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1、 Section1 Guided Writing Getting Along with Others 写作任务 : 在日常生活中 ,我们每天都要与人打交道 ,而说到与人打交道 ,我们更多想到的是如何处理好与同学、老师以及朋友的关系 ,而往往忽略了与我们每天都要面对的、最亲近的父母之间的关系。不少同学以 “代沟 “为借口 ,拒绝与父母交流沟通。你怎样看待这个现象?说说你的看法以及你与父母融洽相处的小秘诀。 分析 : 1. 写作任务要求大家根据某一话题发表自己的看法 ,根据所给题目 ,我们可以提炼的信息是 ,该习作要求对一种 社会现象进行分析 ,然后给出自己的见解。写作任务部分已经对这种现象进行了

2、描述 ,因而写作重点是你对该现象的看法。我们可以从自己的日常生活中总结经验 ,提出自己的观点 :多和父母交流才能促进理解 ,进而融洽相处。 2. 确立写作重点之后 ,就要考虑文章的结构。该习作可以分三部分来完成 :首先 ,简要描述当前同学们在与父母相处过程中遇到的问题;其次 ,就这些问题阐明你的观点 ,论述时要注意条理性和逻辑性;最后 ,再次强调一下文章的主题思想 ,突出中心。 3. 注意语言的流畅性和上下文之间的连贯性。 初稿 : How to Get Along with Your Parents Nowadays, many teenagers are having problems g

3、etting along with parents. Some quarrel with their parents from time to time. Some even have negative attitude to-wards their parents. Nobody wants to have problems with his or her parents. First, I think because of the age gap different generations may have different points of view. And we should t

4、ry to talk with parents more. Second, I think we kids should trust our parents and turn to them when we are in trouble, because they are more experienced and they may help us out. Third, we kids should think more about our parents lives. Our parents have much pressure on them from society and theyre

5、 very busy. Sometimes they may scold us and may not have the patience to listen to us, but we all know our parents love us. Finally, I want to emphasize that communication is the best solution for getting along with others, including the most intimate people -our parents. 教师点评 : 1. 该篇习作的整体结构安排较为合理 ,

6、开篇描述了当前青少年在与父母相处过程中存在的问题 ,然后针对问题提出了自己的建议 ,并且分三点进行叙述 ,条理比较清晰。最后作者对整篇文章进行了总结。因此 ,从整体上看 ,这篇习作基本完成了写作任务的要求。 2. 语言表达基本通顺 ,运用了一些复杂句式。 3. 文章的不足之处在于 : (1)有些部分不够连贯。如第一段中最后既没有给出衔接上下文的句子 ,也没有明确提出问题 ,第二段开篇直接论述自己的观点显得有些突兀。 (2)文章主体部分在论述自己的观点时 ,条理性还有待提高。如第 二部分 ,第二点和第三点都是先提出观点 ,随后展开论述 ,第一点最好跟后面两点保持一致。 (3)文中有些句子显得很突

7、兀 ,如第一段中最后一句 “Nobody wants to have problems with his or her parents“以及第二段中最后一句 “Sometimes they may scold us and may not have the patience to listen to us, but we all know our parents love us.“建议将这些句子去掉或是整 合到其他部分。 (4)此外 ,文中有些地方用词不是很恰当 ,如最后一句中 ,“best solution for“建议改成 “best way of“。 成稿 : How to Get Al

8、ong with Your Parents Nowadays, many teenagers find it hard to get along with their parents. In daily life, they may quarrel with their parents and even have a negative attitude towards their parents opinions. So, how can we teenagers get along well with our parents? First, I think we should spend m

9、ore time with our parents and communicate with them. Different generations may have different views towards one thing, but we should not use that as an excuse to refuse to talk with our parents. Second, we should trust our parents and turn to them when we are in trouble because they are more experie

10、nced and may help us solve our problems quickly. Third, we must understand our parents better. They have a lot of pressure in their work, but they still have to spend time taking care of us. The most important thing for us to remember is that our parents love us deeply, so it should not be so diffic

11、ult for us to understand and communicate with each other. Powerful sentences: 1. Nowadays, many teenagers find it hard to get along with their parents. 2. I think we should spend more time with our parents and communicate with them. 3. We should trust our parents and turn to them when we are in trou

12、ble because they are more experienced and may help us solve our problems quickly. 巩固练习 每个人都有自己的朋友 ,有时候朋友在遇到困难时可能会向我们求助 ,如果能办到 ,我们当然应该尽最大努力去帮忙 ,但如果朋友提出的某些要求不是我们力所能及的 ,这时我们就要学会说 “不 “。不少人往往不知道该如何开口拒绝 ,尽管明知道有些事情自己做不到 ,却害怕伤了朋友之间的感情。那么 ,究竟该如何开口拒绝 ,才不会伤害 对方呢?请就此以 “如何正确说 不 “为题来谈谈你的看法。词数 120-150。 Section 2 G

13、uided Reading A 本文词数 :304 参考时间 :201 Already nervous about your first week on the job, you spill coffee on the report you have worked on all morning. Your coworkers(同事 ) look at you but dont help. The phone is ringing and you are not sure if it is your turn to answer it. How will you get used to it a

14、ll? Be ready to learn a new “culture“ at work. Each workplace has a different way of doing things. You may need to learn new ways of talking and acting in order to get by in the new situation. Every day, you will learn more about the workplace and feel more comfortable there. Watch your co-workers a

15、nd manager carefully to find out how they do things. You can also ask them questions if you are not sure about something. Ask your questions in a clear, direct, and positive way. For example: “Thanks for showing me how to fill out that form. Could you explain these other forms to me, too?“ Listen ve

16、ry carefully when others are talking to you. Give them your full attention. Think about their needs and feelings. Learn to deal with criticism (批评) and conflict(矛盾,摩擦) . Dont take criticism about your work performance personally. When someone criticizes your performance, they are not saying somethin

17、g bad about you as a person. They are saying something about a certain behavior of yours, which you can try to change. Be a team player. Remember that you are working as part of a group. Try to be an active and helpful part of the team. Give your ideas and suggestions to others. They will appreciate

18、(欣赏,感谢) your interest and help. Tell your co-workers when you like their work or their work style. Getting along with others is very important in your success on the job. Take time to be patient and understand what is expected. 词数 :147 处理时间 :259 Read the passage and choose the best answer for each q

19、uestion. 1. This passage is probably written for _. A. people who cant get along well with others B. people who are starting to work in a new place C. people who cant get used to office life D. people who want to be successful on the job 2. When others talk to you, you should listen to them carefull

20、y because _. A. they will tell you how to do things in detail B. they are very helpful when you are in trouble C. you need to care about their needs D. you need to know how they do things 3. To get along well with others, you should _. A. observe carefully and learn what is expected of you B. always

21、 give others your thanks before you ask questions C. never mind the criticism because its not your fault D. give your suggestions to get othersappreciation 4 必修词汇 ( 1) coworkers 同事 ( 2) criticism 批评 ( 3) conflict 矛盾,摩擦 ( 4) appreciate 欣赏,感谢 5 选修词汇 pick out by yourself _ B 本文词数 :265 参考时间 :152 Words m

22、ay just be words. Love, for example, is a word, but what really matters is the connection it implies(暗示 ). It is the connections words make that help people. Even in blogging(写博克) , we communicate and become happy when we see people(博克) visit our blogs and especially when they communicate with us th

23、rough giving comments(评论) . I myself smile whenever someone leaves a message or a comment in one of my entries(帖子 ) because I know that people read what I wrote and that maybe someone was affected (maybe just for a second) by what I wrote. Even if a person leaving a comment does not agree with what

24、I wrote, it still gives me a smile because it reminds me that I am not just talking to myself when I write something. In return, I visit their blogs and try to comment there. But that is only through blogging and the Internet. What about outside the Internet or in real life? If communicating through

25、 the Internet already improves the quality of peoples lives, then how about in the real world? Listening is an important kind of communication even if our friends just listen to us and do not comment at all. We also become relaxed and relieved(放心的,解放的) because we have talked about our problem. Imagi

26、ne how much more helpful it would be if that listener replied, gave advice or just asked us “How are you?“ We humans are designed to communicate. That is what our ears and mouths are for and (for my mute(哑的) and deaf friends) our hands. There is even a thing called body language. 词数 :107 处理时间 :209 R

27、ead the passage and choose the best answer for each question. 1. The author smiles even when others disagree with him / her because _. A. the author knows that people will be affected by his / her articles B. the author sometimes writes only to talk to himself / herself C. the author knows some peop

28、le are communicating with him / her D. the author sometimes also disagrees with others opinions 2. Listening is a kind of communication because _. A. it can help others get out of their problem B. it is much more helpful for the listener C. it can help improve the quality of the speakers life D. it

29、can help reduce speakers pressure 阅读新题型 本文词数 :285 参考时间 :211 A. The best way to prepare for questions where you need to recall events and actions is to refresh your memory and consider special situations you have dealt with or projects you have worked on. You can use them to help frame responses. Pre

30、pare stories that illustrate times when you have successfully handled a difficult situation. B. It should be obvious that its not a good idea to talk about non -work related activities on company time. Keep your answers focused on work and show the interviewer that youre organized and efficient like

31、 “The first thing I do on Monday morning is check my voicemail and email, then I prioritize1 my activities for the week.“ C. During a difficult financial period, I was able to satisfactorily negotiate repayment schedules with multiple suppliers. When the software development of our new product becam

32、e delayed, I worked with the team that managed to get the schedule back on track. We were able to successfully troubleshoot2 the issues and solve the problems within a very short period of time. D. Regardless of why you left, dont speak badly about your previous employer. The interviewer may wonder

33、if you will badmouth his company next time youre looking for work. E. Your response will vary based on your background and experiences, and you will want to share your enthusiasm and what you liked or like best about your former or present job. F. The best way to respond is to give real examples of

34、why your skills and accomplishments make you the best person for the job. Take a few moments to compare the job description with your own abilities. Be positive and emphasize your interest in the company and the position. Notes: 1. prioritize v.把 区分优先次序 2. troubleshoot v.排除 (故障 ) 词数 :152 处理时间 :303 根

35、据下面的问题及提示从以上选出最合适的应答或应答技巧 : 1. A typical interview question, asked to get your opinion, or to confirm the interviewers opinion, on why you would be the best candidate for the position, is “Why should we hire you?“ _ 2. When asked “Would you please describe your previous work in detail?“ you should c

36、onsider the position you are applying for and how your current or past positions relate to it. _ 3. One of the questions that are typically asked in an interview is “Why are you leaving your job?“ or “Why did you leave your job?“ If you have already moved on, or if you were fired from your job, be c

37、areful when you answer. _ 4. When asked “How did you handle a challenge?“ be sure to include specific examples of how you handled a particular difficult situation. Discuss how you researched the issue and contributed to finding a solution. _ A. 1-3 B C A B. 1-2 C D 阅读新题型 1-4 F A D C 美丽人生 Change Your

38、 Vision 改变你的视野 ,世界将因此而改变 By Susan There was a millionaire who was bothered (困扰) by severe eye pain. He consulted (咨询) many physicians and received treatment. He consumed(消耗,消费) heavy loads of drugs and underwent hundreds of injections. But it was all in vain(徒劳的) ; the ache persisted(持续,坚持) with gre

39、ater vigour(力量,精力) than before. At last the millionaire called for a monk(修道士,和尚) who was supposed to be an expert in treating such patients. The monk understood his problem and said that for some time he should concentrate only on green color and not on any other color. The millionaire gathered a g

40、roup of painters and purchased(购买) barrels(桶) of green paint and ordered that every object before his eyes be painted in green color just as the monk had directed. When the monk came to visit him a few days later, the millionaires servants ran with barrels of green paint and poured it on him since h

41、e was wearing red. They did this to prevent their master from seeing any other color which would bring his eye ache back. On hearing this, the monk laughed and said, “if only you had purchased a pair of green spectacles(眼镜) , worth just a few rupees( 卢比 ) , you could have saved these walls and trees

42、 and pots and all other articles, and also could have saved a large share of your fortune. You cannot paint the world green.“ 1 Translate the underlined sentence. _ 2. What can you learn from the story. _ 3 必修词汇 (1) in vain I waited for him _ _. (2) with great vagour He is very energetic, he can alw

43、ays work _ _ _ . (3) persist He _ in his opinion. (4) purchase His father _ all he wanted. 4 选修词汇 Pick out by yourself. _ 聚观天下 Chinas First Ice Bar 走进一间冰做的屋子,将饮料倒进冰做的杯子 这是在爱斯基摩人家里做客吗?不,这是在上海!早就听说在瑞典等北欧国家出现了一种完全用冰建成的酒吧。最近, “ 冰吧 ”也正式登陆上海了! Chinas first ever “ice bar“ landed in Shanghai. About 45 tons

44、of ice was used to build and decorate( v.装饰) this bar. It traveled some 30,000 km from the Torne River in Sweden(瑞典) , which lies 200 km inside the Arctic Circle(北极圈) . The bar measures 100 sq meters and is able to accommodate(容纳) 60 customers at a time. All of the walls, chairs, tables, lights and

45、even glasses are made of ice. The bar, which puts the emphasis on (强调) creativity and design, is a fresh and exciting contribution to the city. The bar is sponsored(资助) by Swedish vodka1 manufacturer(制造商) Absolut, which has six other similar bars in other parts of the world. All Absolut ice bars onl

46、y use ice from the Torne River in North Sweden, because it is natural and therefore very clean and pure. The temperature inside the bar is maintained(维持) at about -5 . Customers are given an Eskimo- style poncho(披风 ,斗篷 ) to keep them warm, but they are advised to stay for no more than 45 minutes at

47、a time. The whole look of the bar is inspired by the Arctic landscape, including the use of sculptures(雕塑) of polar animals. The decor( n.装饰) is refreshed every six months. About 90 percent of the ice needs to be taken from Sweden and shipped to Shanghai. Developed by Sweden s Ice-hotel Company, the first ice bar was comp


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