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1、黄山学院 2009 年普通专科层次升入本科教育招生考试英语专业课辅导资料一、语法和词汇部分LECTURE ONE - 虚拟语气1. Exercises1) The opening ceremony is a great occasion. It is essential _ for that. (03 47)a. for us to be prepared b. that we are preparedc. of us to be prepared d. our being prepared2) _ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might

2、have passed the exam. (02 50)a. Had it not been b. Hadnt it beenc. Was it not d. Were it not3) “What courses are you going to do next semester?”“I dont know. But its about time _ on something.” (02 51)a. Id decide b. I decidedc. I decide d. Im deciding4) All of us would have enjoyed the party much m

3、ore if there _ quite such a crowd of people there. (00 49)a. werent b. hasnt beenc. hadnt been d. wouldnt be5) You _ JimMark anything about it. It was none of his business.(00 48 98 52)a. neednt have told b. neednt tellc. mustnt have told d. mustnt tell6) If you have really been studying English for

4、 so long, its about time you _ able to write letters in English. (99 49)a. should be b. werec. must be d. are7) He left orders that nothing _ touched until the police arrived here. (97 43)a. should be b. ought to bec. must be d. would be8) I was to have made a speech if _. (97 51)a. I was not called

5、 away b. nobody would have called me awayc. I had not been called away d. nobody called me away9) I _ the party much more if there hadnt been quite such a crowd of people there. (96 43)a. would enjoy b. will have enjoyedc. would have enjoyed d. will be enjoyed10) As it turned out to be a small house

6、 party, we _ so formally. (96 49)a. need not have dressed up b. must not have dressed upc. did not need to dress up d. must not dress up11) The meetings been cancelled. Ann _ all that work. (95 55)a. need to do b. need have donec. neednt have done d. needed not to do12) We could _ him with a detache

7、d house when he came, but he had specifically asked for a small flat. (95 62)a. provide b. have providedc. not provide d. not have provided13) _, he would not have recovered so quickly. (95 65)a. Hadnt he been taken good care of b. Had he not been taken good care ofc. Had not he been taken good care

8、 ofd. Had he been not taken good care of14) It was recommended that passengers _ smoke during the flight. (94 58)a. not b. need notc. could not d. would not15) _ you were busy, I wouldnt have bothered you with my questions. (94 62) a. If I realized b. Had I realizedc. I realized that d. As I realize

9、d16) _ your timely advice, I would never have known how to go about the work. (94 53)a. Unless b. But forc. Except for d. Not forLECTURE TWO - 非谓语短语与独立主格结构1. Exercises1) Arriving at the bus stop, _ waiting there. (94 52)a. a lot of people were b. he found a lot of people c. a lot of people d. people

10、 were found2) _ regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first. (94 55)a. Not received b. Since receivingc. Having received d. Not having received3) The countrys chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars _ the most important of these. (94 57)a. have been b. arec.

11、 being d. are being4) He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field. Then to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder _ out and three men climbing down it. (95 52)a. throwing b. being thrownc. having thrown d. having been thrown5) He resented _ to wait. He expected the minister _ him at once. (95

12、53)a. to be asked, to see b. being asked, to seec. to be asked, seeing d. being asked, seeing6) This missile is designed so that once _ nothing can be done to retrieve it. (95 63) a. fired b. being firedc. they fired d. having fired7) _ time, hell make a first-class tennis player. (96 42)a. Having b

13、. Givenc. Giving d. Had8) He wasnt asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _ insufficiently popular with all members. (96 45)a. having considered b. was consideredc. was being considered d. being considered9) In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matte

14、rs is to avoid _. (96 48)a. from being beaten b. being beatenc. beating d. to be beaten10) _ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom. (96 51) a. There was b. Sincec. Being d. There being11) _, he can now only watch it on TV at home. (98 45)a. Obtaining not a ticket for the matchb. N

15、ot obtaining a ticket for the matchc. Not having obtained a ticket for the matchd. Not obtained a ticket for the match12) The Clark havent decided yet which hotel _. (98 49) a. to stay b. is to stayc. to stay at d. is for staying13) _ enough time and money, the researcher would have been able to dis

16、cover more in this field. (98 51)a. Giving b. To give c. Given d. Being given14) The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, _ by the police each time. (99 42)a. had been captured b. being always capturedc. only to be captured d. unfortunately captured15)

17、Professor Johnson is said _ some significant advance in his research in the past year. (99) a. having made b. makingc. to have made d. to make16) There _ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier. (00 )a. to be b. to have beenc. being d. be17) _ at in this way, the

18、 present economic situation doesnt seem so gloomy. (00 51) a. Looking b. Lookedc. Having looked d. To look18) _ is not a serious disadvantage in life. (01 51)a. To be not tall b. Not to be tallc. Being not tall d. Not being tall19) AIDS is said _ the number-one killer of both men and women over the

19、past few years in that region. (02 46)a. being b. to be c. to have been d. having been20) Agriculture is the countrys chief source of wealth, wheat _ by far the biggest cereal crop. (03 41)a. is b. beenc. be d. being21) Time _, the celebration will be held as scheduled.(03 48)a. permit b. permitting

20、c. permitted d. permitsLECTURE THREE - 定语从句与名词性从句1. Exercises1) _ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals. (94 65)a. That b. Itc. This d. As2) The physicist has made a discovery, _ of great importance to the progress of sc

21、ience and technology. (97 45)a. I think which is b. that I think isc. which I think is d. which I think it is3) I have never been to London Lhasa, but that is the city _. (97 50 99 47)a. where I like to visit most b. Id most like to visitc. which I like to visit mostly d. where Id like most to visit

22、4) She remembered several occasions in the past _ she had experienced a similar feeling. (98 42)a. which b. beforec. that d. when5) There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing that _ in the public mind today. (99 46)a. exists b. existc. existing d. to exist6) Firms th

23、at use computers have fund that the number of staff _ is needed for quality control can be substantially reduced. (00 50)a. whose b. asc. what d. that7) Weve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, _ should make great difference in our life next summer. (02 45)a. which b. whatc. that d

24、. they8) Above the trees are the hills, _ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface. (03 )a. where b. of whosec. whose d. which9) They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, _ is something we had not expected. (03 51)a. which b. itc. that d.

25、 what10) He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man _ he was twenty years ago. (03 52) a. which b. thatc. who d. whom11) We can assign the task to _ is capable and trustworthy. (94 54)a. whomever b. who c. whom d. whoever12) This company has now introduced a policy _ pay rises a

26、re related to performance at work. (96 44)a. which b. wherec. whether d. what13) The team can handle whatever _. (97 47) a. that needs handling b. which needs handlingc. it needs handling d. needs to be handled 14) Hes _as a “bellyacher” hes always complaining about something. (99 50)a. who is known

27、 b. whom is knownc. what is known d. which is known15) There is no doubt _ the company has made the right decision on the sales project. (01 44) a. why b. thatc. whether d. when16) Have you ever been in a situation _ you know the other person is right yet you agree with him? (02 44)a. by which b. th

28、atc. in where d. where17) Who _ was coming to see me in my office this afternoon? (03 44)a. you said b. did you sayc. did you say that d. you did say18) Only take such clothes _ really necessary. (94 61)a. as were b. as they arec. as they were d. as areLECTURE FOUR - 反意疑问句与倒装句1. Exercises1) You and

29、I could hardly understand, _? (95 60)a. could I b. couldnt youc. couldnt we d. could we2) When you have finished with that video tape, dont forget to put it in my drawer, _? (97 42)a. do you b. will youc. dont you d. wont you3) Do help yourself to some fruit, _ you? (00 44)a. cant b. dont c. wouldnt

30、 d. wont4) She would have been more agreeable if she had changed a little bit, _? (03 53)a. hadnt she b. hasnt shec. wouldnt she d. didnt she5) Fool _ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing. (02 48) a. who b. as c. that d. like6) _ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed th

31、e exam. (02 50) a. Had it not been b. Hadnt it beenc. Was it not d. Were it not7) _, he always tries his best to complete it on time. (99 51)a. However the task is hard b. However hard the task isc. Though hard the task is d. Though hard is the task 8) Much as _, I couldnt lend him the money because

32、 I simply didnt have that much spare cash. (99 52) a. I would have liked to b. I would like to have c. I should have to like d. I should have liked to 9) _ he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank. (98 48) a. Much as b. Much thoughc. As much d. Though much10) It was n

33、ot until midnight _ the snowcapped peak. (95 56)a. that they sighted b. that they did not sightc. did they sight d. had they sighted11) He is not under arrest, _any restriction on him. (95 61)a. or the police have placed b. or have the police placedc. nor the police have placed d. nor have the polic

34、e placed12) _, he would not have recovered so quickly. (95 65)a. Hadnt he been taken good care of b. Had he not been taken good care ofc. Had not he been taken good care ofd. Had he been not taken good care of13) So badly _ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for a few months. (94 56

35、) a. did he injure b. injured himc. was he injured d. he was injured14) _ I like economics, I like sociology much better. (03 49)a. As much as b. So muchc. How much d. Much asLECTURE FIVE - 状语从句与比较句型1. Exercises1) - Does Alan like hamburgers?- Yes. So much _ that he eats them almost every day. (03 4

36、5) a. for b. asc. to d. so2) She did her work _ her manager had instructed. (02 41)a. as b. untilc. when d. though3) _ I sympathize, I cant really do very much to help them out of the difficulties.(01 46)a. As long as b. Asc. While d. Even4) Intellect is to the mind _ sight is to the body. (01 45)a.

37、 what b. asc. that d. like5) Twelve is to three _ four is to one. (98 61)a. what b. asc. that d. like6) Fat cannot change into muscle _ muscle changes into fat. (99 44) a. any more than b. no more thanc. no less than d. much more than7) It is not so much the language _ the cultural background that m

38、akes the book difficult to understand. (99 45)a. but b. not c. as d. like8) John is _ hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam. (98 41) a. no less b. no morec. not less d. no so9) The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than _ necessary. (98)a. is b. beingc. to

39、 be d. it is The experiment requires more money than _ put in. (02 49)a. have been b. beingc. has been d. to be10) Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner _ to the professor. (98 47)a. as far as b. the same asc. as much as d. as long as11) _ the two, Bob is _ student. (95 64)

40、a. Of, more diligent b. In, more diligentc. Of, the more diligent d. In, the more diligent12) It was a physician that he represented himself, and _he was warmly received. (97 49)a. as such b. such asc. as that d. so that13) Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _Eastern Nebraska. (96 50

41、)a. in b. it receives inc. does d. it does in 14) This is an illness that can result in total blindness _ left untreated. (00 42)a. after b. ifc. since d. unless15) _contributions, he is ready to accept suggestions from different sources. (97 46)a. Instead of his b. For all his notable c. His making

42、 notable d. however his notable16) Come and see me whenever _. (97 48)a. you are convenient b. you will be convenientc. it is convenient to you d. it will be convenient to you17) You wont get a loan _ you can offer some security. (96 41)a. lest b. in casec. unless d. other than18) The brilliance of

43、his satires was _ make even his victims laugh. (96 52)a. so as to b. such as to c. so that d. such that19) His strong sense of humor was _ make everyone in the room burst out laughing. (98 50)a. so as to b. such as to c. so that d. such that20) _ I was very much mistaken, there was something wrong with Louise. (95 58) a. Unless b. Asc. Though d. Since


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