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1、盘锦职业技术学院单独招生考试文化基础水平测试试卷及参考答案(模拟题 1)本试卷分为语文试题、英语试题、数学试题三大部分。试卷满分 300 分,考试时间 150 分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并收回。注意事项1本试卷提供专用答题纸,请在答题纸上作答。2禁止在密封线外登记考生信息或作标记,否则,试卷一律作废。3限用黑(蓝)色碳素笔(墨水笔、圆珠笔)答题,且禁用两色笔,否则,试卷按零分处理。第一部分 语文试题一、文学常识(共 40 题,每题 1.5 分,满分 60 分)1鲁迅笔下的“闰土”是哪部作品里的人物( )A 茶馆 B 雷雨 C 故乡 D 孔乙己2曹禺的处女作是( )A 家 B 茶馆 C

2、 骆驼祥子 D 雷雨3 “断肠人在天涯”出自( )A 示儿 B 天净沙 秋思 C 春望 D 蜀道难4 三国演义的作者是( )A罗贯中 B施耐庵 C吴承恩 D曹雪芹5我国古代第一部纪传体史书是( )A 史记 B 资治通鉴 C 论语 D 吕氏春秋6 “丁香一样的姑娘”出现在下列哪部作品里( )A 再别康桥 B 我爱这土地C 雨巷 D 大堰河我的保姆7我国哪位作家获得了诺贝尔文学奖( )A郭沫若 B鲁迅 C茅盾 D莫言8 短歌行的作者是( )A曹丕 B曹操 C曹植 D岑参9老舍原名( )A周作人 B胡适 C舒庆春 D王蒙10被后人称为“诗仙”的是( )A杜甫 B李贺 C李白 D李商隐11 “问君能有

3、几多愁”的下一句是( )A天下谁人不识君 B隔江犹唱后庭花C恰似一江春水向东流 D两朝开济老臣心12 “血溅白练、六月飞雪、亢旱三年”是谁的三桩誓愿( )A苏辙 B韩愈 C窦娥 D王安石13 “相逢何必曾相识”的上一句是 ( ) A天下谁人不识君 B隔江犹唱后庭花 C同是天涯沦落人 D两朝开济老臣心14 “柳暗花明又一村”的上一句是( )A枫叶荻花秋瑟瑟 B唯见江心秋月白C山重水复疑无路 D不尽长江滚滚来15莫泊桑笔下的爱慕虚荣的马蒂尔德是哪部作品里的人物( )A 红与黑 B 高老头 C 安娜卡列尼娜 D 项链16 我爱这土地的作者是( )A鲁迅 B艾青 C冰心 D朱自清17 “青,取之于蓝,

4、而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。 ”出自( )A陶渊明的归园田居 B荀子的劝学C王维的山居秋暝 D李白的梦游天姥吟留别18 天净沙秋思的作者是( )A关汉卿 B孔尚任 C马致远 D王实甫19 “窈窕淑女,君子好逑”出自( )A 茅屋为秋风所破歌 B 桃花扇C 关雎 D 春风沉醉的晚上20 “风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复还”说的是哪个历史人物( )A荆轲 B樊哙 C烛之武 D范增21下列属于山水田园诗人的是( )A高适 B白居易 C王维 D李商隐22豪放派的代表人物是( )A李白 B李商隐 C苏轼 D杜甫23 “数风流人物,还看今朝。 ”出自( )A辛弃疾的永遇乐京口北固亭怀古 B李清照的醉花阴

5、 C毛泽东的沁园春雪 D苏轼的江城子24 背影的作者是( )A徐志摩 B戴望舒 C胡适 D朱自清25 “海内存知己”的下一句是( )A空山新雨后 B天涯若比邻 C举头望明月 D海上生明月26 “轻轻地我走了,正如我轻轻地来”出自( )A 白蛇传 B 再别康桥 C 促织 D 封神榜27鲁大海是哪部作品里的人物( )A 雷雨 B 茶馆C 威尼斯商人 D 罗密欧与朱丽叶28被称为“诗仙”的诗人是( )A杜甫 B白居易 C李白 D王维29 大堰河我的保姆的作者是( )A舒婷 B艾青 C戴望舒 D汪国真30 “空山新雨后”的下一句是( )A天气晚来秋 B清泉石上流 C池鱼思故渊 D明月松间照31刘邦是哪

6、部作品里的人物( )A 师说 B 劝学 C 鸿门宴 D 邹忌讽齐王纳谏32小说家的作者是( )A鲁迅 B茅盾 C巴金 D老舍33 “何以解忧,唯有杜康。 ”出自( )A 燕歌行 B 短歌行 C 出塞 D 石头城34 “前不见古人,后不见来者”出自( )A李白的赠汪伦 B杜甫的春望C陈子昂的登幽州台歌 D柳宗元的江雪35 面朝大海,春暖花开的作者是( )A徐志摩 B戴望舒 C海子 D苏轼36 “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 ”出自( )A 西游记 B 水浒传 C 长恨歌 D 离骚37刘备三顾茅庐,是为了请谁出山( )A司马懿 B诸葛亮 C鲁肃 D韩信38 “国破山河在,城春草木深。 ”出自(

7、 )A 示儿 B 春望 C 登高 D 蜀道难39 “安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜。 ”出自( )A苏轼的江城子 B陆游的满江红 C李白的梦游天姥吟留别 D李煜的虞美人40 “哀其不幸,怒其不争”指的是鲁迅笔下的哪个人物( )A祥林嫂 B阿 Q C孔乙己 D刘和珍二、语言文字运用(共 15 题,每题 2 分,满分 30 分)41下列各句中,有语病的一句是( )A经过近半个多月的刻苦努力,他终于考到了 660 分。 B这本书不仅生动地反映了曾国藩个人的喜乐与困惑,也真实地记录了晚清时期的历史。 C中国经济增速进一步放缓,在通胀得以控制的背景下,中央把工作重点调整到稳定经济增长上。 D如何更好

8、地传承民族文化?有学者提议,应该提倡全民重温中华经典。 42下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )A小熊们憨态可掬的样子令人忍俊不禁地笑了。 B贫困市民和下岗职工不再把干个体看作是丢脸的事。 C周恩来总理的高尚人格和卓越功勋永远铭记在全国人民心中,在国际上享有很高地位。D受冷空气的影响,我国东部地区有小雨,这一气息条件对疾病防控可能有不利的影响。 43填入横线处最恰当的一个成语是( )太极武术自发轫以来,经过数年的传承,踪迹遍及大江南北,各门各派拳法套路虽有不同,但同出一宗,共承一脉,是 A不容置疑 B不容置喙 C不置可否 D置若罔闻44填入横线处最恰当的一个成语是( )张校长被提升为教育局局长的

9、消息 ,大家纷纷向他表示祝贺。A不翼而飞 B不胫而走 C道听途说 D以讹传讹45下面语段中横线处的词语,使用不恰当的一项是( )中国历代文人视为至宝的笔墨纸砚,是中国传统文化的代表性符号,它们虽然有着不同的发展轨迹,但是殊途同归。它们在艺术创作中淋漓尽致地表现了中国古代书画艺术的神韵,记录了岁月的斗转星移,体现了古代文人的生活情趣。今天,它们并没有因为现代高科技手段的甚嚣尘上而销声匿迹,而是继续在书画艺术中展示着华夏民族的质朴和灵动A殊途同归 B斗转星移 C甚嚣尘上 D销声匿迹46下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一句是( )A美国指控的伊斯兰青年运动的七名头目在索马里、乌干达和肯尼亚犯下了罄竹难

10、书的恐怖袭击罪行。 B一百多名正值豆蔻年华的男女大学生到偏远的乡村支教,受到了当地广大学生家长的热烈欢迎。C同学们为了理想宵衣旰食,我也为了梦想在棋盘上拼命厮杀,当击败一个个对手时我才猛然发觉离高校的大门越来越远了。D我还是希望留校,几年来我和学校耳鬓厮磨,一片树叶,一块草皮,都能勾起情思。47下面语段划线句子使用的修辞手法是( )这些小花仅比米粒稍大,白的、紫的、蓝的、红的、黄的,五颜六色,星星点点。看到如此众多的小生命,坚忍不拔而又蓬蓬勃勃地活着这雪地里,我的眼睛被染得灿烂起来。A衬托 B拟人 C双关 D对比48 “只恐双溪舴艋舟,载不动许多愁”诗句中使用的修辞手法是( )A比喻 B对比

11、C双关 D借代49 “蜀道之难,难于上青天”诗句中使用的修辞手法是( )A双关 B借代 C通感 D夸张50下面语段中的句子使用的修辞手法是( )一片归帆,是一缕乡愁;一缕细流,是一曲欢歌;一片嫩绿,是一份自然。A比喻 B衬托 C排比 D对比51下列诗句中使用对偶修辞手法的是( )A商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花B落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花C同时天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识D沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟52依次将下列语句填入横线处,衔接最恰当的一组是( )中国地方志是中国文献的一大积存,它具有历史性、传承性、层次全、数量大等特点,是反映全国各地地情的参考和依据, , 。 , 。地方官到任读志

12、一事至清似已成为初任地方官必须履行的规定,但一直未能追寻到文字出处。它的社会功能是资治、教化、存世 而以资治居首这已为志界所共识 历来地方官亦多有到任读地方志的传说A B C D53下列文段排列最恰当的一组是( )显性的,例如说作弊改动考试结果只要社会上大家仍然普遍重视考试考试,一向是中国传统里最重要的“翻身”管道最怕的是有些什么显性和隐性的做法,破坏了考试的作用隐性的,例如说考试项目过度依赖昂贵的特定的训练过程,以至于使得农村,贫穷人家失去了竞争力考试就有机会提供上下流动管道A B C D54依次将下列语句填入横线处,衔接最恰当的一组是( )如果你把思考都交给了电脑, , ,把健康交给了补品

13、,那么你的一生也许是时尚的, ,也许是习惯的,但终有一天会为此“ 买单” 。请让读书、聚会、步行、锻炼更多地出现在生活里。把出行交给了汽车把沟通交给了手机但一定是不完整的A B C D55下面横线处关联词填写不恰当的是( )谈宋词, A 离不开开封。 B 作为北宋的京都,特别是在宋朝特殊的历史条件下对此人都有事实上的影响, C 是在京为官或因革新与保守两派斗争遭贬谪外地任职,词人的根 D 在京都开封。A就 B因此 C不论 D都三、阅读理解(共 5 题,每题 2 分,满分 10 分)春花秋月何时了,往事知多少。小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。雕阑玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改。问君能有几多愁,恰是一

14、江春水向东流。56这首词的作者是( )A李白 B李煜 C李商隐 D李贺57词中“朱颜” 运用的修辞手法是( )A比喻 B拟人 C借代 D双关58最后一句所用的修辞手法是( )A夸张 B比喻 C反问 D双关59文中划线句子的作用是( )A总结上阕 B引起下阕 C承上启下 D统领全词60下列表述正确的一项是( )A这是一首豪放词 B这是李煜早期的作品 C本词抒发了作者的亡国之思 D文中的“东风”指的是秋风参考答案:1 C 2 D 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 B 9 C 10 C 11 C 12 C 13 C 14 C 15 D 16 B 17 A 18 C 19 C 20 A 21

15、 C 22 C 23 C 24 D 25 B 26 B 27 A 28 C 29 B 30 A 31 C 32 B 33 B 34 C 35 C 36 D 37 B 38 B 39 C 40 B 41. A 42. B 43. A 44 B 45 C 46 A 47 B 48 A 49 D 50 C 51 D 52 A 53 B 54 B 55 B 56 B 57 C 58 B 59 C 60 C 第二部分 英语试题(包括三道大题,共 50 小题,共 100 分)四、单选题(共 30 题,每题 2 分,满分 60 分)61. - are you going?-The post office.A

16、. What B. Where C. Who D. Why62. My family watching TV.A. is B. are C. has been D. be63. There three students over there.A. be B. is C. are D. am64. hard the work is!A. What B. That C. How D. However65. -How did you come here?- air.A. In B. By C. On D. With66. I was tired that I had to go to bed ear

17、lier than usual.A. so much B. too C. enough D. so67. Bill is than Jack.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest68. Women not allowed to come in!A. is B. are C. was D. has been69. The mother likes tea the father likes coffee.A. while B. though C. although D. unless70. I dont enjoy TV after supper.

18、A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched71. Something went wrong, didnt ?A. it B. he C. she D. they72. Please drink the water.A. boiling B. boiled C. boilling D. is boiling73. She is her homework now.A. do B. does C. did D. doing74. Smoking bad for your health.A. is B. isnt C. was D. were75. Mr.

19、Smith waited the bus at the bus station yesterday afternoon.A. at B. in C. for D. to76. A tall building there last year.A. build B. builds C. was built D. built77. he did is wrong.A. That B. What C. Where D. As78. your coat,its cold outside.A. Put on B. Dress C. Wear D. Be in79. Mary hurt her hand w

20、hile she the tree.A. climb B. to climb C. was climbing D. climbs80. I didnt answer the phone I didnt hear it.A. if B. unless C. although D. because.81. Dont bother him, he is busy his homework.A. with B. from C. for D. to82. You leave until the bell rings.A. not B. arent C. wont D. will83. Its cloud

21、y, take umbrella with you.A. a B. an C. those D. these84. The teacher told the boy to the computer before class.A. put away B. turn on C. make up D. break out85. Please let clean the house.A. mine B. me C. I D. we86. Id spend the holiday at home.A. prefer B. rather C. soon D. like87. I like milk, an

22、d Tom likes milk, .A. either B. neither C. too D. also88. There is no doubt he is good at maths.A. as B. who C. what D. that89. Life is more enjoyable to people are open to new ideas.A. whose B. whom C. who D. which90. It was a year ago he became a doctor.A. that B. where C. who D. what五、完型填空(共 10 题

23、,每题 1 分,满分 10 分)Knowing what to do when a fire 31 is important. If your house is 32 , what would you do? First, 33 afraid and dont cry. Be brave and act fast. Second, you and all 34 in the house should 35 the house. Once you are out of the house, 36 out. Dont go back in for any reason. Finally, when

24、 you 37 out of the house, call the fire department 38 . Dont try to 39 out the fire yourself. That can be very 40 .91. A. breaks out B. breaks down C. is broken out D. break out92. A. firing B. fire C. on fire D. fired93. A. be not B. do not C. dont be D. not be94. A. other B. the other C. another D

25、. the others95. A. enter B. leave C. keep D. go to96. A. stay B. get C. leave D. run97. A. be B. is C. were D. are98. A. later B. at once C. finally D. lately99. A. get B. keep C. put D. let100. A. danger B. in danger C. dangerous D. dangerously六、阅读理解(共 10 题,每题 3 分,满分 30 分)AI often dream of being a

26、teacher. I dream of standing on the platform in the classroom and give lessons to lovely boys and girls. I teach them, play with them, and watch them growing up. I am always young when I am staying with them. I know it is not easy to be a teacher. You have to learn in order to teach. Without enough

27、knowledge you can never teach well. Whats more, you have to be friends with your students and take good care of them. In this way you can be a good teacher and win respect from them. Though I am a student now, I will work hard to make my dream come true.101.What is the authors(作者的 ) dream?A. being a

28、 teacher B. being a doctorC. being a singer D. being a dancer102.What does he dream of everyday when he has the dream?A. He sings and dances with the students in the classroomB. He gives the students a testC. He goes over too much homeworkD. He stands on the platform and gives lessons to the student

29、s103.Which is not true according to the text?A. He is always young when he is staying with the students B. It is easy to be a teacher.C. One has to learn in order to teach.D. Without enough knowledge one can never teach well.104.How to be a good teacher?A. to be friends with the students and take go

30、od care of themB. to be strict with the studentsC. to be kind to the students but neednt have enough knowledgeD. to give the students too much homework105. As a student what should I do to realize my dream?A. I should often make friends with students at school.B. I will work hard to make my dream co

31、me true.C. I should learn to sing and dance.D. I should learn a foreign language well.BToday almost everybody is using a cell phone. Now people are able to carry their phones wherever they go. They are making phone calls, regardless of the time, place and situation. It is true that technology is mak

32、ing our lives easier and more practical. For example, today parents like their children to carry cell phones so that they can reach them at any time.From my point of view, the cell phone is necessary for emergency(紧急情况) situations and for business. Its also practical to avoid stress. For example, if

33、 you are in a traffic jam and know you will arrive late to work, you can call your boss and inform him of the situation, overcoming this unexpected problem.The widespread use of this device is amazing. It has become an important part of our daily lives. Whenever people forget their phones at home, t

34、hey feel uncomfortable. Another advantage of having a cell phone is that you can connect to the Internet and check your e-mail. In addition, you can access(获得) information such as news, movies and theater schedules. Life is now fast and busy, and this high-tech communication device has become a must

35、. We need cell phones to keep up with the fast pace of life and the new demands of life in our ever changing world.106. Cell phones can make our life .A. easier B. busy C. fast D. secret107. The cell phones are often used by .A. a few people B. most people C. young people only D. children in school

36、only108. If people leave their phones at home, they will .A. feel uncomfortable B. be connected to the InternetC. have some unexpected problems D. check their e-mail109. Using cell phones can .A. make a distant relationship between parents and their childrenB. make people feel less stressed from the

37、ir workC. get some information as quickly as possibleD. make us avoid car accidents110. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Cell phones are not suitable for children to use.B. Using cell phones very often may cause stress.C. Your boss likes to be informed by your cell phone.D. People can ge

38、t in touch with each other at any time with cell phones.61 B 62 B 63 C 64 C 65 B 66 D 67 B 68 B 69 A 70 C 71 A 72 B 73 D 74 A 75 C 76 C 77 B 78 A 79 C 80 D 81 A 82 C 83 B 84 B 85 B 86 B 87 C 88 D 89 C 90 A 91 A 92 C 93 C 94 D 95 B 96 A 97 D 98 B 99 C 100 C 101 A 102 D 103 B 104 A 105 B 106 A 107 B 1

39、08 A 109 C 110. D 第三部分 数学试题(包括两道大题,共 22 小题,共 100 分)七、单选题(共 20 题,每题 3.5 分,满分 70 分)111.已知集合 A042x, B= 31x,则 AB=( )A , B(2,3)C D (1,2)112.设复数 12zi( i为虚数单位) ,则 z的实部是( )A B 3C3 D1113.函数 2cosyx是( )A最小正周期为 的奇函数 B最小正周期为 2的奇函数C最小正周期为 的偶函数D最小正周期为 的偶函数114.设 sin0,ta,则角 是( )A第一象限的角 B第二象限的角 C第三象限的角 D第四象限的角115.下列函数中,定义域是 R 且为增函数的是( )A xye B 3yx C ln D116.下边程序框图的算法思路来源于我国古代数学名著九章算术中的“更相减损术” ,执行该程序框图,若输入的 ,ab分别为 4,6 ,则输出的 a为( )A.0B.


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