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1、生物显微研究技术原理教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称:生物显微研究技术原理(Technical Principles of the Microscopic Research for Biology)课程号(代码):501192020课程类别:选修课 学时:32 学分:2二、教学目的及要求本课程是一门兼具知识拓展和专业技能铺垫功能的公选课程。学习这门课程的目的是较全面地认识观察微观世界的方法及其科学原理。课程教学中要求学生掌握显微研究技术相关的基本知识、技术原理和显微图像的分析方法,并了解该领域的进展动态和应用实例。三、教学内容(中、英文)1. 生物显微技术的发展和应用(Progress and

2、 application of the biological microscopic techniques)掌握(Master):(1) 微观世界的尺寸概念(The concept of sizes of the microscopic world);(2) 显微镜和显微标本制作技术的演进过程(Evolution of the microscope and microscopic specimen producing techniques);了解(Know):(1) 生物显微研究的主要内容(The main contents of the study of biological microsc

3、opy);(2) 生物显微研究技术的用途(The use of biological microscopic research);(3) 显微观察的限制条件和影响因素(Restrictions and factors for microscopic observation);(4) 显微形态学实验室的配置和运行(Configure and run of microscopy Laboratory);(5) 主要的研究设备(Major research equipment)。2. 光学显微镜的类型及工作原理(The Types and working mechanisms of optical

4、microscopes)掌握(Master):(1) 光学显微镜的常见类型(Common types of optical microscopes);(2) 普通生物显微镜的构造和成像原理(Structure and principles of imaging of biological microscope);熟悉(Familiar):(1) 各类型显微镜的用途(The use of various types of microscopes);(2) 显微镜日常维护方法(Routine maintenance of microscope);了解(Know):(1) 各类显微镜光源的性质和优缺

5、点(The nature, advantages and disadvantages of various types of light source);(2) 相差显微镜的工作原理(Working mechanism of the phase contrast microscopy);(3) 偏光镜工作原理(Working mechanism of the polarizing microscope);(4) 共聚焦显微镜工作原理(Working mechanism of the confocal microscope)。3. 光镜成像的伪差和分辨率(Artifacts and resolu

6、tion)掌握(Master):(1) 物镜消除伪差的类型(The type of lens to eliminate artifacts);(2) 成像分辨率的影响因素(Factors affecting the imaging resolution);了解(Know):(1) 球面相差和色相差产生的原因(Causes of spherical and chromatic aberration);(2) 物镜内部结构(The internal structure of the objective lens);(3) 超高分辨率的实现途径(Ultra-high-resolution imple

7、mentation)。4. 生物显微切片标本的制作原理(Principle of microscopic section making in biology)掌握(Master):(1) 化学固定的原理和固定剂的类型(Chemical fixation mechanism and types);(2) 石蜡制片的原理和过程(Paraffin sectioning);(3) 生物染色的一般原理(General principles of biological staining);了解(Know):(1) 常用混合固定剂的配方及其应用条件(commonly used mixed fixative

8、formula and application);(2) 灌注固定操作方法(Operation on perfusion fixation);(3) 各类脱水剂的性能(Properties of various dehydrating agent);(4) 特殊制片法(special section making);(5) 特殊染色法原理与一般流程(special staining principles and the general procedure);(6) 显微制片的自动化设备(Automation equipment for microscopic section making)。5

9、. 常规苏木素-伊红染色制片法(Routine H-E section making)掌握(Master):(1)H-E 染色法的基本原理和技术流程(H-E staining the principle and procedure);(2)标本的二维断面和三维空间结构之间的关系(Relationship of the 2D section and the real 3D structure);了解(Know):(1) 苏木素染色的影响因素(Factors that influence hematoxylin staining);(2) 提高 H-E 染色美观性的方法(Methods impro

10、ving the staining);(3) H-E 染色图像的解读和应用(The reading and application of H-E staining images);(4) 人工假象识别(Artifact recognition)。6. 生物分子原位检测技术(In situ detection of bio-molecules)掌握(Master):(1) 组织化学的原理和分类(Principles and types of histochemistry);(2) 免疫组织化学的原理(The principle of immunohistochemistry);了解(Know):

11、(1) 常用的常规组织化学反应(Commonly used routine histochemistry);(2) 酶组织化学原理(Principles of the enzyme histochemistry);(3) 原位杂交组织化学原理(The principle of in situ hybridization histochemistry)。7. 活细胞体外观察和分析(Observation and analysis of living cells in vitro)掌握(Master):(1) 体外培养细胞的形态学特点和类型(Morphological characteristic

12、s of cultured cells);了解(Know):(1) 体外培养技术的用途(Application of in vitro culture);(2) 细胞生存和生长的必要条件(Necessary conditions for the survive and growth of the cell);(3) 无菌术的原理和操作(Principles and operation on the aseptic technique);(4) 活细胞成像(Live cell imaging)。8. 荧光显微技术(Fluorescence microscopy)掌握(Master):(1) 荧光

13、显微观察的优点和用途(Advantages and uses of the fluorescence microscopy);了解(Know):(1) 荧光成像原理(Fluorescence imaging principle);(2) 常用荧光化学基团的特点(Features of common fluorescent chemical groups);(3) 分子相互作用的荧光检测(Fluorescence detection of molecular interactions);(4) 荧光显微镜构造和操作(The construction and operation of the fl

14、uorescence microscope);(5) 量子点(Quantum dots)。9. 特殊显微标本制作技术(Special techniques for microscopic specimen)了解(Know):(1) 各类特殊标本制作方法的用途(Uses of various special specimens);(2) 涂片法操作(Operation of smear);(3) 脉管灌注染色(Vascular perfusion staining);(4) 活体染色(In vivo staining);(5) 磨片法(The grinding method);(6) 透明标本制

15、作技术(Transparent specimen making);(7) 阵列切片技术(Techniques on tissue array)。10. 电子显微镜原理和标本制作(Electron microscopy principles and specimen preparation)掌握(Master):(1) 电子显微镜图像的识读和分析(Reading and analysis of electron microscopic images);(2) 透射电镜与常规光镜标本制作技术的主要差别(Differences between the specimen techniques of T

16、EM and optic microscopy);了解(Know):(1) 透射和扫描电镜成像原理(Mechanisms of TEM and SEM);(2) 常用其他超微结构观察技术的成像原理(Mechanisms of the other imaging for ultrastructure observation);(3) 电镜水平的分子原位检测技术(In situ molecular detection with EM)。11. 显微研究应用实例(Microscopy Research Applications)了解(Know):(1) 植物体外培养无性繁殖技术(Plant in v

17、itro vegetative propagation techniques);(2) 细胞基因改造和异体移植技术的原理(The transformation of cellular genes for the allograft);(3) 临床病理检验流程(Procedures of clinical pathological detection);(4) 神经束路追踪技术(Nerve tract tracing techniques);(5) 细菌观察的常用方法(Commonly used methods for bacteria observation)。12. 显微图像分析和处理(Im

18、age analysis and modification)掌握(Master):(1) 显微形态学规范的描述和报告的方法(How to describe and report the microscopic structure);(2) 显微图像尺度测定和定量分析的原理(How to detect the scale and perform a quantitative analysis);了解(Know):(1) 图像分析软件及其操作(Operating the image process softwares);(2) 形态学套色模式图绘制方法(Drawing model images o

19、f morphology);(3) 虚拟切片技术原理(Technical principles of the virtual section);(4) 基于切片的三维重建技术原理(Principles of section-based 3D reconstruction)。四、教材/参考资料暂定教材(Teaching materials):生物显微技术,杨星宇等,华中科大出版社,2012.主要参考资料(Main reference):1. Theory and practice of histological techniques, Bancroft J D, Gamble M. Singapore: Elsevier Pte Ltd, 2008.2. 体外培养的原理与技术, 薛庆善主编. 北京:科学出版社. 2001.3. 植物显微技术第 2 版, 李和平主编. 北京:科学出版社. 2009.五、成绩评定(注明期末、期中、平时成绩所占的比例,或理论考核、实践考核成绩所占的比例)平时课堂参与和考勤占 50%,期末书面作业占 50%。


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