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1、环境公益诉讼与环保法庭的生命力中国环保法庭的发展与未来Development of Environmental Courts in China: the promises and challenges and implementation for environmental public interest litigation,高洁 GAO, Jie美国自然资源保护委员会(NRDC)中国环境法项目Natural Resources Defense Council, China Environmental Law Project,报告内容 Content,走近环保法庭 Development o

2、f Environmental Courts in China 掌声与质疑:环保法庭的优劣之争 Advantages and Disadvantages of EP Courts 环境公益诉讼:环保法庭的生命线 Environmental Public Interest Litigation: the Lifeline of EP Courts对环保法庭的建议 Suggestions for EP Courts,走近环保法庭Development of EP Courts,成立:重大环境污染事件催生环保法庭 Establishment: expedited by serious environ

3、mental pollution accidents 收案:总体收案尚可,公益诉讼不足 Caseload: moderate caseload in general, but few public interest litigation cases 制度:公益诉讼地方性规定 范围和效力受限 Regulations: issued by local courts, with limited application,走近环保法庭-收案 Development of EP Courts-Caseload,贵阳:长于实践 Guiyang: Rich in Experience,中级法院系列文件和决定书

4、的方式:相对分散 笔墨不多 Series of brief documents issued by intermediate court 贵阳市中级人民法院关于设立环境保护法庭的实施方案贵阳市中级人民法院指定管辖决定书关于贵阳市中级人民法院环境保护审判庭 清镇市人民法院环境保护法庭案件受理范围的规定 公益诉讼制度设计特点原告的四种类型: Characteristics of the PIL design: 4 types of plaintiffs检察院 Public prosecutor相关行政职能部门 Administrative agencies两湖一库管理局 Two Lakes and

5、 One Reservoir Bureau, a special organ newly set up for water pollution 社会团体和个人?Citizens and citizen groups?,贵阳:长于实践 (续) Guiyang: Rich in Experience (continued),实际适用最多的规定实际审结 三个环境公益诉讼案件 Most widely applied regulations: 3 PIL cases were resolved according to these regulations贵阳市两湖一库管理局诉贵州天峰化工公司一案,200

6、7年12月 Two Lakes and One Reservoir Bureau v. Guiyzhou Tianfeng Chemical Inc. , Dec. 2007贵阳市人民检察院诉熊金志、雷章、陈廷雨一案,2008年11月 Guiyang Peoples Public Prosecutor v. Xiong Jinzhi, Lei Zhang, Chen Tingyu, Nov. 2008中华环保联合会诉清镇市国土资源局一案,2009年9月 All China Environment Federation v. Qingzhen Land and Resources Bureau,

7、 Sep. 2009,无锡:勤于思考 Wuxi: Good in Research,中级法院与市检察院联合文件的形式:更为系统和详细 Joint regulation by intermediate court and public prosecutor: systematic and detailed provisions关于办理环境民事公益诉讼案件的试行规定环境公益诉讼制度设计特点: Characteristics of the PIL design以检察院为主导 Led by public prosecutor plaintiff环保民间团体和公民个人参与不明确 Role of envi

8、ronmental groups and citizens unclear对行政主管部门的司法手段不足 Insufficient legal mechanisms to use against administrative agencies国内第一个关于环境公益诉讼的地方性规定 The first local regulation on PIL in China实际审结一个环境公益诉讼案件 : One PIL case was resolved according to this regulation中华环保联合会诉江苏江阴港集装箱有限公司一案,2009年9月 All China Enviro

9、nment Federation v. Jiangsu Jiangyin Container Inc. Sep. 2009,云南:雄心勃勃Yunnan: Ambitious New Comer,省高院文件和市中级法院联合文件两种形式 Documents from both provincial high court and intermediate court 昆明市中级人民法院、昆明市检察院、昆明市公安局、昆明市环境保护局关于建立环境保护执法协调机制的实施意见 云南省高院全省法院环境保护审判建设及环境保护案件审理工作座谈会纪要 公益诉讼制度的设计特点: Characteristics of

10、the PIL design明确了环保民间组织的环境公益诉讼原告资格 Clearly authorized standing for environmental groups以水污染为环保审判重点 Focused on water pollution禁令、“补充性环境工程”裁决方式的应用 Injunctions, SEPs as remedies迄今为止唯一一个在省级机构发布的公益诉讼规定 The only PIL regulation issued by a provincial high court, the highest issuing authority thus far尚未得到实际

11、适用 No cases were accepted,报告内容 Content,走近环保法庭 Development of Environmental Courts in China 掌声与质疑:环保法庭的优劣之争 Advantages and Disadvantages of EP Courts 环境公益诉讼:环保法庭的生命线 Environmental Public Interest Litigation: the Lifeline of EP Courts对环保法庭的建议 Suggestions for EP Courts,掌声与质疑:环保法庭的优劣之争 Advantages and Di

12、sadvantages of EP Courts,掌声:环保法庭的优势 Advantages of specialized EP Courts 统一执法尺度 Consistent application of law提高环境法官的专业素质 Specialized environmental judges增强政府和公众的环保意识,案件调解率提高 Enhanced public and governmental awareness of environment protection, mediation rate increased对企业的震慑力提高,环保执法效果提升 Higher deterre

13、nce of polluters, effectiveness of enforcement increased为环境公益诉讼提供制度创新空间 Space for PIL system development,掌声与质疑:环保法庭的优劣之争 Advantages and Disadvantages of EP Courts,质疑:环保法庭的不足 Disadvantages: 愿望表达甚于实际意义 More theoretical than practical 穿新鞋走老路,案件处理没有实质区别 No real procedural differences than normal courts案

14、件受理量小,持续发展前景堪忧 Small caseload, questionable necessity of the courts环境公益诉讼实践推进缓慢,对制度创新的促进作用有限 Limited PIL cases, limited opportunity for the PIL system development,报告内容 Content,走近环保法庭 Development of Environmental Courts in China 掌声与质疑:环保法庭的优劣之争 Advantages and Disadvantages of EP Courts 环境公益诉讼:环保法庭的生命

15、线 Environmental Public Interest Litigation: the Lifeline of EP Courts对环保法庭的建议 Suggestions for EP Courts,环保法庭的可能命运 Possible Fate of EP Courts认可和推广,成为司法实践的常态 Affirmed and accepted as judicial practice长期保持在有限地域、有限影响的“试点”状态 Accepted only as a pilot project, with limited long term influence撤销试点,回复传统 Clos

16、ed at any time,环境公益诉讼环保法庭的生命线 Environmental Public Interest Litigation-Lifeline of EP Courts,环保法庭的生命力体现在哪? Where does the vitality of EP Courts lay?收案数量:环境审判的现实需求? Sound caseload: a practical need for specialized environmental adjudication?改善环境:设立环保法庭的终极目标 Better environment: the ultimate goal of EP

17、 Courts环境公益诉讼成为环保法庭的生命线 EPIL as EP Courts lifeline,收案数量:环境审判的现实需求?Sound caseload: a practical needs for specialized environmental adjudication?,全国法院系统环境类案件的增长趋势Environmental cases accepted by courts nationwide in 1998 and 2009,收案数量:环境审判的现实需求? Sound caseload: a practical needs for specialized environ

18、mental adjudication ?(continued),环保法庭成立前后案件的增长趋势 Environmental cases accepted before and after establishment of EP Courts,改善环境:设立环保法庭的终极目标 Better Environment: The Ultimate Goal to Set up EP Courts,环境公益诉讼如何成为生命线? Why is EPIL the lifeline of EP Courts?对政府有限执法资源的重要补充 Supplement limited governmental enf

19、orcement resources有助于对违法者构成充分震慑 Incentivize compliance对环境公共政策的形成有重大影响 Influence development of environment public policy有助于维护社会稳定 Maintain social stability,报告内容 Content,走近环保法庭 Development of Environmental Courts in China 掌声与质疑:环保法庭的优劣之争 Advantages and Disadvantages of EP Courts 环境公益诉讼:环保法庭的生命线 Envir

20、onmental Public Interest Litigation: the Lifeline of EP Courts对环保法庭的建议 Suggestions for EP Courts,环保法庭的未来 Suggestions for EP Courts,充分重视环境公益诉讼实践经验积累 Encourage more EPIL cases 拓展公益诉讼原告:从中华环保联合会开始 Broaden plaintiff standing in EPIL: a good start from ACEF通过制度设计避免滥诉的发生 Avoid frivolous cases through careful procedural design积极寻求环境公益诉讼立法的支持 Seek support from higher legislative authorities诉讼法、环境保护部门立法 Procedural rules, Environment Protection Law and other relevant environmental legislation准立法:最高法院司法解释 Quasi legislation: e.g., Supreme Court Judicial Explanation,谢谢!Thank You!,


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