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1、 海萨 2x600MW 锅炉 主要施工方案 Hisar2 600MW Boiler Main Erection Plan 2 本期建设规模 2600MW 燃煤发电机组。锅炉由提供。锅炉为亚临界参数、强制循环、 一次中间再热、单炉膛平衡通风、固态排渣、露天布置、全钢构架的 型汽包炉。 This project is 2 600MW coal fired thermal units, boiler shall be supplied by SEC. The boiler is all steel structural type drum boiler of a subcritical parame

2、ter, pump circulation, single reheat, single furnace balance draft, dry slagging and hypaethral placement. 锅炉施工方案 Boiler Erection Plan 锅炉为上海电气集团生产的亚临界参数、 强制循环 、一次中间再热、单炉膛平衡通风、固态排渣、露天 布置、全钢构架的 型汽包炉。 The Boiler shall be supplied by SEC. The boiler is all steel structural type drum boiler of a subcriti

3、cal parameter, pump circulation, single reheat, single furnace balance draft, dry slagging and hypaethral placement. 1 施工场地及主吊机械 Erection site and main hoisting equipments 1.1 施工场地布置 Erection site plot 锅炉组合场布置按总平面布置图,组合场内布置 50t龙门吊 各 4 台 , 锅炉受热面的大部分组合工作安排在此完成。 Boiler assembly yard will be arranged as

4、 per general layout drawing. Four 50T gantry cranes will be provided respectively. Assembly of most heating surface structures will be done in this area. 1.2 施工机械选择 Selection of construction plants 根据本工程锅炉的结构特点,以及我公司的机械状况,选用以下机械作为锅炉主要施工机械。 Given to the features of the boier and mechanical capacity o

5、f our company, we chose plants below as our main construction equipmemnts. 序号 Sl 机械名称 description 机械型号 mode 数量quantity 1 圆筒吊 cylindrical FZQ2000/80t 2 3 crane 2 履带吊 crawler crane CC1400 1 3 龙门吊 frame crane 50t 4 4 履带吊 crawler crane CC2500 1 5 劳辛格 Stand-jack system 200t 2 6 塔吊 tower crane C7050/20t 3

6、 (1) FZQ2000/ 80T 圆筒吊 FZQ2000/ 80T cylindrical crane FZQ2000 圆筒吊做为附吊机械,筒身高度 102m,采用 60m 臂长工况,主要负责锅炉本体部件的吊装工作。 FZQ2000 cylindrical crane is arranged as auxiliary hoisting plants, which is designed to hoist boiler length of main min working radius 24m,load 39t. 吊装主要内容为: Main hoisting scope: a. 锅炉钢架吊装。

7、 Boiler steel structure lifting. b. 锅炉受热面吊装、空气预热器吊装。 Boiler heating surface ,airpreheater lifting. c.烟、风、煤管道安装 Flue gas,air,coal piping erection. d. 根据现场实际换工况用于大件设备的 安装和 卸车工作。 Employed in erection of other heavy equipments and unloading works. CC1400/250t 履带吊性能表 (SWSL塔式、后配重 40t 工况 )主附臂 (主臂角度 85):72m

8、+36m。 CC1400/250t crawler crane performance list(SWSL TOWER type,banlance weight 40t), main in anaphase shall be employed in hoisting ESP components. (4) 其它吊装机械 Other lifting plants A 四 台 50t 龙门吊布置于锅炉组合场,负责设备装卸车、受热面膜式壁及蛇行管排的组合工作 及烟风道的制作组合工作 。 4 frame cranes of 50t shall be arranged in Boiler structu

9、re assembly yard, employed in equipments loading and unloading, heating surface and pipe coil assembly works and flue/air ducting fabricating asembly works. b. 50t 汽车吊负责现场设备卸车倒运等工作。 . b. Truck crane of 50t shall be employed in equipments unloading in site. c.卷扬机布置在锅炉 0m, 辅助进行炉膛内管排及 小件 的吊装。 c . winch

10、 shall be arranged in 0m, assisting furnace internals lifting and the lifting of some samll units. d. 劳辛格负责汽包吊装工作。 Stand-jack system will be used in steam drum listing works. 5 (5) 施工电梯布置 service lift arrangment 为方便锅炉施工,在炉 一 侧布置一施工电梯。 Sservice lifts shall be arranged in each side of the boiler. 2 锅炉

11、本体钢架安装 Boiler steel structure erection 锅炉钢结构由顶板、柱和梁、垂直支撑、水平支撑等部件组成,顶板由主梁、次梁和小梁组成一个坚固的梁格,其四周有水平支撑,主梁端有垂直支撑。 Boiler steel structure consists of roof, column, girder, vertical and lateral supporting, while roof comprising of girder, secondary beam, trabecula and forming a firm box. 钢架内侧柱为主要承重钢柱,外侧副柱则通过

12、梁、水平支撑与内侧柱相连,以增加钢架的整体稳定性。钢结构从前至后共有 6 排 。 锅炉钢架的连接,采用高强螺栓和焊接相结合的方式,顶板和主梁与次梁之间,柱和梁之间,垂直支撑、水平支撑之间采用扭剪型高强螺栓连接,其余构件间采用焊接 连接。 Internal pillars of the structure are designed for bearing, while the external pillars are designed to reinforce the entire stability of structure by connecting with girders, latera

13、l supporting and internal pillars. There are 6 rows. Bolt and welding are employed in the connection of structure. 2.1 吊装方案 Hoisting plans 主吊机械选用一台 FZQ2000 圆桶吊,一台 CC1400 履带吊为附吊机械,圆筒吊布置于锅炉炉左 K、 L 间距锅炉本体外侧柱中心线 5 米处, CC1400 履带吊布置于炉的另一侧。钢架各段本着由炉前至炉后、先主柱后辅柱原则分段吊装,即安装一段找正一段,验收本段钢架后对高强螺栓进行终紧。钢架安装过程中相应段平台、楼

14、梯、栏杆随之安装。 Main hoisting plants comprise of an FZQ2000 cylindrical crane and CC1400 crawler crane (as auxiliary hoisting plants), the cylindrical crane shall be arranged at left side of boiller between boiler central line and it is 5 meters away from the boiler central line , CC14OO crawler shall be

15、arranged on the other side of boiler. Each section of the structure follows the rule of from furnace front to back, from main pillars to complement pillars. Duiring the process of structure erection, platform,stairecase and handrails should be finishsed. 在钢架吊装过程中,视来货及制件完成情况,根据相应设备的安装位置和标高,6 把一次风热风道、

16、二次风热风道、回转式空预器、预热器入口烟道、省煤器出口灰斗以及燃烧器连接风道等相关设备随之预存;各段吊装过程中,相应主降水管和刚性梁要临时吊挂在相应各层钢架梁上;视图纸具体情况缓装炉左侧及炉后 7m 标高下的部分拉条,做为炉内吊装设备的进入通道,炉膛内影响汽包 (吊装中的初偏斜和炉顶调水平处 )、板梁 (炉膛内抬吊时 )吊装的杆件缓装。 During the erection of structure, according to the progress of goods supply and parts fabrication, and erection position and heigh

17、t , we can save some equipments in their required position and ercet later such equipments including, primary hot air duct, secondary hot air duct, rotaty air preheator, preheator inlet flue gas ducting, economizer outlet ash bucket and burner connecting air duct. During each stage of erection, main

18、 downcomers and stiffening bars should be temporarily hanged in their girders of structure. As per the drawings , some braces on the left side of boiler or back of boiler below the height of 7m should be erected later, so that access for the hoisting works of boiler internals are made, in addition,

19、any parts of boiler internal shafts that affect steam drum and plate girder lifting should be erected later. 2.2 施工顺序 Construction procedure 锅炉基础划线 标高复验和基础凿毛 柱底板安装 立柱 1m 标高线复检 结构第一段吊装 整体找正 柱脚二次浇灌 其它 几层 结构吊装 顶板梁吊装 钢结构完善 。 Boiler Foudation Lining Level Call Back And Surface Preparation Column Plate Er

20、ection Column 1m Level Callback Structure Erection Stage 1 Structure Alignment Column Foot Secondary Grouting Other Floors Lifting Roof Plate Girder Lifting Stucture Maintenance 3 顶板梁吊装方案 Roof girder hoisting plans 锅炉钢结构第八段立柱、横梁、拉条安装完毕后,根据大板梁吊装需要,部分杆件预留,经检验合格,才能进行板梁吊装。 After the erection of pillars

21、of structure, beams , braces , to meet the requirement of girder hoisting, some shafts should be saved to their position and erected after passing test ,then plate beams hoisting could commence. 锅炉顶板梁的吊装机械为 FZQ2000/80t 圆筒吊和 CC1400/CC2500 履带吊。7 FZQ2000/80t圆筒吊布置在 #1、 #2炉的 两 侧 ,每台炉有一台 磨机缓装, CC2500/CC14

22、00履带吊 在 2 台炉中间机动布置, 看情况缓装一台磨煤机 ,使 CC2500/CC1400 满足 顶板梁 吊装工况。 。 FZQ2000/80t cylindrical crane and CC1400/CC2500 crawler crane are employed to hoist boiler roof plate girder. FZQ2000/80t cylindrical crane should be arranged in both sides of boiler #1and#2, each boiler should be arranged with one mill

23、after later. , while CC1400 or CC2500 crawler crane should be arranged between the tow boilers ,one mill should be erected later if necessary so that CC2500/CC1400 can meet the requirement of roof plate girder hoisting. 板梁由专用平板车运输至炉右侧 0m 处,利用 CC1400 履带吊卸车 或者两主吊同卸 , 其中 J、 K、 L 三根板梁 利用 FZQ2000 塔吊和 CC2

24、500/CC1400 共同抬吊到安装位置 。 顺序依次为 L、 K、 J,其余板梁由 FZQ2000 塔吊或 CC2500/CC1400 履带吊 单独吊装。 Plate girder should handled to 0 m in the right side of boiler by special platform lorry, CC1400crawler cranes or main cranes should be used to unload. FZQ2000 tower crane and CC2500/CC1400 are used to lift J,K,L plate gi

25、rder. Consequence is L,K,J, other plate girders should respectively be hoisted by FZQ2000 tower crane or CC2500/CC1400 crawler crane. 8 说 明 星欣设计图库资料专卖店拥有最新最全的设计参考图库资料,内容涉及 景观园林、建筑、规划、室内装修、建筑结构、暖通空调、给排水、电气设计、施工组织设计 等各个领域的设计素材和设计图纸等参考学习资料。是为广大艺术设计工作者优质设计学习参考资料。本站所售的参考资料包括设计方案和施工图案例已达几十万套以上,总量在数千 G 以上。 建筑设计施工图纸 建筑规划设计方案及施工图 园林景观设计施工图纸 室内装修设计图纸 建 筑结构设计方案与施工图 给排水设计方案与施工图 暖通空调设计方案与施工图 电气设计方案与施工图 设计施工组织方案大全 建筑及景观表现 PSD 后期处理效果图 图库网址 http:/ ftp:/ 联系 QQ: 447255935 电话: 13111542600


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