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1、 本资料来源于七彩教育网 http:/ 09 年高二英语下册期中考试卷 高二英语试题 ( 满分 150 分,时间 120 分钟 ) 一、听力 (共两节 , 满分 35 分 ) 第一节 听力理解 (5 段共 15 小题;每小题 2 分 , 满分 30 分 ) 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有 5 秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在 5 秒钟内从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 听第一段对话,回答第 1-3 题。 1 Why does the woman make the phone call? A. She wants

2、to attend a party that evening. B. She wants to visit her friend Marcel. C. She wants to have her hair done that afternoon. 2. What does the man speaker suggest? A. Having her hair done by another skilled hairdresser. B. Coming at 3:30 that afternoon. C. Coming the next day. 3. How does she feel in

3、the end? A. She is unhappy. B. She is pleased. C. She is worried. 听第二段对话,回答第 4-6 题。 4. What does Peter want Monica to do on Tuesday night? A. To watch a show. B. To clean the room. C. To finish her homework. 5. Where will Monica be on Thursday evening? A. At the Global Theater. B. At her flat. C. At

4、 a small restaurant. 6. What will Monica probably do together with Peter? A. They will hand in their compositions. B. They will clean her flat. C. They will go and listen to the concert. 听第三段独白,回答第 7-9 题。 7. What did Peter find when he woke up one morning? A. His house was surrounded by the flood. B

5、. There was water all over the floor. C. His car was upside down in the street. 8. What is the usual rainfall of the whole month of June in Peters hometown? A. About 16 inches. B. About 60 inches. C. About 17 inches. 9. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. How people fought against a natural dis

6、aster. B. A big flood struck Peters hometown. C. Many people died in a serious flood. 听第四段对话,回答第 10-12 题。 10. How many ties does the man have at least? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five 11. Where did the man put his blue tie? A. In the wardrobe. B. Under his shirt. C. In his drawer. 12. What can we learn a

7、bout Sue? A. She is Mrs. Johnsons sister. B. She is the speakers sister. C. She is the person paid by the speakers to look after their children. 听第五段对话,回答第 13-15 题。 13. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Boss and employee. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student. 14. Wh

8、at clothes does the woman usually wear at work? A. A dark suit and a white shirt. B. Jeans and a sweater. C. A skirt or a dress. 15. Whats the woman complaining about? A. Her boss is unfair. B. The man is not listening to her carefully. C. Another woman in the company has taken the job that was supp

9、osed to have been given to her. 第二节 听取信息 ( 共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面一段独白, 请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为 16-20 的空格中。听录音前,你将有 10 秒钟的阅题时间, 录音播两遍。你将有 60秒钟的作答时间。 How many children are working in hard jobs in the world? 16.)_ Where do most Indian children work? 17.)In _ Why do so many Indian children

10、 do hard jobs? One of the main reasons is to support 18)_ Why do some Indian employers hire children? One of the reasons is to give poor19.)_ How much will someone be fined if he/she hires a child under 16 in China? 20.)_ 二、 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分 35 分 ) 第一节 完形填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分 ) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从

11、 2130 各题所给的 A、 B、 C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 After her husband had gone to work, Mrs. Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too 21 to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a 22 dress party with her husband. She intended to

12、dress up as a ghost and as she had made her special dress the night before, she was impatient to try it on. Though the dress consisted only of a sheet, 23 was very effective. After putting it on, Mrs. Richards went 24 . She wanted to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear. Just as Mrs. Ric

13、hards was entering the dining room, there was a 25 on the front door. She knew that it 26 be the baker. She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table. Not wanting to 27 the poor man, Mrs. Richards quickly hid in the small storero

14、om under the stairs. She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall. Suddenly the door of the storeroom was 28 and a man entered. Mrs. Richards realized that it was the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the meter. She tried to explain the situation, saying “Its only

15、me”, but it was too 29 . The man let out a 30 and jumped back several paces. When Mrs. Richards walked towards him, he fled, shutting the door behind him. 21. A. tired B. excited C. busy D. anxious 22. A. ordinary B. old C. new D. fancy 23. A. which B. that C. this D. it 24. A. upstairs B. out C. do

16、wnstairs D. around 25. A. man B. knock C. stranger D. baker 26. A. must B. might C. would D. could 27. A. surprise B. frighten C. trouble D. see 28. A. opened B. open C. shut D. closed 29. A. afraid B. happy C. late D. dangerous 30. A. noise B. voice C. sound D. cry 第二节 语法填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 1

17、5 分 ) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答卷标号为 3l-40 的相应位置上。 John, a middle school student, took Cambridge 31_ his dream university. With his hard work, he got all As in his subjects, 32 _ won him a free tour to the place. 33_ arriving, John was surprised to find Cambridge

18、 almost 34_ city of university. This meant that the whole city is a big university with many colleges dotted here and there. Students outnumbered the town residents. 35_(strange), they do not study but live in the colleges. They just study in the other buildings far from colleges. The city is crowde

19、d with people and ancient buildings as well. Many buildings can date back 36_ histories to the 14th century. The River Cam runs through colleges like a 37_(wind) blue ribbon. The green grass on 38_ sides seems to tell people of its proud history. Cambridge students have got many Nobel prizes in the

20、past 100 years. Trinity College, for example, 39_(win) 31 Nobel prizes altogether up till now. John was greatly encouraged during the visit. He decided to be one of 40_ studying there. 三、阅读理解 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分 ) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A We are all called upon to make

21、 a speech at some point in life, but most of us dont do a very good job. This article gives some suggestions on how to give an effective speech. So, you have to give a speech and you are terrified. You get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble over words, you talk too long, and you b

22、ore your audience. Later you think, “Thank Goodness, its over. Im just not good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again.” Cheer up! It doesnt have to be that bad. Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech. What is the o

23、ccasion? Why are you speaking? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of your time doing your research. Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts, an

24、d graphs if they help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audience. Dont talk over their heads, and dont talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness. Just remember: Be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion. Be

25、brief. Say what you have to say and then stop. And be yourself. Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience. If you follow these simple steps, you will see that you dont have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so e

26、njoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! Youre not convinced yet? Give it a try and see what happens. 41. The main idea of this article is . A. that you can improve your speaking ability B. that a poor speaker can never change C. to always make a short speech D. that it is hard to make a s

27、peech 42. Paragraph 2 implies that . A. many people are afraid of giving a speech B. many people are happy to give a speech C. many people dont prepare for a speech D. many people talk too long 43. The phrase “talk over their heads” means . A. speak too loudly B. look at the ceiling C. look down upo

28、n them D. use words and ideas that are too difficult 44. All of the following statements are TRUE except . A. few people know how to make good speeches B. a lecturer does not need to organize his speech C. research is important in preparing a speech D. there are simple steps you can take to improve

29、your speaking ability 45. The best title for this passage may be . A. Do Not Make a Long Speech B. How to Give a Good Speech C. How to Prepare for A speech D. Try to Enjoy A Speech B I entered St. Thomass Hospital as a medical student at the age of 18 and spent five years there. I was an unsatisfact

30、ory student; for my heart, as you might have guessed, was not in it. I wanted, I had always wanted, to be a writer. And in the evening after my night tea, I wrote and read. Before long I wrote a novel called “Lira of Lambeth”, which I sent to a publisher and was accepted. It appeared during my last

31、year at the hospital and had something of a success. It was of course an accident, but naturally I did not know that. I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession. So three days after I graduated from the school of medicine, I set out for Spain to write another book. Look

32、ing back now, and knowing as I do the terrible difficulties of making a living by writing, I realize I was taking a fearful risk. It never even happened to me. The next ten years were very hard, and I earned only 100 pounds a year. Then I had a bit of luck. The manager of the Court Theatre put on a

33、play that failed; the next play he had planned to put on was not ready, and he was at his wits end. He read a play of mine. Though he did not like it very much, he thought it might just run for six weeks till the play he had in mind to follow it could be produced. It ran for fifteen months. Within a

34、 short while I had four plays running in London at the same time. Nothing of this kind had ever happened before. I was the talk of the town. One of the students at St. Thomass Hospital asked the famous doctor with whom I had worked whether he remembered me. “Yes, I remember him quite well,” he said,

35、 “One of our failures, Im afraid.” 46. The author wanted to be a writer because _. A. he hated medicine B. he found it easier to make a living by writing C. he liked taking class D. he was interested in writing 47. Which of the following statements is Not True? A. The success of his first book led t

36、he author to think he could afford to make writing his profession. B. The author knew he was running a terrible risk when he decided to become a writer. C. The author became a writer after graduation but was not a successful one. D. The author was very pleased to have his first book published but he

37、 didnt realize it was something of an accident. 48. In the second paragraph, “.he was at his wits end” means _. A. he didnt know what to do B. he was out of his wisdom C. he almost went mad D. he was having a nervous breakdown 49. The manager of the Court Theatre agreed to put the authors play on th

38、e stage because _. A. he thought it would run for fifteen months B. he had just put on a play that failed C. the play he had planned to put on was not ready D. he knew it was one of the authors best plays shown in London 50. The author became the talk of the town. The reason was that _. A. he talked

39、 with a great many people in London about his plays B. the plays he wrote were excellently performed in London C. his performances in the Court Theatre and other theatres were unexpectedly successful D. he was scolded by a famous doctor as one of their failures C Five Olympic mascots were announced

40、exactly 1,000 days before the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony. The long anticipated mascots represent four of Chinas most popular animals the fish, the panda, the Tibetan antelope and the swallow. The fifth mascot is the brightly burning Olympic flame. Each of the mascots has a repeated two-syllabl

41、e name. This type of name is a traditional way of showing affection for children in China. BeiBei is the fish, Jing Jing is the panda, Huan Huan is the Olympic flame, YingYing is the Tibetan antelope and NiNi is the swallow. The first characters of their two-syllable names read “Beijing Huanying Ni,

42、” or, in English, “Welcome to Beijing.” The five elements of nature, including the sea, forest, fire, earth and sky are found in the mascots origins and headpieces. These special headpieces also display the folk and culture of China. Each mascot also symbolizes a different blessing prosperity, happi

43、ness, passion, health and good luck. It is the first time more than three mascots will share the important duty of representing their host country. Han Meilin, chief of the mascot design team explained that, “China has such a rich culture that no single mascot could possibly represent it! That is wh

44、y we chose to produce five mascots instead of one.” Called the “Five Friendlies,” the figures embody (体现 ) the Chinese peoples hope for peace and friendship in the world and the spirit of the Olympics, representing not only multi-ethnic (多民族的 ) cultures of China, but also the traditional Chinese phi

45、losophy of harmony between humans and nature. In order to help Beijing 2008 spread its theme of One World, One Dream to every continent, the Five Friendlies reflect the deep desire of the Chinese people to reach out to the world in friendship through the Gamesand to invite every man, woman and child

46、 to take part in the great celebration of human union in 2008. 51. Which of the following best reflects the main idea of the passage? A. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. B. The theme of 2008 Beijing Olympics One World, One Dream. C. The significance of five 2008 Olympic mascot

47、sthe Five Friendlies. D. How the Five Fantastic Mascots came into being. 52. What do the five mascotsthe Five Friendlies represent? A. “Beijing Huanying Ni,” or, in English, “Welcome to Beijing.” B. Chinese multi-ethnic cultures, philosophy of harmony between humans and nature and five elements of n

48、ature. C. Chinese peoples hope for peace and friendship in the world and the spirit of the Olympics. D. The deep desire of the Chinese people to reach out to the world in friendship through the Olympics. 53. Whats the theme of Beijing 2008 Olympics? A. Welcome to Beijing. B. Prosperity, Happiness, Passion, Health and Good luck. C. New Beijing, New Olympics. D. One World, One Dream. 54. The best title for this passage may be . A. Five Fantastic Mascots B.


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