怎么处理自己不喜爱的工作 工作中总有一部分让你很厌烦的内容。你不想做,可是不得不做,这使得你的工作主动性下降、效率越来越低、心情越来越烦躁,这种状况其实无异于慢性自杀,由于你全部的心情都会影响你的(健康)。接下来,我给大家预备了怎么处理自己不喜爱的工作,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 怎么处理自己不喜爱的工作 By: Gretchen Rubin How many times each day do you try to work yourself up to tackle some undesirable1 task? If youre like me several. For example, right now Im trying to figure out how to send a monthly newsletter. I felt overwhelmed by the various sub-tasks involved, but by using the techniques below, Im inching to