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1、多体物理导论课程教学大纲一、 课程名称:多体物理导论二、 课程代码:(学校统一编制,暂不填写)三、 学时和学分:16 学时,1 学分四、 课程类别:科学技术五、 授课对象:凝聚态物理专业和材料物理专业硕士研究生(与博士研究生)六、 先修课程:量子力学、统计物理、固体物理七、 开课单位:物理学院八、 授课教师:朱家骥教授九、 课程描述(200-300 字左右):这门课的目的是为凝聚态物理学和材料物理学的各分支的研究提供一种直接而紧凑的工具,使相关专业的学生能够在更深入的学习和研究中掌握更复杂的理论概念、解决更复杂的物理问题。因此本课程的陈述被有意设计为充分详细且自足的风格,从而使修读完本课程的学

2、生可以不借助二手的参考文献直接进入科学研究。课程的主体内容是多体系统的量子理论。我们在最简单的量子力学和统计物理的知识基础上发展描述相互作用多粒子系统的现代技术并将之应用于各种实际问题,特别是固体物理领域中的实际问题。十、 教学目标(需明确各教学环节对人才培养目标的贡献,是社会审核式评估所要求的)知识贡献:增加学生多体物理的知识能力贡献:增强学生利用格林函数技术处理物理学问题的能力,帮助学生在谱测量的各种实验中掌握其中的物理图像。素质贡献:增强学生理解复杂凝聚态系统中物理现象并将之应用到材料研究中的素质十一、 教学方法:课堂讲授十二、 考核及成绩评定方式:课程论文写作十三、 教材/参考书目:W

3、olfgang Nolting, Fundamentals of Many-body Physics: Principles and Methods, Springer 2009 (世界图书出版公司影印本);Alexander L. Fetter and John Dirk Walecka, Quantum Theory of Many-Particles Systems, Dover Publications Inc. 2003; E. N. Economou, Greens Functions in Quantum Physics (3rd Editions), 科学出版社影印本。Intr

4、oduction to Many-body PhysicsSyllabus1. Course Title:Introduction to Many-body Physics2. Course Code:3. Class Hours and Credits:164. Course Type:Science and Technology5. Target Students: Master or Ph. D. students major in condensed matter physics and material physics6. Prerequisite:Quantum Mechanics

5、, Statistical Physics, Solid State Physics7. Department/School: Department of Physics8. Instructor(s): Prof. Jia-Ji Zhu9. Course Description (200-300 words):The goal of the present course aims at providing the physical tools in the most straightforward and compact form as needed by the students in o

6、rder to master theoretically more complex topics and problems in advanced studies and in research. The presentation is thus intentionally designed to be sufficiently detailed and self-contained to permit individual study without reference to the secondary literature. This course deals with the quant

7、um theory of many-body systems. Building upon a basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and of statistical physics, modern techniques for the description of interacting many-particle systems are developed and applied to various real problems, mainly from the area of solid-state physics.10. Course Objec

8、tives:Knowledge:Increase the knowledge of many-body physics for studentsAbility:Increase the ability of the students to apply the techniques of Greens functions to various physics problemsQualities:Increase the quality of the students to understand physics in complex condensed matter systems11. Teac

9、hing Methods:Classroom instruction12. Student Assessment Methods:Writing a paper on many-body physics13. Textbook/Reading List:Wolfgang Nolting, Fundamentals of Many-body Physics: Principles and Methods, Springer 2009; Alexander L. Fetter and John Dirk Walecka, Quantum Theory of Many-Particles Syste

10、ms, Dover Publications Inc. 2003;E. N. Economou, Greens Functions in Quantum Physics (3rd Editions), Springer 2006.太空生物学与合成生物学基础原理与前沿展望课程教学大纲一、课程名称:太空生物学与合成生物学基础原理与前沿展望二、课程代码:(学校统一编制,暂不填写)三、学时和学分:32 学时,2 学分四、课程类别:科学技术五、授课对象:重庆大学全体在校本科生、研究生(含博士生、学术型硕士生、专业硕士生)六、先修课程:无七、开课单位:生命学院八、授课教师:邱丹副教授、任茂智教授等六人九、

11、课程描述(200-300 字左右):本课程以专题讲座形式讲述太空生物学与合成生物学的基础原理与基本知识,并结合当前世界相关研究的最新进展,具体内容涵盖了太空生物学与合成生物学的基本原理与发展历程,生物进化、抗逆生物学与生物多样性的基本原理与当前研究动态,世界植物学研究的发展历史及其在太空生物学研究中的地位等。这门课的目的是为向学生们普及当前生命科学领域的基础知识和最新的研究思路,使相关专业的学生能够在学习中掌握复杂的生命科学理论概念并解决复杂的生命科学问题,并激发学生们去思索生命的起源进化、如何更好的保护地球环境、探索未知的太空领域以及关注未来生命科技的发展。十、教学目标(需明确各教学环节对人

12、才培养目标的贡献,是社会审核式评估所要求的)知识贡献:增加学生生命科学的知识。能力贡献:增强学生太空生物学与合成生物学的相关知识,并解决复杂的生命科学问题。素质贡献:激发学生们去思索生命的起源进化、如何更好的保护地球环境、探索未知的太空领域以及关注未来生命科技的发展。十一、教学方法:课堂讲授十二、考核及成绩评定方式:课程论文写作十三、教材/参考书目:The Essential Biology , Neil A.Campbell,Jane B.Reece, 2002 年高等教育出版社出版。 生命的来历:前生物进化与太空生物学 ,王子晖 ,Antonio Lazcano,2011 年科学出版社出版

13、。Astrobiology and Synthetic Biology - Fundamentals and FrontiersSyllabus1. Course Title:Astrobiology and SyntheticBiology - Fundamentals and Frontiers2. Course Code:3. Class Hours and Credits:324. Course Type:Science and Technology5. Target Students:All students 6. Prerequisite:None7. Department/Sch

14、ool: Department of Life Sciences8. Instructor(s):Dr. Dan Qiuand Dr. Maozhi Ren9. Course Description (200-300 words):This course focuses on the basic principles and basic knowledge of Astrobiology and synthetic biology in the form of special lectures. It combines the latest developments in the curren

15、t world-related research, and covers the basic principles and development of Astrobiology and synthetic biology. The basic principles and current research dynamics of evolutionary, stress-resistant biology and biodiversity, the history of the development of the worlds botany research, and its positi

16、on in Astrobiology research. The purpose of this course is to popularize the basic knowledge and the latest research ideas in the current life science field to students, so that students of related majors can master complex life science theoretical concepts and solve complex life science problems in

17、 their learning. Students think about the origins and evolution of life, how to better protect the Earths environment, explore the unknown space domain, and pay attention to the development of future life science and technology.10. Course Objectives:Knowledge: Increase student life science knowledge

18、.Ability:Enhance students knowledge of space biology and synthetic biology, and solve complex life science problems.Qualities:Inspire students to think about the origin and evolution of life, how to better protect the global environment, explore the unknown space domain, and pay attention to the dev

19、elopment of future life science and technology.11. Teaching Methods:Classroom instruction12. Student Assessment Methods:Paper-writing. 13. Textbook/Reading List:“The Essential Biology“, Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, 2002 Higher Education Press.“The Origin of Life: Pre-biological Evolution and Spa

20、ce Biology“, Wang Zihui, Antonio Lazcano, Science Press, 2011.材料定性与定量分析一、课程名称:材料定性与定量分析二、课程代码:(学校统一编制,暂不填写)三、学时和学分:16 学时,1 学分四、课程类别:自然科学五、授课对象:不限六、先修课程:无七、开课单位:分析测试中心八、授课教师:张慧娟,公祥南,邹函君,王桂文张慧娟:重庆大学分析测试中心高级工程师,重庆大学青年教师科协副秘书长。北京大学化学与分子工程学院理学博士,南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院博士后,曾于 2007 年获得中国化学会胶体与界面学科组“东方胶化杯”三等奖。目前主要负责设备为热重差热同步热分析仪和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪。


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