1,井下紧急避险系统知识 主讲人:金龙哲 教授/博导 单 位:北京科技大学 信 箱: ,微快车微信营销 ,2,矿山井下避难所的定义与基本功能,国内外矿山井下避难所建设情况,矿井可移动式救生舱的构成,1,2,3,矿井避难峒室及避险系统的应用,4,主讲内容,3,The Maintenance of a Safe and Breathable Atmosphere in Permanent Refuge Bays and Portable Rescue Chambers!Have become an integral part of the escape and rescue strategies in underground mines.The primary function of refuge bays is to sustain life in the event of underground incidents, e.g. rock falls, fires, water,explosion etc. by preventing the ingress of nox