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1、浙江工业大学学生课程考核规则与违纪处分办法Course Examination Rules and Measures for Students Violation of Discipline in Zhejiang University of Technology浙工大发200654 号Order No. 54 2006 of Zhejiang University of Technology 总则General Provisions第 1 条 为维护考核的客观、公正,维护学校教学考核工作秩序,规范对考核违规、作弊行为的认定和处理,保障学校优良学风、校风的形成,根据普通高等学校学生管理规定、国

2、家教育考试违规处理办法、浙江工业大学学生学籍管理实施细则和浙江工业大学学生违纪处分试行办法等有关规定,结合本校实际,特制定本办法。Article 1 The Rules is formulated based on Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education, Regulations for National Education Examination , Detailed Implementing Rules for the Management of Und

3、ergraduate Student Academic Affairs in Zhejiang University of Technology and Regulations for the Punishments on the Students Violation of Discipline in Zhejiang University of Technology, to maintain objective and fair , maintain the teaching and assessment order, standardize the assessment and treat

4、ment of non-compliance, cheating behavior, to promote the excellent study atmosphere and school spirit.第 2 条 本办法适用于在校研究生、本科生、专科生、高职生等通过注册取得浙江工业大学大学正式学籍的全日制各类学生。在职攻读研究生、成人高等学历教育的学生、港澳台侨学生、留学生等违反考场规则的违纪行为参照本办法执行。Article 2 The present Measures applies to full-time students of Zhejiang University of Tec

5、hnology enrolled as postgraduates, undergraduates, junior college students and vocational college students. The Measures is also available for in-service graduate students, adult students with higher education, students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan , international students. 第三条 浙江工业大学所有专业教学计划规定的

6、课程(含各种教育教学环节,包括教学实习、社会实践等)的各类考核(包括期中、期末、重学、毕业前清考、结业补考等)和各类省级(含)以上统考,采取闭卷笔试、开卷笔试、考查、一页开卷等方式进行的,均适用本办法。Article 3 All kinds of examinations (including midterm, end of term, retaking-course, make-up, pre-graduation , etc.) of all courses prescribed by Zhejiang University of Technology (including all kin

7、ds of education links, such as teaching practice and social practice) ) and all kinds of provincial (including) above tests, the closed-book written examination, open book written examination, evaluations of course performance, one paper open-book examination(the examination allowing examinees to co

8、nsult a sheet prepared beforehand for the exam) etc., are applicable to this approach.考核规则 Assessment Rules第四条 考生应提前 5 分钟进入考场,听从监考教师安排按规定入座,把学生证或身份证(补考时还须补考准考证)放在桌面上接受监考教师和考场巡视人员的检查。考生入座后,若发现桌面上和座位周围有与考核内容有关的文字、公式、符号等,应立即报告监考教师。Article 4 Examinees should enter the examination room 5 minutes in advan

9、ce and be seated according to the arrangement of the invigilators. Student cards or ID cards (certification for make-up examination) should be placed on the desk for inspection. If examinees find the content of the examination related to the text, formulas, symbols, etc. on the desk or around seat,

10、please immediately report the invigilators.第五条 考核开始 30 分钟(含)后,迟到的考生不得进入考场,并以旷考论。因特殊原因不能参加考核者,必须在考前按学籍管理规定办理缓考手续。凡未办理缓考手续而缺考者以旷考论。正常参加考核的考生在开考后 30 分钟后方可交卷退场。无故提前离场的该门课程考核成绩按零分计,并视其情节,按违反考场纪律、扰乱正常考场秩序论处。Article 5 After 30 minutes (include) of assessment, late examinees are not allowed to enter the exa

11、mination room and shall be regarded as absence. For special reasons not to participate in the examination, must apply for delay examination in accordance with the regulations. Anyone who fails to apply for a delay examination will be regarded as absence. Examinees who take part in the assessment wil

12、l be allowed to leave after 30 minutes. Unprovoked advance is not allowed, or you will get zero score for the course. It shall be regarded as violating examination discipline and disturbing examination order according to the plots.第六条 以闭卷笔试形式进行的考核,考生应严格按照规定携带文具,严禁将寻呼机、移动电话、电子记事本、计算器等带有记忆、存储、运算功能或有通讯

13、功能的电子设备,以及与考核有关的其他书本、资料、纸张等带至座位(考核允许带入的除外) 。已带入考场的要按监考教师和考场巡视人员的要求切断电源并放在指定位置。凡发现将上述电子设备及物品带至座位,一律按违反考场纪律、扰乱正常考场秩序论处。以开卷笔试形式进行的考核、 “一页开卷”考核,考生携带物品不得超过该场考核明确规定的允许范围。除语言课程听力考核外,学生不得携带调频接收设备进入考场。听力考核过程中,学生不得擅自录音。听力部分考核结束后,学生不得再使用调频接收设备。Article 6 Examinees should carry stationery strictly in accordance

14、with the provisions of the examination in the closed-book written examination. It is strictly forbidden to carry electronic devices such as pagers, mobile phones, electronic notebooks, calculators and the devices with memory, storage and computing functions or communication functions, Other books, m

15、aterials and paper related to the examination (Except for permission). If they were taken into the examination room, cut off the power and place in the designated location according to the invigilators and inspectors. Students who bring the above electronic equipment and articles to the seat, shall

16、be regarded as violating of the examination discipline, disrupting the order of the examination room. To open-book written examination, “one page open-book“ examination(the examination allowing examinees to consult a sheet prepared beforehand for the exam), examinees shall take materials within allo

17、wable range. In addition to the listening test of language course, students may not bring FM receiving equipment into the test room. During the listening test, students are not permitted to record without authorization. When listening part of the assessment is completed, the students may no longer u

18、se the FM receiving device.第七条 开考后考生不得传递任何物品,考核进行过程中不得相互借用文具用品。若因特殊情况确需借用,须经监考教师同意,并由监考教师代为借还。Article 7 Examinees shall not pass on any items and no stationery shall be borrowed from each other during the examination. Except for special circumstances with the approval of the invigilators, and shall

19、be borrowed by the invigilator.第八条 考核进行过程中,考生不得要求监考教师和考场巡视人员念题、解释试题或试探与解题内容有关的问题,如遇试卷分发差错、卷面字迹模糊、试题页数错误、试题错误等问题,应举手询问,由监考教师和考场巡视人员负责处理。考生不得在试卷上做任何标记;不得在规定位置以外填写专业、班级、姓名和学号等信息。考场必须保持肃静。考生都应自觉维护考场秩序,不准以任何方式扰乱考场秩序或影响他人答卷。Article8 During the examination, the examinees shall not ask invigilators and insp

20、ectors to read exam questions, explain questions or ask questions about problem-solving issues. Papers distribution errors, blurred printing, test page number errors, test errors once occur, please raise hand, invigilators and inspectors is responsible for handling. No marks on the test paper; The i

21、nformation including major, class, name and student ID shall not be written outside the required position. Keep quiet in exam rooms. Examinees should consciously maintain the order of the examination rooms and should not disturb others in any way.第九条 考核进行过程中,考生应将完成的答题卷反面向上放置。考核工作人员宣布考核结束后,考生应立即停止答题。

22、考生交卷时应将考卷反面向上放在桌面上,经监考人员清点允许后,方可离开考场。不得将考卷和草稿纸带出考场。Article 9 During the examination, examinees should put the completed answer sheet upside down. When assessment staff announce the end of examination, the examinees should stop answering questions immediately. Examinees should hand in the completed a

23、nswer sheet upside down on the desktop, leave the examination room after counting. Paper and drafts should not be taken out of the examination room.第十条 考生进入考场后,必须服从监考教师的指挥,按规定间隔就坐。不得擅自挪动座位或调换考场。考核进行过程中,考生除因生理需要、疾病、不可抗力或其它突发性紧急事件,非经监考教师特许,不得擅自进出考场,否则按交卷处理。考生交卷离开考场后,不得再进入考场。除监考教师和考场巡视人员外,其他人员一律不得进入考场。

24、Article 10 Examinees must obey the instruction of the invigilators and sit at regular intervals. No unauthorized removal of seats or exchange of examination rooms. During the examination, the examinees shall not enter or leave the examination room except for the physiological needs, diseases, force

25、majeure or other unexpected emergencies, or with the approval of the invigilator, otherwise they shall be handled as handing in paper. After handing in paper, examinees shall leave the examination room, and no longer enter the examination room. Except for the invigilators and inspectors, all other p

26、ersonnel shall not enter the examination room.第十一条 考生必须认真、独立完成考核。答题一律用蓝、黑墨水或蓝、黑芯圆珠笔(水笔)书写,字迹要工整、清楚。使用铅笔(除指定外) 、红墨水或红芯圆珠笔(水笔)书写或书写在草稿纸上的答案一律无效。考核结束后应按时、按规交卷,并立即离开考场,不得在考场附近逗留和议论。超过交卷时间继续答题或拒不交卷的,经监考教师提醒仍不停止违规行为的,监考教师可没收其试卷,该门课程成绩以零分计。参加考核擅自将试卷带离考场的,以旷考论。Article 11 Examinees must conscientiously and i

27、ndependently complete the examination. Answer with blue, black ink or blue, black ballpoint pen (pen) . Writing should be neat and clear. Using a pencil (unless specified), red ink or red ballpoint pen (pen) to write, the answer is invalid. At the end of the examination, examinees should hand in pap

28、er on time according to the rules and regulations and leave the examination room immediately without discussion. Exceed time to answer questions or refuse to hand in examination paper, ignore the remind of the invigilator, the invigilator can confiscate their papers, the course scores will be zero.

29、Take away examination papers from the examination room without permission will be regarded as absence of the exam.第十二条 对于经学校同意作为考核改革试点的各类考试、考查,考核期间考生必须遵守该类考核的秩序和纪律等有关规定。Article12 For various types of examinations and valuations with the consent of the school as a pilot reform, examinees must comply

30、with the order ,discipline and other relevant provisions of such examination .第十三条 考生参加考核,必须尊重和配合监考教师和考场巡视人员的工作,接受监考教师和考场巡视人员的监督和检查,不得无理取闹,不得辱骂、威胁或事后报复监考教师和考场巡视人员等考核工作人员。Article13 Examinees participating in the assessment must respect and cooperate with the invigilators and inspectors, accept their

31、supervision and inspection, shall not abuse, threat or retaliate invigilators and inspectors and other assessment staff.处分办法Punishments on the Students Violation of Discipline第十四条 下列行为属于考核违规:Article 14 The following acts are non-compliance :1、违反考核规则,夹带书本、纸条、存储有与考核内容相关资料的电子设备等非考核允许带入、使用或超出适用范围的物品参加考核

32、者;1.Take books, paper, electronic equipment stored with information related to the assessment, and other items which are not allowed to participating in assessment;2、不听从监考教师指令未将通讯设备关闭,或使用通讯设备者;2.Do not obey the instruction of the invigilators. Do not power off communication equipment, or use communi

33、cation equipment;3、故意损毁考卷或参加考核不交卷又谎称已交卷者;3.Deliberately damage the examination paper or participate in the examination but not hand in paper and lie that have submitted;4、桌面上或座位周围发现写有与考核有关的内容不主动报告且不服从监考教师座位调整者;4.Not obey the seat adjustment when something written on the desktop or around the seat ar

34、e found.5、在考卷上恶意涂改考生信息,或恶意错写、漏写考生信息者;5. Malicious change of examinees information in the test paper, misrepresentation, or miss of information;6、在考场内吸烟、谈话、喧哗或其他影响考场秩序,不服从监考教师和巡视人员管理者;6.Smoke, talk or make noise in the examination room or other behaviors that disturb the order of the examination room

35、; Do not obey the management of the invigilators and inspectors;7、在密封考卷的答题纸上泄露考生信息者;7.Leaked examinees information in the sealed test paper;8、在答卷时恶意书写与答题内容无关的文字者;8.Write something unrelated to the exam in the answer sheet maliciously ;9、考核结束后,以送礼、请客等手段,要求阅卷教师篡改成绩或要求监考教师和巡视人员隐瞒作弊事实或干扰考场违纪、作弊查证工作正常进行,

36、且拒不改正的。9.After the examination, ask teachers to alter score or require invigilators and inspectors to hide the fact of cheating or disturbance by giving gifts, treating or other means, and refuse to correct.第十五条 下列行为均属考核作弊:Article 15 The following acts are cheating on the examination:1、抄袭、偷看、窃取他人试题答

37、案或与考试(查)内容相关资料,或笔迹前后不一致者;1.Plagiarism, peek, steal others answers to the questions or (search) related information, or inconsistencies handwriting;2、考生在考核期间以任何方式传递、接受(包括传递双方)或以其他不正当手段交换、获取有关考核内容信息的,或有意让他人抄袭、为他人抄袭提供便利条件的;2.Examinees (including both parties) pass, accept, exchange information or obtai

38、n information about examination contents by improper means during the examination, or intentionally plagiarize others or provide convenience for plagiarism;3、考生的身体、服饰上或考核准许使用的文具用品上写有与考核相关内容者;3.Write something related to the examination on body or stationery ;4、经阅卷教师认定,答题卷属非正常雷同的座位相邻者。4.Answer sheets

39、 are abnormally same from seat neighbors after the identification of teachers.第十六条 下列行为属于考核严重作弊:Article 16 The following acts are serious cheating:1、考前通过秘密手段或其他不正当途径窃得、获取考卷或考题者;1.Before the exam, steal, get test papers or test questions through secret means or other improper ways;2、考核结束后,通过秘密手段或其他不正

40、当途径企图篡改考核成绩者;2.After the examination, tamper the assessment results through secret means or other improper ways ;3、请他人代考或代他人参加考核者;3.Ask others to take exam for you or take exam for others;4、涂改他人试卷、答题卷的考生信息,占为己有或在试卷、答题卷上换写他人姓名等考生信息者;4.Modify the examinees information on test paper or answer sheet of

41、others.5、组织、或参与实施团伙作弊、群体性舞弊者;5.Organize or participate in the gang cheating or mass fraud;6、考核结束后,以暴力、威胁等手段,企图使阅卷教师篡改成绩或企图使监考教师和巡视人员隐瞒作弊事实或干扰考场违纪、作弊查证工作正常进行的。6.After the examination, through violence, threats and other means, try to make the teacher tamper with the results or make the invigilators a

42、nd inspectors hide the facts of cheating or disturbance.7、曾因考核作弊被处分又考核作弊者。7.Cheat again, with the record of punishment on cheating .第十七条 考核违规、考核作弊,按下列办法处理:Article 17 Violation, cheating will be dealt according to the following approach:1、凡考核违规、作弊者,本次考核成绩以零分计,取消正常补考机会,并视违规、作弊情节和事后悔过态度,给予记过或留校察看处分。1.T

43、he assessment scores will be zero points due to violation and cheating; Cancel the normal make-up exam certification; According to cheating plot and attitude of repentance, may be given a demerit or academic probation.2、凡考核严重作弊者(代他人考核者除外),给予开除学籍处分。2.Serious cheating (except for taking exam for other

44、s), will be given expulsion from academic status.3、代替或冒充他人参加考核者,视其情节和事后悔过态度给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。3.Replace or impersonate others to participate in exam, depending on their circumstances and attitude, will be given academic probation or expulsion from academic status.第十八条 有其它违反考核规定的违纪行为,参照上述办法给予相应纪律处分。Articl

45、e 18 There are other disciplinary offenses in violation of the examination regulations, and corresponding disciplinary sanctions are given in light of the above measures.第十九条 考核违规、作弊行为的认定和查处由学校教务部门及其工作人员(教务处、院系教务科、教务秘书)负责进行。考生在考核期间的违规、作弊行为由监考教师或考场巡视人员根据本办法分则部分的具体规定当场予以认定,经涉嫌违规、作弊的学生本人签字确认,并经两名以上监考教师

46、或考场巡视人员签名后方可作为给予处分的有效证据提交教务部门,违规、作弊学生拒绝签字确认的,经在场其他人员作为见证人签字后视同有效证据。Article 19 The identification and investigation of any non-compliance or cheating behavior shall be conducted by the academic affairs department of the school and its staff (Academic Affairs Office, Academic Affairs Secretary).During

47、 the assessment, examinees violation, cheating behavior shall be identified on the spot by invigilators or inspectors in accordance with the provisions of the Measures. Materials with signatures of students involved and more than two invigilators or inspectors can be used as a valid evidence submitt

48、ed to the Academic Affairs Office. If the involved students refused to sign and confirm, the evidence would be valid with the sign of witness.第二十条 考核作弊的具体查处程序参照浙江工业大学学生违纪处分办法有关规定执行。学生若对因考核违规、作弊而受的处分决定有异议的,依法享有申诉权,具体申诉程序参照浙江工业大学学生校内申诉处理办法有关规定执行。Article 20 The specific procedures for investigation sha

49、ll be implemented in accordance with Regulations for the Punishments on the Students Violation of Discipline in Zhejiang University of Technology. If a student disagrees with his or her punishment on violation or cheating, he or she shall have the right to complaint according to law. The specific appeal procedures are in accordance with Measures for Students Complaints of Zhejiang University of Technology.附则Supplementary Articles第二十一条 本办法自颁布之日起施行,以前颁布的有关考场规则和违纪处分规定同时废止。Article 21 These Measures shall come into force on the promulgation day. The former regulatio


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