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1、四年级英语第二学期综合能力练习题(时间:60 分钟) 一、根据所给的提示,把短文或对话补充完整。 (注意所给出图片的单、复数) (20 分)1、Look, this is my family. My father is a . My grandpa is a . My mother is a . And I am a player. We are very happy.2、John: Hello, Sarah. What can you do? (你能干些什么?)Sarah: Oh, I can cook the , wash my , feed the . 3、This is a weath

2、er report. It is and in Singapore.4、Hello, how much is the ? Its 2 yuan.二、同学们,我是可爱的蓝精灵,你能告诉大家这是我身体的哪一些部位吗?请选择正确的单词写在相应的位置上。 (5分)( body , finger , hand , mouth , leg , nose , face , ear , foot , arm )三、同学们,你知道在下列的情景中,该说些什么吗,如果你知道,请把要对他(她)所说的话语的编号写在题前的括号里。(20 分)( )1、当你发现你的朋友浪费食物时,你该说:A. I have milk an

3、d bread for breakfast.B. I like chicken, fish and beef.C. Dont waste food.( )2、你刚到一所新学校上学,不知电脑室在哪,你该问:A. Wheres the art room?B. Wheres the computer room?C. Wheres the music room?( )3、 Amy 到你家作客,你想给她倒点喝的,你该说:A. Can I have some orange juice?B. Id like some coke?C. What would you like, milk or tea?( )4

4、、你准备本周末到香港迪士尼玩,你想了解哪里的天气,就拨通 12121 询问天气情况,你该问:A. Hello, how are you?B. Its warm and windy.C. Hello, what is the weather like in Hong kong on Sunday?( )5、今天,镇的领导参观我们的学校,你见到面时,该说:A. Welcome back to our school.B. Welcome to our school.C. The washroom is on the first floor.( )6、当你遇到一些需要帮助的人时,你可以主动地说:A.

5、Can you help me?B. Can I help you?C. Can I have a look?( ) 7、 你 看 到 爸 爸 提 着 一 个 大 箱 子 回 家 , 你 很 好 奇 里 面 的 东西 , 你 就 问 :A. Whats in the big bag?B. What colour is the big bag?C. How old are you?( )8、当别人向你提供帮助,你不需要时,你该说:A. No, thank you.B. No, Im not.C. Yes, thank you.( ) 9、 当 你 的 同 学 想 借 用 一 下 你 的 文 具

6、时 , 你 很 乐 意 借 他 一用 , 你 该 说 :A. Thank you.B. Can I use your eraser?C. Certainly.( ) 10、 你 刚 认 识 一 位 外 籍 的 朋 友 , 想 知 道 他 的 国 籍 , 你 该有 礼 貌 地 问 :A. Hello, where are you from?B. Hello, who are you?C. Whats your name? 四 、 同 学 们 , 我 知 道 你 是 一 个 诚 实 的 好 孩 子 , 你 能 告 诉 我 一些 你 的 真 实 情 况 吗 , 让 我 们 互 相 了 解 , 成 为

7、 一 对 好 朋 友 。 请 根 据你 的 实 际 情 况 , 完 整 地 回 答 问 题 。( 10 分 )1、Hello, whats your name?2、How old are you?3、Look at your watch, what time is it now?4、Today is Wednesday. Whats the weather like today?5、Where is the teachers office in your school?五、下面是 Tom 与 Amy 的通话内容,你猜到他们在说些什么吗?请把他们的对话补充完整。 (10 分)T:Hello, A

8、my. . Where are you now?A: Hi, Tom. .T: Really? Thats great. Are you very happy?A: . I have a good time.T: Its rainy here. How about in Guangzhou?A: Oh, . I can wear dress and sandals. T: ?A: My dress is very colourful and pretty. Its yellow , pink and white.T: I think you are very beautiful.A: Than

9、k you.六、阅读理解(20 分)Passage AWu Yifan: Today is Monday. Its cloudy in Beijing. Its windy too. Lets listen to the weather report.John: OK!Weather man: This is the weather report. Tomorrow(明天) will be(将会)hot and windy in Beijing.Wu Yifan : Hurray! I can go to the farm. My grandma is at the farm.John: Is

10、 it a big farm?Wu Yifan: No. Its small. But(但是) there are(有) pigs, goats, lambs, ducks, rabbits, geese, apple trees, banana trees, potatoes , cucumbers at the farm .John: Can I go to the farm with you?Wu Yifan : Sure.John: Supper. I can ware my shorts and my cap. Thank you.请根短文内容,判断下列句子的对错。( )1、John

11、s grandma has a small farm. ( )2、Its cloudy and sunny in Beijing today.( )3、At the farm, there are trees , animals and vegetables.( )4、This is a big farm.( )5、John and Wu Yifan will go to the farm tomorrow.Passage BB-Boy M-man (foreigner 外国人)B: Welcome to Beijing!M: Thank you. What time is it in Bei

12、jing?B: Its 4 oclock p.m.M: Im from London. Now its 9:00 in the morning in London. I want(想) to call (打电话) my aunt in New York. What time is it in New York now?B: Let me see. The sun rises 12 hours in Beijing than the sun rises in New York(北京的太阳比纽约的太阳早升起 12 个小时). Do you know what time is it in New Y

13、ork?M: Oh, I see. Thank you.阅读短文,请完整回答问题。1、Where is the man from?、Is the mans aunt in London, too?、Where are the man and the boy now?、What time is it now in London?、What time is it now in New York?七、同学们,考考你的眼力,How many words can you find? And fill in the banks.(寻找的顺序从左至右,从上至下。)c r g j d u c k f w e

14、y v q wu s w e a t e r e s i t x e zf n x a y o z k h p g c v n ki o v p w h a t r t h s f g dp w f i g y m n o o t v t l pr y o c a v f a r m e r b i ea l n t q l i b r a r y u s ai b i u d e b r g t j e g h rn y o r n x m o d o h l d r yy v n e r c o w s r t l d w jq u e h d b z n z u b o o k fb r

15、 e a k f a s t b x w a l lI can find(找到)( )words. They are . (10 分)选择你所找到的单词填空,每格填一个单词,每个单词只能用一次。(5 分)1、Its 8 oclock. Its time for class .2、My is and .3、Go to the and read a Chinese .4、What would you like for dinner ? Id like and .5、I have apples. I like apples very much.6、Its and in Beijing.大家做完了吧,别着急,再认真检查一遍吧。你们的成绩会更理想!


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