1、2018 臺灣國際田徑公開賽技術會議Technical MeetingTaiwan Athletics Open 2018,1,Official Website,Timetables & Start lists & live Results & live broadcast will be published on the official website :http:/taiwanopen.athletics.org.tw/,2,競賽規則 Rules,本賽事競賽規則遵循國際田總公布之2018-2019年最新規則。The competition is held under the IAAF C
2、ompetition Rules 2018-2019.,3,4,檢錄處 Call Room,檢錄處位於133室。 The Call Room is located at Room 133.,5,Warm Up Area,6,Warm Up,Stadium,檢錄時間 Call time,7,Track Events : All competitors must report to Chief of Call Room Judge 30 minutes before the start of the event.Field Events : All competitors must report
3、to Chief of Call Room Judge 45 minutes before the start of the event.只有一次檢錄 The athletes will be called Only 1 time.,8,號碼布Athlete Bibs,一位選手有兩張號碼布Two(2) Bibs per Athlete are provided.凡參與比賽之選手,在比賽全程均需配戴號碼布Athletes must wear the Bibs of their number on the front(1) and back(1) of their vests, except in
4、 the Jump Events where they may wear one Bib, either on the front or the back. Bibs in Blue are for Men, in Red for Women,9,Relay events,各項接力比賽棒次表依田徑規則須於秩序冊規定比賽時間前90分鐘, 填妥送交競賽組(123室)。For all relay events, the relay order sheet should be submitted to the Competition Secretariat 90 minutes before the
5、competition.Competition Secretariat is located at Room 123.,10,4X100 Start Line,11,競賽場地規定Access to the competition area,凡比賽完畢後之選手,須聽從裁判人員指示由164室退出場外,各單位領隊、教練、管理等不得入場,違者除立即宣佈外,並得停止該單位選手參加比賽。Athletes should follow the directions leave competition area from Room 164 by judges.Team managers, coaches and
6、 other team staff are not allowed to access the competition area. For any violations, the athletes may be disqualified.,12,更改事項 Announce of the changes,各項運動比賽時間、地點在秩序冊內明確規定,若大會臨時更改,依競賽組與大會官網張貼公告及報告員口頭報告為準;選手則需隨時注意大會標準時鐘及報告員宣佈之事項。Timetables and the locations of the competition area can be found in me
7、eting book. Any changes of the events will be published by the Competition Secretariat and official website, and will also be announced by the officials.,13,比賽服裝 Kits,凡參加比賽之選手,均需穿著各單位規定標誌之團體運動服裝,上衣(背心)須有單位名稱。另參加4100公尺及4400公尺接力隊員成隊之服裝、式樣、顏色必須統一(背心顏色前後須一致)。Athletes should wear the national uniform clo
8、thing officially approved by their national governing body.Athletes uniform for relay events should have the same color on the front and back.,14,器材檢定 Certifying equipment,自備擲部器材檢驗請於5月25、26日10:00至16:00送至田徑場器材室檢驗。撐竿跳竿子請在賽前60分鐘攜帶至比賽場地檢定賽事結束後請從器材室帶走自己的投擲器材Personal implement should be delivered to the I
9、mplement Room of the Stadium for certified at 10am 4pm on 25th -26th May.Poles should be certified 60 minutes before the start of the event in competition area.Athletes should collect their personal implements from Implement Room after the competition.,15,出賽名單 Entry Confirm List,各單位於技術會議時(16:30前)提出出
10、賽名單,第二天比賽項目不出賽的選手可於前一天下午17:00時前至競賽組辦理。Final confirmation start list should be submitted in the Technical meeting (before 16:30) .For the athletes who will not participate the events on Day 2, the event Withdraw form should be submitted to the Competition Secretariat before 17:00 on Day1.,16,晉級 Quali
11、fication in Track Events,100公尺預賽採計時取前16名,預賽18名參加決賽,預賽916名參加名次賽。各項次晉級人數僅供參考,將依實際編配組數而定。In the Round 1 of 100M, top16 athletes will be advanced to the Final. The top 8 will be in the Final 1-8. The top 9-16 will be in the Final 9-16.Number of Qualification of the events is for reference only, the actu
12、al number of Qualification will depends on the real number of the participants.,17,特優選手出賽方式Special arrangement for elite athletes,M 100M X 1 M 400MH X 2 F 200M X 1 F 100MH X 1不參加預賽直接晉級決賽 Directly advanced to the Final,18,撐竿跳竿子運送 Poles Transportation,撐竿跳運動員應自行將竿子攜帶至田徑場,賽後自行帶回飯店。The athletes should ca
13、rry the poles to the stadium and bring it back to the hotel after the competition by themselves.,19,高度晉升 Raising Height of the bar,男子跳高High Jump (men): 練習高度 warm-up height:1.802.05比賽高度The bar will be set at 1.80, 1.85, 1.90,1.95, 2.00, 2.04, 2.08, 2.12, 2.16, 2.19, 2.22女子跳高High Jump (women) : 練習高度 w
14、arm-up height:1.501.68 比賽高度The bar will be set at 1.50, 1.55, 1.60, 1.64, 1.68, 1.71, 1.74,1.77, 1.80, 1.83, 1.86,20,高度晉升 Raising Height of the bar,Pole Vault (men)練習高度 Practice height:4.204.80比賽高度 The bar will be set at 4.20, 4.40, 4.60, 4.75, 4.90, 5.05, 5.15, 5.25, 5.35, 5.45, 5.55 Pole Vault (wo
15、men)練習高度 Practice height:2.803.50比賽高度 The bar will be set at 2.80, 3.00, 3.20, 3.40, 3.55, 3.70, 3.85, 4.00, 4.12, 4.22, 4.32,21,頒獎典禮 Award ceremony,頒獎:請獲得前三名的選手,於比賽後至賽後控制中心(164)集合,將由工作人員帶至獎典組候獎。 前八名選手將獲頒證書。Victory ceremony: The Top 3 athletes will be taken to the Victory Ceremony Preparation Room (Room 164) by staffs after the competition.The top 8 athletes of each events will be awarded with certification.,22,醫護站 Medical Centres,大會設置兩處醫護站: 1. 終點 2. 暖身場There are two medical centres: 1. The Finish area, at main stadium. 2. Warm up area,23,Good luck,24,