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1、 外文翻译 原文 experiential marketing Material Source: Journal of Marketing Management Author: Schmitt,Bernd H The purpose of this paper is to show peculiarities of traditional and experiential marketing and describe why experiential marketing is better way to understand consumer behaviour.Comparative ana

2、lysis shows the main characteristics of traditional and experiential marketing. Traditional marketing characteristics are there: product functional characteristics and superiority, narrow determinate product categories, point of view to the consumer as a rational thinker, application analytical, qua

3、ntitative and verbal methods, mechanical standpoint to the consumer“Stimulus- Reaction”. Experiential marketing present these characteristics: orientation to the consumer experience, looking to the consumer experience holistically, point of view to the consumer as rational thinker and emotional too,

4、 exclectizm of methodical, “from Stimulus to Reaction”. As we can see out of traditional marketing characteristics this standpoint to the consumer is insufficient, because it evaluate just one side of consumer behaviour: rational conduct so looking the biggest benefit from purchase. Meanwhile experi

5、ential marketing estimate both sides of consumer: rational and emotional, this standpoint to the consumer is more personal, individual. Key words: traditional marketing, experiential marketing, product superiority, consumer, emotions, rationality. In this article, I contrast traditional marketing wi

6、th a new approach to marketing called Experiential Marketing Nowadays then the world is very quickly change, coming new tech-nologies, communication, comes changes in to the marketing too. In the Great Britain, USA and similar counties markets are overfill with products and services. There are big c

7、ompetitions so principles and actions of traditional marketing do not work. How attract new consumers, cause? These opportunities have experiential marketing. Some propositions of traditional marketing are discussed. In the traditional marketing commodity is understanding as accomplice of attributes

8、. K. Lancaster expressed this standpoint the first time in 1966. Then this standpoint was developing by F. Kotler, T. Nagle. In the newest science literature we can find good description as a complex of characteristics and superiority. Many consumer behaviour researches such as Kotona, Engel, Black-

9、well, Minard (1999) consumer estimate like rational thinker. This standpoint is based on concept of information remaking. This concept widely comes from cognitive psychology. Marketing-mix inventor Neil Borden (1964) asserts that united components in the marketing-mix are not. Marketing-mix theory w

10、as criticising due to its mechanical point of view (stimulus- reaction). Now is proved that between stimulus and reaction is process. The notion of experience has entered the field of consumption and marketing through Holbrook and Hirschmans 1982 pioneering article. Twenty years after, this notion h

11、as gained ground to be recognised as important for what it can contribute to marketing knowledge of the consumer. As a consequence, it is the pillar of the socalled experience economy and experiential marketing. Building on Arnould and Prices well-known 93s “River Magic” paper on extraordinary exper

12、iences, marketers tend to engage consumers in a memorable way, offering them extraordinary experiences. For them, experiences provide consumers a way to engage physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually in the consumption of the product or service making the interaction meaningfully

13、 real. Experiential marketing is everywhere. In a variety of industries, companies have moved away from traditional “features-and-benefits“ marketing toward creating experiences for their customers. This shift toward experiential marketing has occurred as a result of three simultaneous developments

14、in the broader business environment With the experience economy era,with the increased competition is narrowing rather than as a natural advantage; Enterprises in product, pricing, channels and promotion, marketing services, operating at the level of competition, due to the operation of the market n

15、orms of transparency and information, and made to imitate and learn from each other at an increasing rate, I would like to establish long-term competitive advantage has become increasingly impossible; The various communication activities, and enhance the customer experience needs,so that customers r

16、eceive the material and spiritual concept of the dual meet marketing - Experiential marketing In many cases, customers may have turned a deaf ear to product advertising overwhelming. Because there are too many ads, and many advertising commitments to honor the integrity of a number of emerging issue

17、s, with the changes in values, the confidence of customers for the advertisers are increasingly reduced. In fact, customer care is reflected in the details of the real experience, a good brand in the details for customers to get real comfortable experience times in fact, a hundred times better than

18、advertising. Consumer value is the core of marketing attention to what customers value is the fundamental question of winning. Traditional textbook lists four kinds of consumer value, namely, functional value, emotional value, social value and personal value. At present, the company has “experience“

19、 to the “experience economy“ brought about by the new value. “Consumer experience“ has become the first five kinds of consumer value, namely, the pursuit of consumer purchases and the value of the experience. 1. Focus on Functional Features and Benefits Traditional marketing is largely focused on fe

20、atures and benefits.Traditional marketers assume that customers (business customers or end consumers) in a variety of markets (industrial, consumer, technology, service) Weigh fimctional features in tenns of their importance, trade off features by comparing them, and select the product with the high

21、est overall utility (defined as the sum of weighted features) 2.Product Category and Competition are Narrowly Defined In the world of a traditional marketer, McDonalds competes against Burger King and Wendys (and not against Pizza Hut Friendlys or Starbucks). Chanel fragrances compete igainst Dior f

22、ragrances (and not against those of Lancome or LOreal, or against fragrances offered by the Gap or another mass-market retailer). For a traditional marketer, competition occurs primarily within narrowly defined product categories - the battleground of product and brand Managers. 3. Customers are Vie

23、wed as Rational Decision Makers Throughout this century, economists, decision scientists and marketers have viewed customer decision-making as straightforward problem solving. As Engel, Blackwell and Miniard (1994) explain, problem solving refers to thoughtful, reasoned action undertaken to bring ab

24、out need satisfaction. Customer decision-making processes typically lre assumed to involve several steps: need recognition, information search, evaluation of altematives, purchase and consumption. 4. Methods and Tools are Analytical, Quantitative and Verbal Standard traditional marketing methodologi

25、es are analytical, quantitative and verbal. Think about regression models. The input to most regression models (and their stepchild the logit model) consists of verbal ratings collected in interviews or surveys. The purpose is to predict purchase or choice based on a number of predictors and to asse

26、ss their relative importance weights. Or consider positioning maps A Focus on Customer Experiences In contrast to its narrow focus on functional features and benefits,experiential (liarketing focuses on customer experiences. Experiences occur as a result of encountering, undergoing or living through

27、 tilings. Experiences provide sensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and relational values that replace functional values. Strategic Experiential Modules The SENSE module - or SENSE marketing - appeals to the senses with the objective of creating sensory experiences, through sight, sound, touch

28、, taste and smell. SENSE marketing may be used to differentiate companies and products, to motivate customers and to add value to products FEEL marketing appeals to customers inner feelings and emotions, with the objective of creating affective experiences that range from mildly positive moods linke

29、d to a brand THINK marketing appeals to the intellect with the objective of creating cognitive, problem-solving experiences that engage customers creatively THINK appeals to target customers convergent and divergent thinking through surprise,intrigue and provocation. ACT marketing enriches customers

30、 lives by targeting their physical experiences, showing them altemative ways of doing things RELATE marketing contains aspects of SENSE, FEEL, THINK and ACT Marketing. However, relate marketing expands beyond the individuals Personal。 In the experiential perspective,the consumption experience is no

31、longer limited to some prepurchase activity, nor to some postpurchase activity, e.g. the assessment of satisfaction, but includes a series of other activities which influence consumers decisions and future actions. Consumption experience is thus spread over a period of time which, according to Arnou

32、ld and Price (1993), can be divided into four major stages: The pre-consumption experience, which involves searching for, planning, day-dreaming about, foreseeing or imagining the experience; The purchase experience which derives from choice, payment, packaging, the encounter with the service and th

33、e environment; The core consumption experience including the sensation, the satiety, the satisfaction/dissatisfaction, the irritation/flow, the transformation; The remembered consumption experience and the nostalgia experience activates photographs to relive a past experience, which is based on acco

34、unts of stories and on arguments with friends about the past, and which moves towards the classification of memories. Experience,in this paper,is defined as a subjective episode in the construction/transformation of the individual, with however, an emphasis on the emotions and senses lived during th

35、e immersion at the expense of the cognitive dimension. Marketing, on the other hand, gives experience a much more objective (rather than subjective) meaning, confirming the idea that the result may must be something extremely significant and unforgettable for the consumer immerged into the experienc

36、e. 译文 体验营销 资料来源 : 营销管理 作者: Schmitt, BerndH 体验营销 本文章的目的是展示传统营销和体验营销的差异性,并说明为什么体验营销是一种了解消费者行为的更好的方式。经过对比分析表明传统营销和体验营销的主要特点和区别。传统的营销特点有:产品的功能特点和优势;缩小确定性的产品类别;从一个 理性的消费者角度来看;应用子系统分析;定量和口头方式;从机械的角度给消费者带来“刺激一反应”的体验。体验营销目前有这些特点:定位于消费者经验的体验;着眼于整体消费的体验;作为一个理性消费者他的思想和情绪也有条不紊的“作出刺激和反应”。正如我们可以看到支持传统营销这一立场对消费者是远

37、远不够的,因为传统的营销评估的只是一个侧面的消费行为:而理性的行为即希望从购买中获得最大的好处。然而体验营销是评估消费者的两个方面:理性与情感,这一观点的消费者更个性化,更个人化。 关键词 :传统营销,体验营销,产品优势,消费,情感 性,合理性。 在这篇文章中,我将与传统的营销方法对比的那种营销称为体验式营销。 世界是不断变化的,包括未来的新技术、通信、以及市场营销都是变化的。在英国、美国和类似的地方市场充满着产品与服务。因为有如此巨大的竞争所以传统营销活动不能正常工作。那么又应该如何吸引新的消费者,不能正常工作的原因又是什么呢?这些是体验营销的机会。 讨论了一些传统营销的命题,在传统的市场营

38、销中商品是作为理解的帮凶。1966年, K. 兰卡斯特第一次表明了这一立场。然后 F. 科特勒和 T. 纳戈发展了这一观点。在最新的科学文献中我们可以找 到作为一个复杂的特点和优势的很好的描述。 通过对许多消费者行为研究表明消费者喜欢这样理性的思想家如恩格尔,黑井,米纳德 (1999)。这一观点是基于对信息的改造,而对这个概念普遍的认知则来自于认知心理学。 营销组合发明者尼尔博登 (1964)断言联合组成不是营销组合。营销组合理论被批评是因为它具有的机械的观点(刺激一反应)。现在已经证明刺激和反应之间只是相应的过程关系。 体验的概念是通过霍尔布鲁克和赫希曼在 1982年创作的文章进入消费和销售

39、领域。 20年后,这一概念被当作能够促进市场的消费已经被大家所认同。因此,它是所谓的体验经济和体验营销的支柱。这是建立在阿诺德和 Price的众所周知的非凡经历 93的“河魔术”的文章上,营销人员往往从事于让消费者一个难忘的方式:向他们提供非凡的体验。对他们来说,体验为消费者提供一种进行身体、精神、情感互动,在产品基础上作出真正有意义的精神服务的方式。 体验式营销随处可见,在不同的行业,公司摒弃了传统的营销而转向为他们的客户提供体验式的营销。这种营销的转变为体验营销提供了 3个广阔的商机环境。 随着体验经济时代的到来 ,随着竞争 的加剧 , 企业在产品、价格、渠道及促销、服务等营销操作层面上的

40、竞争,则由于市场运作规范与信息的透明化,而使得相互间模仿和借鉴的速度越来越快,想以此建立起长久的竞争优势也 变得 越来越不可能; 而 开展各种沟通活动,增强顾客体验需求,从而使顾客物质上和精神上得到双重满足的营销理念 体验式营销 显露出来。 很多时候,顾客可能对产品铺天盖地的广告置若罔闻。因为现在花里胡哨的广告太多了,而且许多广告承诺的兑现 不了, 出现了不少的诚信问题,随着价值观的改变,顾客对于广告的信任正在日益降低。其实顾客更在意的是体现在细节上的实实在在的 体验,一个优秀的品牌如果在细节上让顾客获得实实在在的舒适体验其实胜过广告十倍百倍 。 消费者价值是营销关注的核心,向顾客提供何种价值

41、是企业制胜的基本问题。传统的教科书列举了 4种消费者价值,即功能价值、情感价值、社交价值和个人价值。当前,企业已经 “体验 ”到了 “体验经济 ”所带来的新的价值。 “消费者的体验 ”已经成为第 5种消费者价值,即消费者购买和追求的是体验价值。 1.专注于功能和效益 传统的市场营销主要集中在特点和优点,传统的商人认为客户(商业客户或者消费者)在不同的市场(工业,消费,技术,服务)通过他们的特征比 较他们的重要性不同。以最高质量效用来选择产品。 2.产品类别和竞争的狭义定义 在传统销售商的国度里,麦当劳汉堡与国王和温 蒂 的竞争,香奈儿与迪奥香水的竞争(本人并不反对那些包含兰蔻的或者欧莱雅公司的

42、)。作为一个传统的商人,竞争主要集中在定义产品的类别,和品牌的管理方面。 3.客户是最理性的决策者 在这个世纪,经济学家,科学决策者和销售商认为客户决策能很简单的解决问题。就像 Engel, Blackwell and Miniard 解释说解决问题必需深入的思考,理性的消费行为才让人感到满意。用户的决策通常需要假设好多步骤, 需要认知,信息的检索,评价,购买和消费。 4.采用定量研究和措辞的方法和工具 对传统的营销方法口头和定量的进行了分析,考虑回归模型,输入对大多数,由口头面试或调查收集起来的回归模型, 目的是为了预测购买或选择的基础 ,通过 一系列的预测因子评估他们的相对重要性 ,或者考

43、虑改怎么定位。 一个以顾客为关注焦点的体验 与仅仅集中在功能特点和福利的相比,体验经济更加关注于客户的体验,体验提供感觉,情绪,认知行为以及与其相关的价值观来取代其功能价值。 战略经营模块 感官模块或者感官经营,指通过视觉,声音,触觉,味觉等等创造体验来吸引感官上的注意。感官营销用来区别公司和产品,以此来激励顾客来增加产品的附加值。 感觉营销通过对顾客内心情感的把握来吸引住顾客。目的在于创造情感体验来维系自己的品牌。 思考式营销,通过启发人们的智力,引发客人产生各异的想法行为来吸引顾客。 行动式营销,通过这些行为体验,向他们展示了在处理问题中不同的方式。 关系型营销包含感官,感觉,思考,行为营

44、销,然而,关系型营销不断扩大,并超出了个别的范畴 .从体验的角度来看,消费的经验也不再仅限于一些售前活动,也不是一些购买后的活动,例如,满意度评估,但其中包含了影响消费 者的决定和今后的行动等一系列活动。因此,消费经验的传播时间根据阿诺德和 Price( 1993年)可以划分时期为四个主要阶段: 超前消费体验,其中包括搜索、规划、每天梦想着,预见或想像的经验; 本次购买体验来自于选择、付款、包装、与服务和环境的接触; 核心消费体验,包括感觉、满足、满意 /不满意、刺激 /泛滥、改造; 消费体验和怀旧经验的记忆激活照片从而回顾过去的经验,这是基于故事帐户和进行有关过去的朋友的论点,并实现记忆分类方式。 经验在这文章中被定义为一个主观事件 /个人的转变,但是对感情和感觉强调沉浸在认知层面 的生活费用上。另一方面,营销使经验具有更为客观的(而不是主观的)的意义,它证实了这个想法:结果可能必须极其重要的东西和浸入到消费者难以忘怀的经验


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