Moudle 3 Unit 2 Will we have breakfast at 7,Guess and say,Q1: Whose breakfast is it,Watch and say,Q2: What happened,have breakfast,have lunch,have dinner,breakfast,Whats for your ,Whats for your lunch ,Whats for your dinner ,Guess: When will they have meals,At 8,At 1,At 6,They will have. at,What will Sam and Smart do at 4? A. have lunch B. tea party C. birthday party,Read and choose,下午茶是餐饮方式之一,用餐时间介乎午餐 和晚餐之间。由于下午茶并不是每天的正餐,所以不是每天都会有下午茶。近代的下午茶发展自英国维多利亚时代的英式下午茶(afternoon tea)。 英国人喝下午茶的方式丰俭由人,由高贵的 正