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1、第 1 页 共 3 页 南昌大学医学院 2017 2018 学年第 一 学期期末考试试卷 试卷编号: ( A)卷 课程名称: Neurology 神经病学 考试形式: 闭卷 适用年级: 2013 级留 学生 适用专业: 临床 医学 (一临、二临 ) 姓名( Name): 学号( Student ID): 专业: MBBS 班级: 2013 级 A B C D 班 考试日期: 题号 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X 总分 统分人 签名 题分 15 30 20 35 100 得分 Notice: 1、 There are 6 pages in this test pap

2、er. Please check, and hand up immediately if there are any pages missing or damaged in the paper in order to replace a right one. 2、 After the exam, all of the students cant take test paper and answer sheet and draft paper tape out of the examination room. 3、 You are required to answer all the quest

3、ions clearly in English on the paper. I、 Single-choice questions (3%/question, 15%) 得 分 评阅人 1、 The following drugs are general anesthetics except ( ) A、 propofol B、 fentanyl C、 lidocaine D、 sevoflurane E、 isoflurane 2、 (备注:试卷中标红部分,请根据 实际情况 修改, 考题类型可根据课程要求自行安排,本模板仅作为期末试卷的框架使用 ,成稿后请直接删除本段备注 ) 第 2 页 共

4、3 页 3、 4、 5、 II、 Noun explanation( 15%/question,30%) 得分 评阅人 1、 Spinal anesthesia: 2、 Spinal anesthesia: III、 Short-answer questions (20%) 得分 评阅人 Write the standard monitoring for general anesthesia. 第 3 页 共 3 页 IV、 Case analysis (35 %) 得 分 评阅人 A 31-year-old man with leg pain was admitted to the hosp

5、ital because of a mass in the left lower limb. CT of the left lower limb revealed a tibia osteoma. He was very healthy and had no severe disease in the past years. All of his laboratory studies were nearly normal. 1、 If the man needs to remove the mass, which anesthesia is suitable for him? ( ) (5%) A、 Spinal anesthesia B、 Local anesthesia C、 Epidural anesthesia D、 A, C and combined spinal-epidural anesthesia E、 no anesthesia


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