, scientific researches and living facilities improved, which has the total teaching and administrative staff of more than 1200 including one academician of Chinese Academy of Engineeri

14、ng, about 300 senior titles, more than 440 doctor and master titles, 15 foreign teachers and more than 100 hired specialists and professors. CUAS has one state-level characteristic specialties construction point, three city-level characteristic specialties construction points, one state-level classi

15、c course, and 11 city-level classic courses. CUAS has 16 subordinate colleges: culture and communication, College of education, School of economics and management, School of public administration, College of music, Academy of fine arts, School of mathematics and finance, School of electronic and ele

16、ctrical, software engineering institute, School of forestry and life and International Study school. Together with 40 professional training majors covering literature, science, engineering, management, agriculture, education and law together with seven fields of study, International Study School is

17、responsible for the recruitment of foreign students. 2.招生 专业 汉语言文学、汉语语文学(汉语国际教育方向)、 汉语语文学(国际商务 汉语 方向 ) 、广播电视新闻、英语教育、商贸英语、 法学、工商管理、工程管理、会展经济与管理、教育学、应用心理学、 土木工程、工程造价、 数学与应用数学、计算机科学与技术(软- 4 - 件工程方向)、信息与计算科学、物理学、电子信息科学与技术、教育技术学(影视媒体技术方向)、化学、环境科学、生物技术、生物科学、园林艺术、体育教育、音乐学、舞蹈学、艺术设计、美术学、动画设计艺术等、工商管理(国际商务方向)

18、、旅游管理等 50 余个专业。 Professional and categories Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese Language Studies (Chinese International Education Direction, Broadcast television news, business English, English education, legal science, business management, project management, convention economy and management,

19、 Education, Applied Psychology, Civil Engineering, Engineering Cost, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Technology (Software Engineering), Information and Computer Science, Physics, Electronic Information Science and Technology, Educational Technology (visual media technology)

20、, chemistry, environmental science, biotechnology, biological sciences, landscape art, Physical education, music, dance, art design, fine arts, animation art, Business Administration (International Business), tourism and hospitality management. 推荐专业: 汉语国际教育、国际商贸汉语、 广播电视编辑、 工商管理、生物技术、艺术设计、旅游管理、计算机科学与

21、技术、广播电视新闻、电子信息科学与技术 、体育教育、音乐学、舞蹈学、美术学、动画设计艺术 。 Recommend Professional and categories: Chinese International Education, business management, Radio and Television Editing, biotechnology, art design, tourism and hospitality management, Computer Science and Technology, Broadcast television news, Electro

22、nic Information Science and Technology,. physical education, music, dance, art design, fine arts, animation art. 注:来华留学生可就读中国重庆文理学院所有专业。 Note: all the Professional and categories are available for international students. 三、报名条件 1.高中或高中以上同等学历 - 5 - 2.年龄在 18 30 周岁 3.身体健康 4.无犯罪记录 5.有 HSK 三级以上证书者优先 6.通过

23、入学资格考试 注: 1).来华留学生赴中国重庆文理学院就读汉语语言文化类专业,可零起点(即无汉语基础)入读,不参加汉语预科学习; 2). 来华留学生赴中国重庆文理学院就读非汉语语言文化类专业,来华留学前应有一定的汉语基础;如无相应汉语基础,则需先学习汉语, 考核合格后方可进入相关专业就读。 III. Applicant Eligibility 1.Non-Chinese citizen in good health; 2.High school graduate or equivalent above with valid foreign passport below the age of 3

24、5; 3. HSK 4 certificate or over level; 4. Non Criminal Record. Note: 1). The foreign students who take the Chinese language culture course attend Chinese preparatory studies. 2). The foreign students who want to study in other majors need to have a fairly good foundation of the Chinese language. If

25、there is no corresponding Chinese basis, you who need to pass Chinese examination can enter the relevant professional qualifications. 四 、 学习费用 Fee 类别 Type 收费标准(人民币) Expenses Standard (RMB) 备注 Note 报名费 Entry fee JW202 表 Form 200 元 学费 Tuition 本科 Bachelor 艺术类专业 Art 20000 元 /年 year Study for 4years 普通专业

26、 Normal 15000 元 /年 year 住宿费 Accommodation 两人间 Double 600 元 /人 /月 month 电视、空调、卫生间、微波炉、冰箱、全套家具、电话、- 6 - room Internet 接入口 Two-beds, air-conditioner, TV, furniture, telephone, refrigerator, internet connection, 四人间 Four people room 300 元 /人 /月 month 教材费 text book fees 大约 400 元 /人 /学期 person/term 保险费 In

27、surance fee 600 元 /人 /年 person/year Other Fees: Fees for residence permit( 400 元 /人 /年 person/year, physical examination( 450 元 /人 /年 person/year) , medical, running water, electricity, telephone calls and use of the Internet are paid by the students 五 、 详情 咨询 1.办公电话: +86 23 49802211;传真: +86 23 49581455 2.E-mail: (英文 ) (俄文) 3.查询网址 ( 1) 中国重庆文理学院: http:/ ( 2) 中国重庆文理学院国际学院网址: http:/ VII. Details 1.Tel: +86 23 49802211; Fax: +86 23 49581455 2. E-mail: (English) ( Russian) 3. Website: CUAS: http:/ International Studies School in CUAS: http:/ - 7 -


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