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1、1湖南省高等职业院校学生专业技能考核题库商务英语专业基本技能:模块一:国际商务信息检索试题编号:J1-22 项目名称:关键词检索,商务信息甄别模块二:商务应用文写作试题编号:J2-22 项目名称:商务应用文写作一、任务描述(一)注意事项1、所有考试项目均为机上操作;2、开考后,考生必须打开所抽取题号对应的文件夹,并将文件夹中的答卷重命名为“原文件名+工位号”;3、考试期间如果遇到问题请及时找监考老师,不得私自更换电脑;4、考试过程中以及考试结束后,考生不得随意关闭电脑或重启电脑,否则造成数据丢失由考生本人负责。(二)考试要求模块一:国际商务信息检索1.关键词检索:阅读并理解所给信息;检索并筛选

2、有效信息;补充完善信息要点。2.商务信息甄别:阅读并理解所给题干;甄别正确信息。模块二:商务应用文写作1.商务应用文写作:阅读并理解所给信息,掌握商务应用文写作基本格式、文体特征,信息点2完整,语言通顺,语法准确。(三) 抽考试题Section I 国际商务信息检索 (20%)Directions: Read the following brief introduction to TEPCO from the official website of the company. A Brief Introduction to the Tokyo Electric Power CompanyThe

3、Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated (东京电力株式会社, TYO: 9501), also known as Toden (东电) or TEPCO, is an electric utility servicing Japans Kant region, Yamanashi Prefecture, and the eastern portion of Shizuoka Prefecture. This area includes Tokyo. Its headquarters are located in Uchisaiwaicho(内幸町)

4、, Chiyoda(千代田), Tokyo, and international branch offices exist in Washington, D.C., and London. In 2007 TEPCO was forced to shut the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant after the Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake. That year it posted its first loss in 28 years. Corporate losses continued until the pl

5、ant reopened in 2009. Following the March 2011 Thoku earthquake and tsunami, its power plant at Fukushima Daiichi was the site of a continuing nuclear disaster, one of the worlds most serious. TEPCO could face 2 trillion ($23.6 billion) in special losses in the current business year to March 2012, a

6、nd Japan plans to put TEPCO under effective state control as a guarantee for compensation payments to people affected by radiation. The Fukushima disaster displaced 50,000 households in the evacuation zone because of radiation leaks into the air, soil and sea. HistoryJapans ten regional electric com

7、panies, including TEPCO, were established in 1951 with the end of the state-run electric industry regime for national wartime mobilization.In the 1950s, the companys primary goal was to facilitate a rapid recovery from the infrastructure devastation of World War II. After the recovery period, the co

8、mpany had to expand its supply capacity to catch up with the countrys rapid 3economic growth by developing fossil fuel power plants and a more efficient transmission network.In the 1960s and 1970s, the company faced the challenges of increased environmental pollution and oil shocks. TEPCO began addr

9、essing environmental concerns through expansion of its LNG(liquefied natural gas) fueled power plant network as well as greater reliance on nuclear generation. The first nuclear unit at the Fukushima Dai-ichi (Fukushima I) nuclear power plant began operational generation on March 26, 1970.During the

10、 1980s and 1990s, the widespread use of air-conditioners and IT/OA appliances resulted in a gap between day and night electricity demands. In order to reduce surplus generation capacity and increase capacity utilization, TEPCO developed pumped storage hydroelectric power plants and promoted thermal

11、storage units.Recently, TEPCO is expected to play a key role in achieving Japans targets for reduced carbon dioxide emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. It also faces difficulties related to the trend towards deregulation in Japans electric industry as well as low power demand growth. In light of the

12、se circumstances, TEPCO launched an extensive sales promotion campaign called “Switch!” promoting all-electric housing in order to both achieve the more efficient use of its generation capacity as well as erode the market share of gas companies.Corporate overview Equity capital 900.9 billion yen Sha

13、reholders 933,031 Sales turnover5,368.5 billion yen (FY2010) Ordinary income 317.6 billion yen (FY2010) Net income -1,247.3 billion yen (FY2010) Gross assets 14,790.3 billion yen Employees 38,671 Electricity sales 293,386 GWh (FY2010)Position in the industry4TEPCO is the largest electric utility in

14、Japan and the 4th largest electric utility in the world after German RWE, French lectricit de France and Germanys E.ON. As TEPCO stands in a leading position in this industry, they have relatively a strong effect for Japanese economics, environment, and energy industry.Management and finance Generat

15、ionThe companys power generation consists of two main networks. Fossil fuel power plants around Tokyo Bay(东京湾) are used for peak load supply and nuclear reactors in Fukushima(福岛) and Niigata(新滹)Prefecture(辖区) provide base load supply. Additionally, hydroelectric plants in the mountainous areas outsi

16、de the Kanto Plain, despite their relatively small capacity compared to fossil fuel and nuclear generation, remain important in providing peak load supply. The company also purchases electricity from other regional or wholesale electric power companies like Tohoku Electric Power Co., J-POWER, and Ja

17、pan Atomic Power Company.International ActivitiesTEPCO has been utilizing its advanced technological expertise and managerial resources to vigorously expand its interests throughout the world, with the aim of further expanding and developing the company by creating new overseas business opportunitie

18、s. TEPCO also promotes international exchanges, and carries out research on international energy policies and electricity markets through its offices in Washington, D.C. and London. To conduct extensive exchanges at both top management and expert levels, TEPCO has established an international networ

19、k with Asian and other electric power utilities, including the State Grid Corporation of China, the Korea Electric Power Corporation, Tenaga Nasional Berhad of Malaysia, as well as with Electricit de France. This network has been extended to incorporate the worlds major transmission system operators

20、, including PJM Interconnection (United States) and Rseau de Transport dElectricit (RTE) (France) to improve technical exchanges in favor of reliable and efficient power grid management.5Task 1: Search for useful information in the passage and complete the summary below. Fill in each blank with NO M

21、ORE THAN THREE WORDS. (10%)TEPCO ProfileTEPCO, founded in 1 , is the largest electric utility in Japan and the 2 electric utility in the world. It is 3 in Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda, Tokyo and has 4 in Washington, D.C., and London. The companys power generation consists of two main networks: 5 power pla

22、nts around Tokyo Bay and 6 in Fukushima and Niigata Prefecture. In 2010, its gross assets reached 7 , and its sales turnover was 8 . TEPCO has built an 9 with Asian and other electric power utilities and has 10 it to incorporate the worlds major transmission system operators.Task 2: Read the passage

23、 and decide whether the following statements are true or false. (True=T, False=F) (10%)11. TEPCO has international branch offices in Paris and Berlin. ( ) 12. The company began to operate nuclear power plants since 1960s. ( )13. During the 1970s, TEPCO developed hydroelectric power plants to increas

24、e capacity utilization. ( )14. The sales promotion campaign called “Switch!” launched by TEPCO aimed to grab market share from gas companies. ( )15. The companys ordinary income was 317.6 billion yen in 2010. ( )Section II 商务应用文写作 (20%)Directions: Write a Job Vacancy according to the following infor

25、mation.三一集团有限公司(Sany Group Co., Ltd)成立于 1989 年,集团的核心企业文化是员工的责任感。三一重工(Sany Heavy Industry)是集团下最重要的公司,专注于施工机械的制造。公司在 2003 年 7 月 3 日公开上市。公司现诚聘项目工程师一名,条件如下:61机械专业2能理解施工图纸3愿意在办公时间外和周末加班45 年以上工作经验优先有意者,请通过公司网站(http:/ )提交申请,或是发送个人简历到我司邮箱()二、实施条件项目 基本实施条件 备注场地每个商务英语实训室配置 40 个操作台面和座位,每个实训室照明通风良好。必备设备每个商务英语实训

26、室配有 1 台服务器、4050 台计算机,并安装 Office 办公软件,配置局域网。必备测评专家每 40 名考生配备 1 名考评员。考评员要求具备至少二年以上从事国际贸易工作经验或三年以上商务英语实践教学指导经历。必备三、考核时量:考核时间:60 分钟四、评分标准评价内容 配分 考核点 备注关键词检索10 分熟练阅读所给信息,使用适当的单词或其同义词的正确形式填空,每空不超过 3 个单词,每空 1 分,共 10 题,卷面成绩记 10 分。拼写错误、大小写错误、超过 3个单词,均记 0分。商务信息甄别10 分熟悉阅读材料,准确理解所给信息,完成信息正误判断,共 5 题,每题 2 分,卷面成绩记 10 分。 5 分理解题目要求,信息点完整记 5 分;信息点每缺失一处扣 1 分。作品(40 分)商务应用文写作10 分语言表达通顺,句型使用正确记 10 分;单词、语法每错一处扣 1 分。字数少于 30 词,本项目记 0 分。75 分符合特定文体特点,合理组织文章结构,内容统一、连贯,记 5 分;语言支离破碎或只有几个孤立的词,每处扣 1 分。


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