1、计算机科学与技术学院与MidSweden合作项目介绍,李继云 2011/05/04,概要:,MidSweden简介选拔条件Why?,3,In the middle of Sweden,HrnsandSundsvallstersund,Hrnsand,stersund,Sundsvall,4,A multicampus University,Hrnsand,stersund,Sundsvall,5,Hrnsand,6,Sundsvall,7,stersund,8,Mid Sweden University,17 000 students 1 000 employees 750 single co
2、urses 50 Programmes 30 Masters Programmes,9,Number of students 2009,A total of 21 500 students 2009/10Distribution between the campuses in 2009Hrnsand22%Sundsvall34%stersund41% Other locations 3%In 2009, Mid Sweden University had 563 international students,The study year in Sweden,The fall semester
3、starts in the first week of September and ends in the third week of JanuaryApproximately 2-3 weeks without scheduled lectures around Christmas The spring semester starts in the last week of January and ends in the first week of JuneSummer holidays in June, July and August,Mid Sweden University offer
4、,An opportunity to obtain a high-quality education within a different cultureHighly qualified teachers with courses given in EnglishA close and informal contact between professors and studentsEducation strongly related to the latest research in the areaFully implemented Bologna Process http:/en.wiki
5、pedia.org/wiki/Bologna_Process,Requirements:,Independent responsibilityIn addition to scheduled lectures, seminars and labs the student needs to devote significant time to read and writeProficiency in EnglishNot just understanding spoken and written English but also being able to discuss, present an
6、d write,选拔条件,一、基本原则1、认真贯彻公平、公正、公开的原则。2、招收交换生采取差额推荐、择优选拔的做法。3、按照学院与中瑞典大学商定的推荐名额,在学生提出申请的前提下,综合考虑学生的学习成绩、学术专长等进行选拔推荐。4、交换生的最终录取权限归交换生接收方中瑞典大学。推荐对象:选派出当年九月份时的大二、大三的每个班(本次拔为09、10级学生)。,选拔条件,二、推荐的基本条件1、坚持四项基本原则,热爱祖国,品德优良,遵纪守法,积极向上,诚实守信,学风端正,无任何考试作弊、违法违纪受处分记录。2、托福成绩机考80分(及以上),或雅思6.5以上,或大学英语四级500分以上。3、勤奋学习,
8、上的大学生计算机类竞赛中获奖,经三名以上本学院副教授及以上教师联名推荐的具有特殊学术专长或具有突出培养潜质者,不受本条第3款限制,但必须满足其余各款。2、在某些学科确有才能和创新能力,曾在有关学术刊物上公开发表论文或申请专利者。3、九月份派出时为大三的学生优先。,费用,学费:仅支付东华学费住宿:One room student apartment cost about 3000 SEK (can be share by two students) . Student apartments do not have furniture. But these can be bought from other students, second hand shop or IKEA. 食品: about 1000 - 1500 SEK per months for one person.,MidSweden具有最终录取权。计算机学院除提供择优推荐与学分认可外,不承担其他任何责任(包括但不限于中介、担保、证明、人身安全等)学生对出国学习所引起的所有行为与后果,自行承担全部责任。,免责,Why?,接触不同的文化,拓宽视野 学分积累 留学经历 利于今后的签证、就业、科研开展,Q&A,