Unit 2 My Holiday,我的假期,孩子们在花园里讨论着他们的假期。vacation=holiday(假期,We will travel to Tibet.我们将去西藏旅行,Great!太棒了!我喜欢海滩,度假,不,果果!西藏没有海滩,那里有山,山?我也喜欢山,珠穆朗玛峰 Mount Everest 高度:8844.43m,How is the Mount Everest? 珠穆朗玛峰怎么样? -Its so high. Its the highest mountain in the world. 它特别高。 它是世界上最高的山峰,布达拉宫 (西藏,拉萨,the Potala Palace (in Lhasa, Tibet.,What is the Potala Palace like? - Its so large and beautiful. (它很宏伟并且很漂亮。,How will we go?我们将怎么去那里,我们坐飞机去,Why not by train? Its slow, but we can enjoy the beautiful places along t