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1、物理科研导论 课程教学大纲Course Outline课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码(Course Code) MS203*学时( Credit Hours)32 *学分( Credits) 2物理研究导论*课程名称(Course Title) Introduction to Physics Research*课程性质(Course Type) 必修授课对象(Target Audience) 本科生一年级*授课语言(Language of Instruction) 中文和英语*开课院系(School ) 物理与天文学院先修课程(Prerequisite) 无授课教

2、师(Instructor) 刘灿华课程网址(Course Webpage)*课程简介( Description)本课程的设置初衷是给大一学生介绍当今物理研究的概况,包括三大部分的内容,第一部分是对物理学科的各个研究领域的研究内容与特点做大致的介绍,第二部分是着重以凝聚态物理研究为例,介绍物理研究中的一些工作规律。第三部分是介绍各个研究领域里的 1-2 个前沿研究课题。*课程简介( Description)This course is to give a brief introduction to the freshmen about the research fields in physics

3、, and consists of three parts. The first part is the main contents of each research field in physics. The second part is to introduce the rules and knowhow in research work by taking the research field of condensed matter physics as an example. The third part is to introduce 1 or 2 frontier research

4、 topics in each research field in physics.课程教学大纲(course syllabus)*学习目标(Learning Outcomes)After completing the course, students should:1 Understand the meaning of physics research.2 Know the main research fields.3 Learn the impact of choosing physics. 4. Know how to pursuit physics research*教学内容、进度安排

5、及要求(Class Schedule&Requirements)教学内容 学时教学方式 作业及要求基本要求考查方式Introduction 2 Lecture Essay none homeworkFrom Atom to Solid 2 Lecture none none noneFrom energy levels to energy bands 2 Lecture none none noneSuperconductivity 2 Lecture none none noneTechnology/Instrument development 4 Lecture none none non

6、eNonlinear optics and nanophotonics 2Invited lecture essay none homeworkTopological materials 2 lecture none none NoneSoft condensed matter physics 2Invited lecture none none homeworkIntroduction to Astronomy 2Invited lecture None None homeworkUltrafast laser physics and quantum coherent control2 In

7、vited lecture None None homeworkHigh-energy physics 2 Invited lectgure None None homeworkDiscussion and Presentation 4 Discussion25 mins talkA topic of physicsOral presentationFinal test 2 Short essay writing None None Report*考核方式(Grading) Oral and written reports. Grading: 0-100*教材或参考资料(Textbooks & Other Materials)None其它(More) None备注( Notes) None备注说明:1带*内容为必填项。2课程简介字数为 300-500 字;课程大纲以表述清楚教学安排为宜,字数不限。


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